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论教育学的“行动”取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育学公共课需要注重学生实践能力的培养;根据杜威"行动"的认知观,认知应当在行动中展开,它具有交互性、具体性、目的性、反思性,遵循行动的逻辑,行动才是获得知识的正确方式。教育学不能是"静观"式的学习,它应当在教学过程中由师生共同参与建构,学生行动是教育学的实践形态。"行动"的教育学体现了"人是目的"的教育立场,使教育学成为有个人意义的学问。  相似文献   

教育学行动与体验是师范生真正地将外在于自身的学科知识内化为自己的教育经验和教育思想的一个动态生成的过程,具有可接受性、亲历性和经验性.它通过行动体验、回忆反思、叙述共享、跨主体再建构等系列活动使教育学的内在体验得以外显,因而也是克服现实教育学驯化这一弊端的有效途径.  相似文献   

德国职业教育行动导向的教学组织研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
行动导向的学习起源于改革教育学学派的学习理论,与认知学习一样着眼于探讨认知结构与个体活动之间的关系。不同的是,行动导向理论以人为本,强调人在实现既定目标过程中进行反思的重要性,注重学习过程中交流形式的分析,其核心是优化学习过程。行动导向的学习将认知过程与职业活动结合在一起,强调“为了行动而学习”和“通过行动来学习”。这一探索创新精神和关键能力培养结合的有效方式,为现代职业教育的教学组织提供了“行动即学习”的理论依据和实践案例。  相似文献   

行动导向的学习起源于改革教育学学派的学习理论,与认知学习一样着眼于探讨认知结构与个体活动之间的关系.不同的是,行动导向理论以人为本,强调人在实现既定目标过程中进行反思的重要性,注重学习过程中交流形式的分析,其核心是优化学习过程.行动导向的学习将认知过程与职业活动结合在一起,强调"为了行动而学习"和"通过行动来学习".这一探索创新精神和关键能力培养结合的有效方式,为现代职业教育的教学组织提供了"行动即学习"的理论依据和实践案例.  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程教学过程论   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综合实践活动课程教学注重过程,是过程的集合体,具体包含探究学习、体验学习、交往学习、媒体学习等综合性学习方式。综合实践活动课程教学过程是一个特殊的体验过程;强调体验过程与认识过程的互相转化,是经验动态转化、意义建构的过程;是一个交往/交流的过程。  相似文献   

"角色体验"学习是众多学习方法中最基本的形式之一。"角色体验"学习方法在高师公共教育学教学中的运用坚持以模拟教学为载体,以教学专题为内容,让学生转换为"教师角色"走上讲台,体验真实的教学过程,从而促进学生教育教学理论知识的获得与教学实践技能的形成。  相似文献   

关于行动导向的教学观   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
行动导向的学习是教育学的一种新范式。所谓职业教育行动导向的教学,其基本意义在于:学生是学习过程的中心,教师是学习过程的组织者与协调人,遵循“资讯,计划,决策,实施,检查,评估”这一完整的“行动”过程序列,在教学中教师与学生互动,让学生通过“独立地获取信息,独立的制定计划,独立地实施计划,独立地评估计划,”  相似文献   

为了加深学生对生产管理实践活动的理论原理、业务流程和角色特征的理解,以体验学习理论为指导,将专业知识、教育学知识和业务情境融合,研发了面向交互式体验学习的生产管理实践教学平台。该平台通过多角色业务交互协同,将知识传递过程整合到业务应用过程,学生通过扮演不同角色,参与到虚拟生产全过程的业务协作,体验企业经营、生产、物料、工艺、质量等管理环节的知识与业务关联,通过个体与个体、个体与系统之间的交互式体验学习,增强分析问题和解决问题的实践能力,激发学生创新性思维,改进教学效果。  相似文献   

行动研究的本质特征是"做中学".教师行动研究的学习发展观的理论基础主要有勒温的行动研究理论、杜威的经验中心学习过程模式、皮亚杰的学习与认知发展模式和库伯的体验学习理论.从学习发展观的角度看,英语教师的行动研究本质上是教师的体验学习的过程.  相似文献   

