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拥有一批世界一流大学和高水平大学是高等教育强国的显著标志.为了建设一批世界一流大学和高水平大学,进而建设成为高等教育强国,我们必须构建大学、政府与市场三者之间良好的生态关系.国际经验表明,问责制是构建大学、政府与市场之间生态关系的一种有效机制.而问责制的顺利实施则需要明晰大学、政府与市场各自的权责,以及完善自身的机制建设.  相似文献   

人们对高等教育问责制与大学信任两者关系的看法并不一致。本文试图通过信任连续体和问责制连续体的建构,分析高等教育问责制与大学信任的关系,并对其中的信任与不信任、信任与透明两种矛盾进行探讨,从而为现代大学走出发展困境提供一些参考。  相似文献   

在我国推行高等教育问责制日趋可能的语境下,尝试构建涵盖管理主义问责、社会问责和发展性问责的"三位一体"问责制体系。借鉴澳大利亚高等教育问责制经验,解析论证"三位一体"问责制的有效性,以及"三位一体"问责制生成的关键要素及其可能带来的影响。  相似文献   

问责制是规范教师师德行为的重要制度工具.新制度主义提供了从规制性、规范性和认知性三个维度分析制度与行为之间互动关系的解释工具.运用新制度主义的分析维度可以解释中小学师德问责制和中小学教师师德失范行为的相关关系.以美、加、英、法、德为代表的西方发达国家在中小学师德问责制建设方面积累了丰富经验,基于新制度主义视角,可以从规制性维度—法律法规、规范性维度—问责主体、认知性维度—问责制度体系三个方面,解构西方发达国家在中小学师德问责制建设方面的成功经验及其共性与差异.借鉴西方发达国家中小学师德问责制建设的成功经验,加速健全法律法规、构建全方位的多元问责主体、形成"准入—认证—评价—奖惩—救济"的问责制度体系是推动我国中小学师德问责制发展的关键.  相似文献   

高等教育问责制是一个多维度的概念,不仅追求效益、效率、结果与质量等复合目标,而且与报告、评估等实施方式紧密相连。高等教育问责制的产生、发展受到外部政治、经济因素的压力作用,在一定意义上,也意味着政府与社会对高等教育缺乏足够的耐心和信任。在实施过程中,质量保障与质量改进这两种不同的政策和目标都应当在问责制中得到体现,并且注意发挥平衡原则以协调各方不同的利益诉求。  相似文献   

高等教育问责制:内涵、缘起与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育问责制是一个多维度的概念,不仅追求效益、效率、结果与质量等复合目标,而且与报告、评估等实施方式紧密相连。高等教育问责制的产生、发展受到外部政治、经济因素的压力作用,在一定意义上,也意味着政府与社会对高等教育缺乏足够的耐心和信任。在实施过程中,质量保障与质量改进这两种不同的政策和目标都应当在问责制中得到体现,并且注意发挥平衡原则以协调各方不同的利益诉求。  相似文献   

问责制发源于西方在行政领域对政府官员的责任追究.从国际方面来看,构建问责任制顺应了世界行政改革趋势.政治领域的行政问责制、经济领域的公司问责制、社会领域的问责制等在理论与实践上都已比较成熟.问责制在教育领域、特别是高等教育领域的应用也于20世纪中后期在英美等国开始流行,其制度也臻于完善.  相似文献   

在体制内萌芽和发展起来的高等教育中介组织存在自主性不足、社会合法性缺失、运行机制不畅、专业化程度不够等诸多问题。由于自由竞争的经济社会体制不健全以及社会自主自治程度不高,因此,我国高等教育中介组织适宜采用准国家合作主义与社会合作主义的双重混合模式进行公共治理。需要以"民营官督"为核心重新定位政府与高等教育中介组织的行政关系;建立政府与行业参与的双重管理制度来完善高等教育中介组织的外部治理结构;通过政府设立发展基金与购买服务、实行问责制以及建立内部董事会来完善高等教育中介组织的内部治理机制。  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》中对建立现代大学制度,改革高校评价模式提出了明确的要求,在分析我国高等教育问责制实施现状的基础上,总结了英国、美国、巴西、荷兰等教育发达国家高等教育问责制的特点,通过国际比较和充分借鉴,从评价机构独立化、评价指标差异化、评价过程动态化、评价结果等级化和评价报告公开化5个方面对我国建立健全高校问责制,进行现代化大学制度背景下的高校评价模式改革提出政策建议。  相似文献   

美国高等学校问责制形成动因及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着战后美国高等教育规模的扩张,办学经费的庞大预算促使其高校越来越依靠社会各个方面的支持,为此美国高等学校通过采用履行问责制来有效回应高等教育利益相关方的责任诉求,同时也顺应了高校自我生存和发展的内在需要。因此,问责制渐趋成为美国高等学校管理的制度化安排和科学化的象征。  相似文献   

