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This study had a two‐fold purpose: first, to determine whether a measurable change in the meaning of the word writing could occur during a writing course; and second, to measure meaning rather than merely student attitudes toward writing. To satisfy these purposes, a semantic differential was administered to students in both regular and developmental classes in a two‐year campus at the beginning and the end of the 10‐week term. The scale measured the meaning of the term writing according to three dimensions: evaluation, activity, and potency. Scores were compared for each student and for each class of students. A significant increase occurred in the activity dimension for students in the regular classes by the end of the term; however, their evaluative rating decreased. Developmental students showed no change. Correlations with other measures of student performance were performed: final grades in the writing course, high school G.P.A., and verbal SAT scores. Regular students’ final grades correlated positively with the evaluation dimension of writing, and their verbal SAT scores correlated positively with the activity and potency dimensions. An inverse correlation was obtained between the developmental students’ verbal SAT scores and their evaluative rating. All correlations were stronger by the end of the term. Implications for writing teachers are discussed. Use of this instrument for measuring change in students’ perceptions of writing is recommended.  相似文献   

Several researchers have noted the variability among teachers in the grading of essays. Previous research has not attempted, however, to compare separate institutional settings. Because the regular English composition course at public two‐year colleges is transferable to four‐year public colleges, a comparison of the grading predilections of English faculty from both settings was undertaken. Each instructor was asked to mark and grade a set of five themes (the instrument). Means and standard deviations were determined, and ANOVA indicated the grading differences between the two settings were significant at the .05 level on all five themes and the grand total means. Though relatively consistent among themselves, community college instructors (N=19) were more than a letter grade more lenient than university instructors (N = 17) when all grades from each setting, referred to as the grand total mean, were averaged. University graders were most consistent on what they considered the two worst themes, whereas community college graders were most consistent on what they considered the two best themes. An expanded dialogue on grading criteria is recommended.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify and describe factors associated with participation of learners in the multi-age college classroom. Besides the multi-age component, we were interested in the perspectives of first-time freshmen because of the lack of research on participation for first-time freshmen in multi-age classrooms. The predominant means of data collection were semi-structured interviews with ten students who were first-time freshmen - six traditional-age and four adult students - and participant observations. Their ages ranged from 18 to 39 years of age. Two major themes associated with participation emerged from the data analysis, both of which were not related to age. The first, Classroom Environment, described how the classroom environment influenced participation. Three categories emerged from the data on the Classroom Environment : physical structure of the classroom, social climate, and instructor influence. The second theme, Nature of Interactions, described how different types of interactions influenced participation. Two categories emerged from the data on the Nature of Interactions : social interactions and course-focused interactions. Four conclusions were reached based on these findings: (1) the physical structure of the classroom influences student participation and student-to-student interaction; (2) the expectations and teaching style of the instructor influences participation; (3) discussion patterns are established early in the semester and hinders some students' participation; and (4) the social climate affects participation. Overall, findings yielded the same results for traditional-age and adult students. Implications for adult and higher education are presented, and recommendations are made for future research.  相似文献   

This study concerned the identification of an optimal moderator within a test battery for enhancing prediction of first semester engineering grades for 522 college freshmen. Moderated multiple regression disclosed high school rank (HSR) as the best moderator of SAT-M, the best predictor, in both a validation and hold-out group. SAT-M overall validity of .39 was increased to .53 and an overall R of .47 was raised to .61 when only those highest in HSR were considered.  相似文献   

1.Mrs.Smith,I'd like to introduce to you my Chinese friend Li Wen. 2.Li Wen,I'd like you to meet my sister Helen. 3.Allow me to introduce you to my brother. 4.Excuse me,but may I introduce myself? 5.Permit me to introduce myself.My name's Brown,Betty Brown. 6.May I know your name,please? 7.What's your first name? 8.How do you spell your last name,please? 9.I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance (认识你很高兴). 10.So am I,Mr.Li.Glad to meet you,too. 11.You don't know how happy I am to see you.  相似文献   

