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文学语境中的时空关系是一种含蕴在文学话语线性流程中的可创性艺术时空,在文学作品的组织结构、叙事方法、表现力度等方面有着不可忽视的作用。文学语境中的时空关系包括时间关系和空间关系两个方面,有两种最基本的存在形式:底本时空和语本时空。语本时空常使底本时空发生变形,这些变形在文学创作中同样具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

直流电位法自动检测高温疲劳裂纹长度的研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Johnson的分析型关系式,研究了一种适用于自动检测高温疲劳裂纹长度的直流电位法,成功地应用于三种铝合金和两种钛合金的高温疲劳裂纹扩展试验。用直流电位法和光学视频法所检测的裂纹长度相当吻合,其检测精度在±3%之内。对研究材料的疲劳门槛值、宽板的裂纹扩展速率和小裂纹试验有其推广应用价值。  相似文献   

水西土司之所以能在历史上的水西地区存在上千年时间,其原因主要在于:水西地区的社会生产方式是其存在的基础和依据;"土官治土民"政策是其存在的重要外因;长期形成的政治、经济、军事、职官制度和嫡长子继承制是其存在的重要内因;边远的地域空间是其存在的客观原因。正是诸多因素的相互作用,确保了水西土司在毕节地区历史上上千年时间的延续和继承。  相似文献   

借助等效光路,根据单个凸透镜的成像规律,研究并给出了自准直法测凸透镜焦距的光学系统的成像规律,并指出对在物平面中成清晰的像,除去一般教材中所讲述的情况之外,还应有另外情况。  相似文献   

在“人人都有麦克风”的情况下,主流媒体独占信息渠道、引导社会舆论的时代已经一去不复返。当代社会,受众的信赖与支持,不仅是媒体赢得公信力和话语权的基石,还是其生存发展的有效保障。因此,主流媒体若想在新语境下坚守“意见领袖”的地位,必须积极弥补固有缺陷,并利用已有优势,主动迎接并抢占网络话语权,成为新旧媒体空间的双向舆论引领者。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的飞速发展,诞生了纯网综艺这一新型的节目类型,它在目标受众、播出形式、节目内容、营销手段上均与电视综艺节目有着显著差异。在这样的新媒体环境中,传统电视节目面临着前所未有的发展困境与挑战,节目创新遭遇瓶颈、收视率整体下滑、收视群体结构分布失调。面对行业发展的危机,电视媒体开始重新审视自我,探索适当的转型战略。面对挑战,电视综艺节目需要利用自身的传播优势,摒弃落后的思想理念,推进台网合作跨平台交流,并坚持"内容为王"的制作方针。  相似文献   

The general aim of the article is to teach the reader how to transform conceptual models of change, development, and learning into mathematical expressions and how to use these equations to build dynamic models by means of the widely used spreadsheet program Excel. The explanation is supported by a number of Excel files, which the reader can download at www.paulvangeert.nl/articles_appendices.htm . The article begins with a discussion of how to define variables in the context of modeling and the difference with the context of measurement. It proceeds with a simple dynamic model to give the reader a general idea, and continues with an explanation of the extended logistic model, which can be conceived of as a building block of more complex growth models pertaining to learning and development. The final section discusses the building of a concrete developmental model, answering the question of why girls like pink.  相似文献   

Bootstrap方法是上世纪80年代出现和发展起来的一种新型再抽样统计方法,在统计各领域已有广泛应用.把Bootstrap方法应用于置信区间和标准差估计,在某些情况下,使得置信区间和标准差估计得到改进和改善。  相似文献   

