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Scales to assess Japanese school environment were constructed based on the Classroom Environment Scale (CES) (Moos & Trickett, 1974) and a Japanese scale (Hirata, 1994). Factor analysis revealed four factors extracted from 61 items: Teacher Control, Sense of Isolation, Order and Discipline, and ‘Wa’ Affiliation. The resulting Classroom Environment Scale (CES-J) consists of 29 items. In Study I, 635 pupils from four junior high schools were compared on the CES-J, and statistically significant school differences were found for Sense of Isolation, Order & Discipline and ‘Wa’ Affiliation. In Study II, the CES-J was administered to 266 junior high school students, 106 juvenile delinquents and 11 non-attendant pupils. Delinquents showed a stronger sense of isolation in the classroom, and non-attendant students reported more maladjustment regarding affiliation with classmates. The results suggest that the CES-J is useful for assessing students' perceptions of the characteristics of their schools. It was necessary to modify the CES for use in Japan, as well as for the factors which delineate the Japanese school environment. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

日本动漫因其制作精美、题材广泛且符合初中生心理发展的特点而被初中生广泛接受.一方面,日本动漫对初中生的感知觉、思维以及意志力有着正向的引导;另一方面,观看动漫过多地占用时问、混淆虚拟与现实,以及暴力、色情等不良内容的渗透又极大地影响着初中生的心理健康.  相似文献   


Forty-six adult women were classified as career women or homemaker", then administered an array of 200 Items from the OPI. It was hypothesized that an inverted factor analysis of the Ss' responses to the OPI would disclose that the two groups were of basically different personality types. No groups of career women were discovered. However, with regard to the homemakers, two distinguishable types were produced, one being characterized by an “active-practical-social” orientation, and the other group by a “passive-theoretical-nonsocial”, orientation.

It was concluded that it may be possible to distinguish between career women and homemakers on a typological basis, and the implications of such a possibility were discussed.  相似文献   

Two hundred seventh grade Ss were administered a paired comparison scale for the purpose of predicting reinforcer effectiveness of fifteen stimuli. These stimuli were selected from three categories of reinforcement: 1.) verbal and social, 2.) tangible and manipulatable, and 3.) knowledge of progress. Results of the study indicated that the paired comparison scale of determining reinforcing preferences was moderately reliable. On the validation task, Ss performed equally well for the most and least preferred reinforcers. This finding suggests that a S, when selecting from several reinforcers, cannot choose the stimulus which would be most effective in increasing his performance.  相似文献   

对我国某中学初中生英语阅读现状和英语阅读态度的问卷调查显示:初中生英语阅读基本立足课本,以提高阅读成绩为目标。初中生普遍对英语阅读持积极态度,其中工具趋向态度最强,但阅读的积极性随年级的递增呈下降趋势。具体到阅读态度五个维度间的相互关系,初中生情感趋向态度与融入趋向态度、工具趋向态度和评价趋向态度成正相关,与社会趋向态度呈负相关。其中,情感趋向态度与融入趋向态度成较强的正相关。基于此,为使学生对英语阅读长期保持积极的态度,英语教师要为学生推荐他们感兴趣的课外英语读物;同时,转变英语阅读教学理念,设计多种多样检验阅读效果的活动,从而充分发挥英语阅读在英语学习中的重要作用。  相似文献   

由于长期受“应试教育”的影响,在我国关于初中生个体能力发展的研究中,牵涉学习成绩的学业能力或传统性能力(convention alabilities)向来备受关注,而专门指向事务处理能力的实践性能力(practicalabilities)所作的考察则极为少见。为考察中学生实践性能力的发展,笔者参与了上海某中学组织的“一日生存训练”,本文以“事务处理能力”切入,探讨中学生实践性能力的培养,从以下几个方面论述:事务处理能力是什么、初中生的事务处理能力是指什么、表现在哪里、为什么要培养、怎样培养。  相似文献   

初中学生学习自我控制量表的编制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自我控制是影响学习的主要因素,它是学习活动得以顺利进行的重要保证,这种自我控制在学习上的表现:自觉与专心学习,控制干扰的情绪,排除无关的干扰,编制一套有效的量表是研究学习自我控制的基础。根据Kuhl和Corno的行动控制理论,本研究提出了自我控制的三个结构的构想,并参考程炳林和林清山编制的“中学生学习行动控制量表”,编制了中学生学习自控力量表。经过因素分析得到了三个二级因素。初步验证了三个维度的构想,量表的信度与效度表明:自编的初中学生学习自控力量表具有一定的信度与效度。  相似文献   


This investigation was undertaken to determine whether academically bright junior high school male high and low achievers differed significantly on certain non-intellective variables chosen on the basis of related research as being especially promising as significant factors. The School Interest Inventory, the Minnesota Counseling Inventory, and the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule were administered to 284 academically bright junior high school high- and low-achieving boys to determine whether the two groups differed significantly on certain of the scales. It was found that the low achievers had described themselves as having weaker achievement motivation, as having less satisfactory family relationships, as being less aggressive, less persistent, and less conforming, and as having stronger heterosexual interests.  相似文献   

