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汉语言文学专业素质培养探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育思想范域中的一个重要内容就是素质培养问题。素质是一个人内在的思想、学识等因素和外在行为、能力等因素融合为一的整体性体现,可分为行为素质和能力素质两个方面。从这个意义上讲,可将"写"(文章写作)、"说"(口头表达)、"书"(汉字书写)三方面的能力作为高校汉语言文学专业学生基本能力素质的培养取向,并具体分解为五个方面:公开发表一篇文章、能说一口比较标准的普通话、能写一笔规范且较美观的钢笔行书字、阅读100部以上的参考书、听一些专业课之外的课并写出有关论文。在制定这样的能力素质培养方案时,应确立素质与能力融而为一的整体性观念,充分注意其规则域限性、实施和考核的可操作性、教师和学生的全面参与性以及结合相关的社会力量等问题。  相似文献   

当前高师历史学教育专业使用的中国近代史教材的现状存在一些问题。本文仅就横向———与该专业其他主干课程的教材联系不够、纵向———该教材自身更新太慢两方面来对现存问题做一些探析 ,提出在进行教材改革时应注意的问题和相应的建议 ,以期推动高等师范院校课程的全面改革  相似文献   

素描与油画是高校美术专业的两门课程。本文对两门课程之间的关系进行了探讨,提出学生在风格与个性的培养上,应贯彻两门课教学过程的始终。  相似文献   

高校网络教育规划浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从高校网络教育发展现状出发,认为目前高校网络教育建设普遍存在着功能不完备和缺乏整体规划等问题。因此,针对这些问题,分析了学校网络教学的多种方式,并进一步从管理的角度出发,提出了一套发展网络教育系统的规划和网络课程的设想。  相似文献   

All students beginning either the two-year National High School or the one-year Preliminary Year program in Papua New Guinea in 1980 undertook a test of formal operational thought at the beginning of their programs. At the end of the programs they undertook the same test again. Piagetian cognitive levels obtained were compared with grades in science courses. Results showed: (1) considerable numbers of students at a “transitional” level on each occasion, (2) low correlations between cognitive level and science grades, and (3) significant development in levels of cognitive thought during the National High School program. It is suggested that a knowledge of the cognitive level of students could be of particular value to teachers at this stage.  相似文献   

“荆公新学”是王安石变法的理论基础。在变法期间,王安石对选拔人才、培养人才的科举与教育亦非常重视。关于科举制的改革,可以概括为“变声律为议论,变墨义为大义”;关于教育学校的改革,首先是立太学三舍法,其次是设立武学、律学、医学等专科学校,在培养学生的方法上,注意到理论与实践的统一。  相似文献   

作为大学老师,为了达到好的教学效果,我们必须能够做好两项活动,既要做好课程设计,又要做好师生互动.就这两项活动而言,我们的课程设计能力常常是制约因素.《创造意义深远的学习经历:大学课程整合设计方案》一书作者,美国奥克拉荷马大学教学发展项目部主任迪·芬克博士撰写了一份大学课程设计的自学指南,旨在给大家介绍一套系统有效的课程设计程式,帮助大家学会怎样进行课程设计.指南包括课程整合设计的三个主要阶段,每阶段包括开篇的介绍性评价,读者可以加以使用的工作簿,以及读者在课程设计过程中可以对自己提出的一些问题,以对自己的设计实践进行推敲.  相似文献   

Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) conducted a two‐year follow‐up of its developmental mathematics students. The students left a statistical path that led to some important implications about the efficiency of VWCC's program and that identified some variables and relationships that other developmental educators may want to investigate. Some major findings were: (1) Blacks and males enrolled in and failed developmental mathematics at significantly higher rates than whites and females. (2) Female instructors exhibited significantly higher pass rates than male instructors, and there appeared to be an interaction between the sex of the instructors and the sex of the students. (3) The developmental program effectively prepared its graduates for all of the college level mathematics courses except business mathematics. (4) The pass rates of the developmental teachers varied significantly, but there was no correlation between their pass rates and the college level success rates of their graduates.  相似文献   

作为大学老师,为了达到好的教学效果,我们必须能够做好两项活动,既要做好课程设计,又要做好师生互动。就这两项活动而言,我们的课程设计能力常常是制约因素。《创造意义深远的学习经历:大学课程整合设计方案》一书作者,美国奥克拉荷马大学教学发展项目部主任迪.芬克博士撰写了一份大学课程设计的自学指南,旨在给大家介绍一套系统有效的课程设计程式,帮助大家学会怎样进行课程设计。指南包括课程整合设计的三个主要阶段,每阶段包括开篇的介绍性评价,读者可以加以使用的工作簿,以及读者在课程设计过程中可以对自己提出的一些问题,以对自己的设计实践进行推敲。  相似文献   

This article explores alternative routes into further education, and the subsequent attainment of qualifications, for people who experience barriers as a result of a learning difficulty and/or disability. The two distinct avenues considered at the outset were the use of information technology (supported, where necessary, by adaptive technology) and the implementation of more flexible approaches to learning. Robert Bevan undertook the research reported here in a college in the East Midlands as part fulfilment of his MA (Action Inquiry) at Nottingham Trent University. As he engaged in more depth with students and their views via questionnaire and interview, this researcher began to construct a more subtle and student-centred map of the possibilities.  相似文献   

The authors examined the impact of a mandatory, coeducational sexual assault prevention program on college freshmen's rape myth attitudes. Data from 174 college freshmen required to attend the program indicated that, regardless of gender, the proposed sexual assault prevention program significantly decreased participants' rape myth acceptance attitudes. Implications of the findings for college counselors and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes an exploratory evaluation of a rape prevention program targeted toward fraternity members. The program is based on the Men Against Violence (L. Hong, 2000a) model, which emphasizes the association between male role socialization and sexual aggression. Implications for college counselors who conduct rape prevention programs are provided.  相似文献   