理论与实践关系问题是作者体验中的问题,也是教育学的基本问题,更是“生命·实践”教育学派建设要面对的问题.实践哲学视域下建构“生命·实践”教育学派有其可能性,这种可能建基于四项任务,而这任务又可综括为“生命·实践”教育学的使命:通过探寻“理论与实践”的教育学意蕴,“在中国”为“实践哲学”作出独属于教育学的贡献,在丰富和发展实践哲学过程中,也丰富和发展教育学自身.此使命使得研究的基本问题得以确立:以“新基础教育”与“生命·实践”教育学的关系为载体,探讨教育理论与实践如何基于转化逻辑,实现教育理论与实践之间双向转化中的交互生成.这是教育学和“生命·实践”教育学对理论与实践问题的独特贡献,而贡献的落实要实现两个转化,把其他学科对“理论与实践”的经典分析转换为“教育学”分析,从“理论与实践的关系是什么”转向“理论与实践之关系的意义是什么”.在转化与探索“意义”的过程中,整体呈现“理论与实践”的中国思想与中国经验也将渗透于其中.  相似文献   

This paper opens a theoretical discussion regarding the pedagogy of a learning setting as students experience it. Students’ experience of learning deserves particular attention because it may differ from the pedagogy that is designed and campaigned for by the school, or even from the one that is ‘experienced’ by the teacher in the same situation. In order to open up such a discussion, we introduce the term ‘pedagogy in practice’ (PiP). This new term describes the pedagogy that actually acts on students’ thought and affects; it relates to the interaction between the school’s pedagogy and students’ experience of it. In this paper, we define the concept of PiP and examine its implications and differentiation from related pedagogic concepts. By doing so, we question educators’ and policy makers’ ability to understand, evaluate, make sense of, and eventually improve pedagogies or curricula in general without looking at PiP in particular.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the creation of an eclectic case pedagogy based on case‐based methods, sociocultural learning theory and visual studies successfully used in a university teacher education course designed to help students acquire sociocultural knowledge about schooling and teaching. Using qualitative data collected across three semesters and four offerings of the course, we outline the types of cases that made up the eclectic case pedagogy, as well as how students recognized the efficacy and significance of this pedagogic method for their learning. Students highlight three specific kinds of learning opportunities afforded to them when engaging with the eclectic case pedagogy including: guided participation, dismantling and building connections and close in(tro)spection of schooling and society. The benefits students attribute to this approach suggest the eclectic case pedagogy may especially befit courses that aim to expand preservice teachers’ knowledge base around issues of historical inequalities in schools, institutional barriers to equity, and teaching within and about difference.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the process of how subject and pedagogic knowledge emerge through teachers' learning in science. It suggests that problematizing subject knowledge through direct experience of learning in science, particularly in those areas that are known to be difficult, constitutes a productive way of turning a deficit model of teacher subject knowledge into a positive experience with considerable potential for the development of pedagogy. The paper draws on exemplification of student learning to contextualize the discussion within current debate in science education concerned with conceptual change and metacognition. It is argued that the act of addressing what are problematic science concepts in their own learning, affords an opportunity for students to focus on the nature of the concepts being explored and how understanding of them might be developed. It is implied that a notion of ‘learning practice’ in university taught sessions, in addition to the embedded model of generating pedagogic insight through teaching experience in school placements, would constitute a productive mechanism for the synthesis of subject and pedagogic knowledge.  相似文献   

师生教学关系的走向:从主客体到主体间性交往   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
师生教学关系的性质关系到教育本质和教育规律等重大问题。师生在教学中互为主客体关系被教育理论界大致认同,但这种关系的弊端已初见端倪,主体间性交往关系才是师生在教学中应有的关系,这种关系可通过增加师生有效性交往的次数,完善师生教学交往信息反馈系统,发挥学生主体性,转换教育理念措施来实现。  相似文献   