语感被称为语文的灵魂.文章提出合理运用语感培养的方法,采取适当的手段进行训练,可以让初中生语感能力在较短的时间内得到较大的提高.  相似文献   

教师使用学生喜好的教学方法有利于培养学生对科学课程和科学积极的情感,本研究调查了1 334名(男生679名,女生655名)初中学生,在目前物理、化学课堂中23种教学活动使用的频数,以及他们希望其使用的频数。调查数据用描述性统计和非参数检验分析,结果显示:现代教学方法和传统教学法均受到学生的肯定;学生强烈希望开展参观工厂、博物馆等教学活动;学生个体差异影响其对教学方法的喜好;女学生更喜欢听教师讲解和看教师演示实验;成绩好的学生更喜欢小组课题研究、小组讨论等。调查结果对教师理解学生和选择教学方法有启示作用。  相似文献   

通过对初一学生学习状况的问卷调查,发现目前的初中生总体上学习态度还是好的,具有上进的积极性,但也存在这样或那样的问题。教育工作者要掌握学生的学习特点,因势利导,发挥长处,弥补不足,努力把他们培养成优秀的人才。  相似文献   

当今日本社会,年轻人缺乏人生目标与志向的倾向较为严重,这必将会对日本的未来发展产生影响。对此,日本政府高度重视,并号召整个社会关注与援助。他们采取职场体验的方式,进行职业体验教育,以培养学生的劳动观、职业观、社会责任感等。这方面的问题对我国也有着十分重要的警示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Cultural differences in the structure of adolescents' daily lives were examined by interviewing representative samples of 578 grade 11 students, aged 16–17 years, in Minneapolis, Taipei (Taiwan), and Sendai (Japan) about the amounts of time they spent in a wide variety of activities. Studying, interacting with peers, and watching television were the most frequent activities in all 3 locations, but the relative importance of each activity differed among the locations. Chinese students spent significantly more time than American students engaged in academic endeavors, such as attending school and after-school classes and studying. Japanese students did not spend significantly more time studying or attending after-school classes than American students, but they did spend more time attending school. American students, in turn, spent more time working and socializing with friends. Differences in adolescents' use of time were related to both cross-cultural and individual differences in mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

当今世界,人类面临着严重的环境问题:全球气候变暖、酸雨频繁、臭氧层遭到破坏等.全世界约有11亿人生活在空气污染严重的城市中.有些地区的环境仍在受到破坏,如乱砍滥伐森林、乱排废水废气、非法开采矿山等.众所周知,人类必须依存于环境才能生存与发展,而要使人们保护环境及合理利用环境,就必须实施环境教育.  相似文献   

采用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)对某中学80名学生进行抽样调查,目的是提出科学可行的初中生父母教养方式。结果:大多数初中生父母教养方式处于正常范围,父母教养方式一致性程度较高,在性别和城乡上没有显著差异,但是在父亲的惩罚、严厉维度上,非独生子女极显著高于独生子女。结论:一致性程度比较高的教养方式有利于孩子的身心健康成长;独生子女与非独生子女家庭的父母教养方式可能对两类家庭成长的孩子形成不同的心理品质。  相似文献   

通过查阅文献资料与已有成熟问卷,征询专家意见,将初中生数学学习策略划分为三大维度:认知策略、元认知策略、资源管理策略,并确立了10个子维度的操作性定义.根据操作性定义,结合已有问卷,形成原始问卷.通过4次数据收集,经过多次项目分析、验证性因素分析、探索性因素分析,对问卷题目进行相应删减、增添、修改,最终形成"初中生数学学习策略调查问卷".该问卷信效度指标良好,可作为测量初中生数学学习策略水平的有效工具.  相似文献   

看美国中学生物理作业的探究性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年2月,我有幸前往美国波特兰市杰克森中学进行为期一周的交流访问,在了解有关物理课程及物理教学相关问题的同时,很受启发的是美国学生完成的物理作业,印象深刻而难忘.  相似文献   

在当今飞速发展的社会,英语是非常重要的,因此,英语的教学也越来越受重视。但是语言类学科的学习离不开听、说、读、写这四项基本的技能,在这四项技能中,"写"是较高的英语综合能力的训练,因此,教师应该注重初中学生的英语写作能力。利用不同的教学方式进行写作教学,不仅可以提升教师在教学时的创造性,还可以帮助学生找到学习英语的兴趣,并且能够培养学生积极探索的精神,提升学生的综合素养。  相似文献   

初中作文教学应立足于学生的生活实际。生活作文的基本概念是通过以学生生活世界为对象的写作,在培养学生语言表达能力同时,在作文活动中,促进学生主体的人格形成。学生生活作文导写是运用作文表达方法而展开的教学活动,其本身就是一种作文教学法。学生作文导写包括:引导学生写好校园生活、家庭生活、社会生活,写好学生的个性成长。学生生活作文导写是基于《初中语文课程标准》的基础上,以新课程的教学目标、教学内容依据的作文教学创新。  相似文献   

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