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纵观西方博士教育研究史,教师指导是促进博士生学术成长的关键因素。学界研究大体聚焦在博士生指导的意义、指导关系与师生互动以及指导风格几个方面,并从学术社会化、专业发展等理论进行解释。未来研究可尝试结合知识生产、学术职业来分析博士生指导问题,并沟通政策文本与指导实践,为比较教育研究提供对情境与过程、结构与行动之间更系统和理论化的理解。  相似文献   

学务指导制度是高等学校为适应学分制教学管理制度,加强大学生学业指导、思想教育和组织管理而采取的一项新措施,是对原有学生辅导工作的一种改进。本文以笔者的亲身经历为线,从学务指导的目标和任务、学务指导工作模式、学务指导的开展及取得的成效,系统地介绍了参与学务指导的全过程,同时结合实际,指出一些制约学务指导制度发展的问题。  相似文献   

Despite the success of academic advising dashboards in several higher educational institutions (HEI), these dashboards are still under-explored in Latin American HEI's. To close this gap, three different Latin American universities adapted an existing advising dashboard, originally deployed at the KU Leuven to their own context. In all three cases, the context was the main ruling factor to these adaptations. In this paper, we describe these adaptions using a framework that focuses on four different elements of the context: Objectives, Stakeholders, Key moment and Interactions. Evaluation of the adapted dashboards in the three different Latin American universities is conducted through pilots. This evaluation shows the value of the dashboard approach in different contexts in terms of satisfaction, usefulness and impact in academic decision-making and advising tasks. The main contribution of this paper is the systematic reporting of the adaptations to an academic advising dashboard and showing the value of an academic advising dashboard on academic decision-making and advising tasks.  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了国外文献中关于建议行为本质特征的论述、建议行为语言实现方式及策略的研究,呈现了建议中的交际者权势、身份及社会距离等影响因素,归纳了语际语用学和跨文化语用学中的建议行为研究以及机构性互动中的建议研究的主要内容、研究方法及路径等。最后,对现有国外建议行为研究进行了简要评价,并针对其不足提出了建议,说明了建议行为研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

传统的大学生学业指导的单一模式都有其局限性,为培养卓越人才,应采用“面”、“线”、“点”结合的综合学业指导模式。  相似文献   

学年论文、毕业论文指导探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文核心思想是把学年论文和毕业论文看成是同一教学活动的两个相互衔接的环节,在此基础上探讨、设计学年论文和毕业论文的选题、指导、要求等方面的原则。  相似文献   

This case study explores student perceptions and experiences of advising at a New Zealand university. It considers the implications arising from the students’ responses and also investigates the influence of students’ demographic characteristics on perceptions of advice. Both first‐ (n = 191) and final‐ (n = 171) year cohorts of students were surveyed to determine why they chose particular courses, what advice they received and how aware they were of various support services. Although students were happy overall with the advice received, many had little or no expectations of the type of advice they should be receiving. The main sources of advice were the University enrolment pack, family and University School’s Liaison Officers. Academic advisers were less well used as a source of advice, even during later years of study. Advisers need to be educated about particular advising issues related to first‐generation students, part‐time students and international students. Many students had a career path in mind so it is important to provide holistic developmental academic advice that includes future career options.  相似文献   

关于宋玉的<风赋>,大多数学者认为是讽谏之作,但也有少数学者认为是"帮闲文学",二者都以<风赋>文本立论,各取所需,似乎都有所据,一时是非难辩.本文跳出了文本的樊篱,以战国时谋臣策士的进谏策略为切入点,进行了深入的分析.认为战国一代谋臣策士的"无婴人主之逆鳞"的进谏策略,影响了宋玉赋体讽谏文学的创作,从而认为宋玉的<风赋>是一篇曲折委婉的讽谏之作,作品运用了借谀而讽、由谀入讽的写作手法,其讽谏之义艺术地蕴含在"雄风"与"雌风"的对比描写之中,寄寓于发人深省的文字之外.  相似文献   

参照Locher的方法,分析在网络论坛上建议言语行为的特点.通过对其语段特征和语言特征的分析发现:在网络论坛上,大部分言语行为是由两个以下的语段实施的;在建议语段中,使用最多的句型是祈使句;建议话语大部分是以直接建议的方式给出的.  相似文献   

