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以嫁接模式引进国外优质教学资源具有成本低、辐射面广,便于大面积推广应用和可持续发展的特点。根据浙江省两所地方院校嫁接国外教学的实践,对教师出国进修课程教学方法的效果进行实证分析。研究表明,在以专业为单位整体嫁接国外的课程体系和教学内容的同时,有计划地派遣教师出国进修课程教学以嫁接国外的教学方法,对推进教学改革、提高教学质量具有明显效果。经过对比发现,国外大学教学最主要的特点是以学生为中心的理念和方法。  相似文献   

根据河北省经济统计数据,从静态和动态两个方面对河北省42个产业部门的影响力系数和感应度系数进行了分析,并依据赫希曼判别标准对其进行了关联分类。结果表明,第二产业是河北省的支柱产业;第三产业对国民经济的推动力和感应力不高,发展不够快。为此,河北省应加大对第一产业的投入,稳固农业生产的发展;在提升迟钝关联型产业的影响力和感应度的同时,提高敏感关联型产业的比重和实力。  相似文献   

在英语电影口语模仿教学的过程中,教师多使用电影进行有效的教学,这为英语电影口语模仿学习者创造非常大的学习乐趣,在上述的基础上,为了促使学习者的英语口语模仿效果得到最大程度的提升,以及实现一门外国语言的掌握,其中最为重要的就是调动学习者的积极心理因素。再者,还需要对学习者外语语音物理特性识别能力进行培养,与提高学习者地英语模仿能力。由此可见,在学英语电影口语模仿中,最为基本的一个途径就是模仿。  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of the academic performance of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Vietnam with 50 universities and 50 colleges in 2011/12. The two-stage semiparametric data envelopment analysis is used to estimate the efficiency of HEIs and investigate the effects of various factors on their performance. The findings reveal that HEIs in the surveyed sample show that there are still potential avenues to improve their existing performance. There appears to be a difference in the efficiencies of public and private HEIs in the reported year. It is noted that the inefficiency of HEIs are not entirely a result of managerial performance, but also influenced by other factors such as location, age and the contribution of tuition fees. Our results are expected to provide more understanding of the operational efficiency of HEIs for educational managers and policymakers to find possible solutions to improve the performance of Vietnamese higher education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine an alternative configuration of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), a psychometric instrument used as a measure of academic motivation in various academic environments. The analyses utilised data from a convenience sample of 2354 business students, broken into two random subsamples of 1177 cases. Exploratory factor analysis of the 28 AMS scale items was conducted on the estimation sample. The results indicated good model fit for a four-factor configuration consisting of amotivation, external regulation, identified regulation, and intrinsic motivation as indicated by factor loadings, as well as internal consistency and reliability statistics.

Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the holdout sample to independently assess the construct validity and internal consistency of the item loadings on the reconfigured scale. Results indicated good model fit for the four-factor configuration and a significant loss of fit for competing three- and one-factor models. The uncovered factor structure advances our understanding of how the items on this scale cluster into theoretically meaningful constructs. This knowledge may be utilised in research designed to further assess the impact of motivational states on educational outcomes such as academic performance, absenteeism, dropout rates, etc.  相似文献   

文献综述表明,体育赛事对举办地旅游有诸多方面的影响。缺憾之一是实证研究较少。文章先依据体育赛事对举办地旅游影响分析体系分析了其对举办地的旅游影响,进而以环湖赛作为实证研究对象,分析了环湖赛对青海及青海湖景区的影响,并搜集相关统计数据应用成熟的模型和科学的方法对环湖赛的部分旅游影响做了尝试性的评析。  相似文献   

