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田径运动是一种结合了速度与耐力、力量与技巧的综合性体育运动。"更高、更快、更强"的奥运精神在很多方面都能够通过田径运动得到集中体现。田径比赛要求运动员比对手跑得更快、跳得更高、掷得更远。田径是一项古老的运动,古代奥运会就是始于奥林匹亚地区的徒步赛跑,偶尔也会要求选手们身着  相似文献   

About Athletics     
田径许多年来都体现了奥林匹克的精神:更快、更高、更强。田径运动员就是要比自己的竞争者跑得更快,跳得更高,投得更远。在古老的奥林匹克运动会中,仅有简单的足类运动竞赛,让赛跑者穿上步兵团的盔甲或带上士兵的盾牌就可以比赛了。现在田径仍然是最受欢迎的奥林匹克运动项目之一。从100米短跑到42195米马拉松长跑,从投掷到跳高,田径运动包涵了许多奥林匹克的英雄事迹和英雄人物。Athletics is,in m any years,theem bodim ent(体现)of the O lym pic m otto—faster,higher and stronger.Athletics is about running faster,jum pinghigh…  相似文献   

袁长松 《成才之路》2010,(26):70-70
田径运动是历史上最古老的体育项目,它是在社会发展中逐步产生和发展起来的。我国古代田径运动是在军事训练推动下发展起来的。由于战争,跑、跳、投这些基本的运动形式很自然地同军事训练结合在一起。田径运动被人们称为“运动之王”,田径比赛在奥运会上素有“主旋律”之称,“得田径者得天下”也被人们所共识。运动员在参加田径比赛的过程中始终要共同遵守和执行的统一规范性的标准与要求,是根据本项运动的技战术等方面的基本特点和发展趋势,研究制定的比赛规划。  相似文献   

<正>田径运动贯穿整个体育教学过程,是高校体育教学训练的主要内容之一。但目前田径教材较为枯燥、单调,高校田径教学内容和形式的改革势在必行。《田径运动教学与训练研究》一书由李诗瑜主编,由人民日报出版社于2017年8月出版。其内容全面,实践性强,选取了大量案例,契合"更高、更快、更强"的运动精神。《田径运动教学与训练研究》是一部关于田径运动教  相似文献   

在奥林匹克运动项目中,田径运动项目是最能体现一个国家的经济和政治情况之一.但是,中国的田径运动教学还不够完善,通过查阅文献发现,目前尚未有对中国田径参加奥运会的系统回顾与总结,更未有将当今世界田径发展面临的问题与中国田径发展相关联的研究报道.针对这一问题,通过文献资料法、社会调查法提出了当代教学新思考,以供相关人士研究参考.  相似文献   

田径是各项运动的基础也是历届奥运会产生金牌最多的项目.然而我国田径基础却一直比较薄弱.在各体育大国确立奥运会战略的今天,田径运动水平的高低对整个国家竟技体育的整体水平有极大的影响.抛开竞技和奥运战略,田径也是重要的大众健身项目,非常适合群众体育的推广,对提高大众身体健康,改善身体素质有着很高的实用价值.同时,田径运动在我国的影响力正在逐渐加大,其带来的商业价值也在逐年提高.本文着重论述田径运动的价值,希望为我国田径运动的发展和推广添砖加瓦.  相似文献   

跑、跳、走、投掷是最基本的活动,人人都会,你知道它们属于什么体育运动项目吗?田径运动是各种综合性运动会,尤其是奥运会的必备项目,也是设立奖牌和金牌最多的体育运动项目,有人曾用"得田径者得天下"来表述田径在运动会中的重要性。  相似文献   

奥运会是各国体育运动水平的真实体现,奖牌的分布情况充分体现了各国在各项目上的水平.田径作为体育运动的大项,它的发展水平往往体现了该国的竞技实力,通过对29届奥运会田径奖牌的分布情况进行统计,分析田径运动的发展态势,从而把握田径运动的发展方向.  相似文献   

田径运动是一种结合了速度与耐力,力量与技巧的综合性体育运动。“更高、更快、更强”的奥林匹克运动精神在很多方面都能够通过田径运动得到集中体现。  相似文献   

In the cross-cultural context,as artistic and cultural phenomena between the East and the West,the palace art in the mid-Qing Dynasty and the French“Rococo”art is bound to be influenced by the social history,artistic and cultural environment in which they live.Through a parallel comparison of the aesthetics of court art in the mid-Qing Dynasty and French Rococo art,it is found that there are similarities in the social and cultural environments and the aesthetic tastes of the aesthetic subject at that time,and there are differences in the presentation of the function of art culture and the aesthetic style of the aesthetic subject.At the same time,there is a phenomenon of the east-west integration of“western law for use”and“eastern elements”.  相似文献   

田径运动的形成与人类社会的发展有着千丝万缕的联系,从多种角度来讲,它十分完美地阐述着奥林匹克“更快、更高、更强”的精神。面向普通大学生开设田径课程,对发展大学生的身体素质,扩展他们的知识面,培养个人组织能力及其理解奥林匹克精神都有极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

雅典当地时间8月28日上午10点10分左右,中国选手孟关良/杨文军在奥运会男子500米划艇决赛中,以1分40秒278的成绩夺冠.这是中国皮划艇项目的第一枚奥运会金牌。这也是中国在奥运会上获得第一枚水上项目金牌。At about 10:10 am of August 28 local time in Athens, Chinese player Meng Guanliang and Yang Wenjun are in Olympic Games Men's 500 Meters finals of rowing a boat, winning the championship with the achievement of 1 minute 40 seconds and 278 microseconds. This is the first Olympic gold of the Chinese boat …  相似文献   