对明清小说序跋中的劝善惩恶说,主要从四个方面进行分析:劝善惩恶说的内涵;在小说创作中如何劝善惩恶;劝善惩恶与因果报应的关系;劝善惩恶说的价值。探讨明清小说序跋中的劝善惩恶说对提高小说序跋在小说理论史上的地位具有很大的意义。  相似文献   

This article describes an alternative method of academic advising, as opposed to the traditional faculty‐student model. The objective of the counseling liaison model is to increase the retention and graduation rates of students through linking counseling intervention strategies with developmental academic advising.  相似文献   

To enhance student success, many colleges and universities have expanded academic support services and programmatic interventions. One popular measure that has been recognized as critical to student success is academic advising. Many institutions have expanded advising by creating centralized units staffed with professional advisors who serve specific student groups. In this study, I used propensity score matching to estimate the impact of using centralized academic advising at a large metropolitan public research university on undergraduate students’ first-year GPA and second-year enrollment behavior. Using a cohort of 2,745 first-time full-time freshmen who matriculated in fall 2010, I matched students who used centralized advising with those who used no advising, over the course of two semesters. I then fit an OLS regression model to examine the impact of centralized advising on first-year GPA and a Zero Inflated Negative Binomial model to examine its impact on students’ enrollment behavior in the second year. I used these parametric results to simulate average treatment effects. Results indicated that students who used centralized academic instead of no advising experienced an increase in their first-term GPA, second-term GPA, and first-year cumulative GPA. Also, students who used centralized advising during the second term experienced a decrease in their probability of first-year attrition.  相似文献   

中国古代政治传播中存在正言直谏、巧辞谲谏两种说服模式,分别形成对抗性和支持性语境。对抗性语境中充满了恐吓性、攻击性语句,多有责难性反问句、祈使句,常用强对比性语句和否定性例证。支持性语境下说服者由挞伐对方错误转换为讲述“我”或他人的故事,由析理反驳改为隐喻叙事,多用肯定性词语和正面例证,侧重表达人性化的支持和激励。  相似文献   

Academic advising, which plays a crucial role in higher education, is often ignored and not given its due importance. This paper is an attempt to make up for this attitude. It proposes a complete system for academic advising taking into account its' multifarious aspects. In the process, the paper draws heavily on the author's experience of organising academic advising in the College of Engineering, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify and categorise factors that hinder Korean college student‐faculty interaction. Twenty‐one college students who had advising experience with faculty were interviewed. Concept mapping was used to collect, organise and interpret qualitative data through quantitative techniques. These factors were recorded on index cards, and 21 participants returned and sorted these statements into self‐defined, conceptually homogeneous categories. As a result, 45 common factors were elicited and reliably organised into four clusters, with hierarchical relationship with the faculty member (Cluster 1), time constraints (Cluster 2), doubt about (academic, personal and career) benefits of interaction (Cluster 3) and a lack of recognition of necessity (Cluster 4). According to the ratings, the most important cluster was ‘doubt about benefits of interaction’, and participants rated the ‘lack of recognition of necessity’ as the cluster most similar to their own experiences.  相似文献   

产生和流传于清末民初的长篇歌仔《过番歌》,反映的是19世纪末20世纪初来自社会底层的那部分中国东南亚移民的一段海外生存经验。他们从土地走向大海,离乡背井的亲情疏隔与骨肉离散,置身异邦的文化陌生与谋生维艰,其与中国宗法社会的孝悌观念和安土重迁的故园情结,以及对异质文化的不适和理想与现实的巨大落差,背后都潜在着激烈的文化冲突,注定了他们在饱经挫折之后选择返回故土的原点,形成了这部长篇歌仔"劝恁只厝那可度,番平千万不通行"的宿命的劝世主题。  相似文献   

This article examines how students can use the ePortfolio tool and platform to facilitate and foster increased opportunities for interactions with formal academic advisors and informal mentors. The learning documented within an ePortfolio can be especially useful as a resource for advisors and mentors who are looking not only to connect with their students in meaningful and relevant ways, but who also seek to understand their advisees' backgrounds and interests in order to better guide and support them along their academic journey. Drawing on theories from advising, mentoring, social networking, and communities of practice, the 360° folio networking framework proposed explains the enhanced advising interactions and expanded mentoring opportunities that result when applied to ePortfolios. Examples from several institutions illustrating how ePortfolios have been integrated into advising and mentoring programs are explored.  相似文献   

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