Through the analysis of survey and interview data, we investigated the attitudes and perceptions of 32 multilingual teachers of Spanish in Belize, a code-switching (CS) context where Spanish is in intense contact with English and Belizean Kriol. More specifically, we examined teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward Spanish and CS and teachers’ perceptions vis-à-vis students’ attitudes toward Spanish instruction. The study revealed that whereas some teachers held negative views of Northern Belizean Spanish, they did not markedly perceive standard Spanish as “better” than the local variety of Belizean Spanish. The analysis also showed that most teachers had a positive predisposition to the use of CS as a pedagogical tool in their classrooms, a finding that suggests that ultra-normative attitudes toward Spanish varieties are not prevalent among these educators. In view of students’ attitudes, teachers concurred that students had overwhelmingly negative attitudes toward standard Spanish, in line with previous findings. We argue that educational reforms and status-planning efforts are vital to destigmatize Spanish and to promote its maintenance alongside Belizean Kriol and English.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between monopolistic service providers and customer satisfaction and commitment. The authors investigated how the ethical perceptions of service consumers, their perceptions of service quality, and satisfaction effect commitment to the long-term relationship with monopolistic service providers. Results indicate significant relationships between the constructs, supporting previous study findings and logical thought. Results, managerial implications and research implications are included.  相似文献   

随着时代的变革和经济的转型发展,民办高校将面临转型的巨大挑战。作为民办高校的大学英语教师,应该积极实现自我定位与转型,突破困境,采取多种途径进行转型,实现英语应用型人才的培养,促进民办高校的顺利转型。  相似文献   

This article analyses the university experiences of 44 students with disabilities. The voices of Spanish students describe the reasons that lead them to choose a given university degree, their transition in the university, the perception they have of themselves as students and how they evaluate their academic results. This study was done with the biographical-narrative methodology using several different data collection techniques, such as narrative interviews, lifelines and photographs. Data analysis was based on an inductive coding system. The results of this study have enabled us to conclude that most of the students chose their degree course because they had a vocation for it, although their disability also influenced their decision. Some students had such a hard time during their first year that they had to change their course of studies. They thought they had to make a stronger effort than the rest of their fellow students, defined themselves as fighters and survivors, and valued this willpower as their main personal asset, above the outcome achieved.  相似文献   

In South Africa, the post-apartheid government has committed itself to an integrated approach to education and training. This article addresses South African policy debates, illustrating that global trends such as integration are shaped by significant local influences in the production of specific policy positions. The integration debate in South Africa reflects both equity and human resource development concerns, and is more fully developed in adult basic education and training than in formal post-compulsory education. The article analyses the proposals for integration as part of a complex policy agenda, arguing that the implementation of integration proposals will not be straightforward. This is due to the genesis of the integration debate in training rather than both education and training, its assumptions about economic development, and the contested nature of the policy process.  相似文献   

高校创客空间经历了由物理空间到混合空间的发展过程。随着XR、5G、全息、数字孪生等技术的不断成熟,将数字孪生融入到高校创客空间的构建中,充分发挥其在实时监控、动态交互、迭代进化方面的功效,推动高校创客空间从混合空间走向映射空间,已然成为一种趋势。融入数字孪生的映射空间,在构成要素上包括物理空间、虚拟空间、空间服务系统和孪生数据四个要素,在构成层级上包括物理层、数据层、模型层、服务层和应用层五个层级,其可实现创客协同设计、创客设计全生命周期管理、创客设计沉浸式体验、创客空间运行实时监控等四大功能。通过相关实践案例分析也表明,融入数字孪生的高校创客空间具有广泛的应用前景,能最大限度地提升创客空间在创新和创意设计上的“广度”“深度”“速度”,大力推动高校创新创业人才和创新型工程技术人才的培养。  相似文献   

Now almost 15 years after the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) data are emerging in the literature related to job entry and employment outcomes of adults with learning disabilities (LD). Although these data are derived from varying methodologies, they converge in three critical areas: Knowledge of the ADA, realities of workplace self‐disclosure, and the importance of self‐determination. This review presents findings in each of these areas. The messages obtained from adults with LD who experience the realities of the workplace can provide significant information for secondary programs that assist students with hidden disabilities preparing to transition to college or to employment.  相似文献   

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