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Much has been written about sustainable large-scale change but there are few examples of it. Over the last 4 years, the province of Ontario, Canada, has been engaged in just that work of moving from a system that was in constant conflict to one that generates both good results and positive energy. This paper describes the origin, main elements and results to date of the Ontario education strategy as an example of large-scale change in education that is respectful of educators, fair to students and communities, and based on the best available knowledge.
Ben LevinEmail:

城市更新是城市转型升级的重要路径,而老城改造是城市更新的关键。目前,南昌市正处在新旧城区改革的关键时期,如何准确判定老城区更新发展的阶段和目标,如何深刻认识当前老城区有机更新挑战和难点,如何正确提出老城区有机更新思路,如何创新探索"南昌路径"进而提升城市功能品质,都是亟需研究和解决的紧迫问题。对此,通过前瞻性的规划再现生机勃勃的城市生命体,依托功能的再造构建城市运行系统,将有机更新与有机维护有效结合,以科技手段提升城市治理效能,将历史与现代有序融合复苏生机盎然的南昌。  相似文献   

This article explores how higher education is being conceptualized as part of a neo-liberal ‘feminist’ social change project in the post-imperial context of the Arab Gulf. Challenging the tendency to essentialised treatments of gender and women in Muslim countries, it makes visible the diverse experiences and views of a particular group of Gulf purposively sampled women – students, graduates and academics – as it explores how they are situating themselves against available feminist narratives, how they are seeing themselves as citizens and political actors, and how higher education’s spaces and constraints are mediating these processes. A conflicted picture emerges, of mass higher education helping provide women with radical ideas and ambitions, and helping to make public demands and assert self-representation, while their freedoms to act are limited by underlying hegemonic structures that are still predominantly male and against which women variously rationalize their strategic conformity.  相似文献   

现代教育技术的应用与大学教育观念的更新   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
教育是一种传播行为,教育传播手段的更新直接影响着教育方式的变革,现代信息技术以其先进快捷的传播手段实现了教育方式的革命性跃进,现代教育技术的应用已成为高等学校走向现代化的借与标志,与之相适应,大学教育观念也将得到全面的更新。  相似文献   

关于高等职业教育产学研结合的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产学研结合是高等职业教育人才培养最重要的途径之一。高等职业教育的产学研结合虽然已经取得了一定成绩.但在具体实施中还很不平衡。从层次结构上还有浅、中、深之分,在范围上还有点、面之别。解决这些问题。需要调动政府、用人单位、学校、学生四方面的积极性。  相似文献   

强化大学美育课教学的基本途径是在教学内容的优化、教学方法审美化、课堂教学拓展三个方面进行改造和进一步规范化,即教学内容要注重实践性和体系的完整性;教学方法要注重形式美的塑造;课堂教学拓展要狠挖潜力.通过以上措施,达到提高美育课教学质量的目的.  相似文献   

加拿大将业余学习和成人教育都视为继续教育。加拿大的继续教育是一种产业。我们要转变观念,研究适于中国国情的继续教育运行机制,科学地运用多媒体,实施远程教育。  相似文献   

随着我国高职教育规模的扩大,高等职业教育定位应以就业为导向,培养高技能人才。针对目前高职教育现状,需大力调整专业结构,加强师资队伍建设,提高教育教学质量和人才培养质量,走“产学研”结合之路,努力办出高职教育特色。  相似文献   

Thoughts on the democratization of education in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ingrid Eide 《Prospects》1982,12(1):79-88

全球问题和德育内容的更新   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
全球问题是在 2 0世纪出现的 ,它包括自然环境问题、社会问题和人自身的问题等。全球问题的出现要求人们更新德育内容 ,进行环境道德教育、全球意识教育、爱国主义教育和生命关怀教育。  相似文献   

The article is about the writing of a political theorist, Hannah Arendt, on the subject of education. The two major themes of her work (the concept of public and private worlds and the idea of renewal) are described and related to educational questions. Two forces which help the educator to avoid conservatism or utopianism are the variety of mankind and the artist's and scientist's vision. The influence of these thoughts on the teacher's task is then studied with particular attention to Arendt's notion of responsibility. Other implications for educators are the understanding of the school as a social institution, implications for curriculum planning and the relationship between education and society. The essay ends by setting out Arendt's resolution of the paradox of preparing children with assurance for an unpredictable future.  相似文献   

The administrative crisis in education in the Arab countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper examines the spread of English as a medium of higher education in the Arab world, addressing questions about the relationship between higher education, language shift and cultural (re)production through such post‐colonial educational bilingualism. Drawing on exploratory ethnographic research, it documents how both Arabic and English have been implicated in the re‐configuring of collective identities through mass higher education in one Arab Gulf country against a context of rapid modernisation with a regional undercurrent of recurrent pan‐Arab and Islamist‐tinged nationalism. It examines how far the resulting linguistic‐cultural dualism amounts to a loss of linguistic–cultural diversity, and how far there is a linguistically‐framed discourse of resistance to such a process. Theoretically, the paper engages with discourses relating to socio‐cultural reproduction, collective identity, educational standardisation, change and cultural chauvinism, and markets. It offers insights into the potential for both language and higher education to act as tools or fields for cultural transformation and for resistance identity construction.  相似文献   

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