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This paper contributes to the new interest in technological change in semi-industrial countries by examining technological capability in the machine-producing sector in Singapore. The difficulties involved in conceptualizing and measuring technological capability in less developed countries are discussed and the case study material is then presented. Particular attention is paid to the role of government promotion in the development of technological capability. In this connection the present study provides a useful contrast with the position in Hong Kong studied in an earlier paper. While both Singapore and Hong Kong have instituted a near-free-trade regime, there is a far greater degree of government intervention in the former than in the latter case. By contrast the governments of both South Korea and Taiwan have granted selective protection in order to encourage some kinds of domestic machine production. The paper ends with some critical comments regarding the Singapore government's policy towards the machine-producing sector.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to elaborate an evolutionary perspective on the process of structural change that has characterized the banking industry in the United Kingdom (UK). For this purpose, the evolution of retail financial services is contrasted against the backdrop of the implementation and development of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The paper delves into the sources and the effects of technological change in banking over a long-term perspective (1840s-1990s) to point out the significance of the opportunities and the constraints that have shaped the growth and development of this industry. This is interpreted as a three-stage evolutionary process driven by intertemporal coordination across several complementary domains, including activities of production, business organization, consumption and the underlying regulatory setting. It is concluded that the evolution of UK retail banking displays the characteristics of a distributed process of innovation in which developers of technologies, service suppliers and customers contribute to the process of structural change of the industry.  相似文献   

The study examines selected roles of the information sector in the national economy. Among the findings are the following: (1) the information sector conducts relatively little international trade, in comparison to its domestic activity. Roughly 12% of U.S. exports are attributable to the information sector; over 97% of the sector's output is sold within the U.S.; and the sector's exports account for only a small fraction of 1% of GNP. (2) The historical pattern of employment shows that the portion of information workers has risen from 8% of the U.S. work force in 1870 to 41% in 1970. Relatively little of this growth is the result of new technological innovations such as telephones, radio, television and, more recently, computers. Rather, the growth of public and private bureaucracies, which now total 26% of our total work force, largely explains the growth of the sector. (3) Unemployment within the information sector has consistently been lower than in either the manufacturing or agricultural sectors of the national economy. (4) Since 1967, the high technology elements of the information sector, such as electronic components, computers and telecommunications equipment have experienced appreciably less price rise than has the economy as a whole. However, over the same time period, the service elements of the sector, including finance and insurance, education and medical care, have experienced greater rates of inflation than has the economy as a whole.  相似文献   

符礼建  曹玉华 《软科学》2000,14(3):29-32
企业技术创新是一项与市场结构密切相关的活动 ,企业总是在一定的市场结构形态中从事创新。在现代西方产业组织理论中 ,根据市场竞争和垄断程度 ,可以将市场结构分为完全垄断的市场结构 ,完全竞争的市场结构和垄断竞争的市场结构三种形态。本文分析了三种市场结构形态对企业技术创新的不同作用 ,并提出了优化市场结构 ,推动企业技术创新的路径。一、三种市场结构形态对技术创新的不同作用企业技术创新是以市场为导向 ,以提高企业竞争力为目标 ,从新产品开发、新工艺的产生 ,经过技术的获取、工程化和商业化的生产 ,到投放市场整个过程的一系…  相似文献   

论科技风险的产生与治理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代社会的风险主要源自科技发展副作用所导致的科技风险。科技风险是科技政策研究所不可回避的重要问题。这一问题产生的根源在于科学理性与社会理性的断裂。近年来出现的一种所谓的科技风险民主治理模式已经为解决这一问题提供了一个新的有效途径,而遵循公众参与性、共识性及民主规范性则是现代社会科技风险民主治理的基本原则。  相似文献   

张文德 《学会》2006,(12):48-50
科协是党领导下的人民团体,科协的主体是科技工作者,全心全意为科技工作者服务,积极为基层、科技工作者办实事,办好事乃是科协组织的职责所在,也是新时期增强科协凝聚力,推进各项工作有效落实,实现推动科协事业发展的根本途径。5年来,汕头市各级科协及所属团体在市委、市政府领  相似文献   

中国光纤光缆产业正向技术学习失败与逆向技术学习成功的经济学分析表明,学习成本决定技术学习的有效路径;分阶段渐进式学习成本之和小于一次性学习的总成本;社会有没有承担必要的学习成本,从根本上决定一个国家或地区技术学习的整体状况;而成功学习的技术跨度,则取决于特定环境下企业与社会所能承担的学习成本大小。  相似文献   

高校科技创新平台是地方科技创新体系的重要组成部分。近年来,高校通过平台建设提升了科研实力,有力地服务了区域经济建设。以宁夏大学为例,总结了科技创新平台在重大科研项目承担、人才队伍培养、产学研合作及成果转化等方面发挥的重要作用,并以此为抓手,提出科技创新平台积极服务区域经济建设,推动地方社会的发展的对策。  相似文献   

在梳理已有文献的基础上,将知识距离与学习能力这二方面引入到知识存量与科技成果转化关系中,构建知识距离、学习能力与知识存量、科技成果转化的概念模型,并运用结构方程模型进行实证检验。研究发现,知识存量对科技成果转化具有显著正向影响,其中知识距离发挥部分中介作用;学习能力对知识距离具有直接的正向影响,并且在知识存量与知识距离、知识存量与科技成果转化关系中发挥调节作用。  相似文献   

