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远程开放教育就是以学生为中心的全方位的助学服务;远程开放教育的教的过程就是为学生提供全方位学习支持服务的过程,而学的过程就是学生使用、接受服务的过程,做好学习支持服务是确保开放教育顺利进行的保证。本文主要从《计算机应用基础》课程的导学过程来说明是如何为开放教育学员提供完善的支持服务的。  相似文献   

赏识教育是对人民教育家陶行知教育思想的继承和发扬。赏识教育在教育中意义重大,正确地运用赏识策略教育学生,其教学效果是不可忽视的。爱学生就要学会正确赏识学生,让每一个学生在我们的赏识中健康成长,快乐成长。  相似文献   

中学英语教育是英语学习中的重要阶段 ,愉快教育是素质教育的一种方法论思想。愉快教育是充分调动师生两方面的积极性 ,使教师善教 ,学生乐学 ,师生在融洽合作的气氛中 ,学生得到全面发展。愉快教育的核心就是帮助学生不断地获得成功  相似文献   

情感教学是素质教育的一种重要形式。以爱育人,把情感投入到教学中,尊重学生,和学生和睦相处,教师的爱心会使学生对物理学科产生浓厚的兴趣,激活学生的求知欲望。  相似文献   

高校艺术团是学生素质教育的重要载体,在高校校园文化建设中发挥着重要作用,本文以重庆工商职业电子信息工程学院艺术团为例,指出艺术团在大学生素质教育中的重要作用.同时阐述了以艺术团为载体,加强大学生的素质教育的途径与方法.  相似文献   

Student satisfaction and the quality of education are of compelling interest to students, academic staff, policy-makers and higher education researchers internationally. There is a widespread belief in their ‘cause and effect’ relationship. This paper tests these beliefs and explores how the level of student satisfaction is linked with the perceived quality of PhD education. Using expectancy value theory as a framework and interview data from PhD students and their supervisors, this paper suggests that satisfaction is not necessarily perceived as an indicator of quality education. Levels of student satisfaction can be influenced by students’ expectations prior to their study and their preconceived beliefs regarding the value of a PhD education. Concern is raised that an overemphasis on student satisfaction may pose a threat to the quality of PhD programmes, making it increasingly difficult for universities to retain their integrity and reducing the intellectual challenges that PhD students need to experience.  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情影响,在线教学方式首次在全国得到广泛应用。在线教育平台作为开展线上教学的载体,学生对平台的评价以及使用意愿,对在线教学效果产生显著影响。因此,以H大学本学期选修“财务管理”课程的学生为研究对象,以调整后的技术接受模型为理论基础,对教师在线课程设计及在线教育平台进行评价,以了解学生对在线教育平台的评价以及使用意愿,发现在线教育平台存在的问题,并据此提出相应的对策。通过研究,有助于改善在线教育平台的设计与开发,以提升学习者的使用意愿,保障教学效果。  相似文献   

以学生为本,紧紧围绕和把握大学生的认知特点和身心发展规律,有的放矢地对其进行思想政治教育,工作才具有针对性和实效性。在调查分析和问题归因后,提出了增强大学生思想政治教育工作实效性的五条建议。  相似文献   

伍瑛 《教育教学论坛》2021,(13):171-174
当前网络环境已经成为大学生赖以生存的热土,大学生思想政治教育应该重视网络环境,开展教育创新。通过文献研究、问卷调查等方式,深入调研了当前高校大学生思想政治教育状况,了解了网络环境下大学生思想政治教育的现状、难点、切入点和需求点,以问题为导向,探索了网络环境下大学生思想政治教育的有效对策,指出可以充分利用网络平台,提升大学生思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

随着我国教育体制改革的发展,体育教学成为当下中职教学中的一个重要组成部分,如何做好体育教学工作,成为中职教育开展必须把握的一个重要内容。在中职体育教学过程中,要注重让学生更好地参与进来,使学生能够对体育知识点进行有效学习,并做好相应的锻炼。这一过程中,中职体育教学要激发学生的运动兴趣,使学生积极、主动地参与到课堂当中,从而使学生得到更好的锻炼,以促进中职体育教育教学的发展。  相似文献   

高等师范学校学生的教育实习是在校学生迈入教师职业、培养业务能力的关键阶段。一个完善健全的实习模式不仅能使学生精准地掌握和完成教育教学的精髓,而且对于合格教师的培养具有重要作用。文章以河南师范大学生物科学专业为例,探讨在已有的教育实习模式上,采用小课题式任务驱动,去粗取精,形成新的高效教育实习模式。  相似文献   

生命教育作为培养高职学生生命意识、提升生命价值的重要载体,是高职学生教育中不可或缺的重要组成部分。深刻领悟高职院校学生生命教育的内蕴,精准把握生命教育的实质,探讨学生生命教育在课程设置、校园文化建设、家校沟通协作、互联网平台打造、师资队伍规划设计等工作中的重要作用,系统构建高职院校学生生命教育模式,形成学校、家庭及社会教育合力,提升教育实效,是新时代高职院校学生生命教育的价值遵循和路径选择。  相似文献   