When the topic of sexual assault is presented in high school and college health courses, it is mostly from a prevention perspective. Rarely do such courses include the mental and emotional health issues suffered by the rape survivor. Knowledge about rape trauma syndrome helps significant people in the victim's life understand the full range of reactions to the traumatic experience of rape. This lesson describes survivors’ behaviors and reactions after a rape, otherwise known as rape trauma syndrome. Included in this lesson is the federal definition of rape, a summary of rape trauma syndrome, lyrics to a song with relevant applications to the phases of rape trauma syndrome, and a rubric for grading a reaction paper related to the lesson. Three National Health Education Standards are addressed via the lesson as well.  相似文献   

This study examined the roles of hard variables and soft variables in determining college teachers' intentions to pursue a special education career and education majors' actual decisions to major in special education. This study surveyed 243 college students taking special education courses at a state university, including 213 education majors. The survey questions included four blocks of variables, pertaining to demographics, training and work experience, soft variables (i.e., personal connections to people with disabilities, personal value and commitment and perceived social support) and hard variables (i.e., estimated salary, workload, professional development opportunities and job security). Results suggest that (1) after controlling for other variables, hard factors such as salary did not add significant contributions to college students' intention or education majors' actual action to pursue a special education career; (2) soft variables, such as value, commitment to special education and perceived social support, significantly predicted college students' intention to pursue a special education career, but did not significantly influence education majors' actual decision to choose a special education program, and (3) workloads significantly affect education majors' decisions making decisions of enrolling in a special education program. Implications are discussed about the importance of enhancing soft‐variable aspects of working conditions for special education recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

"本色"作家梁晓声以现实主义手法反映普通人的生存状态,《学子》和《贵人》正是运用这种手法反映市场经济和高考扩招背景下莘莘学子面对经济、学业和就业等多重压力使出浑身解数、屈辱地生存的情状,他们并不像人们想象中的天之骄子那样惬意。作品虽然没有揭示艰难学子的出路,却显示了作者关注芸芸的可贵精神。  相似文献   

Two studies examined the effectiveness of an innovative program, Mathematics, Engineering Science Achievement (MESA), designed to prepare high school minority students for math-based fields. The program is noteworthy because it incorporates recommendations of educators and policymakers for improving the quality of math/science education and decreasing the underrepresentation of minorities in these fields. Study 1 showed that MESA seniors completed more math/science courses and showed higher academic performance than similar minority students. However, their verbal and mathematics performance was below seniors nationwide planning math-based college majors. Study 2 revealed that the majority of former MESA students were pursuing a math-based major at the university level and showed satisfactory postsecondary progress. Features contributing to program effectiveness and areas requiring additional action are explored.  相似文献   

Implementing a program of supplemental instruction (SI) in the present climate of transition in South Africa requires attention to involving students in planning and conducting the new program. Involved in this process are political opportunities and constraints. This paper recounts the steps (and missteps) taken in beginning an SI program in high risk courses in two academic departments at Border Technikon: Accounting and Management. It documents the steps taken to enlist support of the Student Representative Council (SRC) in setting policy, selecting tutors, and maintaining the program's funding base. We maintain that a successful SI program must draw upon the energies of tertiary level students, both in roles as learners in the high risk courses and as student leaders at an advanced level. Some students may experience both roles. For this process to be more than an imposition from the outside, the program must be a partnership with faculty and students sharing a stake in the outcomes. Both groups must see that they benefit from the smooth working of the SI system. Our results to date indicate that such a joint ownership is occurring. During 1996, he served as the Director of the Academic Development Centre at Border Technikon, East London, South Africa, under the Educators for Africa Program of the International Foundation of Education and Self-Help.  相似文献   

深入分析了师专历史教育专业主干课程设置与教学的历史及现状,客观评述了在师专历史教育专业主干课程设置与教学问题上值得肯定的诸多优势和存在的不少弊端,并立足世纪之交、大力推进素质教育、注重培养学生创新精神的高度,提出了优化师专历史教育专业主干课程设置体系,加大主干课程教学改革的力度,提高师专历史教育专业主干课程教学质量的若干思考及作法。  相似文献   

目前高校小学教育专业课程设置结构彼此迥然相异的主要原因在于四个方面:小学教育专业的职业性在课程中没有得到体现;基础教育课程的综合化要求与师范课程综合化的要求相互混淆;专业课程与专门课程的结构比例出现偏差;仅仅将教育实习功能视为一种岗前的培训。根据分析,本文建议,师范课程结构应该反映小学教师的职业性质;应通过课程结构功能的调整和创新模式的建构来培养师范生的专业综合素质;优化专业课程与专门课程的比例;将实习看作是优化知识结构、增进对知识整合的手段,而不仅仅是岗前培训。  相似文献   

Self-directed student groups and college learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Beach  Leslie R. 《Higher Education》1974,3(2):187-200
Studies conducted by the author are reported in which small self-directed groups of college students assumed the major responsibility for their learning in college courses. Other similar studies are reported and summarized. These studies all indicate that self-directed small group study does not result in any decrement in subject matter mastery in the college learning experience. Furthermore, a number of measurable benefits appear in terms of other desirable outcomes of the overall small-group experience. Such educational outcomes as interest in reading material related to the course and its assignments, quantity and quality of study invested in the courses, increased communicative and interpersonal skills, sense of responsibility for one's own growth and learning, greater enthusiasm for the small-group experience, improvement in critical thinking, greater awareness of applications of study material, and lasting curiosity aroused by the learning, all appear persistently in favor of the self-directed student groups. Observations of self-directed groups in action and some implications for policy decisions in higher education are given.  相似文献   

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