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Increasing Situational Interest in the Classroom   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper explores three ways to increase situational interest in the classroom. Situational interest is defined as temporary interest that arises spontaneously due to environmental factors such as task instructions or an engaging text. We review the history of interest research and summarize recent empirical work. We describe three ways to increase interest based on offering meaningful choices to students, selecting well-organized texts that promote interest, and providing the background knowledge needed to fully understand a topic. We conclude with six specific suggestions for increasing situational interest in the classroom.  相似文献   

Pupils’ interest has been one of the major concerns in science education research because it can be seen as a gateway to more personalised forms of interest and motivation. However, methods to investigate situational interest in science teaching and learning are not broadly examined. This study compares the pupils’ observed situational interest and their expressed situational interest. One class of Finnish fourth-graders (N?=?22, age 9–10 years) participated in a heat transfer lesson. The lesson encompassed an interactive demonstration with a thermal camera, teacher-led discussions and the conduct and presentation of a collaborative inquiry task. Pupils expressed their interest levels (scale: 1?=?very boring, 5?=?very interesting) by using an electronic response system called a ‘clicker’. The measurement took place 15 times during the lesson, with 1 measurement being just a rehearsal. The lesson was video recorded, and visible aspects of interest at the measurement time points were analysed. Reported and observational data were compared. In most cases, the observations did not yield data compatible with the pupils’ own evaluations, indicating that most pupils’ expressed interest is not easily interpreted through observation of their facial expressions and behaviour. In general, the interest of the group as a whole seems to diminish during the lesson. We argue that in order to maintain and increase pupils’ interest, their evaluations should be taken into account in lesson planning. Video-based research might also be further enriched and validated by employing the participants’ own expressions. The clicker is a suitable means of collecting primary pupils’ experiences concerning their interest levels.  相似文献   

Situational interest is a relatively transient reaction to highly stimulating factors in the immediate environment, whereas individual interest is a relatively long-term preference for a particular subject or activity. It has been proposed that regular experiences of situational interest in a subject may eventually lead to the development of individual interest in that subject. Importantly, this should also result in an increase in behaviours related to that domain. For example, a student who develops an individual interest in science would be expected to spend more time on science-related activities such as reading about science, talking with other people about science, or watching science shows on TV. However, the extent to which this does happen has not yet been established. The purposes of this study were to find out whether regular experiences of situational interest in science classes can enhance individual interest in science and whether there is an associated increase in science-related activities. The participants were primary teacher education students who were enrolled in a semester-length science course. Data were collected using a survey, an interest inventory, open-ended questionnaires and interviews. It was found that regular experiences of situational interest during the course were associated with positive changes in individual interest in science and increased participation in science-related activities. These changes remained relatively stable over a delay period of 10 months after the end of the course.  相似文献   

话语范围、话语基调和话语方式,是决定语篇特征的三个最重要的情景因素,制约着从源语到译语语篇生成的过程、翻译策略的选择和语篇对等的实现。将语篇的情景制约引入翻译教学,开启了翻译教学的新视野,有助于学生从宏观和微观两个方面进行操作,有效提高翻译质量。  相似文献   

This article deals with the relation between interest and learning from text. In the first section, the concepts of personal and situational interest and their relation to motivation are clarified. Based on my own studies and findings from other studies, the next sections present evidence for substantial relations between interest and text learning. These relations appear to be stronger for deep-level learning than surface-level learning and seem to be largely independent of prior knowledge and cognitive ability. Finally, it is argued that past research has failed to examine the underlying mechanisms of motivation-learning relations. Suggestions and guidelines for future research are given.  相似文献   

李菁菁 《海外英语》2012,(19):150-152
Functional linguistics has become the most influential linguistic theory in the field of translation study since the last de cade of 20th century.However,for the complexity of the context,it is uncommon and insufficient to explore literary texts.Draw ing a general picture of literary text translation from functional perspectives aims to probe into the functional modes of translation.  相似文献   

问题意识与文本细读是文学研究中的两极,厘清这两个概念有着重要的学理意义。问题意识需要在“文本”阅读活动中培养,尤其能从原始期刊和文学作品的文本细读中获得。文本细读十分注重“直觉判断”与“第一印象”,并具有可操作性和实践性,具体表现为“细节”的隐喻意义和语言的“能指”功能。问题意识与文本细读实质上秉持着一种“合理的误读”精神,烛照了文学研究的盲区和空白地带。  相似文献   

二十世纪文本理论的兴盛和发展与文艺批评实践有着密切关系,它是伴随着文艺理论的批评化这一发展趋势而出现的。哲学美学的衰落、理论的批评化和批评的理论化发展趋势使得文学批评更关注文本自身, 重视实证研究及文本分析,而由此导致的批评表达方式上的转变;反过来,这一变化又强化着上述研究趋势。文学文本理论的兴盛是理论批评化的必然结果。  相似文献   

