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Because of a dearth of experience in preventing suicide in diverse student populations, Pace University developed a multicultural suicide prevention kit. This article details the process used to develop the kit. The rationale for approaching suicide prevention in a culturally competent manner is presented, and methods used to gain culture-specific phenomena that impact the mental health of diverse students are discussed. It is hoped this kit will encourage other colleges and universities to enhance their own suicide prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Recently, community coalitions have grown in size, scope, and popularity in response to increasing demands for community-based involvement. Despite this trend, little is known about the ubiquitous role communication plays in the creation of community coalition missions, goals, and enactment practices. In addition, few studies have focused on the symbolic discourse of vital, active community groups. This study examines how coalition members have symbolically converged around a shared vision, which has unintentionally affected group sustenance. Fantasy theme analysis identifies two distinct visions in competition with one another, highlighting possible group dysfunction and decline. This communicative analysis of the group's symbolic life, coupled with a practical look into group effectiveness, bridges the gap between functionalist and interpretive approaches to studying organizational groups.  相似文献   

孙刘联盟是在曹操大兵压境的严峻形势下孙权、刘备采取的权宜之计。长远而论,联盟与双方的争霸图谋相冲突。联盟在鲁肃、诸葛亮的全力、倾心推动下形成,势必随着他们不能掌握局面或离世而出现波折。孙权、刘备及其部属于联盟多无诚意,但联盟破裂应归罪于孙权、吕蒙而非刘备、关羽。吴、蜀后期的"盟好"关系尽管是因为"蜀弱吴孤"和吴国国政混乱不得已而为之,但"掎角之势"仍然保障了三分局面的相对稳定和吴、蜀向南方、"南中"发展。与历史上众多的国家或政治集团之间的所谓联盟相比,孙刘联盟产生过重大影响,是维持时间长、有过真诚合作的代表。  相似文献   


This paper explores the vocabulary and frameworks offered by two theories of public policy process: the advocacy coalition framework (ACF) and the narrative policy framework (NPF) and what they offer to the study of global education reform. The foci of ACF are policy subsystems, formation of advocacy coalitions around policy issues, and their impact on policy change; the emphasis of NPF is the divergent narratives developed and used by these coalitions. This paper reviews each theoretical framework, summarizes existing research literature on their education policy applications, and then poses alternative questions and suggest alternatives to study global education policies, especially those presently critiqued using the term neoliberal which we position as nebulous in its current usage. The aim is to open channels of communication for scholars from different disciplines by introducing different theoretical approaches to analyse the role of the numerous elements that shape global education policy.  相似文献   

International concern about youth suicide has led to a growing consensus that schools are a potentially important location for suicide prevention efforts. The present study investigated the experiences and perceptions of teachers regarding a role in youth suicide prevention through semi-structured interviews which were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Three themes are reported which contribute to an understanding of the construction of teacher efficacy in relation to a role in suicide prevention: baseline mastery, threats to efficacy and tension between personal and professional identities. The results indicate a mix of positive and negative experiences relating to personal, process and systemic factors. Positive elements were associated with the pastoral role. Negative experiences related to referral pathways and broader systems of care. Implications for the development of school-based suicide prevention programmes and for conceptualising processes of change in school systems are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assesses short-term and long-term learning outcomes of Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) suicide prevention training in a college setting. Two hundred seventy-three participants completed pretest, posttest, and follow-up surveys regarding suicide prevention knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Results indicated: (a) increases in suicide prevention knowledge, attitudes, and skills both from the pretest to the posttest and from the pretest to the follow-up test on 8 items (warning signs, how to ask about suicide, influencing help-seeking, how to get help, knowledge of local resources, talking about resources, accompanying person to get help, and calling a crisis line); and (b) short-term increases on 2 items (suicide prevention facts and appropriateness of asking about suicide). Implications for campus-wide suicide prevention efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

With the high prevalence of college students experiencing psychological distress, it is becoming increasingly important to provide prevention and early intervention programs in addition to traditional psychological counseling services. This study examined the effectiveness of a suicide prevention program led by peer educators/trainers on a diverse college campus. Twenty-five suicide prevention workshops were conducted with 479 attendees. Preworkshop and postworkshop assessments revealed significant improvements in participants’ knowledge of suicide and resources. Recommendations for campus-wide suicide prevention efforts using diverse peer educators that reflect the students’ demographic and cultural background, recruitment strategies, and utilization of outreach programming in suicide prevention.  相似文献   

