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如何做好高职生的职业生涯规划、提高高职生的就业及适应社会的能力日益成为社会关注的焦点。本文以职业生涯规划为切入点,对在高职生的职业生涯规划中怎样融入心理键康教育,从教育内容、教学形式及师资力量的角度出发,对加强职教特色的心理健康教育的必要性提出了一些有益的见解。  相似文献   

通过采用精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自我效能感的五维度心理结构问卷,对812名高职学生进行的职业决策自我效能感与心理健康状况相关性的调查研究表明:高职学生的职业决策自我效能感越高,其心理健康水平越好。因此,在高职院校开展心理健康教育时应注重培养学生的职业决策自我效能感,这是提高学生心理健康水平、预防心理疾病的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

女大学生的心理健康状况直接影响着女大学生个性完善、智力发挥和人际交往。根据女大学生的心理特点,充分发挥艺术教育的独特性,加强艺术教育的实施,有利于提高女大学生的心理健康水平,促进其身心的全面发展,营造和谐温馨而充满活力的校园氛围。  相似文献   

高校非雕塑美术专业的雕塑课程教学改革初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,国内高校非雕塑美术专业的雕塑课教学与实际学生培养目标呈现脱节趋势。其中最为多见并且最不合理的是以美术学院雕塑系具象真人泥塑写生课程作为非雕塑美术专业雕塑课程主干,教学模式以写生模特为主。介于此,提出高校非雕塑美术专业雕塑课程教学内容可设计为,小型彩色泥塑自塑像加创意彩色泥塑和平面转浮雕训练加材料转换两大部分。这种新的教学思路,符合学生实际情况,有助于加强非雕塑美术专业学生的未来工作能力。  相似文献   

Educationalists have been concerned with the labelling and treatment of children with mental health difficulties in the education system in England for some time. These concerns have centred on the role of policy in ‘othering’ such students as deviant learners. The unprecedented number of children suffering from mental illnesses, has forced policymakers to address children’s mental health difficulties. This has involved the identification of a sub-set of the school population experiencing ‘less-severe’ mental health issues, to be addressed through a suite of policy interventions delivered by whole-school approaches, but targeted towards children situated as mentally ‘weak’. Drawing upon a Foucauldian theory of governmentality that addresses children’s behavioural motivations, an in-depth analysis of a number of educational policy initiatives related to mental health is conducted, that it is argued are fundamentally flawed. This analysis is followed by a discussion of the performative culture of High Stakes Testing in contributing to children’s mental health difficulties. Here it is argued that a narrative of mental weakness serves to justify a neoliberal rationality towards the treatment of children for whom the performative logic assumed to motivate all learners, fails.  相似文献   

职业在个体一生的发展中占有举足轻重的地位,对职业成熟度的研究有利于针对高职生开展职业心理辅导工作。以闽西职业技术学院为例,在高职“双困生”开展积极有效的团体职业生涯辅导能有效提升高职“双困生”的心理健康程度,进而帮助高职“双困生”清晰生涯目标,充分增强自我动机,加强生涯决策能力,切实提升职业成熟度。  相似文献   

为了考察军校学员和一般大学生关于军人的内隐刻板印象状况以及军校学员的军人内隐刻板印象和自我和谐的关系,以军校学员和一般大学生为被试,使用内隐联想测验(IAT)程序测查内隐刻板印象,并采用《自我和谐量表》测查军校学员自我和谐状况。结果发现:1.军校学员和一般大学生在内隐联想测验中不相容条件下的反应时都显著高于相容反应时。2.军校学员和一般大学生的内隐联想测验的效应值存在显著性差异。3.自我和谐量表中的自我刻板性分量表得分能显著预测内隐联想测验效应值。两类大学生对军人的刻板印象均存在内隐性;刻板印象在群体内外强度是不同的,群体内强度显著高于群体外强度;军校学员的自我和谐量表中的自我刻板性得分对其职业的内隐刻板印象具有预测作用。  相似文献   