科技型小微企业的学习和创新与成熟的大中型科技企业有着根本不同。以区域创新系统作为区域创新环境的基本分析框架,本研究探讨了区域要素环境、文化环境和政策环境对于科技型小微企业的双元学习和创新产品竞争力的影响。基于对珠三角地区253家科技型小微企业的实证分析,研究结果表明,区域创新环境的三个维度对于探索性学习有着显著的正向影响,而区域要素环境和政策环境对于应用性学习有着显著的正向影响;科技型小微企业的探索性学习对于创新产品差异化和顾客满意度均具有显著的正向影响,并在区域创新环境的三个维度对创新产品顾客满意度的影响中有着完全的中介效应,同时在区域政策环境对于创新产品差异化的影响中有着完全的中介效应,而在区域要素环境和文化环境对创新产品差异化的影响中有着部分的中介效应;科技型小微企业的应用性学习仅对创新产品顾客满意度有着显著的正向影响,并在区域要素环境和政策环境对创新产品顾客满意度的影响中有着完全的中介效应。  相似文献   

试论新时代科技人才的创新素质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
面对新世纪科技发展的要求与趋势,迫切需要加强中国科技人才的创新素质建设。从加强科技人才创新素质的迫切性入手,对科技人才创新素质的时代内涵进行了系统分析,并重点提出了现阶段加强中国科技人才创新素质建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国光纤光缆产业技术能力提高:逆向技术学习   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
产业技术学习是发展中国家技术创新研究和产业研究的中心问题之一。本文以中国光纤光缆产业为对象研究该产业的技术学习过程,发现中国光纤光缆产业的技术学习过程是逆向的,而且该产业同时存在"逆技术链学习"和"逆产业链学习"两类逆向学习过程。影响中国光纤光缆产业技术学习的主要因素分别是技术体制、制度环境、学习动力和学习基础。这4类因素在分产业(制棒、拉丝、成缆)的非均匀分布是中国光纤光缆产业逆向技术学习的主要原因。  相似文献   


In a knowledge-based economy, firms' technological innovations represent one of the best ways in order to survive and to achieve firm success. Nonaka and Takeuchi stated that technological innovation is close to firms' intellectual or knowledge asset management, and additional efforts are needed to understand these complex causal relationships. If we can assume that technological innovation causation rarely has a single cause, and that these causes rarely operate in isolation from each other, empirical research needs a new configurational perspective, where the integrity of firms' technological innovations as complex configurations of causal factors are preserved. This way, using a configurational approach, and primary data of 251 technology-based firms based in Spain, this paper explores firms' human, technological, and relational assets configurations and product innovations.


李兆友教授的著作《技术创新主体论》,站在哲学的高度,从全新视角解读技术创新,开创了国内技术创新哲学系统研究的先例并为其他研究者提供了从话语、范围到方法在内的一整套研究范式。在其引导下,将会有更多的学者站在哲学的高度来全面把握技术创新,技术创新哲学也定将取得应有的发展。  相似文献   

先秦诸子百家中,墨家明显的与众不同之处,表现为对自然科学研究的重视和对技术应用的重视,具有丰富的科学思想.其中包含有丰富的科技伦理思想,如以"兼爱"、"利"为核心的科技伦理取向,注重团队精神的科技伦理建制,以"尚贤"为座标轴的科技人才观,"天人合一"的生态伦理思想,以现实为导向的科技伦理评价体系等.在我国现代化建设的今天,墨家的科技伦理思想对于建构科技伦理学的学科体系,对于树立"以人为本"的科技伦理理念,对于完善科技伦理规范和评价标准等,均具有一定的借鉴和启发意义.  相似文献   

论科技法产生和发展的两大文化基石   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
杨丽娟  陈凡 《科学学研究》2004,22(4):362-365
本文论述了科技立法得以产生、发展和完善的两大文化基石———科学主义和人文主义。正是科学主义与人文主义两大文化的渊源、冲突、融合及演化,构成了科技法产生、发展的文化条件,这是许多学者很少或根本没有关注的。作为回应,科技法从它产生之初,就承担起承载两大文化价值追求即真、善、美的历史重任,并以此获得了科技立法的最高价值取向。  相似文献   

郑世珠 《科技与管理》2010,12(3):138-141
地方高校科技创新平台建设是区域创新体系乃至国家创新体系的重要组成部分,是地方高校提高科技自主创新能力的基础性工程。以福州大学为例,分析了"十五"以来学校科技创新平台建设与学科发展、区域战略需求、企业创新体系三方面相衔接的建设成效以及对推进地方高校实现可持续发展的重要意义,提出了地方高校推进科技创新平台建设的几点建议。  相似文献   

In this article, we put forward a concept for the identification and analysis of future development options of technological innovation systems. The key element of our approach, the so-called variation analysis, is a methodology to identify coherent socio-technical and organizational variants within a specific innovation field. Consistent combinations of these two dimensions may be interpreted as nuclei for alternative future developments of innovation systems. The method may be used in discursive foresight processes to inform strategy formulation of firms or policy makers who see a utility in furthering the innovation field. The paper has a focus on developing the theoretical background and the analytical structure of the methodology. Empirically, we illustrate the method for the innovation system of biomass digestion in Switzerland.  相似文献   

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