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在标准的“最后通牒”博弈中,双方要瓜分一笔钱,其中一方是提议者,只有一次机会提出分配方案,另外一方是回应者,决定接受或者拒绝分配方案。如果回应者接受分配方案,则按照提议者所提出的方案进行分配,如果回应者拒绝接受分配方案,则博弈双方都得不到任何钱,且博弈结束。文章介绍了最后通牒博弈的几种实验范式并综述了一些重要的研究结果及理论解释,最后提出了未来的研究方向及建议。  相似文献   

在信任的博弈实验中,在博弈双方是个体还是群体时,他们表现出的信任水平是否不同呢?这是过去一、二十年研究的热点问题之一。以往大多数研究表明,群际信任显著低于人际信任,但也有部分研究发现了不同的结果。目前,关于人际—群际信任的差异主要采用投资博弈、礼物交换博弈、最后通牒博弈等任务进行测量,作者仔细梳理了基于不同任务的研究结果,并从群体因素(如群体身份、群体支持、责任分散等)和情境因素(如风险、沟通方式、信息)两个角度分析了可能影响人际—群际信任差异的因素。今后应该进一步改进研究设计,澄清人际—群际信任差异的表现,探讨各种可能的调节机制与影响因素。  相似文献   

"最后通牒博弈"实验是西方实验经济学中的经典理论,它主要探讨两人之间的利益博弈。实验结果表明:远离均衡的利益有风险,且风险与利益呈正相关;博弈者在追求自身利益最大化时必须控制风险,并有利他思想;按公平原则做到利益共享、风险均摊是理想状态。这些结论对我国社会转型过程中的风险防控具有重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

行为博弈论注重人的心理因素,而一些传统博弈论的不同程度地简化了参与人的心理因素,比如著名的最后通牒博弈。行为博弈论的序列互惠模型可以更清楚看到信念因素对局中人收益函数的影响,抓住了信念因素。而公平性模型引入了犹豫系数,进一步深化了传统博弈论的理念,使我们的博弈预测更接近实际效果。  相似文献   

以经济人假设为基础,运用经济学基本理论——产权与合约及交易费用理论,推出最后通牒博弈试验的结果完全与理性的经济人追求自身利益最大化相符合,否定了试验经济学所谓人类追求公平的本性偏好使然的观点,从而巩固了经济学的理性经济人这一最基本的假设基础,并进一步推出,如果考虑了所有局限条件,人的所有行为均是在理性下追求自身利益最大化的结果。  相似文献   

<正>如果有100元分给甲乙两人,甲负责分配,乙负责同意或否决,若双方达不成一致,这100元谁也得不到。假设甲分给自己99元,分给乙1元,这时乙会不会同意?这就是一种典型的"最后通牒博弈"。经济学家说,在经济活动中,人都是理性的,乙不会因赌气不要那1元而否决  相似文献   

针对实际中垃圾焚烧的环境监控、经济补偿不完善的问题,本文基于深圳计划建立一个中型垃圾厂的背景下,主要运用高斯模型和模拟仿真方法对垃圾厂的外围环境进行污染物浓度数据预估,判断近地面浓度关于位置的函数关系,参考国家相关污染物浓度限值标准,给附近人群聚集区进行受污染等级分类,在被判断为轻度污染以上的人群聚集区设置监控,根据受污染程度制定补偿等级,最后通牒博弈设置赔偿金额参考值对居民进行经济补偿.  相似文献   

政府与大学的关系一直是人们关心的话题,但是本文没有直接论述政府与大学之间的关系,而是从政府与大学博弈的角度,研究第三部门在两者权利关系争夺上的调适作用。文章先从政府与大学之间各自的利益追求探讨了博弈的存在性,随之讨论了他们博弈的内容及机制,并对突破博弈的条件及第三部门突破博弈的可行性进行了分析,在此基础上分析研究了第三部门对它们权利关系的调适作用。  相似文献   

本研究从我国大学教学工作评估的现实出发,对评估中的博弈现象进行分析。以博弈论的概念、基本假设和要素为依托,构建起研究的基本框架,并据此对我国大学教学工作评估中的博弈行为从评估机构内部的博弈、评估机构与大学的博弈、大学内部的博弈、大学之间的博弈等方面进行了分别分析和综合分析。  相似文献   