This study examines associations between the quality of the interparental relationship and how well 68 family triads (mother, father, preadolescent son) solved salient problems which arose at home. Four aspects of the interparental relationship (marital satisfaction, parental agreement, conflict during family problem solving, and parental coalitions) were included in a regression analysis which controlled for family structure and child externalizing. A longitudinal design assessed families when mean child age was 9.7 years and 2 years later. Parental agreement consistently facilitated family problem solving. However, strong parental coalitions inhibited family problem solving, which may be attributed to frustrated autonomy needs of preadolescent males in response to the parental coalition. Stepfamilies had less effective problem solving at Time 1. The results confirm the benefits of parental agreement to child outcomes via enhanced family problem solving but show a reverse effect when agreement occurs in the context of coalitions against a preadolescent son.  相似文献   

As the second leading cause of death for adolescents, suicide is a major concern for school personnel. School psychologists' training in mental health makes them well-positioned to lead in suicide prevention efforts; however, studies have shown a lack of preparedness in crisis intervention and, more specifically, suicide risk assessment. This study surveyed practicing school psychologists (N = 92) to explore their perception of both their role and competency in suicide risk assessment. Suicide risk assessment was defined as a broad term pertaining to any measures taken in suicide prevention, intervention, or postvention. The majority of school psychologists reported having a primary role at the tertiary level (i.e., intervening with a student identified as needing help). Participants indicated lacking adequate graduate preparation; however, most participants were confident in their knowledge of suicide and suicide risk assessment and were comfortable identifying and intervening with a student who is suicidal. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

There is increasingly strong evidence that children with disabilities are at higher risk for maltreatment when compared to children without disabilities. There is also concern about the adequacy of child welfare services for children and parents with disabilities, particularly those disabilities that result in a communication impairment. This article describes a successful community practice effort in Los Angeles County that resulted in the establishment of a comprehensive array of linguistically and culturally competent child abuse prevention and treatment services for the maltreated deaf child and for the deaf parent at risk for child abuse perpetration. Social movement theory is used to analyze a change effort that was developed and implemented by a broad coalition of members of the Deaf and hearing communities. Elements of the problem, social movement theory, the coalition, the change strategy, and the results are described.  相似文献   

The development and implementation of a new school‐based suicide prevention education programme in one secondary school in Vancouver, British Columbia, recently provided us with an opportunity to conduct an in‐depth, qualitative case study. The purpose of our study was to deepen our understanding of how school‐based suicide prevention education programmes like this one get planned and enacted in particular, local settings. We argue that the narrow range of methodologies that have traditionally been deployed to study school‐based youth suicide prevention education programmes have hindered our ability to see the complexities and potentialities of this work. Through the presentation of a sub‐set of findings, we aim to show the possibilities for fresh thinking and contextualized understandings that a qualitative case study, informed by a constructionist methodology, invites.  相似文献   

犯罪性自杀既是一种自杀行为,又是一种犯罪行为。犯罪性自杀有报复型犯罪性自杀、怜悯型犯罪性自杀和教型犯罪性自杀。在实践中应注意区分犯罪性自杀与犯罪自杀、犯罪性自杀与自杀性违法犯罪的界限。防治犯罪性自杀,刑罚的效果是微不足道的,应着眼于消除促使其产生的各种因素。  相似文献   


Institutions of higher education and their counseling centers are under intense pressure to prevent student suicide. This article proposes that routinely using threat assessment and management teams in working with suicidal students would add value to existing suicide prevention efforts. The unique features of threat assessment and management provide several advantages over traditional clinical intervention. First and foremost, the majority of students who die of suicide do not seek services from campus counseling centers. These students may, nonetheless, come to the attention of campus constituents in a number of ways and may readily be referred to a threat assessment and management team. For students who are clients of the counseling center, a campus should still activate a threat assessment and management process. In this way, threat assessment and management may be useful for students who refuse to seek help as well as in providing assistance when students are engaged in treatment. Nonetheless, higher education in general and counseling centers in particular have not engaged in a standard practice of involving threat assessment and management teams with students who present at risk for suicide. Limitations to clinical approaches for suicide prevention are reviewed in contrast with the complementary advantages of threat assessment and management as applied to suicidal students. Regularly including threat assessment and management in working with suicidal students in higher education may provide synergy in improving the likelihood of desirable outcomes in preventing suicides.  相似文献   