苏联解体以来,自治与问责历史性地结合在一起,成为俄罗斯高等教育治理变革的双重向度。一方面,俄罗斯发生了史无前例的扩大大学自主权的变革,大学获得了前所未有的学术自主权、行政自主权和财政自主权;另一方面,发生了大规模的"问责运动",强调利益相关者共同参与,以质量为问责核心内容,多种问责方式并存,以应答和奖惩相结合的方式处理问责结果。同时,这一变革注重在自治与问责之间建立相对平衡,这种平衡彰显了自治与问责之间天然对立冲突而又统一共生的富有张力的关系。  相似文献   

变革与绩效:高等教育的质量保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高等教育规模和数量的扩大,世界各国都越来越关注高等教育的绩效和质量保障,采用各种方法来进行质量控制。文章介绍各国的经验和做法,指出由于高等教育的复杂性,不可能只有一个质量保障的方法,而由于每种方法都有其缺陷,评价绩效和质量保障必须采用多种方法。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):199-210
Today, a rationale for the existence of universities and colleges is likely to be sought in terms of their economic relationships, with a focus on accountability and relevance. Moreover, while the importance of academic institutions for social and economic development through the expansion of educational opportunity and knowledge has been increasingly emphasized, the institutions themselves, exhibiting little evidence of economic efficiency and rationalization, appear to be on the road to failure. At the same time, clashes between academic freedom and accountability are becoming stronger as well as conflicts between equality and excellence. It is quite apparent that these are difficult times between universities and society in many countries. This includes some advanced countries which have achieved massification or even the post-massification stage of higher education (Arimoto, 1996; Kerr, 1994). In consideration of these and related issues, specific discussion needs to be focused on the development of market principles and mechanisms in the higher education system of Japan.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of the idea of accountability on education. It considers the kind of relationships that are promoted or produced by the culture of accountability, both in order to understand what kind of relationships are made possible and to understand what kind of relationships are made difficult, or even impossible, as a result of the accountability regime. The paper explores how the managerial uses of the idea of accountability have become pervasive in contemporary education and how this has changed relationships among students, parents, teachers, and the state. Ultimately, accountability erodes relationships of responsibility. Zygmunt Bauman's "postmodern ethics" is used to gain a detailed understanding of why it has become so much more difficult to develop relationships of responsibility under the accountability regime. Bauman's proposal that we should take responsibility for our responsibility also suggests a starting point from which the democratic potential of accountability might be regained.  相似文献   

This article opens with an overview of the pressures that have led to heightened calls for accountability in higher education, both in the US and Europe. Noting that doctoral programmes have, to date, drawn minimal attention in the accountability debates, the authors note that these programmes cannot stay forever on the sidelines. Drawing on their knowledge of the American context in particular, the authors go on to outline current efforts to assess the quality of doctoral programmes in the US with attention to how these efforts respond to accountability demands. They urge the higher education community to re-shape the accountability discussion, shifting its centre from government to higher education and the institutions training doctoral students who will become faculty. Crucially, they argue that graduate programmes should train doctoral students to undertake and use discipline-appropriate assessment measurement and scholarship as part of their future work as college and university instructors. If doctoral students emerge as faculty with an understanding of how to conduct assessments for the purpose of improving student learning, they will advance not only their fields, but higher education more generally.  相似文献   

问责是高等继续教育治理的重要组成部分,问真责、真问责应成为高等继续教育治理的新常态。我国高等继续教育问责机制随高等继续教育政策变迁而不断变迁。目前我国高等继续教育问责机制存在问责政策模糊、问责主体单一、问责标准不一、有责不问、问责不严不深等现实困境。新时代高等继续教育问责机制的改革方向是加强问责立法保障,构建多元问责体系,细化问责标准,强化有责必问、有问必实。  相似文献   

冯霞 《成人教育》2019,39(1):9-12
高等继续教育发展年度报告制度是我国高等继续教育质量监控体系的重大创新。成人高校发布的高等继续教育发展年度报告具有质量检查、质量催化、成果展示、行政监管、社会监督等多重价值。针对一些高校认知度低、应付心态严重、报告结构缺失、虚假数据严重、刻意回避问题以及有责不问等现象,今后应采取提高认知水平、健全组织机构、完善报告结构、报告客观真实、正视问题与不足、加强问责力度等措施。  相似文献   

英国高等教育问责制及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
问责制是政府部门及社会机构或个人监督公立高校的一项重要手段,它在英国当前高等教育中发挥着重要作用。本文从三个方面对其解析:一是英国高校的利益相关者及其利益诉求;二是问责为高校带来的积极和消极影响;三是为克服其消极影响,PA管理咨询公司提出有效问责的四个原则及其实施效果。最后本文探讨了英国问责制对我国高等教育的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

Declining trust in public services has led to increasing calls for higher education to be ‘accountable’ for the quality of its teaching and learning provision. However, increasing levels of quality evaluation have led academics to feel that their professionalism is under attack. Reflecting on this history and various dimensions of accountability, this paper seeks to interpret accountability by addressing two questions: What is accountability in higher education? How can it be related to academic professionalism? The paper argues that professionalism and accountability appear to be contradictory terms, but can exist simultaneously. If academics' moral and social responsibility becomes requisite to an enhanced social accounting for the quality of university teaching and learning, there could be less perceived tension between academic professionalism and accountability.  相似文献   

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