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游修龄 《寻根》2001,(3):4-11
龙舟是舟的一种,甲骨文中分别有舟和龙字,但没有龙舟连称。随着历史发展,龙舟一词出现了。龙舟最初指竞渡之舟,后来它的含义扩增了,可以兼指大的船,天子所坐的船也专称龙舟;画有龙纹装饰、甚至有楼台亭阁的游娱之船也称龙舟。本文专指端午竞渡的龙舟。  相似文献   

In this article the authors consider NAME's focus on intersectionality as a tool for theorizing, researching, and employing in pre-K through college practice at preservice and inservice levels. A review of research using three or more identity axes to investigate student outcomes is included. The authors also discuss the benefits of analyzing educational questions intersectionally, noting cautions.  相似文献   

Success of the expatriate spouse has been repeatedly identified as a key to overall expatriate assignment success. However, little is known about how to increase the expatriate spouses’ adjustment to an overseas assignment. This study examines this problem from an occupational health viewpoint, looking at the relationships of stress with various outcomes related to success: satisfaction, adjustment, and well-being. In addition, the current study tests the effects of social support and a new construct, Ibasho, briefly defined as a sense of comfort and psychological security that a person feels in specific locations they regularly visit, as moderators of stressor–outcome relationships. Results suggest that stress is highly related to all outcomes measured. In addition, initial support for the independence and importance of the construct of Ibasho is established. Ibasho showed significant bivariate relationships with all of the measured variables. In addition, Ibasho accounted for unique variance in the prediction of general adjustment, personal adjustment, satisfaction, and depression above and beyond demographic control variables and social support. Finally, Ibasho interacted with stressors in order to significantly predict perceived stress.  相似文献   

In the interwar years the loosening of constitutional bonds between Britain and the settler colonies was facilitated by a perceived strengthening of economic, social, and cultural ties. In the case of broadcasting, this closer cultural connection becomes apparent when programming is placed in its institutional context, for example through analysis of BBC and CBC coverage of the 1939 royal tour of Canada. Despite tensions produced by different agendas and interests, in general the two broadcasters collaborated to achieve common goals. In particular, both presented an empire divided along lines of race and class as nevertheless united in loyalty to the crown.  相似文献   

In this article the authors describe pedagogy which rests on commitments to solidarity, activism, and intersectional understandings of personhood and social (in)justices. The authors seek to create accessible classrooms where our many selves and critical consciousness can be in (dis)comforting conversation with one another. Then, they hope to bring activism to the streets.  相似文献   

Over the past decade in the West, television cooking shows have popularized interest in the provenance of food against a backdrop of public concern about the practices of industrial food production. This article explores two series that offer self-sufficiency as a solution to the problem of industrial agriculture. Escape to River Cottage and Gourmet Farmer each centre on a narrative of a city-dweller moving to the country to set up a smallholding. With their nostalgia for an earlier—simultaneously unproblematic and emotionally fulfilling—time of food production, these series imagine a Utopian lifestyle in which audiences are encouraged to choose to produce and consume differently. That it is (middle-class) men who are rediscovering traditional food practices highlights how media discourses surrounding food production can become entangled in gendered representations that give rise to niche food products and experiences designed to ameliorate feelings of risk and uncertainty in contemporary food systems.  相似文献   

This short notice provides a novel and preliminary analysis of the source for the first Arabic history of the crusades, and contributes to the understanding of the penetration of the crusades as a distinct phenomenon into the Islamic world. The Arabic history, Min Ta?rīkh al-?urūb al-muqaddasa fī l-mashriq al-mad?ūwa ?arb al-?alīb was published in Jerusalem in 1865 under the authorship of the (late) Melkite patriarch, Maximos III Mazloum (d. 1855). The book was a modified translation of the French Les Guerres saintes d’Outre-Mer, ou tableau des croisades, retracé d’après les chroniques contemporaines, published in 1840 by Maxime de Montrond, who was heavily inspired by Michaud's Histoire des croisades. Though created in a Christian Francophile milieu, it seems clear that the Arabic translation was intended not only for a Christian audience, but also for a Muslim readership, as evidenced by examples, provided here, of the modifications of the French original.  相似文献   


Following the recent trends of globalization and regionalization, the idea of Asia has been revived in political, economic, and cultural fields. This essay examines some of the various uses of this idea in modern East Asian and especially Chinese history. The essay consists of four parts. Part One discusses the derivativeness of the idea of Asia, that is, how this idea developed from modern European history, especially the nineteenth century European narrative of “World History,” and it points out how the early modern Japanese “theory of shedding Asia” derived from this narrative. Part Two studies the relationship between the idea of Asia and two forms of Narodism against the background of the Chinese and Russian revolutions – one, exemplified by Russian Narodism, attempted to use Asian particularity to challenge modern capitalism; the other, represented by Sun Yat‐sen, attempted to construct a nation‐state according to a socialist revolutionary program, and to develop agricultural capitalism under the particular social conditions of Asia. Part Three considers the differences and tensions between the “Great Asia‐ism” of Chinese revolutionaries such as Sun and the Japanese idea of Toyo (East Asia), and it discusses the need to overcome the categories of nation‐state and international relations in order to understand the question of Asia. Part Four discusses the need to go beyond early modern maritime‐centered accounts, nationalist frameworks, and Eurocentrism in re‐examining the question of Asia through historical research by focusing on the particular legacies of Asia (such as the tributary system) and the problems of “early modernity.”  相似文献   

杨盛龙 《寻根》2005,(2):25-29
新世纪之初,湘鄂渝黔接壤的湘西龙山县里耶一项重大考古发现轰动中国乃至世界。酉水河畔里耶发掘出一座战国古城,出土36000枚秦简及许多重要文物。国务院将里耶古城遗址增补为全国重点文物保护单位。这一发现是继发现兵马俑之后秦代考古的又一惊世发现,蕴含巨大的学术价值。  相似文献   

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