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The U.S. Bureau of the Census has announced its intention of making the Internet and other electronic systems the primary sources for gaining access to its statistics. The Bureau has begun to design the Data Access and Dissemination System (DADS) as the delivery system for the 2000 Decennial Census and ultimately as the single information system for access to all Census statistics. On the basis of consultations with users, the Bureau adopted a set of design principles for DADS. Most custom products available over DADS will be fee-based. Census is also considering the use of partnerships with private sector parties. The Bureau is also developing a metadata system for use in accessing all agency data. Data users have the opportunity to voice their views about the design of DADS.  相似文献   

This article traces the history of the enumeration of American Indians by the U.S. Census Bureau and its predecessors. It considers the social and political background of the census and the reasons that Native Americans were not counted by the census until 1890. It also examines the changes in the enumeration and definition of Native Americans—key concepts needed to provide effective reference service for users of Census Bureau data.  相似文献   

Planning for the 1990 census has been underway for some time and many important decisions must be made in the near future. In making these decisions, the Census Bureau will be guided by six criteria or goals, which are described in this article. The article also discusses current Census Bureau thinking in several specific areas: (1) automation, which is the key to completing the census in a timely manner; (2) basic methodology, which will likely be—possibly with modifications—the mail-out/mailback method used in the 1980 census; and (3) content, where the Census Bureau's challenge is to balance the needs for data against the need to keep questionnaire length reasonable. Other issues discussed are personnel management, outreach and publicity, and adjustment and coverage improvement. The article also describes the process the Census Bureau is using to get ideas to plan the census.  相似文献   

The successful implementation of community surveys often requires the participation of leaders and organizations in the planning and coordination phases. This article highlights the U.S. Census Bureau’s partnership and marketing model for Census 2000. Focus in particular is placed on the Bureau’s efforts to work with national and local organizations in preparing the country’s diverse population for the next decennial count.  相似文献   

The Constitution establishes that the apportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives shall be based upon an enumeration of the population. Every 10 years, the Bureau of the Census conducts that enumeration, and using the Method of Equal Proportions designated by the Congress, furnishes to the President the number of Representatives to which each state is entitled. “Rules of residence” have been developed to determine who should be counted and where persons should be counted in the census.Following the 1970 census, because of the Supreme Court's decisions requiring population equality in districts used for electoral purposes, census data became vital to the redistricting processes carried out by the individual states. The Congress enacted Public Law 94–171 which authorized the Bureau of the Census to make special preparations for the provision of redistricting data needed by the 50 states. The 1980 program established by the Census Bureau enabled state redistricting to be accomplished far more smoothly than in the 1970s. The Census Bureau is already working with the states on its 1990 program, an essential element of which is based upon its plan to provide block data for the entire country.  相似文献   

In an effort to reduce the problem of undercounting and, in general, to deliver as complete a census as possible, the Bureau has incorporated several technological advances for Census 2000. As a result, a significant portion of the costs are those associated with the use of technology. However, the Bureau is convinced these costs will be well worth it in terms of the operations that will be made more efficient and effective as a result of the technological advances. To accomplish the goals set forth in the Bureau’s operational plan, the Bureau is always looking at ways in which it can improve the speed and quality of the census and yet limit the number of manual, repetitive, human resource-intensive operations. In addition, these technological advances are focused on reducing the differential undercount for Census 2000. This article addresses some of the technological strategies the Census Bureau, hereinafter referred to as “the Bureau,” will be incorporating in the data collection processing and tabulating operations for Census 2000. Given the time and presentation limitations of this article, not every advance in technology is addressed. However, this article addresses seven major program or system areas that will be significantly affected by the implementation of advanced technology. The seven areas highlighted are: • Data Capture System 2000; m• Internet Data Collection/Internet Questionnaire Assistance; m• Telephone Questionnaire Assistance; • Coverage Edit Follow-Up; m• Data Access and Dissemination; m• American Factfinder; and m• Data Products Production.  相似文献   

The Census Bureau’s originally announced Census 2000 plan called for the use of probability sampling methods to supplement the conventional counting methods of attempts at direct contact with every household in producing the population count. Just how sampling might improve results from counting alone seems to remain unclear to many. The first part of this article shares the lessons learned in a 1997 experience with eleven youth concerning the benefits of using sampling methods to improve counting results. The second part of the paper drawn on a publication (see endnote 4) and gives details of the role of sampling in the Census Bureau’s current Census 2000 plan for producing the population count for purposes other than apportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives.  相似文献   

Our mandate for Census 2000 is to provide an accurate count that is inclusive of all populations. Service Based Enumeration (SBE) is one method that will be used to assure that the Bureau of the Census enumerates people without conventional housing.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates opportunities afforded by the database file format of many U.S. Bureau of the Census CD-ROMs. It specifically illustrates what can be achieved by modifying and linking files extracted from these CD-ROMs, and then by adding these files as thematic map layers. The article concludes by suggesting ways in which the documents specialist can network these files and maps throughout the local community.  相似文献   

The Internet has changed the way that people look for and obtain statistical information. The Internet will be the primary means by which the Census Bureau releases Census 2000 data, making more data available to the public than ever before. But information also will be available in other media such as print and CD-ROM.  相似文献   