我国建设世界一流大学的政策经历了从重点建设到协同创新共五个阶段的变迁历程,根据倡议联盟框架的分析,不同的倡议联盟在建设世界一流大学的政策中都会拥有不同的政策参与者和信念体系,以中央政府为核心的倡议联盟在政策制定中发挥着主导作用。基于此,建设世界一流大学应从信念重组和制度重构两个方面入手:一方面,重组建设世界一流大学的政策信念体系,回归世界一流大学的本质属性和精神内核;另一方面,重构世界一流大学的制度安排,把大学治理结构的构建作为切入点来为世界一流大学的建设构筑新路径。  相似文献   

Collaborative efforts and coalitions have replaced exclusivity as birth organizations and individuals unite to humanize birth and provide women with transparency of information about maternity care providers and facilities and about access to the midwifery model of care. The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services and the upcoming 2010 "Mega Conference" to jointly celebrate the 50th anniversaries of Lamaze International and the International Childbirth Education Association serve as excellent examples of collaborative efforts to support natural, safe, and healthy birth practices as well as women's choices in childbirth. Childbirth educators are encouraged to learn from and support national coalitions devoted to improving maternity care and to use local resources to develop their own collaborative efforts on behalf of childbearing families.  相似文献   

在查阅相关文献资料的基础上,从心理学的角度针对青年农民工自杀的相关影响因素及预防策略进行了分析汇总。结合富士康跳楼事件,提出了缺乏自我价值认同、自我角色混乱、缺乏社会支持系统及"维特效应"与青年农民工的自杀密切相关。预防青年农民工自杀需要政府、企业、家庭、心理卫生中心等机构的通力配合。  相似文献   

Directors and coordinators (n = 75) of graduate programs in school psychology approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) were surveyed regarding their training practices in suicide risk assessment. Respondents viewed the assessment of suicide risk as an important part of graduate instruction, and most believed that students completing training at their institutions would be adequately prepared to perform this task. Almost all directors indicated that a portion of class lectures was dedicated to addressing child/adolescent suicide risk assessment, and students were reportedly exposed to this topic in multiple courses, particularly those associated with practicum and internship. Students in doctoral and nondoctoral programs received comparable training and were judged to be equally prepared to perform suicide‐related professional activities in the schools. Gaps in training were revealed involving instruction in the use of quantitative measures of risk, large‐scale suicide prevention efforts, interventions with suicidal youth, and postvention activities.  相似文献   

Suicidal behavior in children and youth continues to be a major public health problem in the United States. School personnel have a legal and ethical obligation to recognize and respond to the mental health needs of their students and to take steps to ensure their safety. In this exploratory study, suicide risk assessment practices of three large school districts were examined. More than 3,400 suicide risk assessments were conducted in these districts during the 3 years considered. The results indicate that all three districts have implemented suicide prevention programs that include risk‐assessment practices in an effort to reduce suicidality. Suicides risk assessments were conducted with at least one child in each grade from kindergarten through 12th in each district, occurring most frequently at the middle school level. Differences by gender were noted in terms of level of risk and hospitalizations, but no significant differences were observed based on race/ethnicity. These risk assessment efforts of these three districts appear to be promising in preventing suicides: none of the students who were assessed went on to commit suicide. Implications for school‐based practices and training are discussed.  相似文献   

自杀现象的存在论视域包括对自杀者存在、自杀者是什么、自杀者如何自杀等问题的分析和研究。文章旨在从哲学层面揭示自杀现象的本质及形成机制,以探讨和构建行之有效的自杀干预及预防理论和措施。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析调查精神病人院外自杀死亡的各种因素,降低自杀死亡率.方法:回顾性调查研究2000-2003年间经住院治疗出院后的院外自杀死亡的24例精神病人的病种、病程、自杀方式、年龄、季节、文化程度及各种生理、心理、社会因素.结果:自杀以男性多见,年龄在20-30岁和40-50岁两个年龄段,文化程度以初中及以下多见,住院2-3次多见,职业以农民多见,疾病种类以精神分裂症多见,自杀方式以服大量抗精神病药多见,自杀春夏季高于秋冬季.自杀因素有社会环境、家庭、疾病影响,药物副反应及其它等.结论:精神病人院外自杀预防应以社会、家庭、医生共同参与帮助为较好途径,早期发现,早期干预和治疗是减少自杀死亡的关键.  相似文献   

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