Academic integrity issues, e.g. plagiarism, continue to plague higher education across the globe. Research has noted that the identification and tolerance of cheating behaviors varies dependent upon local culture. This quantitative, comparative study investigated the potential differences among actual rates of incidence of plagiarism among predominant countries and regions in which the literature identified as having academic integrity problems. This study gathered doctoral dissertations and master's theses from institutions in the selected locations and analyzed them with Turnitin® originality assessment software. Regions and countries evaluated were based on guidance from exigent literature. A Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted to evaluate any differences in the prevalence of plagiarism among these locations. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference among groups, χ2 (6, N = 266) = 19.545, p = 0.003, η2 = 0.074. Further analysis determined a mix of findings that both support and deny conceptions in other literature.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether educational production in secondary school involves joint production among teachers across subjects. In doing so, it also provides insights into the reliability of value-added modeling. Teacher value-added to reading test scores is estimated for four different teacher types: English, math, science and social-studies. The initial results indicate that reading output is jointly produced by math and English teachers. However, while falsification tests confirm the English-teacher effects, they cast some doubt about whether the math-teacher effects are free from sorting bias. The results offer a mixed review of the value-added methodology, suggesting that it can be useful but should be implemented cautiously.  相似文献   

中国旅游贷款的发展相当缓慢,理论界对此现象给出了多种原因解释,但这些解释都缺乏实证性研究。文章在广泛调查的基础上,使用Logistic回归模型,确定了各不同因素对民众接受旅游贷款的可以量化的影响。并在实证分析的基础上得出结论,认为民众的意识还是影响我国民众接受旅游贷款积极性的一个最重要因素。  相似文献   

Many higher education students combine their study with a job on the side instead of taking up a loan. This paper examines the factors underlying this apparently myopic behaviour. We find that standard economic factors explain observed borrowing decisions to some extent. Students with easier access to financial resources borrow less often. Students with good earnings prospects and/or a high discount rate borrow more often, as do students who are prepared to take risks. An important non-standard factor affecting borrowing choices is debt aversion. We also find that a reduction in working hours will only have a limited positive impact on the time spend on studying.  相似文献   

需求分析是课程设计过程中不可或缺的启动步骤和重要环节。对大学新生进行英语学习当前情况分析是开展大学与高中英语衔接教学的前提和基础,也是教师组织教学、使用教材、决定教学方法和评估教学结果的依据。文章采用问卷调查法,对广西民族大学532名非英语专业新生进行英语学习需求调查,了解民族院校大学新生对英语学习的需求,并通过需求分析提出了四点教学建议,以促进大学英语与高中英语的自然衔接。  相似文献   

传统的凯恩斯财政乘数理论和现代财政理论,相继讨论政府支出乘数、税收乘数以及转移支付对产出的乘数效应,共同得出的结论是短期利用外债来拉动一国经济的增长可以取得较好的乘数效应,但长期内只能依靠国内的投资拉动。并且由于政府支出与转移支付对产出的效果影响不尽相同,所以国债对经济拉动的乘数作用既取决于国债来源结构,又取决于国债的投向结构。  相似文献   

We use data from the Young Lives longitudinal survey to analyse the effect of socioeconomic conditions and gender on the educational performance of young children in India. In particular, we use data for standardised scores on two cognitive tests: the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) and a maths test. Our results show that there are significant gender differences in the way that household wealth affects the educational performance of children. Specifically, boys born into wealthier households perform significantly better in maths than those from worse-off economic backgrounds. The effect of wealth on the PPVT is stronger for girls than it is for boys. The results are robust across a range of specifications. The effect of household wealth on performance differed between the genders, even when we focused our analysis on the bottom 10% and top 10% of the performance distribution. One possible explanation for these differences is parental aspirations. We tested this hypothesis and found that boys from wealthier households with higher parental educational aspirations are positively and significantly associated with higher maths scores. Further analysis showed that the moderating role of parents’ educational aspirations was more pronounced at the top of the test score distribution, an indication that more able children are associated with wealthier and more ambitious parents.  相似文献   

地方高校生均支出地区差异及其原因的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用1996—2006年全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)地方普通高等教育支出数据,估算了全国地方普通高校生均投入地区差异的基尼系数和泰尔指数,并运用两者的分解公式对其进行了系统因素分解分析。研究发现,相对于高校扩招前,扩招后地方普通高校生均投入省际分布差距呈现逐年扩大的趋势。产生这一结果的原因,主要是由于扩招后生均预算内投入省际分布差距进一步扩大引起的。另外,分区域分解分析还发现,东部地区内部差异对全国地方普通高校生均投入总体差异贡献最大,其贡献率接近60%。  相似文献   

