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The Colorado Partnership for Educational Renewal has created a professional development opportunity for teachers who are skilled in and committed to teaching for equity and diversity. Participants discuss benefits of their participation, especially valuing the support that crosses district and age-level boundaries.  相似文献   

The disparity between the ethnic and cultural makeup of our teaching force and the ethnic and cultural makeup of the student population demands initiatives on the part of teacher preparation programs. Preservice teachers need to learn about the various cultures of their students in order to increase communication and understanding. As preservice teachers learn about and come to understand culturally diverse students, they move toward becoming culturally responsive teachers. Through the use of ethnic children's literature and focused discussion in field experience seminars, preservice teachers increased their background knowledge about Latino children's lives and began to make connections with the students themselves.  相似文献   

This article describes and analyzes institutional and college efforts at the University of Wyoming (UW) to address diversity issues and promote multicultural perspectives in a variety of contexts. The UW college of education (COE), a focus of the article, is engaged in strategic efforts to make the preparation of teachers a university-wide responsibility. The described initiatives illustrate both successes and shortcomings in pursuit of the authors' diversity-related aims. The authors utilize Davidman's (1994) six “goals for multicultural education” as a framework to analyze and critique ongoing diversity related activities. This formative analysis is used to determine and guide future actions.  相似文献   

The need to increase the racial/ethnic diversity of the U.S. teaching force has been reported widely. This article documents the programs and practices implemented at one university to recruit and retain minority students in the teacher preparation program through the Teacher Education Advocacy Center (TEAC). The goals of the Center are to enhance the quality of the teacher education program, particularly by supporting the recruitment and preparation of students from minority groups (e.g., linguistic, cultural, racial and/or ethnic) into teaching. The practices and programs of the TEAC model meet the criteria of the four “Cs” of recruitment: concern for the various aspects of the issue and readiness to tackle them; commitment by the highest leadership to the recruitment program; collaboration among all those concerned about the problem; and creativity in program development (American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 1987).  相似文献   

This paper reports on one component of a school-university collaborative in El Paso, Texas, to create pathways to college and the teaching profession for Latino and Latina high school students. As part of the Institute for Educational Inquiry's “Diversity in Teaching and Teacher Education” initiative (1997–2000) at The University of Texas—El Paso, the authors developed a program of mentoring, professional development, college socialization, and research activities with high school students and teachers at Riverside High School's Socratic Institute (SI), an innovative, predominately Latino teacher training magnet school. This article reports on a part of the school-university collaborative that brought university faculty and Latino doctoral students into contact with high school SI students in organized research. Through surveys and semi-structured interviews, Socratic student participants reveal what they know about teaching, how they assess and make sense of teaching practice, and how they take on and articulate their identity and emerging teaching personae. Responses reveal why these Latino students choose teaching as a career, and point to the Socratic Institute as an important pre-pre-service model for the recruitment of Latino/a students to the teaching profession and college.  相似文献   

全纳教育的核心内涵就是教育公平.特殊儿童作为弱势群体中一个规模较大的群体,在其接受教育时,用全纳教育的思想指导,更有利于特殊儿童享受公平的教育权利.本文基于全纳教育视角,试图从受教育权利平等、教育过程的公平及教育结果的公平三个方面论述教育公平理念,并在此基础上提出促进全纳教育的发展是促进特殊儿童教育公平的有效途径.  相似文献   

The major thesis of this article is that the current effort at school reform unfolding throughout much of the industrialized world ‐‐ the so‐called school restructuring movement ‐‐ offers considerable promise of enhancing educational equity for students. After describing the evolution in our understanding of equity, three powerful ethics undergirding current attempts to highlight equity values in education are described. The bulk of the article then unpacks the dual strategy for enhancing equity that is embedded in the restructuring movement: (1) the rejection of the central pillars of schooling, such as behaviorally‐grounded models of learning and teaching, that have had deleterious effects on at‐risk students; and (2) the provision of an alternative infrastructure for schooling that expands educational opportunities for historically disenfranchised youth.


