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Many feminist philosophers of education have argued that the teacher's pleasure plays an important role in the classroom. However, accessing such pleasure is often easier said than done. Given our current academic climate, how might teachers develop pedagogical practices that cultivate these delights? This article investigates the (rather surprising) response to this question offered in Augustine's De catechizandis rudibus. Despite his reputation as a pleasure‐hater, Augustine spends the majority of his text defending the delights of teaching. In particular, Augustine argues that if teachers wish to find pleasure in teaching, they would do well to study the pleasures of mothers. To this end, I analyse the nature of Augustine's maternal appeal. What insight does Augustine find in the experiences of mothers? In what way does he hope his colleagues will allow these experiences to shape their pedagogies? I conclude by exploring the benefits and the risks of Augustine's claim for those who teach in the contemporary feminist classroom. Augustine's defence of pedagogical pleasure suggests that he shares a common interest with feminist philosophers. But, the social/political limits of his account highlight the value of submitting such pleasures to the terms of feminist critique.  相似文献   

本文运用定性和描述性研究的方法,对通过课堂观察、教师访谈及调查问卷所收集的数据和信息进行了分析研究.结果表明:在大学英语课堂教学中,一切有利于创造良好学习气氛,能策动学生主观能动性的双向语言活动都是促进师生"互动"、提高教学效果的有效措施.  相似文献   

This article explores a classroom project in which we used photovoice as a pedagogical tool to enhance personal and professional self-awareness among female, Muslim, social work students in an intercultural classroom setting located in the Arabian Gulf. We begin with an overview and discussion of arts-based approaches to education and then provide examples from the literature on the use of photovoice in the classroom. Next, we discuss the necessity for self-awareness and self-reflection of personal and professional values in the social work classroom. We then provide details of our photovoice classroom project, which can be replicated by social work educators. Finally, we present examples of the class project, with a discussion and reflection on the process. We end the article with implications for social work pedagogy and a brief discussion of the use of photovoice for other applications.  相似文献   

西方教育界的女性主义教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性主义教学,西方备受关注的教育理论与教学模式,并没有受到中国教育界应有的重视,中国教师对它的理解与定位也存在一定的模糊性。20世纪末期以来的女性主义教学已经跳出了女权运动的巢窠,发展为强调教师对学生的授权、重视知识产生的过程、以DPE(对话、参与、经验)为核心的教学法。  相似文献   

女性主义是一种以服务于妇女解放,追求性别平等为宗旨的思想取向。女性主义者认为,在传统课堂教学中充斥着性别化教育,存在着性别屏蔽、性别刻板现象,导致女性话语权的丧失,使女性处于不利地位。她们主张重构现行课堂教学,提倡关爱教育;呼吁教师建立性别意识,消除性别歧视;解放和赋权于学生;主张因性施教。这些主张体现着现代课堂教学民主化的趋势。  相似文献   

当前教育经济学研究中存在着教育学参与不足的状况,对学科研究造成了制约和局限。不仅有可能把复杂的教育问题转化成为单纯的经济问题,而且教育问题的特殊性对研究结果的外在制约会降低研究的有效性和价值。教育经济学的研究离不开教育学的参与,教育学对教育经济学的参与应体现在宏观的学科建设和微观的具体研究之中。  相似文献   

聂琴 《中学教育》2008,(9):56-59
发挥教学领导的作用,是中小学校长的一项重要职责。如何有效地履行教学领导的职责,是许多中小学校长所关心的。在这方面,美国中小学校长在其教学领导中采用的“走课”,为我们提供了有益的借鉴与启示。本文主要介绍了“走课”的缘起与内涵、程序与方法,以及它的优点与局限。  相似文献   

Using a critical conceptual analysis, we theorize a DisCrit Classroom Ecology to counter current dysfunctional education ecologies. We begin by exploring the lineage of Critical Race Theory, through both its intellectual forerunner Gift Theory and a more recent sibling, DisCrit. Next, we explore the three interrelated constructs of DisCrit Classroom Ecology; Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Solidarity, and the strand that animates them, DisCrit Resistance. Finally, we discuss the deep implications and transformative possibilities of using praxis to (re)organize classrooms through a DisCrit Classroom Ecology.  相似文献   

人才成长不仅需要扎实的知识素养,还需要丰厚的人文素养.课堂教学作为培养合格人才的主渠道,理应成为教师既教书、又育人的重要场所.教师应注重从教学目的、教学内容、教学管理、教学互动、教学形象等方面体现课堂教学的育人功能,以更好地实现"教书育人"的职业目标.  相似文献   

为了提高师范类公共课的教育教学质量,提升师范毕业生的教学实践能力,该文对S大学正在学习教育学公共课的477名师范生进行问卷调查。研究发现:学生对教育学公共课认识不足,缺乏学习兴趣;课堂气氛沉闷,缺少师生互动;隐性逃课率高,课堂管理松散且纪律较差;教材使用率低;学生缺乏教学实践机会。因此,未来教育学公共课的发展需要注重"师范"意识的培养,加强课堂管理;优化教学方法;鼓励编写校本教材。  相似文献   

