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Three history lessons taught to ten-year-olds in Bucharest, Romania and three in Cumbria, England were video-recorded, in an attempt to identify common characteristics of good practice, irrespective of differences in cultures, schools, resources and curriculum, as a positive foundation for further dialogue between the participating schools. The transcribed texts were analysed using categories of historical questioning. This paper outlines key findings, then focuses on a comparison of one English and one Romanian lesson in which whole class teaching was supported by group discussion. It is suggested that further exploration of the links between whole class questioning and group discussion using the framework devised could support teachers in different countries to work collaboratively to develop pupils historical enquiry.  相似文献   

课程涵义与课程思维   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
“课程”尽管很时髦,但在教学论话语系统中理解课程内涵的现象还很普遍。澄清其内涵是必要的,但这一现象真正具有实质性的后果是用教学思维来探讨课程问题,而引入课程概念的重要标志是必须确立课程思维。课程思维是一种溯源性思维、宏观思维和管理思维。  相似文献   

幼儿园课程与教师的课程开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对于幼儿园教育课程的理解,正如它的上位概念--课程一样,人们的看法很不一致.过去人们通常认为它指语言、常识、计算、体育、音乐、美术六大学科,近些年来,全国各地的幼儿园课程改革异常活跃,大多已改变了过去六科的分科课程结构而代之以健康、语言、科学、社会、艺术五大领域的领域(广域)课程(有些地方正在实行的综合课程也基本是这五大领域的简单组合).  相似文献   

具有“宽基础、活模块”和能力生存观的课程价值取向两大特点的集群式模块课程为高职课程建设提供了思路。但在运用集群式模块课程时,正确处理好课程目标的远近兼顾、课程内容的宽专协调、课程结构的动静搭配、课程评价的内外结合是在实践值得重视的几个问题。  相似文献   

Murillo  Fernando 《Prospects》2021,51(1-3):63-74
PROSPECTS - The Covid-19 pandemic can be read as an eruption of the Real: a traumatic event that overwhelms our capacity for symbolization and exposes the fragility of the imaginary. Albert Camus...  相似文献   

字面义和指称二者是既相关联又彼此不同的,本文从语言学层面,涉及人称的基本用法、活用及人称转换的理据,以期对汉语中的人称指示语进行语用方面的考察。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程注重实践性的活动,让学生在亲历亲为的活动中去体验、去感情从而在一种积极主动和谐的气氛中感受生活、充实生活、获得生活的技能,在开放性的目的、内容中实现学生的不断发展成熟。与传统课程相对应的是,知识是学生在不断地反思中建构起来的。由此,实现学生对个体生活的建构。  相似文献   

运用第二人称来写的文章并不多见,和用第一人称、第三人称叙述的作品相比,数量上明显不占优势。也许正因为这一点,所以,很多有关写作的理论书籍对于第二人称的叙述方法大都采取进而不谈的态度,即便偶有涉及也仅限于轻描淡写式的一笔带过。实际上,这是一种不负责任的做法。虽然我们不能说“存在即合理”,但我们也绝不能对用“你”、“您”、“你们”等第二人称叙述的文章熟视无睹、视而不见。相反,我们应该正视这种存在并加以科学分析。  相似文献   


This paper draws on the experience of the Pan-Canadian science curriculum development process as an instance of the more general problem of integrating science and environmental education. It problematizes the issue of incorporation of social and environmental dimensions within the science curriculum in terms of both policy and practice. The agenda of environmental education, as eco-philosophical and eco-political, provides a radically different base from which to explore the impact of change on science teachers and schools. Thus, the very idea of environmental education as an educational policy goal must be examined in light of conflicting agendas of science and environmental education. This paper argues that transforming structures and processes of school science to enable different teacher and student roles involves closing the gap between curriculum (policy) development and professional development as well as reconceptualizing science education, but from more overtly open moral value and political perspectives than have been considered in the literature of science education.  相似文献   

It is conventionally held that illiteracy is simply the absence of literacy, however the latter term happens to be defined. As such, illiteracy is nothing more than failure to achieve the literate foundation upon which success in the rhetorical curriculum depends. I challenge convention by arguing that literacy is fundamentally a rhetorical construct and that the idea of illiteracy, integral to compelling identification with literacy, is an intentional product of the rhetorical curriculum. This relationship of illiteracy to the rhetorical curriculum can be glimpsed in narratives of literacy, especially those that circulate to mass audiences in popular films. Scholars have looked to such films for evidence to illustrate academic theories about literacy. By analysing several films and their reception, I show that non-academics are actively engaged in re-theorizing illiteracy. This engagement illuminates the rhetorical dimensions of illiteracy in a way that has the potential to revise the informal rhetorical curriculum, thereby changing conventional understandings of illiteracy.  相似文献   

教育意味着关怀,而这种关怀是深入人的心灵的,外化为对人的帮助,是一种平等的帮助。教师存在的一个重要原因,就是学生遇到无法解决的问题,需要得到教师的帮助,某种意义上说,这种帮助是最有效的教育,是一种真正触及心灵的关怀。  相似文献   

蔡定基 《教育导刊》2005,(12):44-45
当前,新课程改革到了关键阶段。如何提高认识,转换角色,促进课改的发展,已成为广大校长亟需思考并付诸实践的问题。一、新课程改革对校长角色提出的挑战校长角色的含义是什么?校长首先是教职员,然后才是管理者;校长是学校的法人、领导,但笔者更理解为校长是具有教育家特质的办学人。校长的任务是管理学校并促进学校的发展,肩负着组织教师开展教育教学活动,开发最优化的课程教育资源,提升教育资源、学生、教师这一“教育场”的功能,使学校各种资源能得到充分的发挥,最终落实到培养高素质的一代新人之中。基础教育课程改革要求学校凸显民主化…  相似文献   

课程的基础学科与语文新课程改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程的基础学科包括心理学、社会学和哲学,它们都有自身成长、发展的特定的社会背景。而作为人文学科的语文,它与心理学、社会学和哲学的关系更为密切。所以,我们对课程之基础学科进行分析,就是希望从中找出它们之间的内在联系,以此来指导语文课程改革的进程。  相似文献   

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