Spatial context supports memory retrieval in adults. To understand the development of these effects, context effects on object recognition were tested in neurotypical children ages 3 years to adulthood (n 3–6 years = 34, n 10–16 years = 32, n college age = 22) and individuals with Down syndrome (DS) ages 10–29 years (n = 21). Participants engaged in an object recognition task; objects were presented in scenes and either remained in that same scene or were removed at test. In some groups (< 4.5 years and with DS) context effects were present even though object recognition was poor. After 4.5 years, children demonstrated memory flexibility, while later in adolescence context effects reemerged, showing nonlinearity in the development of these effects.  相似文献   

Under the apartheid state, higher education was structured to maintain and reproduce the subordinate social and economic position of non-Whites. The post-apartheid higher education sector suffered from fragmentation along racial lines, a lack of sustainability, and a structural incapacity to meet the challenges of restructuring and development. After more than a decade of reform, the Ministry of Education announced the plan to restructure the higher education system, consolidating 36 institutions into 21. Institutional mergers were perhaps the most significant structural change to the higher education system since post-apartheid desegregation of universities. This article examines the role of these new higher education institutions in promoting social cohesion within the university and by extension, the society at large. The institutional functions of the new universities are evaluated on the basis of the following indicators: (a) curriculum, (b) institutional climate, (c) perception of fair treatment of all students and (d) mechanisms to adjudicate community differences. Although all these aspects of institutional functions are important, it is the perception of fair treatment across the higher education system that informs desirable behavior that can promote social cohesion in society as a whole.  相似文献   

外来民工的到来,有效缓解了城市经济发展与劳动力后备资源不足的矛盾,同时也带给全国城市300万人以上的义务教育学龄人口。在发达国家工业化的早期,农民进城后迅速转化成为了产业工人。而在当今中国,农民进城后受到种种限制、缺乏知识技能,很难尽快转变成产业工人主力,很难迅速融入城市生活,还因行政区划、地域壁垒、国统指标及其由此诱发的政绩驱动行为,使其子女不能接受基本的义务教育。对此,我们百思不得其解:外来民工劳作于全国的城市、为所在的城市贡献 GDP 和纳税。本来有权享受国民待遇,为什么还要再承担一份额外的教育收费;本是合法公民,本已成为新一代城市移民,为什么在自己祖国失去受教育权?  相似文献   

美国特许学校运动历经17余年的发展,在提高学生学习成绩、为家长提供更多教育选择方面取得了一定的成就.在新的形势下,需要通过创办新学校、关闭表现欠佳学校等策略将特许学校的发展方向转移到提高质量上来,从而推动整个公立教育系统追求卓越化的进程.  相似文献   

Research on the ways in which special needs children in Russia can more fully participate in the same educational settings as other children shows that a wide array of services and programs needs to be developed before Russia will be able to achieve significant progress in this area.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development and use of alternative reading measures that are performance based (authentic and direct), technically adequate, and help teachers make instructional decisions. Although performance assessments are promulgated as better than many traditional, published measures of achievement, few studies on technical adequacy have been conducted. We present 2 studies that focus on concurrent criterion validity and instructional decision making; the studies are framed as examples of reading measurement within the debate on whole language programs. The first study focuses on the relation of the performance measure of oral reading with several other reading measures; the second study focuses on teacher decision making, using quantitative and qualitative outcomes reflecting individual student change in performance (in reading fluency and prosody) over time. In this article, both studies are described briefly, and the emphasis of discussion is placed on appropriately evaluating programs so that the measures match the interventions (are systemically valid) and support their effec- tiveness for use with individual students.  相似文献   

Today's Ganzi Tibetan Nationality Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province was the "Sichuan Border Special Administrative Region" (chuanbian tebie xingzheng qu) at the end of the Qing dynasty and in the early years of the Nationalist Republic, and then became the Kangshu District of Kangxi Province after that province was established in the twenty-eighth year of the Republic (1939). Hence it was also called "Chuanbian," or "Kangshu." Education has time-honored origins in this district, but school education, in the modern sense, developed very late and started around the time of the Conversion and Induction [gai tu gui liu, a Qing government program to replace native headmen and assimilate the local ethnic minorities—Trans.] of the last years of the Qing dynasty. Its history may be roughly divided into three periods: the fostering of education period in the last years of the Qing dynasty, the period of decay and resurgence during the Nationalist Republic, and the period of great development in the New China.  相似文献   

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