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推理任务中的工作记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推理是人类思维的一种重要形式。工作记忆的负荷是影响推理任务正确性和速度的重要因素。研究者一般采用三种推理任务作为研究对象。发现工作记忆有三种成分,各种成分对推理任务有不同的作用。人们在推理时形成了相应的推理策略,以便减轻工作记忆的负荷。根据不同的问题情境,人们会采取不同的推理策略。  相似文献   

Although the use of task‐appropriate strategies facilitate memory, newly acquired strategies often have two negative characteristics: They are neither durable nor generalizable. The present article considers an alternative approach to strategy instructions that leads to skills that are more general and better maintained after instruction has ceased. This approach focuses on the role of knowledge about strategies (metamemory) as a precursor of effective strategy deployment. Three perspectives on the role of metamemory in improving strategy use are considered: (a) occasions when metamemory develops simply as a function of using a strategy (the Laissez‐Faire approach); (b) situations in which Explicit Provision of metamemorial information increases strategy use; and (c) the production of higher‐level strategies that operate on other strategies, thus enhancing metamemorial knowledge about them (Metamemory Acquisition Procedures). Future research directions and educational implications associated with each approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Second and fourth graders received 1 of 3 lists of items differing in category representativeness in either a free recall or a sort-recall task. The selection of list materials permitted a separation of the effects of age differences in category knowledge from those of that knowledge per se on children's recall behavior. Proximal and distal measures of metamemory also were derived. Levels of recall and clustering were superior in the sort-recall task and for items of high category typicality. Recall also increased with age, while grade effects for clustering were restricted to the sort-recall/high typicality condition. The deliberate use of an organizational strategy increased with items' category typicality and with age, and was more frequent in the sort-recall than in the free recall task. The results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that most 10-year-olds are capable of strategically activating category knowledge in appropriate task environments when items of high category typicality are provided.  相似文献   

Past studies have suggested that study time allocation partially mediates age relations on memory performance in a verbal task. To identify whether this applied to a different material modality, participants ages 20–87 completed a spatial task in addition to a traditional verbal task. In both the verbal and the spatial task, increased age was associated with poorer utilization of study time, suggesting that age differences in study time allocation are qualitatively similar across material modality. Furthermore, age differences in how individuals allocated their study time partially mediated the age relations on memory performance in both tasks, indicating the importance of effective regulation of study time when learning information. Finally, age differences in study time allocation did not appear to be due to differences in awareness of performance. When a subset of participants was asked about their prior performance, awareness of previous performance was not associated with study time allocation on either task. Interestingly, asking participants about their prior performance tended to decrease recall performance. Overall, these results illustrate that how one allocates study time is related to subsequent memory performance in both a verbal and spatial modality, but knowledge about prior performance is not associated with study time utilization, and inquiring about past performance during study may disrupt rather than facilitate learning.  相似文献   

Past studies have suggested that study time allocation partially mediates age relations on memory performance in a verbal task. To identify whether this applied to a different material modality, participants ages 20-87 completed a spatial task in addition to a traditional verbal task. In both the verbal and the spatial task, increased age was associated with poorer utilization of study time, suggesting that age differences in study time allocation are qualitatively similar across material modality. Furthermore, age differences in how individuals allocated their study time partially mediated the age relations on memory performance in both tasks, indicating the importance of effective regulation of study time when learning information. Finally, age differences in study time allocation did not appear to be due to differences in awareness of performance. When a subset of participants was asked about their prior performance, awareness of previous performance was not associated with study time allocation on either task. Interestingly, asking participants about their prior performance tended to decrease recall performance. Overall, these results illustrate that how one allocates study time is related to subsequent memory performance in both a verbal and spatial modality, but knowledge about prior performance is not associated with study time utilization, and inquiring about past performance during study may disrupt rather than facilitate learning.  相似文献   

问题行为干预中的正向行为支持   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对学生问题行为的干预方法有很多,本文介绍的正向行为支持(PBS)和功能性行为评价(FBA)对学生的问题行为干预具有重要作用。PBS以行为科学为基础,以关注学生的生活质量为目的,从系统观的角度,强调对学生直接观察来建立实践策略。PBS的目标是通过FBA收集资料,创设积极的学习环境和教学环境,以此来增加社会接受的正向行为,减少和消除问题行为。  相似文献   

美国优秀教师标准与评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二战后,美国为提高教师质量付出很大努力,建立了一些全国范围内的教师考核机构如INTASC(Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consor-tium)州际新教师评估援助联合会,NCATE(Na-tional Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education)全美师资培训鉴定委员会,NBPTS(National Board forProfessional Teaching Standards)联邦教师职业标准评  相似文献   

