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学校空间不仅仅是客观的物理空间,同时也是一个社会关系的承载体和社会规范的建构物。社会互动的空间维度和社会再生产趋向在学校空间中被不断建构。在学校空间中,男教师和男学生使用男权制的规则和资源来控制女性,并从此获得更多的教育资源和教育机会,由此,作为不平等性别关系再生产的资源的学校空间成为了建构性别差异场所。  相似文献   

运用社会性别理论,对赣州水东镇七里村仙娘庙会进行分析,揭示客家乡村妇女的性别特征,剖析庙会与妇女社会性别形成的关系。认为庙会是性别文化的一种表征,庙会文化参与了妇女社会性别的建构。客家乡村妇女的社会性别具有较强的传统性和保守性,妇女缺失公共空间的话语霸权,私领域主动权的获得与其对家庭的贡献成正比,妇女主体身份的自我认同性较强。转型期的庙会成为重塑地方性别文化和维持客家乡村社会和谐的重要一环。  相似文献   

安吉拉·卡特被盛赞的短篇小说《染血之室》改写了蓝胡子童话,从空间对立、空间转换、空间变动三个视角展现性别空间的权力斗争。文本以整体空间、个体空间的对立凸显空间性别化;阈限空间更迭推动了空间斗争意识萌芽;串联空间、首尾紧扣完成性别空间构建。安吉拉·卡特性别空间建构的目的是推动女性成长,彰显了通过空间变动争夺权力的女性诉求。  相似文献   

女性主义本身是围绕"性别问题"发展起来的,至今经历了三次浪潮。在论述和解决"性别问题"时,女性主义有三条清晰的线索:一是关注点从侧重生理性别转到强调社会性别,从性别本质论转到性别建构论;二是围绕"性别差异"与"性别平等"的关系,从主张通过缩小、消除性别差异,转到主张通过承认乃至张扬性别差异来实现性别平等;三是从对男性与女性之间差异产生的根源及不平等表现的反思,发展到对整个传统西方哲学中根深蒂固的二元对立思维的批判与颠覆。  相似文献   

本雅明关于城市"游荡者"的理论把"人的移动"与现代性问题紧密结合了起来.通过一个与本雅明取向不同的问题意识,经由对具体个案的讨论和分析,也可看到在开埠以来上海"城市化"进程的语境中,"性别移动"和城市流动空间形成之间的复杂关系.  相似文献   

文章基于中国乡村振兴的实践背景和地理学"文化转向"、社会学"空间转向"的理论背景,从厘清农村公共文化空间的现状与问题出发,解构相互嵌套的农村空间系统,据此提出应建构农村公共文化空间重构的新体系,认为在乡村振兴视域下,应从价值导向与研究内容、理论建构、演变与差异化、动力机制及路径等方面着力建构农村公共文化空间重构的新体系。  相似文献   

空间不仅是人类生活的舞台,也是消费社会赖以生存的方式和手段,更是刻有性别权力关系印记的存在。在当前社会中,空间是男性意识、男性经验和男性控制的产物,因此无论在私人空间消费中还是公共空间消费中,女性都处于被忽视的边缘状态。空间再现和建构的性别地位和关系具有典型的隐性歧视的特征,因此必须通过适当的方式来改变空间消费中的性别歧视现象,努力建构既强调性别平等又关注性别差异的和谐空间。  相似文献   

清末民初致力于传统文化近代转换的新型知识者,以西方近代民族主义和男女平等理念为理论基础,从性别秩序理念的重构、女性社会价值的重估、女子才德关系的重释、女性角色形象的重塑四个层面,对中国古代宗法农业社会中以男权主义、家族主义、伦理主义为价值准则的传统社会性别理念进行了除旧布新的重释与改造。这一传统社会性别理念近代转换的工程,构成了近代中国社会、文化转型进程中一个不容忽视的重要环节。  相似文献   

本文根据亨利·詹姆斯"小说与绘画同道"的观点,运用空间叙事理论,对其国际主题小说《黛西·米勒》的空间叙事形式进行探讨.研究发现詹姆斯在小说创作中借鉴了绘画艺术中的空间概念,他以地志空间画意书写为媒介建构文本描绘空间、以地志空间文化因子驱动的情节设计建构文本纪事结构空间、以路径意象为认知媒介建构文本意义模式隐喻空间.詹姆...  相似文献   