Popular media such as films, television programmes/commercials and magazines have become the dominant source through which children learn about others and their world, develop attitudes and beliefs as manifested in media expressions, and formulate their sense of identity. Popular media have enormous influence on children who are constantly immersing themselves in value‐laden media images that perpetuate over‐generalised representations of cultural groups, in particular, lesbian and gay stereotypes. By critically examining media images in the art room, media literacy art education offers art teachers and their students an opportunity to nurture their aesthetic sensibilities, social awareness and the media literacy necessary to resist and challenge prejudiced, dehumanised or unjust social practices. This article explores issues of lesbian and gay stereotypes in the media, and proposes using media images as a pedagogical device to help students deconstruct them.  相似文献   

High rates of mental illness among students and discontinuation with university studies are regularly reported. The current study sought to explore relationships between motivation, university adaptation and indicators of mental health and well-being and academic performance of 184 first-year university students (73% female, mean age?=?19.3 years). As expected, intrinsic motivation was associated with greater subjective well-being, meaning in life and academic performance. Extrinsic motivations showed few relationships to outcome variables, while amotivation was consistently associated with poor outcomes. Hierarchical regression revealed that after accounting for adjustment, motivational orientations provided a small, though significant, contribution to the prediction of outcomes. These results are discussed in relation to Self-Determination Theory, the eudaimonic/hedonic dichotomy and implications for career counselling and teaching.  相似文献   

目的:对大学新生进行心理健康测试,以了解新生的心理健康状况,有针对性地开展心理健康教育及心理咨询工作。方法:采用SCL-90对4966名新生进行心理症状的自评测试。结果:大学新生心理问题检出率为2.3%,整体心理健康水平高于全国常模水平,男生心理健康水平高于女生,民办独立学院学生心理健康水平高于本院学生,艺体科学生心理健康水平高于理科学生,理科学生心理健康水平高于文科学生。  相似文献   

文章探讨大学生择业效能感和职业性别刻板印象的现状以及二者之间的关系,采用择业效能感量表、职业性别刻板印象问卷对贵州省674名大学生进行测试。结果表明:(1)大学生择业效能感在年级、性别因素上均存在差异;(2)大学生的职业性别刻板印象在性别上存在显著的差异,而年级差异不显著;(3)职业性别刻板印象与择业效能感各维度及总体均呈显著正相关;(4)职业性别刻板印象对择业效能总体及自我评价、选择目标、制定计划等三个维度均具有显著的正向预测作用。(5)专业满意度和是否为班干部对大学生择业效能也具有显著的正向预测作用。  相似文献   

心理健康教育在当今社会,特别是高校学生工作中已受到越来越多的关注,而美术疗法即绘画疗法作为心理艺术治疗的方法之一也逐渐得到人们的认可与社会的推广。美术专业大学生作为当代大学生群体中一个特殊的群体,其心理素质构成也必然有其特殊性,这就要求心理健康教育工作势必要遵循这一特殊性加以引导。文章将从美术疗法产生的渊源出发,探讨美术疗法在美术专业大学生克服人际交往障碍心理健康教育工作中这一具有特殊性的应用问题。  相似文献   

Towards the end of their secondary education, students face significant pressures in their decision about their career plan. These pressures are internal and external, personal and social, individual and from the reference group. This paper aims at understanding the reasons driving engineering students’ choices, their perceived needs and aspirations. Moreover, it discusses how, in that process, students are constrained by family and friends and are conditioned by factors such as their socioeconomic and cultural background, employability prospects and gender. The construction of a career map/plan and the reasons and motivations for the option of an engineering career are reviewed, based on the qualitative analysis of students’ discourses. The data indicate the relevance of several criteria such as social status, intelligence, gender, competences, values and interests in the construction of career aspirations. All these levels are highly influenced by self-esteem, which is closely related to the social value of training options and career paths.  相似文献   

