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Women in higher education   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The high level of admissions of women into higher education in Japanis analysed in the context of examining revised views about the highereducation of women resulting from changes in the traditional view of therelationship between higher education and social values. Despite the shiftin womens educational expectations, there is still clear evidence that agender track continues; typically men congregate in four year institutionswhilst women focus on Junior Colleges and on particular courses of studydeemed to be appropriate for women. The gender track is furtherdemonstrated by detailed studies of the Junior College and the WomensCollege. Womens employment opportunities are shown to have been affected byrestrictive attitudes of employers which tended in the past to impose onwomen particular modes of employment. The reasons for the emergence of achange in these attitudes in the latter part of the 1980s are explored andthe impact of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1986 is examined. Thearticle concludes by considering the wider implications for women, both inthe work-place and in society more generally, of these developments. It isnoted that highly educated Japanese women tend to hold more conservativevalues and may see their education as an expression of their social statusrather than a way of increasing their earning power. The recentestablishment of a number of courses in Womens Studies may well have aninfluence upon future developments in ideas about women and higher educationin Japan.  相似文献   

论终身教育与现代远程教育转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代远程教育在传统学历教育中发挥了积极的作用,但传统的学习方式不能在新的教学方式下实现转变是现代远程教育发展的障碍,而通过向终身教育转型,努力实现现行远程教育方式下学员学习方法学习为主,教师辅导为主的改变,可以为现代远程教育开辟一条更加宽广的发展道路。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the problematic status of the female self, seen from the perspective of women in education. Studying women's autobiographical writings, the author uses a genealogical approach to interrogate the historical and cultural conditions of the construction of the female self. The article looks specifically at those practices women have used to act upon themselves and create a lifestyle of their own, technologies of the female self. Space is important in women's attempts for self-assertion, and the explorations of this article focus on the ways women in education have been striving to negotiate space of their own, within and beyond gendered social structures and dominant discourses of womanhood.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Digital transformation in the global higher education industry determines the future roadmap to a sustainable education management strategy. This research...  相似文献   

深处于转型中的我国高等教育面临诸多困惑,存在着运行失序特别是同质化发展倾向,严重干扰着高等教育规模、质量、结构、效益的协调发展。这种转型的困惑源于对旧有秩序路径依赖的影响,必须进一步深化改革,期待着走出基于政府行政管制的旧秩序,从而走向基于市场、依托政府和高校角色转换而构建的新秩序。  相似文献   

深刻转变中的我国高等教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
50多年来,特别是改革开放20多年来,我国的社会主义高等教育事业,以宏观改革为重点,取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就,确立并巩固了社会主义高等教育制度,高等教育宏观结构和管理体制改革取得了重大进展,基本形成了与我国社会需求和环境协调发展的层次、学科(专业)、类型和形式结构比较合理的高等教育体系,初步实现了高等教育的大众化,培养了大批专门人才,基本适应了我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的实际需要,制定了“科教兴国”的发展战略,开始走上了依法治教的轨道。以1999年6月《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》的颁…  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的民办高校涉足成人教育领域,成为我国教育体系中非常重要的一环。教育部职业教育与成人教育司于2016年12月答记者问时,就从成人教育的管理制度和专业设置两个方面提出了针对当前出现的问题进行解答,从国家层面提出加强对高等学历继续教育的监管,从继续教育的基本制度建设为突破口。随着我国社会转型与产业结构升级,经济发展新常态,近十几年的普通高等院校扩招及人口红利减少,成人教育模式无论是在生源结构还是教育教学管理模式上,已经难以适应经济新常态下社会进步发展的需要。本文以笔者所从事高校成教实践出发,对我国民办高校成人教育转型之路进行研究,使民办高校继续教育的发展与办学定位、办学条件和社会声誉相适应。  相似文献   

邹韬奋是中华职业教育社最早的成员之一,他曾积极倡导女子教育。他认为,女子教育是实现妇女解放的根本途径和方法,女子只要经过适当的学校教育和自己的刻苦努力,就可以成为和男子一样有才干的人。他还提出了女子教育的途径:学习兴趣是唤起女子接受教育的动力;女子职业教育是实现男女平等的基础。  相似文献   

德性人格教育思想是中国传统伦理中占主流地位的人格教育思想。它在中国传统文化中发挥过极大作用,但也有着明显的局限性,存在着主体性人格缺失、工具理性主义至上、"面具"怪象频生等不足之处。在现代化转型过程中,必须努力促进传统人格教育思想的创造性转换,着力于传统意识的现代转换,努力实现传统伦理功能与现实价值取向的对接与互补。  相似文献   

A transformation model of engineering education at the undergraduate level is constructed to define the human and technical resources that contribute to the production of a university-trained engineer. The theory of technical systems is applied in the development of the model to transform a graduating pre-university pupil into a university-trained engineer. Two co-aligned themes are identified as the executive system and the execution system, which dictate who and what will do the work and how the work will be completed, respectively. The model is an extension of an existing model and further depicts the duality of the pre-university pupil as an operator and as the operand as related to engineering education. Consequently, the proposed model details the student perspective from the bottom-up in an implicit manner and the top–down perspective from administrators and professors in an explicit manner. The model's utility is in providing a means by which to coordinate efforts of pre-college and university-level educational sectors in the production of entry-level engineers.  相似文献   

This essay reviews the history of school commercialization in the USA and the forms that it has taken over time, with particular attention paid to research measuring the scope and variety of commercialization trends in US public schools. The implications of commercialization activities such as those that promote the consumption of nutritionally deficient foods and beverages are explored. The argument is made that the values inherent in the consumerist ideology used to support school privatization conflict with the democratic values on which public education has been historically based. Edison Schools is discussed as a model of the for‐profit management of public schools and emerging forms of school commercialization are considered. Finally, the role of free trade agreements in promoting school commercialism and privatization is described.  相似文献   

社会转型背景中职业教育价值定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会转型是以人为中心、为目的的,它体现着人的全面发展和社会的全面进步。我国社会转型时期职业教育价值取向存在着价值的“工具性”定义与“本体论”承诺之)中突,冲突源于“需要”的直接性、受动性和消费性。让人能够诗意地栖居于经济生活是职业教育的价值诉求。  相似文献   

基于社会转型的农村职业教育发展趋势论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国农村社会正在由"农耕社会"演进为"农工社会",出现了农村社会生产结构非农化,农村劳动力积极向城镇流动,农民工队伍不断壮大,城乡发展差距依然的现实性特征和农村劳动力就地转移和向中小城镇转移,城乡经济社会发展一体化,边缘地区、弱势经济区日益崛起,关注民生,强化农民主体地位的趋势性特征.基于社会的转型,未来农村职业教育将呈现以下发展趋势:成人教育将日益受到重视;农村职业教育定位多元化;逐步实施农村义务职业教育;积极进行城乡职业教育统筹发展的制度配置和创新;区域职业教育体系一体化;注重农村人力资源的开发和利用.  相似文献   

我国当前高等教育专业化培养模式中出现的一些问题,根源于教育价值观的偏差。教育价值观决定了教育的目标、内容与方式。已有的政治论、认识论价值观是从国家和社会主体的角度来认识教育的价值,而人格论则从学生主体自身发展的价值诉求出发,以学生职业人格的塑造为中心,强调人的全面发展。职业人格教育,取代以知识技能为主的专业化教育,是从我国当前高等教育现状出发,提出的符合大学生职业发展和社会经济发展需要的一种新型教育主张,具有极大的现实意义。  相似文献   

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