社会实践能够较好地消除大学生的接受心理障碍,使之接受思想政治教育;社会实践作为联系大学生与现实社会的重要纽带,是增强大学生对社会主义核心价值观念情感认同的重要手段;社会实践作为价值活动,是增强大学生对确立社会主义核心价值观念与自己利益一致性认识的重要途径;社会实践作为行为规范训练,可以为大学生确立社会主义核心价值观念奠定重要前提和基础。目前高校大学生社会实践存在一些明显的问题。因此,我们重视大学生社会实践,一方面要坚持正确的指导原则,另一方面要建立科学合理的实施方法体系。  相似文献   

While university‐level education is increasingly recognized as an important component of sustainable approaches to development, little empirical research has been done on the impact of sustainability education on student behavior. This study relies on an evidence‐based research approach to better understand how graduate coursework on sustainable development can facilitate learning and transform the perceptions and reported behavior of class participants. Specifically, the authors use ecological footprint analysis in an interdisciplinary graduate‐level course on sustainable development to make statistical conclusions about the degree to which education on sustainability influences students’ daily consumption patterns. The results of this study suggest that graduate‐level education can significantly increase the degree to which students behave in a sustainable manner as measured by their ecological footprints.  相似文献   

Why has Australian offshore higher education become the educational investment of choice for many students? What benefits do students anticipate from this education? What is the relationship between educational goals and educational experience? To address these questions, this paper draws on findings from empirical research conducted with students studying at an offshore campus of an Australian university in Malaysia. It was found that students typically chose to enroll with the Australian university to receive an international education. Reasons offered for seeking an international education effectively delineated two groups of students. For Malaysian nationals, an international education was valued largely as a passport to employment with (Western) multinational corporations operating in Malaysia. Generally the Malaysian students made positional investments in Australian offshore higher education. For non-Malaysian students an international education was typically selected as an aid to procuring a new identity. These students chose an international education with the hope of expunging provincial outlooks. From international education, they wanted new ways of viewing the world, new habits of thinking and new skills and approaches. They sought a personal metamorphosis. These students, therefore, typically made self-transformative investments in international education. The paper further shows that investment choices influenced the way students experienced their education. Of the two populations distinguished by investment type, students who made self-transformative investments were more likely to respond positively to challenging education experiences associated with studying at the campus.  相似文献   

Academic success in early childhood teacher education is important because it provides a foundation for occupational development in terms of professional competence, the quality of educational practices, as well as career success. Consequently, identifying factors that can explain differences in academic success is an important research task. Previous research has indicated that the Big Five personality traits can predict academic success in tertiary education even when other predictors have been accounted for. However, there is a lack of research regarding students in early childhood education. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of the Big Five on the academic success of college and university students in Germany who were studying early childhood education. Data from 567 college students and 270 university students were used. Several socio-demographic variables and the school-leaving Grade Point Average (GPA) served as controls. As hypothesised, students with higher conscientiousness also had better college and university GPAs. Furthermore, higher conscientiousness was associated with higher study satisfaction but only for college students. Unexpectedly, neuroticism was not negatively related to study satisfaction. In addition, there were exploratory findings concerning the effects of agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism and openness. The findings are discussed with respect to implications for research and practice. In particular, the consequences with regard to the preparation of students in early childhood education are discussed.  相似文献   

音乐教育是促进学生素质全面提高和人格全面发展的切实有效的措施,也是时代发展的需要。将音乐教育融入到日常的教学之中,能陶冶情操,启迪智慧,培养学生健全丰富的情感世界和高尚的道德品质,使学生的身心得到健康发展,为全面实施学生的素质教育,促进对物质文明和精神文明的探索必将发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

A common theme within the literature on higher education is the congested nature of the graduate labour market. Researchers have highlighted the lengths to which many students now go, in response to this congestion, to ‘distinguish themselves’ from other graduates: paying increased attention to university status; engaging in a range of extra‐curricular activities; and pursuing postgraduate qualifications. Studies that have focused on the strategies of Asian students, specifically, have pointed to the important place of studying abroad as a further strategy in this pursuit of distinction. Given that there is now some evidence that the number of UK students enrolling on a degree programme overseas is increasing, this article explores the extent to which an overseas education can be seen as part of a broader strategy on the part of British students to seek distinction within the labour market and whether such an education does indeed offer tangible employment benefits.  相似文献   

The education rankings of Australian students continue to slide further down the international scale, yet the dominant discourse in relation to both the cause and solution to this perceived decline remains focused on funding, curriculum and teacher quality whilst failing largely to take account of the broader social contexts in which education takes place. Drawing on findings from recent research in primary schools in regional Australia, this paper raises the question of Australian school students’ human right to an education and explores the role that school social workers can play in upholding this right. Discussion draws on international research, including studies that examine the outcomes of employing suitably qualified School Social Workers who can foster links and networks between student, family, school and community. It is argued that these networks create social capital that can serve to enable students to benefit from both the education to which they are entitled, and the connections that may empower them, as they move into adult life.  相似文献   

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