In architectural design education, the main objective is to help students, especially first‐year students, improve their design ideas, creativity, perception of three dimensions and ways of expressing them. Thus, as an embedded concept in architecture, art has been emphasized here as a design method. In other words, the necessary help to enable students to think more freely has been provided by ceramic art. The concept dealt with in this article is an interdisciplinary approach to space design as an experimental method in design education. Just as fine art students are inspired from the principles of architecture, clay, as basic material to fine art students, makes a creative material and design tool for architecture students. A workshop was organised in the design courses by the first author, the instructor, for the first‐ and third‐year architecture students. The second author, a ceramics artist and lecturer, has participated in the workshop as a visiting instructor and contributed with her own studies related to space, house, building and materials.  相似文献   

运用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自编问卷,对某高校2012级200(护理男生100,护理女生100)名新生进行调查,结果表明:男护生心理健康总体水平偏低;男护生在强迫因子、人际因子和抑郁因子上的得分显著高于女护生的得分(P0.05或P0.01);护理专业男生普遍对护理专业不满意,担心个人发展和前景,专业思想不稳定现象严重。在此基础上得出结论:护理专业男生心理健康水平偏低,专业思想不够稳定,建议采取相关措施促进其心理健康水平的提高,增强其专业思想的稳定性。  相似文献   

In this article, results are presented from a large‐scale online survey about the motivations of career change students, and their beliefs about the attributes that they bring to the teaching profession. The findings revealed that career changers' motivations were largely intrinsic, although pragmatic decisions were also important, with perceived family‐friendliness of a teaching career a common response. These findings generally support findings of previous research into motivations to teach, as found in the literature. The data examined in this paper also revealed that career change entrants believed that the most important attributes they bring to teaching are life experiences, generic workplace skills and experience, and personal qualities, rather than specific content knowledge. These findings provide support for the continued targeting of career change people into the profession, particularly in the current policy context in which some stakeholders express concerns about a perceived lack of quality of teaching in Australian schools.  相似文献   

A particular political and social mindset toward mental health support has impacted how and why people seek counseling and therapy in Ukraine. Although a relatively small and developing field, art therapy is beginning to provide a means for assisting cultural and identity development for young adult Ukrainians during a time of civil and political unrest. Cross culturally, art therapy has been found to assist young people in developing a healthy self-concept by providing them with a realistic and less defensive view of themselves and their environment. This paper evaluates the development of art therapy in Ukraine, and examines the practice of art therapy with undergraduate Ukrainian students. First, it details findings from a questionnaire with university students to determine their perception of art therapy. Analysis of these findings resulted in identifying their level of satisfaction toward art therapy, and common reasons why art therapy was sought. Second, the article provides a brief vignette to demonstrate how art therapy was used with undergraduate university students to assist with processing negative memories associated with living under the Soviet era. Finally, the article concludes with a discussion about how to tailor art therapy so that instead of being perceived as a cure it promotes self-care, thereby helping overcome the stigma associated with seeking therapeutic services.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查和数理统计等研究方法,探讨、分析云南省白族大学生的体育锻炼行为特征与心理健康之间的关系.结果表明:白族与汉族大学生相比心理问题检出率和各因子分差异均无统计学意义;白族大学生参加体育锻炼动机呈现多元化特征;白族大学生体育人口数百分比高于全国高校水平;不同锻炼动机的白族大学生心理健康效益显著;对大学生的心理健康的干预,要采取多元化的手段,使体育锻炼对大学生的心理健康效益达到最佳.  相似文献   

加强心理健康教育是高校培养德智体美劳社会主义建设者和接班人的重要路径,在大学生健康成长过程中发挥重要的作用。高职院校二级学院对建设高质量的心理健康教育工作平台存在认识不足、措施不力、成效不佳等问题。通过实践和研究,提出必须在二级学院建设功能完备、机制健全、运维有序、富有实效的心理健康教育工作站,促进学生身心健康,全面发展。  相似文献   

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