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To meet the complex mental health needs of students, some university counseling centers (UCCs) have implemented walk-in triage intake systems, which have not yet been empirically investigated. This study compared client and clinician differences (N = 5564) between a traditional scheduled intake system (Year 1) and a walk-in triage system (Year 2) at a large, southeastern UCC. Results showed a significant increase in clients’ attendance rates and clinicians’ caseloads, a significant decrease in no-show rates, and no change in students’ symptom severity at intake between Years 1 and 2. Clinicians’ number of scheduled appointments were unchanged, indicating that clinicians were already at maximum capacity for appointments in Year 1. Results are discussed in terms of the benefits and challenges that walk-in triage systems present to students, universities, and UCCs.  相似文献   

This study provides information about students seeking counseling (N = 3,844) at 9 institutions of higher education. The K-PIRS, an empirically validated measure, was used to assess 7 problem areas (mood difficulties, learning problems, food concerns, interpersonal conflicts, career uncertainties, self-harm indicators, and addiction issues). Forty-two percent of students presented with multiple problems, and most reported that their concerns interfered with their academic (87%) and social (90%) functioning. A majority of students (61%) were in a stage of contemplation when seeking counseling. Only 24% were in a stage of action. There were small differences in problem scores by participants' gender, ethnicity, year in school, type of residence, work status, previous treatment, and use of psychiatric medication. Implications are discussed for counseling practitioners working with college students.  相似文献   

Due to increased demands placed on university counseling centers (UCCs) in recent years, there is a need for these centers to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their psychological services. Regularly monitoring client progress is one approach to increase the likelihood of positive clinical outcomes. This article describes the use of the Behavioral Health Measure–20 (BHM-20; Kopta & Lowry, 2002) in monitoring the progress of 13,803 clients at 23 UCCs across the United States from 2006–2011. Results show that the BHM-20, via the CelestHealth System–MH (CHS-MH), is an effective instrument for the electronic administration, scoring, and tracking of client progress. Overall, clients improved over the course of treatment and the benefit from treatment peaked between 7 to 10 sessions. Three case vignettes using the CHS-MH in patient care are presented. Implications for continuing the use of monitoring individual client change at UCCs are discussed.  相似文献   

浅谈高校咨询辅导体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立健全完善的咨询辅导体系是市场经济条件下,促进大学生健康成长为合格社会主义建设者和接班人的必需,是适应我国高等教育由"精英化"转变为"大众化"趋势,弥补高校教育漏洞的必然选择,同时也是当代大学生自主性、个性化成长发展的必然要求。咨询辅导包括学习、生活、从业和心理辅导四方面内容体系,在此基础上初步构想了咨询辅导实施体系,包括:咨询辅导机构的设置,咨询辅导队伍的建设及一套完善的工作程序。  相似文献   

College counseling centers report increased student presentation with severe psychological issues (Gallagher, 2012 ). Although dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has demonstrated efficacy with multiple clinical populations, standard model DBT is not feasible for many traditional college counseling centers. This article describes the iterative development and evolution of a comprehensive DBT program adapted to fit the scope of a traditional college counseling center. Guidelines for implementing lessons learned over the 3 years of the program are provided.  相似文献   

There is evidence that today’s college and university students are struggling with emotional and behavioral health problems at higher rates than in past generations. This article explores the various ways, utilizing a range of models, that college and university counseling centers have mobilized to respond to these challenges. We examine literature about the characteristics and concerns of the current student generation along with what counseling centers are doing to respond to the challenge of student needs. We describe a survey (N = 408) of members of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) and American College Counseling Association (ACCA) that elicited the kinds of services, functions, structures, and organizational relationships found in today’s counseling centers. In addition to confirming the core mission of providing counseling and psychotherapy, the survey revealed widespread counseling center collaboration and consultation activities beyond the counseling room. The survey also indicated a variety of administrative and structural arrangements in the way counseling centers are placed on their individual campuses. Finally, we suggest a framework for planning, executing, and evaluating counseling center and campus initiatives.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of the Preferences for College Counseling Inventory (PCCI). In addition to providing data about college students' preferences for the logistics of counseling and the demographic/professional background of a potential therapist, the PCCI also provides numerical scores on 3 scales (Therapist Expertise, Therapist Warmth, and Therapist Directiveness) that measure preferences for therapist dispositions and 2 scales (Task‐Oriented Activities and Experiential/Insight‐Oriented Activities) that measure preferences for counseling activities.  相似文献   

大学生心理健康问题已经成为高校乃至社会普遍关注的问题。高校辅导员作为一线的学生管理人员,对大学生进行心理健康教育具有十分重要的意义。辅导员应提高自身心理素质,通过加强心理学知识的学习、掌握心理辅导的基本方法和技巧、加强师生的情感交流等方式,在实践中积极探索对大学生进行心理辅导的有效途径,做好大学生的心理辅导工作。  相似文献   

Self-esteem problems of learning disabled students are defined in terms of narcissistic insults to a sense of competency and sense of lovability. From some LD students, attempts to defend against these insults lead to symptomatic expression which in turn is often confused with the dysfunction attributable to the learning disability. Implications for counseling and psychotherapy are discussed in an attempt to provide a framework for treating this growing population of college students.  相似文献   

