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The difference in attitudes toward online video counseling and face‐to‐face counseling and the relationship between stigma and these attitudes were investigated among a sample of 588 college students. Attitudes toward face‐to‐face counseling are more favorable compared with those toward online video counseling. However, self‐stigma does not influence attitudes toward online video counseling to the same extent as face‐to‐face counseling. Services delivered through online video counseling may be beneficial for those experiencing higher levels of stigma.  相似文献   


Although college student mental health concerns are on the rise, many struggling students do not seek psychological treatment when needed. Stigma toward psychological treatment has been demonstrated to influence intent to seek treatment in college student populations. This study aimed to identify factors that predict treatment stigma in college students by examining other forms of student-held stigma, parent-held stigma, and mental health literacy. Results indicated that student-held personal, perceived, and self-stigma all predicted student attitudes toward treatment, while parent-held personal stigma was found to predict self-stigma in students. Those individuals who had received previous education about psychological disorders had lower levels of personal stigma, and, surprisingly, higher levels of self-stigma. Implications for campus outreach programming are discussed.  相似文献   

Stigma is a powerful force in preventing university students with mental health difficulties from gaining access to appropriate support. This paper reports on an exploratory study of university students with mental health difficulties that found most students did not disclose their mental health problems to staff at university. This was primarily due to fear of discrimination during their studies and in professional employment. Many students went to considerable efforts to hide their mental health condition and in doing so struggled to meet university requirements. Of the minority who did disclose, most received helpful assistance with both their studies and management of their mental health condition. The university was the main source of support services including counselling, disability, student union and housing. A range of measures are required to address the impact of stigma and mental health to empower students so that they can disclose in the confidence that they will be treated fairly.  相似文献   

在以户籍制度为主导的资源分配和地方治理逻辑下,通过知识精英、大众传媒的符号生产及城市居民的社会标签运作,农民工子女负面刻板印象被固化,导致其地位受损,出现内化污名倾向。面对污名,农民工子女的应对策略包括:建立新的社会分类标准,区别和离弃所属群体,认同并模仿强势群体,以及辨认和展示自我优势。农民工子女身份污名的消除需要从个体、群体以及社会与制度多层面综合介入。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate adolescents’ perspectives on mental healthcare services. Based on theoretical perspectives concerning barriers for help-seeking, individual interviews were carried out in order to obtain the adolescents’ perspectives on knowledge of services for mental health problems, potential barriers for help-seeking, and services to which they have access. The sample consisted of vocational students from an upper secondary school in the southwest of Norway (= 8). None of the informants was currently in treatment for mental health problems. Interview data were transcribed and analysed with the assistance of NVivo Software. Qualitative content analysis indicated that the adolescents have limited knowledge of available resources, and, that stigma-related factors may prevent the adolescents from seeking help for mental health problems. Future directions for delivering mental health services for adolescents are given.  相似文献   

新时期大学生心理健康教育和咨询机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校在校生规模的不断扩大,学校心理健康教育和咨询工作也愈发显得尤为重要。在危机干预四级网络架构的基础上,构建了"四级二线三基点"的大学生心理健康教育和咨询立体工作体系,强化了"心理健康教育"、"心理咨询服务"、"心理危机干预"三个基础服务功能,建立起了高校内部各个心理危机干预单元。  相似文献   

This article explores variations in mental health and service utilization across academic disciplines using a random sample of undergraduate and graduate students (N = 64,519) at 81 colleges and universities. We report prevalence of depression, anxiety, suicidality, and self-injury, and rates of help-seeking across disciplines, including results from multivariate logistic regressions. We find significant variations: Students in humanities and art and design are significantly more likely to have mental health problems; and for students with apparent mental health problems, treatment rates are lowest among those in business and engineering. Noting these variations could enhance efforts to promote student mental health, particularly within academic departments.  相似文献   

本文论述了当代大学生面对心理困扰时,教师如何通过课堂教学使学生获得寻求专业性心理帮助的途径,并协助学生树立主动寻求心理帮助的正确态度,提高大学生心理健康水平。  相似文献   

In this study, 86 mental health professionals employed in university counseling centers in the United States were surveyed on their attitudes toward discussing religious and spiritual topics and toward using religious and spiritual practices in counseling. These participants viewed the use and discussion of spiritual topics/practices more favorably than the use and discussion of religious topics/practices. Differences in attitudes toward specific topics and practices are reported, as are implications for practice.  相似文献   


This study compared the delivery of psychological services at a university counseling center after an interval of almost 40 years in a partial replication of an earlier study at the same center. The results indicate that the changes that have occurred in service delivery reflect more the transitions in the culture of the university than trends in mental health treatment.  相似文献   

大学生心理健康问题是一个突出的社会问题,本文就大学生心理健康咨询的意义、常见的心理问题及大学生心理障碍的影响因素进行了阐述,对做好大学生心理健康咨询工作应注意事项进行了介绍.为咨询者提供了一些可行的方法和意见。  相似文献   