运用转换生成语法中概念结构、θ准则、格鉴别式和PRO等理论解释带有提升谓词的一些英语句子的语法性,并在此基础上对英语提升谓词的性质提出:1.此类谓词没有进行时和被动态形式,2.提升谓词可能有其他非提升用法,3.省略此谓词不影响其语法结构,4.提升谓词在意义上表示一种对事物发展趋势的判断等4个假设。  相似文献   

目标:学习跟拍照有关的实用英语。想一想:你是个好的摄影师吗,为什么?怎样才能拍出好的照片? 近年来,摄影逐渐成了一门全民艺术,追求效果的用单反,图个方便的手机即可,加上各种各样的拍照软件,真是给生活增添了不少色彩。除了拍照、拼图,跟摄影有关的英文表达你了解吗?本期我们就来说说“摄影”。  相似文献   

孟莉 《巢湖学院学报》2007,9(4):139-142
收听英语广播在英语学习具有不可低估的作用,是广大学生学习英语中可以利用的有效途径。英语广播有利于英语听说能力的培养;英语广播有利于英语阅读能力的培养。只要技术条件允许,收听在线英语广播是最佳选择,我们应该善于利用。  相似文献   

老师,您每天早上都提出“回家不允许看电视”的要求,对此,我想提出自己的一点看法。  相似文献   

双关是英语中一种常见的修辞方法,模糊修辞是有效地运用语言的模糊性来提高表达效果的一种艺术。本文就英语双关语中的谐音双关、语义双关和句法双关的模糊意义进行探讨,并论述了它们的模糊修辞所赋予并传达出的含蓄美、形象美和风趣情感美。  相似文献   

双关是英语中一种常见的修辞方法,模糊修辞是有效地运用语言的模糊性来提高表达效果的一种艺术。本文就英语双关语中的谐音双关、语义双关和句法双关的模糊意义进行探讨,并论述了它们的模糊修辞所赋予并传达出的含蓄美、形象美和风趣情感美。  相似文献   

科技人员在用英语说明情况或讨论问题时,习惯于多用能够体现客观性的无人称被动句。因此在科技文献中频繁出现被动语态。本文先用将被动语态与主动语态进行对比的方法介绍有关被动语态的基础知识。然后参考和引用一些论述科技问题的例句来具体说明被动语态在科技英语中的应用情况。  相似文献   

帮助学生树立修辞意识,培养学生修辞赏析和运用能力,是《高级英语》课程教学的一项重要内容。然而,国内的外语教学在一定程度上存在着重语法轻修辞的现象。本文从修辞与语言基本功之间的关系出发,以马丁·路德金的演说“Where Do We Go From Here(我们向何处去)”一文为例赏析各修辞手法在表达作者的思想和情感方面所发挥的艺术效果,阐述通过修辞教学领略作品之美,阐明在高级英语教学中培养学生修辞赏析能力的重要性。  相似文献   

徐洁  盛楠 《巢湖学院学报》2010,12(1):138-140,156
作为一种新型的多媒体教学手段,英文原声电影在大学英语教学中得到越来越多的运用。本文通过对原声电影特点的简单分析,阐明了原声电影的引入在培养学生学习兴趣,熟悉英语语言环境,了解英语文化背景,开拓学生视野等方面所起到的作用。同时,对原声电影在大学英语教学中可能出现的问题提出了有效的解决方法,从而使学生可以在一个相对活跃的气氛中学习英语,提高语言应用能力。  相似文献   

基于英语戏剧表演的大学英语教学模式实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语戏剧表演以面部表情、手势、动作等为载体进行语言交流,它既能激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生英语交际能力,又能使学生更好地了解英语国家的文化,所以被看成是一种行之有效的英语教学模式。本文结合英语教学理论与教学实践,从理论和实证两方面探讨了这种教学模式应用于大学英语教学的可行性,并分析了对英语教学的典型意义。  相似文献   

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