Although it is commonly believed that college counseling positively affects student retention and further, that there are convincing data and evidence to support such a belief, an extensive literature search found no objective evidence at all on the relationship of a counseling center's conventional one-to-one counseling and therapy activities with short-term student retention. Two program evaluations which attempt to relate one-to-one individual counseling and psychotherapy to student retention rates at an urban regional state university are discussed. Changes in attendance rates, such as dropping out or retuning between quarters are the criteria used to evaluate program effects for both studies. The first study searched for discernible statistically significant effects. Three-quarters of comparisons of upperclassmen found conceivable retention advantages of students receiving counseling center services over a base-rate group. Yet the freshmen results suggest that counseling may be associates with student attrition, not retention. The second study investigated the relationship between retention and possibly relevant presenting problems and demographic variables of students undergoing individual counseling. No attendance differences among counseled students were found due to age, gender, or presenting problem. Following a discussion of the results, suggentions for future research are presented. A longitudinal, quasi-experimental controlled study of the impact counseling on student retention is clearly needed.  相似文献   

高校学生辅导应该形成“辅导合力”并进行辅导责任分担。高校学生辅导责任分担存在现实、理论与参照依据。根据高校学生辅导责任主客体地位与功能,提出辅导责任分担的概念模型。高校辅导员与教管人员、专任授课教师、校内教辅机构、家庭以及社会媒介分别分担不同的辅导责任。  相似文献   

University and college counseling centers continue to meet emerging challenges in higher education. This article addresses three issues: the need for a more unified organizational structure to represent the profession, the potential value for counseling centers in seeking accreditation, and the importance of specialized training for those entering this professional field.  相似文献   

朋辈心理辅导作为大学生心理健康教育的一种重要形式,在高校心理健康教育实践中起着重要作用。在朋辈心理辅导实践中,必然存在不少影响其效果发挥的因素,在理论研究与实践的过程中发现:朋辈心理辅导员的选拔、培训是基础,监督与指导是重要环节。大学生心理健康教育形式多样,不同的形式有不同的效果,要充分发挥大学生心理健康教育积极作用需要在实践基础上积极进行理论创新。  相似文献   

根据自愿报名选取大一12名学生作为研究对象,实施3周共6次团体辅导,探讨在大学生职业生涯规划教育中团体辅导的方式及效果。用《团体单元回馈表》、《团体成员回馈表》和《大学生职业生涯发展问卷》对团体辅导进行评估。团体成员对辅导干预内容的有效性、团体的满意度等方面都给予肯定。干预后学生在就业信心、职业认知、自我认识、规划认知、总体评价方面有显著提高。这说明团体辅导对大学生职业生涯发展规划教育效果显著。  相似文献   

介绍了大学生朋辈辅导的由来及发展。阐述了其在思想政治教育中的优势、是一种双赢的教育模式、是思想政治教育的有效延伸等重要意义。提出构建大学生朋辈辅导体系,应培育优秀群体,开发教育资源,完善组织形式,积极创造条件搭建平台、丰富载体。  相似文献   


The current study assessed how previous experience with therapy impacted college students' perception of a clinician displaying symptoms of burnout. One hundred forty-seven undergraduate students viewed a videotaped therapy vignette depicting segments of three consecutive psychotherapy sessions. The therapist displayed symptoms of burnout (e.g., fatigue, clock watching) in one of the sessions. Participants rated the therapist on the following variables: liking, competence, level of concern, dedication to the field, and whether the client should continue to be treated by that therapist. As predicted, participants who indicated that they had been in therapy in the past rated the therapist significantly lower on four of these dimensions compared with subjects who had no prior experience in therapy. The results suggest that students who have previously been in therapy are more critical of a fatigued and distracted therapist.  相似文献   

This is a commentary on the article by Paul D. Polychronis, “Changes Across Three Editions of The Suicidal Patient: Clinical and Legal Standards of Care: Relevance to Counseling Centers,” published in this issue of the Journal of College Student Psychotherapy.  相似文献   

This study investigated college and university counseling center directors’ perceptions of the adequacy of the preparation of master's‐level counselors for work in college and university counseling centers. Results indicated that counselors were rated on average as prepared; however, many directors had concerns about counselors’ ability to work with students presenting more severe mental health issues. Findings are discussed, and implications for the training and preparation of college counseling practitioners are presented.  相似文献   

大学生心理健康问题是一个突出的社会问题,本文就大学生心理健康咨询的意义、常见的心理问题及大学生心理障碍的影响因素进行了阐述,对做好大学生心理健康咨询工作应注意事项进行了介绍.为咨询者提供了一些可行的方法和意见。  相似文献   

Counseling interventions that support the exploration of ethnocultural concerns are beneficial to the overall well‐being of Black women in college. The authors describe Cultural Connections, a theoretically based and culturally adapted group counseling intervention for Black women in college. Also presented are a case example demonstrating the intervention's utility and recommendations for implementation in college counseling centers.  相似文献   

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