Using central registry data for Texas for 1975–1977 of validated cases of abuse and of neglect, a study was conducted to investigate empirically the relationship of child maltreatment to ethnicity, addressing methodological issues that merit consideration in such studies.The ethnic composition of the at-risk population was 61% Anglos, 15% Blacks, and 24% Mexican-Americans. The annual rates for all abuse and neglect were 2.87, 3.17, and 3.94 per 1,000 under 18 population for Anglos, Mexican-Americans, and Blacks, respectively. Abuse was more predominant among Anglos, accounting for 33.5% of the validated cases of maltreatment, than among Mexican-Americans and Blacks, accounting for 25.2% and 29.4% of the maltreatment, respectively. Neglect was the major dynamic of maltreatment for Mexican-Americans and Blacks, accounting for 65.6% and 61.2% of the maltreatment, respectively, with Anglos having 55.4% of the maltreatment due to neglect. These relationships were not altered when rural-urban differences were taken into consideration.  相似文献   

人口增长与经济发展之间的关系是经济研究中长期关注的问题。本文根据贵州省1978—2008年的统计资料,对贵州省改革开放以来人口增长与经济发展的基本状况分别进行了描述性统计分析。同时,为了能更加深入研究贵州省人口增长与经济发展的关系,在单位根检验、协整检验的基础上,建立了VAR模型进行了脉冲响应函数分析和方差分解等实证研究。结果表明:贵州省人口增长与经济发展缓慢相伴而生,两者之间存在着长期的负交互作用:人口增长越快,经济发展越慢;而经济发展越快,则人口增长越慢。  相似文献   

我国实行的中央和省两级管理、以省为主的高等教育管理体制,决定了省级政府对高等教育承担着不可推卸的财政责任。文章在描述分析省级政府高等教育财政责任履行现状的基础上,对财政责任的影响因素进行计量分析,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Fears profiles among children and adolescents were explored using the Fear Survey Schedule for Children‐American version (FSSC‐AM; J.J. Burnham, 1995, 2005). Eight cluster profiles were identified via multistage Euclidean grouping and supported by homogeneity coefficients and replication. Four clusters reflected overall level of fears (i.e., very low, below average, moderate, and multiple), and four others exhibited specific peaks associated with school‐related fears, medical fears, and scary things. Demographic characteristics associated with cluster profile membership revealed variability primarily based on gender and age, with some differences associated with community type. Comparisons with prior results on earlier fear surveys and implications for school refusal behavior provide a useful context for discussion. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 673–683, 2006.  相似文献   

This paper discusses and comprehensively evaluates a mentoring scheme for junior female academics. The program aimed to address the under‐representation of women in senior positions by increasing participation in networks and improving women’s research performance. A multifaceted, longitudinal design, including a control group, was used to evaluate the success of mentoring in terms of the benefits for the women and for the university. The results indicate mentoring was very beneficial, showing that mentees were more likely to stay in the university, received more grant income and higher level of promotion, and had better perceptions of themselves as academics compared with non‐mentored female academics. This indicates that not only do women themselves benefit from mentoring but that universities can confidently implement well‐designed initiatives, knowing that they will receive a significant return on investment.  相似文献   

This project was designed to provide a retrospective analysis of the parent training literature during the last decade. Eighteen journals with behavioral psychology, clinical/counseling psychology, school psychology, and special education emphases were selected for review. Data related to the number of articles published in each journal, year of article publication, referral problem, and contributing institution were collected. Results indicate that behavioral journals published the most empirically based parent training articles (66%), followed by clinical/counseling psychology (26%), special education (6%), and school psychology (3%) journals. Parents with noncompliant, handicapped, or abused/neglected children comprised the majority (58%) of research participants. Suggestions for involving school psychologists in parent training research and broadening the focus of parent training to include preventive, as well as remedial, efforts are presented.  相似文献   

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