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张蓉 《比较教育研究》2003,24(10):95-95
绪言部分,简介民众教育思潮,界定民众教育的概念,介绍学术界对民众教育思潮的研究现状,说明本文的研究意义、研究目的及方法。  相似文献   

作为贯彻落实省政府“四项制度”的重要措施之一,“云南人民对教育满意度调查”网上投票活动于4月3日正式启动。本次调查由省教育厅主办.旨在以求真务实的作风,倾听民众呼声,聚民众之智,凝社会之力,切实了解民众关注的教育热点难点问题,  相似文献   

卢作孚是为我国现代教育史增添了一笔丰富的遗产.他的教育理论和实践都是不可多得的经验财富,尤其是表现在民众教育方面.以其丰富的民众教育手段,紧贴生活的民众教育内容和为人民谋福的理念贯穿于他一生的民众教育实践活动中.他本人也在各个阶段的民众教育实践中不断成熟,最终由梦想走向现实,为中国的民众教育而努力终身.  相似文献   

自1929年起,青岛市以政治推进教育,以学校式教育为主体,广泛动员各界力量,民众教育得以迅速普及发展,呈现社会化、政治化和实用化的特点,在传播知识消除文盲、统一思想迎接抗战等方面,取得了一定的教育效果。考察这一时期的民众教育,可以更深入地理解沈鸿烈“政教合一”的施政纲领及实践,探究以教育完成政治即“政治教育化”的深意。  相似文献   

一、俞庆棠论民众社会教育内容 俞庆棠认为“广义的社会教育就是全民教育,以社会全体民众为对象”,“现在的民众教育,也可以说是社会教育的一部分,但是民众教育的事业,有学校式的,就称为民众学校教育。社会式的,就称为民众社会教育。总之,是社会教育的一部分。”本文就其民众社会教育内容予以研究。  相似文献   

李蒸先生是我国名的教育家、爱国人士,民众教育思想是其教育思想中最具代表性的内容。他认为:民众教育即是针对失学青年与成年人进行的一种教育活动,是中国特殊国情下的社会教育,目的是培养民众的最低公民自治能力。民众教育与学校教育有着很大的不同,应以积极的态度与牺牲精神,结合民众生活,“活用机会”地开展。民众教育思想对于当前及未来的教育事业仍具有重要意义。  相似文献   

杨梅梅 《班主任》2009,(2):7-10
陶行知是中国现代教育史上著名的人民教育家。终身致力于民众的教育事业,把教育普及到民间,为劳苦大众服务,陶行知是第一人。毛泽东曾称赞他是“伟大的人民教育家”。  相似文献   

民众教育是中国近代教育的重要组成部分,也是中国从传统教育向近代教育转变的重要标志。中国古代教育素有“教民”传统,重视社会教化是传统教育的特有功能,与近代民众教育既有本质性的区别,又有自然的内在联系。系统梳理从古代社会教化到近代民众教育转变的历程,了解古代不同阶段社会教化的状况和近代民众教育发展的基本类型,从施教目的、制度、内容、方式和效果入手,揭示出“民众”历史地位的变化,乃是从古代社会教化向近代民众教育转变的核心,也是近代民众教育成败的关键。  相似文献   

全国治理教育乱收费工作己走过10多年的历程,但人民群众仍不满意,在近几年的全国“两会”上,教育乱收费问题仍是代表、委员和普通民众关注的热点之一。究其原因是摆在明面上的教育乱收费现象犹如一个葫芦被“按”下去了,但是隐藏的、变相的乱收费现象又像瓢一样“浮”了上来。  相似文献   

民众教育思潮是中国现代教育史上最重要的教育思潮之一,在中国现代社会和教育发展进程中有着深远的影响。对其产生的思想根源、发展脉络进行探寻,将有利于全面审视民众教育思潮。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Cases of substantiated sexual abuse have declined approximately 39% nationwide from 1992 to 1999, according to estimates from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS). Despite the dramatic nature of the decline, little discussion of the trend has occurred at either the national or the state level. Aims of the research were to: (1) gather state-level information about possible sources of the sexual abuse decline, (2) identify child protection trends that might be contributing to the decline, and (3) assess the level of awareness of the decline in state child protection offices. METHODS: Telephone interviews were conducted with child protection administrators in 43 states. RESULTS: More than half of the officials in states with large declines were unaware of any discussion of the declines within their agency or in the public at large within their state. State officials cited a diverse array of possible causes for the decline, including: (1) increased evidentiary requirements to substantiate cases, (2) increased caseworker caution due to new legal rights for caregivers, and (3) increasing limitations on the types of cases that agencies accept for investigation. More than half also mentioned the effectiveness of prevention programs, increased prosecution, and public awareness campaigns, implying that a portion of the decline may result from a real decline in occurrence. CONCLUSIONS: Responses from child protection officials have inherent biases, but they are useful in generating hypotheses for further study in trying to account for the decline. The results suggest that further discussion and increased analysis of child maltreatment system data are important next steps.  相似文献   