This quasi-experimental study explores how student cumulative situational interest, short-term preference generated by particular conditions such as novel experiences can be developed into better individual interest, an enduring predisposition to engage in certain activity such as chemistry lessons. A continuous intervention of integrating novelty and aesthetic experience into teaching was used for the experimental group (n?=?64) while another class of 105 students studying another course of physical science without the intervention of novelty and aesthetics served as a comparison group. The analysis of covariance comparing the two group students' pre- and post-test perceptions of learning science revealed that the experimental group outperformed the comparison group in their perceptions of interest, enjoyment, and aesthetics. The weekly assessment of student situational interest indicated that the experimental group students' situational interests were well maintained by two leading learning activities: demonstrations and hands-on experiments with novelty and aesthetic experience. The above results provide empirical evidence to support the theory of interest development, which proposes that the development goes through a cumulative and progressive procedure.  相似文献   

"趣味"作为朱光潜文学批评理论中的重要范畴之一,其含义是指主体所具有的以"欣赏、鉴别、敏感"为主要内容的审美判断能力.在朱光潜看来,由于各人的资禀性情、身世经历及传统习尚的不同,这就造成了各人在"趣味"上也有所高低.实质上,"趣味"修养的最终结果是"纯正的趣味".这种"趣味"不仅是一种"广博的趣味",更是文艺上是非美丑的标准.朱光潜的"趣味"理论不仅对我们实际的人生有指导性的意义,而且对当今文艺及其批评的科学规范化也有借鉴性的作用.  相似文献   

文学审美意识形态论成立的一个理由,在于“审美意识形态”是可以在文学艺术文本的批评实践中得到检验的。“文学审美意识形态”首先是在指明文学作为一种活动在社会结构中的地位来说的,并不完全指一篇篇的具体的文本的性质;但是既然文学活动具有审美意识形态性质,那么它就不能不在文学活动中的一环——文学文本——中体现出来。讨论这个问题的前提是要寻找出“审美意识形态”与“文学文本”之间的对应点,或者说中介。通过对陶渊明的《饮酒》和《红楼梦》第四十一回的个案分析,可以发现,“意蕴”是文学审美意识形态在文学文本中的对应点,它承载了文学的审美意识形态,故可以进行审美意识形态批评。  相似文献   

“学本”是学实践活动的对象.体现着一种主客体关系状态。学本分析的实质就是着重强调学本客体的能动性,但是学本分析不是一种纯粹的客体或语言分析,它并未与主体或学本外的客观世界隔绝。  相似文献   

本文从系统功能语言学视角深入分析了文学语篇的多重结构和动态交际过程,该过程涉及作者、隐合作者、叙述者、角色、读者、隐含读者、听述者等。根据文学语篇的这种特有交流特征,作者提出了相应的翻译操作策略。  相似文献   

This article addresses 3 broad challenges of assessment in reading comprehension: (a) explicitly articulating the knowledge and skills students need to recognize and be able to use in comprehending complex texts; (b) understanding how knowledge and skills progress and successively deepen and develop over repeated opportunities to engage in tasks that require critical thinking and interpretation; and (c) how to approach text selection and sequencing. The article examines these challenges in terms of discipline specific comprehension, specifically in the domain of response to literature. It further illustrates how these discipline specific assessment challenges are taken up in Project READI in the design of authentic assessments of literary reasoning.  相似文献   

阐释学是一种探求意义理解和解释的科学。阐释学理论关于“理解历史性”、“效果历史”、“视野融合”的论述强调了译者对原文的理解和翻译过程中所起的作用。翻译是艺术的再创造,是一种语言文化的互动活动。  相似文献   

作为一个文体概念,短信文学指一种篇幅短小、富于意味、用于手机交流的文本样式。作为一个集合概念,短信文学指短信中具有文学性的那部分短信,指篇幅短小、富于意味、用于手机交流的短信。短信文学在体制上具有篇幅短小、标题省略,富于意味、用于交流的特点,文本在整体上具有体制多样性.文本复合性的特点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine individual and situational interests in learning motor skills as associated with gender and skill. Individual and situational interests and motor skill were measured in middle school girls (n = 109) and boys (n = 82). A correlation analysis for the entire sample showed a moderate correlation between skill and individual interest (r = .63) and weak relationships between individual and situational interest (r < .10) and between situational interest and skill (r < .18). A MANOVA analysis revealed a difference between the boys and girls in situational interest at a borderline significance level (p = .05). However, when individual interest, skill, and gender were compared between students with high or low situational interest in a hierarchical log linear model, it was found that both groups did not differ in number of boys and girls (p = .98). But the high situational interest group had more students with high skill (p = .001) and high individual interest (p = .02). The results suggest that discrepancies in acquired skill accounted for the gender difference and that acquired skill is associated with individual interest and high situational interest in learning motor skills.  相似文献   

以作者为中心和文本决定一切的文学理论抹杀读者的作用,忽视读者的创造性和主观性,然而在对文学文本的阅读理解过程中,读者不是消极被动的,而是积极主动参与阅读活动.文本中的空白结构以及不确定性等召唤读者进行能动参与.理解的历史性,造成了"作者死亡"和"读者重生"的局面,也为读者的主体性发挥提供可能性.  相似文献   

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