在中国从传统走向现代的过程中,妇女解放和现代民族国家建构已然成了一组紧密相关的时代命题。"十七年"农村题材小说中女性形象及其建构过程,实际上是对现代民族国家话语下女性身份实现深刻转型的真实摹写。而在现代民族国家建构的框架之下对性别平等所进行的广泛政治支持和社会动员,却也正是"新型主体"与"新的精神"形象建构的现实观照。其结果共同指向于立体的中国本土妇女运动和性别平等的新空间。  相似文献   

The spatial dimensions of social interaction and reproduction have received increasing attention from sociologists in recent years. However, these issues remain largely implicit in most studies of classrooms, schools and the education system. In this paper, I argue that the study of social space should be integral to analyses of the relationship between educational differentiation and social reproduction. After examining the position of space in Giddens's theory of structuration, I focus on how space is used in schools as a resource in the production of unequal gender relations. Space is viewed not simply as a context in which interaction occurs, but as a phenomenon which both produces, and is produced by, gendered power relations.  相似文献   

后殖民女性主义以其强烈的批判性直指西方对东方的知识霸权。它揭露了西方知识霸权的生产机制,解构了西方女性主义的分析范畴———"妇女",质疑西方女性主义的方法论,揭示出帝国主义和父权制是相互勾结的。后殖民女性主义把西方女权主义惟一关注的"性别压迫"拓展到"性别、族群、阶级压迫"的三维空间,凸现出性别压迫与其他形式压迫的相互连锁关系。  相似文献   

身处截然不同的两种文化背景下的美国华裔作家,带着“身份意识”感,用独特的视角讲述华裔在边缘状态下的生存与生活,其作品受到国内外很多专家学者的关注.本文运用空间理论,从性别属性、文化属性、身份属性等角度来对美国华裔文学作一分析,从而理解其多样化和包容性特征.  相似文献   

Career and technical education (CTE) programs account for a large proportion of student enrollments in community colleges each year. While women tend to dominate CTE enrollments overall, they remain concentrated in historically feminized fields contrary to nontraditional occupations in which less than 25% of workers are females. Drawing on the emerging research on microaggressions and classroom learning environments, this classroom observation research project of more than 80 hours of observations with supplemental student interviews sought to further an understanding of why women are underrepresented in specific CTE fields. The findings of this study indicated two distinct aspects of the classroom environment that helped stew a culture of gender microaggressions: the instructor pedagogy and communication style, and the impact of physical space. Physical structure, instructor pedagogy, and communication create an environment that often emphasizes and perpetuates social norms connecting men and masculinity to CTE and science, technology, engineering, and math education (STEM), which historically have been male-dominated environments. Results from this study extend the research on microaggressions and learning environments and fill a significant gap on gender and CTE.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that people encode gender starting in childhood. The present research asked whether gender diverse children (i.e., children whose gender identity or expression differs from that expected based on assigned sex) encode gender. Results showed that 3- to 5-year-old gender diverse participants (N = 71), siblings of gender diverse children (N = 52), and gender conforming controls (N = 69) did not significantly differ in degree of gender encoding. These results converge with prior research to suggest that gender diverse children process gender in ways that do not differ from gender conforming children, and provide further evidence that gender encoding may be a common aspect of person perception in societies that support a binary view of gender.  相似文献   

In the past decade, extensive research on gender and learning styles has produced a multitude of findings: gender differences in learning styles are small on average, but across studies quite different results are observed. In the present study, this heterogeneity is the central focus of our attention. Two possible interpretations concerning the educational context and the concept of gender identity are investigated: the teacher and the subject he or she teaches. Besides the variable gender as a dichotomous variable, the variable gender identity is included to reflect the theoretical standpoint of the social construction of gender differences. Using multivariate techniques on a data set of 432 adult secondary students, the observed relations between gender, gender identity and learning styles are described. Gender identity turns out to explain more variance in the use of learning styles compared to gender. Furthermore, it is shown that gender (identity) differences in learning styles do not vary across teachers and, with one exception, they do not vary across subjects.  相似文献   

现行的社会秩序体现了男性的意志、男性社会的意识形态特征。这种特征由性别地位、性别角色和性别气质构成。它们分别属于政治范畴 ,社会范畴 ,心理范畴 ,三者之间相互依赖 ,形成三体相连而又相互独立的独联体。男性认为女性是他者 ,他者的存在是威胁和危险。于是男性必须排除这种威胁和危险  相似文献   

社会和谐发展的前提是男女平等,但从我国性别比例失衡的现状看,要真正实现男女平等任重而道远。通过对我国性别比例失衡问题的分析,提出解决措施的思路,阐述男女平等这一基本国策的实现意义。  相似文献   

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