This study was an investigation of whether the language history of deaf children is related to their delayed emergence of spontaneous memory strategy use. Use of rehearsal on a serial recall task was compared for 41 deaf (age 5 to 15 years) and 45 hearing (age 5 to 8 years) children. A lag of several years was noted in the emergence of spontaneous rehearsal for the deaf. Hierarchical discriminant function analysis showed language history to be a nearly perfect mediator of the relation between age and rehearsal use, effectively eliminating the lag in the emergence of rehearsal use. Increased language experience was hypothesized to be associated with automatization of language skills, and thus with decreased processing demands when language-based strategies are used.  相似文献   

专业质量的保障是高等教育质量提升的基础。通过分析英、美等世界高等教育发达国家的专业质量保障模式可以看出,外部行业协会介入的专业认证和同行学术评价的专业保障相结合模式对高等教育专业质量保障起了重大作用。我国的专业评估自20世纪80年代开始实施以来,在实践方面取得了重要成效,对我国高等教育质量的保障与提高起了重要作用,尤其是工程教育类专业认证的成功经验也为我国专业评估的改革开辟了道路。但是我国的专业评估体制仍存在许多问题,举步维艰。借鉴英、美的经验及我国工程教育专业认证实践成功的范例,应建立我国的专业认证与同行学术评价相结合双轨并存的专业评估制度。  相似文献   

Program design possibilities for educational personnel assessment and professional learning have considerably expanded in recent years as a result of the continued development and refinement of computer, video, and web-based digital technologies. As a result, preK-12 teachers, administrators, and other educators increasingly have access to newer kinds of technology-based professional assessment and career learning tools that enable personnel to approach assessment, evaluation, and professional learning activities in more integrative and effective ways. These technology-based tools engender new sets of issues and raise prospects for new directions and possibilities for personnel assessment and development in the field of education.  相似文献   

适应行为的基本理论及其测验   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对智力落后鉴别与分类不再只是依据智力测验的结果,一个更重要的鉴别、分类的标准,是社会适应行为是否有障碍。适应行为作为个人独立和承担社会责任的标准,它表现在个人生活和社会交往等方面。适应行为结构内容的研究对特殊教育有重大意义,因此,急需编制出适合于我国社会文化背景的适应行为测验工具  相似文献   

儿童攻击行为的评估与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
攻击行为是目前儿童中常见的一种问题行为。本文介绍了儿童攻击行为的影响因素、评估方法、治疗策略。在此基础上,提出了今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

真实性评价是一种要求学生应用所学的知识和技能完成真实世界的任务的评价方式,既有助于学生的成长,也有助于教师专业发展。真实性评价对教师提出了新的素质要求而推动教师专业发展,又以直接向教师反馈教学信息而帮助教师有目的、有针对性地进行专业发展。  相似文献   

Essential Assessment Skills in Professional Education of Teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What content areas should be included in a testing and measurement course? What skills should teachers learn in each content area? How can this content and these skills be rationalized?  相似文献   

元记忆作为元认知的一种重要形式.其中监控是元记忆的重要方面,反映了人们对自己记忆状态的意识和对自己记忆程度的判断和估计。围绕监控的关系,研究者提出了相关的理论假设,并进行了实证研究。本文从三个方面概括总结了该领域研究的新进展:(1)元记忆监控的相关概念:(2)元记忆中监控关系的基本假设:(3)监测和控制过程的内在联系。并提出了有待进一步探讨的问题。  相似文献   

客观对待教师绩效评价和发展性教师评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张俊友 《教育学报》2007,3(1):47-53
教师绩效评价有其特定的内涵,既包括对教师教学工作过程的评价,也包括对教师教学工作结果的评价。由于教育目标更具模糊性与教育效果的复杂性,对教师的绩效评价就更应侧重于对教师教学过程的评价。许多研究者与管理者却把教师绩效评价曲解为“不正确”的教师评价,而把发展性教师评价神化为“正确”的教师评价。他们错误地认为教师绩效评价只能调动少部分人的积极性,绩效评价是针对过去的、对未来没有意义,唯有发展性教师评价才能促进教师发展,而教师绩效评价不能促进教师专业发展。实际上,发展性教师评价关于“自我实现的人”的人性假设及其人文主义的管理范式也有其内在的缺陷。虽然,发展性教师评价是更高境界的教师评价,但它必须以教师绩效评价所达到的严格、精确为现实基础。由于我国现阶段教师管理中面临的最严重的问题是科学化不足,因此,应当认真对待教师绩效评价,而不是盲目地推崇发展性教师评价。  相似文献   

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