This empirically based study sought to discover factors underlying diverse sources of information used to inform therapy practice, perceived salience of sources of evidence for clinical practice, importance of common factors to therapy efficiency, and beliefs about evidence-based practice, particularly in the form of evidence-supported treatments (ESTs). The investigation also sought to uncover possible relationships between a variety of individually based demographics and institutionally based demographics and their possible relationship to factors underlying these diverse sources of information. A number of interesting findings emerged.  相似文献   

This brief report was designed as a follow-up to a study that found that compared to nontransfer students that presented to the counseling center, transfer students who presented to the counseling center endorsed higher levels of symptoms of depression and social anxiety, as well as more academic and family problems. The current study investigated mental health differences within the transfer student population based on when (i.e., this semester; last semester; last year; 2 years ago; more than 2 years ago) and from where (i.e., community college vs. 4-year institution) students transferred. There were no significant differences based on when and from where students transferred. However, these findings still may be clinically meaningful and implications are presented.  相似文献   

采用随机分配实验班对照班前后测的实验设计,对40名大二学生进行团体心理辅导干预实验研究。实验研究结果表明,与对照班相比,采用心理讲座+团体训练+心灵茶座+自创报刊的综合团体心理干预方式可以显著改善实验班大学生心理健康理念及其状况,并且干预后间隔2个月有延续效应。这说明,综合性团体心理辅导干预对于改善大学生心理健康理念及状况是有效的。  相似文献   


Although University Counseling Centers continue to report increased rates of served students, those who hold marginalized identities continue to be underrepresented. Many factors may contribute to such discrepancies, including stigma, access, and trust in providers. College students across the nation have recently called for an increase in the number of professionals who identify as racially/ethnically diverse. The current article reviews one university’s response to their own students’ call for action, and particularly explores how the program was implemented and its associated costs and benefits. Considerations for other university administrators seeking to employ similar methods are discussed.  相似文献   

This article sought to examine the differences between transfer and nontransfer students on mental health factors, social involvement, and academic success. It was found that transfer students had significantly higher scores on several mental health factors as compared to nontransfer students. It was also found that transfer students were less involved in athletics and campus organizations, but engaged in more work hours per week. Finally, results indicated that the transfer students were not experiencing significant differences in their academic performance compared to nontransfer students. Future research should examine these differences to better understand the impact of the transition and adjustment of transferring to a new institution.  相似文献   

高校教师心理健康水平与体育锻炼关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章以陕西省高校教师为被试,运用心理测试法、文献资料法、调查伺卷法和数理统计法等,对其心理健康的状况进行调查,并对心理健康与体育锻炼之间的关系进行了初步分析,为提高高校教师的心理健康水平提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

研究以683名大学生为被试,采用问卷法考察其自我效能感与学业求助的关系。结果表明:当前大学生自我效能感水平中等偏上,学业求助呈中等水平。在性别上,女生比男生表现出更多的工具性求助行为;在年级上,大三学生表现出最少的执行求助行为;在学校类型上,非师范生比师范生表现出更多的学业求助行为以及工具性求助行为;在专业上,艺术生的自我效能感高于文科生和理科生,其回避求助行为高于文科生和理科生。大学生的自我效能感对其学业求助行为有显著的正向预测作用,对学业求助行为中的工具性求助和执行性求助有正向预测作用,对回避求助没有预测作用。结论:大学生的工具性求助行为受性别、学校类型影响,执行性求助受年级影响,自我效能感和回避求助受专业类型影响;研究结果支持"脆弱假说"。  相似文献   

Asian international and native born Caucasian students indicated the source of help they would go to first if they had a personal problem; rated the importance of four counselor characteristics: ethnicity, university degree, age, and gender; and completed Fischer and Turner's scale of attitudes about seeking professional psychological help. There was no difference between Asian and Caucasian Students in the sources of help they would seek. Asian students indicated it was more important that a conselor be or similar ethnicity and older. There were no ethnic differences in attitudes toward professional help. Women were no ethnic differences in attituses toward professional help. Women were more likely to report indicate a need for help regardless of ethnic group. Caucasian women were more tolerant of the stigma of being a client, likely to report interpersonal openness, and to express confidence in mental health practitioners than Asian women or men form either group. Colleges should consider the use of older paraprofessional counselors of the same nationality as interantional student clients.  相似文献   

基于理论和现实的判断,联合国教科文组织曾提出这样一个观点:健康的一半是心理.因而,在大学生健康发展教育中,对心理健康的关注将是必然的选择.在教育的过程中,面对学生的思想情绪和心理健康方面的问题,我们也有必要把人文关怀和心理疏导贯穿、渗透、体现于工作的各个方面,加强交流沟通,进行及时帮助.  相似文献   

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