In this article the author discusses some critical issues in the design and implementation of training programmes for future educational administrators in Africa. Such issues include the determination of skills and competencies required by these administrators, the sociocultural awareness resulting from exposure to the training programme, the discernment of educational purposes, specialisation by sector and function, education for responsible and ethical behaviour, and problems related to the organisation of training programmes, and the certification and placement of the new crop of educational administrators. The discussion focuses on public education systems generally, but draws on the author's impressions and observations about English-speaking Africa.  相似文献   


The current interest in governmental assessment and accountability practices appears to result from: (1) an emerging view of higher education as an “industry” (2) concerns about efficient resource allocation; (3) a lack of trust and confidence between governmental and institutional officials; (4) a desire to reduce uncertainty in government/higher education relationships; (5) lack of confidence in institutional governance. Based on these concerns, governments increasingly are engaging in data‐based quality assessment processes. These processes appear to assume that: (1) faculty and administrators know how to improve quality but fail to do so; (2) government officials can assure the public interest in quality; (3) measures of quality can be identified and agreed upon; (4) improving quality requires strong bureaucratic coordination and control; (5) information systems can provide the evidence government officials need to address quality concerns. An examination of literature on organisation decision processes suggest these assumptions are inaccurate.  相似文献   

朱熹的《二南》学术,在从经学迈向文学后,又从文学走向理学.是文学、理学二元一体的解释学。就文学的一元来说,朱熹认为《二南》诗篇是里巷歌谣,是低社会地位诗人抒情的咏叹,他还把自己认为是文学表现手法的赋、比、兴运用到解释中;就理学的一元来说,朱熹认为《二南》是文王王道政化后的诗篇。体现着文王王道新民之功的社会、人心、人外自然和谐及其三者之间的大和谐:家齐、国治、天下平、其民睥璋、庶类盛多。整体上看:作为诗歌,《二南》诗篇能指的多样性、意义的含混性,决定了朱熹关于他的文学、理学二元一体解释的合理性;二元的冲突也导致其解释上难以自圆其说的矛盾性,如《操有梅》等表达男女情感之诗,就不是所谓的“中和”之音。  相似文献   

西周是一个强盛的奴隶制社会 ,它的阶级等级不仅表现在社会政治、经济制度上 ,而且体现在音乐文化方面。其等级分化主要体现在三个方面 :上层社会官员享有用礼乐规模的不同 ;统治阶级对宫廷音乐内容的划分 ;音乐教育的对象和内容  相似文献   

[Guo]攸比鼎是西周后期一件重要彝器。其铭文内容反映了西周后期有关法律、土地的一些情况,为研究西周后期法制、土地关系提供参考资料。  相似文献   

The current interest in governmental assessment and accountability practices appears to result from:(1) an emerging view of higher education as an industry; (2) concerns about efficient resource allocation; (3) a lack of trust ade between governmend institutional officials; (4) a desire to reduce uncertainty in government/higher education relationships; (5) lack of confidence in institutional governance. Based on these concerns, governments increasingly are engaging in data-based quality assessment processes. These processes appear to assume that: (1) faculty and administrators know how to improve quality but fail to do so; (2) government officials can assure the public interest in quality; (3) measures of quality can be identified and agreed upon; (4) improving quality requires strong bureaucratic coordination and control; (5) information systems can provide the evidence government officials need to address quality concerns. An examination of literature on organisation decision processes suggest these assumptions are inaccurate.  相似文献   

息国作为一个古老的方国早在商代便已存在于豫南地区,主要活动于淮河上游南岸的今信阳市罗山、光山境内。至西周时期,周武王于公元前1046年在商代息国旧地重新分封同姓方国,也称为息国,文王第三十七子羽达为第一代息国君主。周代息国始为伯爵,后为侯爵,活动中心向北移至淮河北岸,主要在今天信阳市息县县境,故城在今息县县城西十里处的青龙寺。姬姓息国在公元前683年为楚人所灭,息人被迁往楚地安置,息君自称为“息子”。息国故地沦为楚的一个县,成为楚人向北与北方诸侯逐鹿中原和向东经略淮河中游地区的前沿阵地。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted among special education administrators in 1,450 local education agencies (LEAs) nationwide, to determine the availability of vocational programs and transition-oriented services for handicapped youth. Results showed that most LEAs offer at least some vocational programs; transition-oriented services as not as frequently available, particularly in smaller LEAs. In addition to size of LEA, community employment opportunities and the availability of adult services were related to whether an LEA offered any transition-related services.  相似文献   

This study assessed the needs of urban school leaders for special education preparation in a large public school district in the USA in order to assist the school administrators with improving their knowledge and skills for providing appropriate services to students with disabilities and their families to support inclusive education. The needs survey was created based on the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC 2009) standards for school administrators in the USA and the literature in special education. The validity and reliability of the instrument were verified. The needs assessment measures 10 aspects regarding special education knowledge and skills as indicated by 10 factors in the exploratory factor analysis. Quantitative data analyses on a sample of 289 participants revealed that there were significant differences in the needs of training in special education knowledge based on the school administrators’ backgrounds. The current research supports the call for the professional development and inclusive education for school leaders. The findings of the current study indicated that school leaders wanted the knowledge to make them more successful in serving students with disabilities to answer the call for inclusive education.  相似文献   

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