This column will focus on recent developments at the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Of course, the major issue on the Bureau's plate at the moment is Census 2000. However, there are other developments of interest to the government information community, including new information management systems and services.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Census Bureau had provided tabulations in 2002 and 2003 on Arab Americans to the Department of Homeland Security that included detailed information on the number of people of Arab backgrounds living in selected ZIP codes. Although not a violation of law, the Census Bureau realized that this perceived breach of confidentiality would have a negative impact on public trust, and within a few months following the news of the Arab American tabulations it announced that it would no longer assist law enforcement and intelligence agencies with tabulations on ethnic groups and other sensitive populations. In spite of this damage control, we believe that the Bureau's tabulation of Arab Americans provides momentum to a process that adversely affects data quality by increasing both non-response and the cost of obtaining survey and census data. We argue that there are no “methodological fixes” that can repair the damage, and further that public relations campaigns and internal administrative changes are not optimal solutions because of the governing structure within which the Bureau currently operates. Ultimately, the best way to limit the damage already done is to effect a political solution. Toward this end we describe short- and long-term actions. In the long run, we recommend removing the Census Bureau from the Executive branch of government and re-structuring it under a permanent and non-political oversight panel similar to either the Federal Reserve Board or the Congressional Budget Office. Such a move would make a strong statement that the Bureau is non-partisan federal statistical agency.  相似文献   

The Depository Library Program of the Government Printing Office is increasingly distributing its publications in nonprint formats. A growing number of its titles are being issued on CD-ROM. Among these titles are some that are useful for research in the social sciences. Reviewed are titles issued by the Bureau of the Census, the Department of Commerce, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Health and Human Services.  相似文献   

"The U.S. Bureau of the Census has published on CD-ROM format data for the smallest geographic reporting levels....Providing access to the maps that define the reporting areas used by the Bureau within a county is one aspect of service that is unique to census files STF1A, STF1B, and STF3A. The paper illustrates the way these reporting levels are defined in the Tract/BNA Maps and Block Maps. The steps taken by one library to develop a link between a geographic area of interest to a patron and the areas defined on these maps are described. These steps include preserving and housing the maps in a way that makes them easy to use and preparing an index to the information contained on the maps using dBASE registered trademark software and information taken from STF1A using Extract software."  相似文献   

Conducting the economic censuses successfully requires systematic planning and cooperation among many Census Bureau organizational units in every stage of operation through the final publication of the results. While large companies complete industry-specific questionnaires about their operations, the censuses are conducted more efficiently, at less cost, and with less burden on the small business community by using data from administrative records of other Federal agencies. Due to major improvements in data processing techniques, the results of the latest censuses, which covered calendar year 1982, were released earlier than ever before. For 1987, the Census Bureau plans further improvements in its processing system, with the goal of still earlier release of data.  相似文献   

The Bureau of the Census initiated the American Community Survey (ACS) in 2005. It will revolutionize the use of census data by providing annual updates to statistics that in the past were collected only every 10 years. Statistics will be published for areas of 65,000 people or more every year. The Bureau of the Census will distribute data for areas of between 20,000 and 64,999 in "3-year period averages." The first 3 year average will appear in 2008 covering 2005–2007. Subsequent data will be issued annually for the following three year periods. (e.g., 2006–2008, 2007–2009) Statistics for areas smaller than 19,999 will be published in 5-year period averages, the first to be published in 2010 covering 2005–2009. Subsequent data to be issued annually will cover 2006–2010, 2007–20011, … This paper provides background information about ACS, similarities and differences between it and the decennial census, the interpretation of statistics based upon period averages, relationships among ACS and other Bureau of the Census Surveys, and the expected future of the survey.  相似文献   

The Census Bureau protects the confidentiality of census records with fervent adherence to the law and with sensitivity to public opinion. Within this framework, the Bureau uses advanced technology to store, transmit, and tabulate data. Because of the responsible manner in which the Bureau applies the new technology, no history of computer abuses exists in connection with the decennial censuses. Our intent in planning the upcoming census is to keep that record intact. This article describes how the agency assures the confidentiality of census information and what it knows about the public's perception of census confidentiality.  相似文献   

More than 5,000 households with a person identified as having a physical, mental, or emotional condition that impairs participation in activities were surveyed about their opinions concerning barriers to public library use and opinions about efforts by public libraries to be useful to people with disabilities. Results showed that perceptions of accessibility, collections, and presence of assistive or adaptive devices for people with disabilities were slightly more positive if someone in the household had used the public library in the past year. Data used for the study were from the October 2002 Current Population Survey, a federal survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  相似文献   

The comprehensive economic censuses conducted by the Bureau of the Census at 5-year intervals are the foundation of the nation's economic statistics programs. These censuses play a critical role in allowing millions of private and public decision makers to make more informed economic plans and decisions. The uses of these data are limited only by the failures of human imagination. This article describes briefly some of the principal uses of the economic censuses.  相似文献   

"The U.S. Bureau of the Census created the State Data Center program in 1978 to improve public access to census information. This article discusses the background, structure, and services of that program; the role of libraries in the program; and future directions in State Data Center/library relationships. The appendix lists contact person names, as well as addresses and telephone numbers for State Data Center lead agencies."  相似文献   

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