无论从哪个角度看,田径都最能体现“更快、更高、更强”的奥运精神。它历史最悠久,项目也最多,从古代奥运会开始,就最受人们关注。田径的基本动作——跑、跳、投都是人类最平常的动作,也是最基础的较量。古代奥运会几乎所有的项目都是田径项目,希腊人通过田径,进行身体素质和意志的全面竞赛,培养出了骁勇善战的军队。这支军队有多强悍呢?  相似文献   

New York City is the largest city in the United States. It is called "The Big Apple " and is a major world city and a world leader in finance, the arts, and communications. The city is the home of the United Nations and is headquarters for some of the world's largest corporations. The city is also the center of advertising, fashion, publishing, and radio broadcasting in the United States.  相似文献   

Higher education is the product of three constituents, the policy makers or government, the executors or faculty and the recipients or the students or scholars. Steadiness among different constituents in given social interaction can act as facilitating motive and it could make higher education more smooth and productive. The “steadiness” in the pilot study is “a parameter that helps the three constituents of higher education to communicate to each other without ambiguity or say on a same frequency” and is very close to the factor “similarity”. Studies prove that “similarities” help group cohesion, improve performance and social relations etc. So to assume that the presence of like-mindedness or “similarity” or say “steadiness” in the field of higher education has the potential to decrease the amount of stress and to increase the productivity or outcome (successful policies, objective assessments, scholars, research, utility etc.), is justified. And the assumption possesses the testable potential to study policy, assessment, implementation and other allied issues objectively. Many methods of social research and experimental designs are feasible for such study. A pilot study of a biography proves that the study of “similarity” in higher education for quality and assessment is viable and possesses the potential to produce better scholars, can enable the government to improve economy, can help to produce a strong next generation, can positively contribute to strengthen the social institutions and society and above all can bring a positive change in higher education that has been merely claimed for last many years. It is recommended that the proposed “similarity” may be studied in the field of higher education to help the government to formulate and execute policies based on social psychological evidence to enable the executors to best utilize their potential to help the recipients and learners to grow as per their full potential.  相似文献   

张锋 《海外英语》2011,(11):23-24,26
With the development of the society & the economy,the pace of reformation & opening-up,and the modernization in China,English language,as a discipline,is being paid more and more attention to in the school.Good and high-standard English proficiency is required at present.With the influence of the traditional English teaching and learning mode,many students feel frustrated in the process of learning English.Therefore,the traditional English teaching and learning mode is greatly challenged.Based on the continuous development of the modern technology,the multimedia teaching and learning mode is widely applied.Multimedia,applied in the English teaching and learning process,create more authentic language environments,which enable the learners to communicate in English in real-life situations.Because both the authentic environment and communicative purposes are encouraged in modern EFL(English as a Foreign Language) teaching and learning classes,the combination of multimedia and basic teaching and learning skills will be a necessity.It is proved that the combination of the two is an effective way in the modern English language classes.  相似文献   

Reader-Response Criticism is one of the schools of western literary criticism.The scholars of the school hold the view that literature is a performative art and each reading is a performance,analogous to playing/singing a musical work,enacting a drama,etc.Literature exists only when it is read.They maintain that reading is a transction between the reader and the text,meaning is as dependent upon the reader as it is dependent upon the text.So there is no universal and absolute interpretation of a poem;rather,there can be several probable interpretations.According to their view-point,a literary text possesses no fixed and final meaning and value.Literary meaning and value are “transactional”,“dialogic”,created by the interaction of the reader and the text.In this paper,the writer,with his interpretation of the poem The Road Not Taken by famous American poet Robert Frost,tries to demonstrate that Reader-Response Criticism,in a sense,is reasonable in proving that the reality of the text lies between the reader and the text and in the transaction,it is the readers who bring their world of experience to activate the text.  相似文献   

田径,一项古老的体育运动。最早的田径比赛可以追溯到公元前776年在古希腊举行的第一届奥林匹克运动会,当时就设有12个田径项目。田径又是人们喜爱的一项现代体育运动,上至古稀老人,下至少年儿童,都是这项运动的实践者和受益者。从1896年至今它一直是现代奥运会的主体项目,设有46个单项,是金牌大户。现代世界田径运动按国际田联的解释,包括田赛、径赛、公路赛、竞走和越野赛五大类。田径运动能有效地发展人的速度、力量、耐力以及灵敏、协调性等身体素质,增强体质和培养意志品质。因此,田径运动又成为其它一切运动项目的基础,被人们授予“运…  相似文献   

一、Understanding classroo-m role relationship Learning is driven by what teachers and students do in classrooms. Teachers have to manage to help them learn immediately and become better learners in the future. Teachers' function is namely supervision, which we consider as the process by which teaching performance is systematically observed, analyzed, and evaluated .We focuses on the roles of trainer and educator. As trainers, supervisors are concerned with technical improvement; that is, in showing teachers that what they are doing can be done better. As educators, supervisors must be concerned with strategies change, that is, in showing teachers that what is done in the classroom might be done differently and in sensitizing teachers to alternative classroom practices.  相似文献   

祥忠 《今日中学生》2015,(Z3):58-60
A Mother’s Day is celebrated in the U.S.It’s also a holiday in some othercountries.It is on the second Sunday in May.It is a day to thank mothers.Onthat day mothers usually receive flowers and cards.On the cards,childrenwill write“Thanks,Mom”,“To the best mother in the world”,“Best wish-  相似文献   

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