论教育学的智慧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育学是一门与其他学科不同的爱智之学。教育学关注的是教师和学生这一特定群体的生命状态,关注的是师生在教育生活中显现的教育智慧,即如何促使他人和自我生命成长与发展的智慧。教育学智慧不同于教育智慧,教育学的智慧就是关于“教育的智慧”的智慧,是把生命·实践的“教育智慧”作为热爱、追究、拷问、批判和反思的对象。教育学智慧的本质是对生命·实践的教育智慧的反思和系统化。教育学的智慧产生了特有的力量,表现为理解力、反思力、想象力、转化力、创造力等。教育学的智慧来源于理论与实践的双向互动双向建构,来自于“置身式的爱”这样一种对待生命的态度,来自于对教育生活经验与细节的敏感与体悟。从根本上说,教育学的智慧是人类智慧的故乡之所在。  相似文献   

Amidst major new initiatives in research that are beginning to address the pedagogic dimension of building capacity in social science research methods, this paper makes the first move to apply the lens of inclusive pedagogy to research methods pedagogy. The paper explores the ways in which learning social science research methods is hard and may be anxiety-provoking, which has sometimes led to a deficit discourse in which learners are positioned as ill-prepared and fearful. Learners can then be blamed for being hard to teach when an inclusive pedagogical lens would support a more asset-based discourse. Nonetheless, the authors argue that without traditional deficit-based solutions of the remedial class, special needs label or special teacher within the methods learning environment, methods teachers have developed their own responses. These pedagogic responses, elicited from the authors’ research using methods of expert interviews, focus groups and video-stimulated dialogue, address challenges associated with the learner, the learning material and the teacher’s context. The paper differentiates between practical solution-focused strategies and more holistic approaches. The authors illustrate how methods teachers reach out to diverse learners and they conclude that data and standpoints are used in inclusive teaching to make connections and to support learning.  相似文献   

Playful structure is a new pedagogic image representing a more balanced and integrated perspective on early years pedagogy, aiming to blend apparent dichotomies and contradictions and to sustain and evolve play-based practice beyond Year 1. Playful structure invites teachers and children to initiate and maintain a degree of playfulness in the child’s whole learning experience, even when the learning intentions demand a supportive structure. Thus, playfulness becomes characteristic of the interaction between adult and the child and not just characteristic of child-initiated versus adult-initiated activities, or of play-time versus task-time. The paper is based on intensive observations and interviews with teachers in Northern Ireland who participated in a play-based and informal curriculum. This paper explains how playful structure rests on complementary processes of infusion of structure into play-based activities and infusion of playfulness into more structured activities, illustrated by cameos. ‘Infusion’ suggests the subtle blending process that allows apparent dichotomies and contradictions to be resolved in practice.  相似文献   

交往教学论的特征及理论价值   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
在知识经济、科技革命、信息社会的背景下,教学理论和实践受到了严峻的挑战;交往教学论是对交往哲学等现代社会科学知识的主动回应,也是对新的教学实践经验的科学总结;它强调以师生的生活世界为基础,以教学语言为中介,使教学过程成为师生的互动、共享、共创过程。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the second phase of a joint teacher/researcher project that explored teachers’ understandings of the potential of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) as a tool for primary school children’s collaborative group work. By examining teachers’ written analyses and discussions of work carried out in their own classrooms, the paper seeks to contribute to the debate about the ways in which the use of IWBs can contribute to changes in pedagogy. It highlights the interrelationships between collaborative learning and factors identified as important in the research carried out by teachers, amongst them the children’s technical skills and confidence, the mediating role of the teacher, the IWB affordances for knowledge‐building and the teachers’ own knowledge, attitudes and professional development. The paper also provides an account of how participation by the teachers in a course with Faculty staff, focused on the collaborative co‐construction of knowledge related to learning and to classroom research grounded in the values and principles of socio‐cultural theory, supported changes in pedagogic practice.  相似文献   

以《教师教育课程标准(试行)》的理念与精神来检视,我们发现,造成公共教育学课程教学低效的主要原因是学生感受不到课程知识的意义及其学习的价值。因此,意义建构应成为公共教育学课程设计与实施的价值取向。公共教育学课程旨在让师范生体认到教育的意义、教育理论的意义、学生成长的意义以及教师职业的意义。公共教育学课程设计与实施的改革策略在于回复知识的意义与重构学习的路径,具体包括:恢复学习的社会实践活动本质、建立知识与真实世界的联系、立足师范生的社会文化属性和知识经验基础、提升公共教育学课程教师的理论素养与教学艺术水平。  相似文献   

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