This paper explores feminist pedagogy classroom conflict through looking at how time, in a psychoanalytic sense, can rupture straightforward interpretations of manifest classroom dynamics. I use the concept of transference to consider how classroom conflict is complicated by the reliving and replaying of past conflicts in the pedagogical arena, a dynamic that is more unwieldy in feminist pedagogies that rely on personal experience and dialogue. Conflicted classroom experience can also reappear and be repeatedly relived in fantasy; I examine how fantasy can work as an ego defence at the same time that it can be a location for learning about the conflict that produced it. Finally, I draw on Freud's concept of deferred action to explore the haunting of difficult classroom experience. My central concerns lie in the difficulties of crafting learning from feminist pedagogy conflict and of arriving at a tolerable afterwards to such conflict.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育课堂的文风,体现着老师的教学态度、学生的思想风气、学科的展开环境,对思想政治教育的效果有着重要的促进或制约作用。通过剖析目前思想政治教育课堂普遍存在的语言不实、内容不实、情感不实、信仰不实等问题,阐述了思想政治教育课堂文风的内涵与价值,很有必要从明确目标导向、树立问题意识、尊重主体地位、注重实践依归等方面转变思想政治教育课堂的文风。  相似文献   

I begin with an account of my own observation of an English lesson taught by one of my student teachers using a teaching resource, The Island, that I used myself as a new teacher more than 20 years ago and of my own responses on finding it transformed by two decades of change in educational policy and practice. It has become almost a given in academic articles on English teaching, to refer, in a sentence or two, to the reduction of the English curriculum, the narrowing of pedagogy and the loss of teacher agency due to the dominance of a high stakes assessment regime. The policy changes that have given rise to this change have been clearly analysed elsewhere, but part of my purpose here is just to look again at how it might be experienced by a particular pupil in a particular class. I am interested in analysing some of the features of The Island’s incarnation then and now, from three different angles: as it is inscribed in the project book, as I remember teaching it and as I observed it recently in a London classroom. I draw on theories of literacy and of the teaching of writing in particular in trying to account for some of the differences but beyond that, I argue that it is essential to link such theories to wider political debates about culture and to reflect back from this to the purposes of the English curriculum and culture of the English classroom.  相似文献   

“教育爱”在教育实践过程中具有相当的重要性,也理应是教育学中的一个核心性范畴,但在当今的教育学理论中却鲜少对此的直接探讨。“教育爱”是教师在教育过程中对学生所施予的一种爱,因其明确的教育性意向而具有相对独特的内涵。结合一些经典的爱的理论论述,可以使我们进一步明确爱的实质内涵及“教育爱”的独特特征。  相似文献   

近些年来,大学课堂传统讲授方式受到越来越多的指摘,甚至不乏有过时之说。其实,讲授作为最为古老的教师讲述学生听记的教学方式,在19世纪就频受质疑,20世纪中叶在"关注学生"的转向后,它逐步趋于消亡。随后,揉入了提问、演示、适量的讨论等的讲授为主形式渐成主流,但这种由教师主导的课堂教学,在以学习者为中心思潮以及广为采用的信息技术冲击下,它再次成为积极性学习的对立面。众多调查研究表明,讲授为主形式在大学本科课堂教学中依然盛行,其效果评价正反两方面的证据兼而有之。不同课程的知识属性与文化,教师与学生的观念、习惯和风格,以及课堂管理与控制中的风险规避策略等,都是讲授得以持久存续的缘由。客观而言,讲授与其他非传统方式之间并不完全相排斥,而是具有相容性。至于不同形式在时间分配上比重多少,相互之间如何实现有机融合,取决于教师的实践智慧以及他与学生之间的默契。  相似文献   

在学校教育创新视野下聚焦课堂教学改革,必须重新认识课堂教学内涵实质、研究视角及研究重点,聚焦于课堂教学若干基本问题的探讨以及研究方法的审视,通过教学改革实践的探索以实现现代课堂教学的构建。  相似文献   

现代教育的发展 ,使更多的功能完善、特点各异的现代教育媒体参与到了课堂教学中 ,所以必须更加注意各种教育媒体的组合使用 ,要综合考虑教学内容要求、学习者的状态及客观条件的允许范围等因素。多种媒体有序设计组合形式是充分发挥各种教育媒体功能的有效方式 ,也是现代教育发展的必然趋势 ,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

从教育艺术对初中课堂教学的意义出发,讨论了教师缺少课堂教育艺术性的表现,分析了教育艺术在初中课堂教学中的实施方法和手段,以促进初中课堂教学教育艺术性的提升。  相似文献   

文章结合本人在政治经济学教学中翻转课堂的实践经验,阐述了翻转课堂在政治经济学课堂教学中的应用,分析了翻转课堂在政治经济学课堂教学中所面临的挑战,并提出了相应策略,旨在推动高等教育课堂教学模式的创新,为高校教学改革提供参考方案。  相似文献   

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