本文把房地产项目风险管理与博弈论有机结合起来,从博弈这个崭新的角度详细分析了房地产项目开发过程中开发商与消费者相互之间的博弈对房地产项目风险的影响,同时建立了相应的模型,研究了双方在博弈行为、方式、手段,以及博弈过程中由各方博弈产生的风险。  相似文献   

在公平理论、期望理论、名誉道德理论的基础之上,提出成本价值说。该假说认为人们决策时会衡量理性和情感行为价值,占据主导地位的一方决定我们后续的行为。通过对最后通牒游戏中的影响因素和内在神经机制的总结,论证了成本价值说的合理性,并对成本价值说的后续研究提出展望。  相似文献   

To study deception, participants were randomly assigned the role of allocator or recipient in an ultimatum negotiation game. Allocators “earned” 7 dollars and divided the money between themselves and recipient and communicated the decision either face-to-face or through text chat. Recipients were unaware the amount the allocator had, and therefore, allocators could deceive. Most allocators used deception. We hypothesized that participants who self-identified as good liars would communicate more face-to-face than through text chat when deceiving, and this was supported for deceptive omission but not fabrications. Good liars were more likely to have their truths correctly detected than bad liars.  相似文献   

论死亡教育在社会转型期的解构和建构功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
死亡教育是一门从哲学、宗教、心理学、社会学、人类学、医学、生物学、经济学、法律、伦理学、学、艺术等多方面探讨死亡的学科,死亡教育具有终极性意义,也具有功能性的作用。在社会转型期,死亡教育的功能性作用能够解构流行的物质符号及话语,建构新的人精神和人空间,通过功能性作用的发挥,将人们的价值观重新带回终极性意义的追求。  相似文献   

This article addresses the shifting educational priorities in the accountability era by examining states’ expressed and assessed educational goals in relation to those goals enjoying historical and popular support. The authors argue that curricular restriction in response to federally influenced educational priorities limits individual and social growth, concluding that the 2014 No Child Left Behind ultimatum provides a ready catalyst for reorienting educational priorities to address more holistic aims grounded in research from positive psychology.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to advance a framework for understanding and teaching game design in higher education, in order to address complexities inherent in teaching game design courses. Everyday teaching and learning game design often deviate from the standard textbook model of game design. In reality everyday teaching and learning operate with handling game design curriculum, how to think games, and how to organise the development process. The presented framework merge curriculum, thinking, and process guided by the game design concept of juiciness. The framework will be presented by dismantling the standard textbook model of game design into three; game design (curriculum), game design thinking (thinking), and game development (organisation). In this perspective game design is concerned with game mechanics, game design thinking preoccupied with paper prototyping, metaphor, and framing, while game developments addresses player experience including play and game testing. This article will coin vertical design as juiciness as opposed to horizontal design understood as expanding system layout. Juiciness will be placed as a guiding principle in the relationship between designers and designed content as an aspect of designer intentions and motivations. Lastly, the content centric framework will be presented by merging game design, game design thinking, game development, vertical design with selected aspects of accepted software development strategies as an approach to teaching and learning game design in higher education.  相似文献   

面向实用的电子教育游戏界定及特征研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
本文在对已有电子教育游戏相关概念梳理的基础上,提出电子教育游戏从本质上讲是由游戏设计和制作人员创作、承载着具体教育和娱乐目的的计算机软件。并从游戏者角度作出进一步阐释,指出游戏者的游戏活动是游戏者在游戏环境中,依据游戏规则、使用游戏策略、为最终达成游戏目标而进行的一系列活动。在此过程中游戏者既可获得与日常生活不同的紧张、喜悦等感情,又可完善或者提高自身性能的某些方面。在对电子教育游戏概念研究的基础上,进一步提出了电子教育游戏的五个主要属性:目标性、规则性、策略性、自由性和娱教性。  相似文献   

Games may be useful tools for learning and communicating about sexual and reproductive health. This article discusses the collaborative design and subsequent evaluation of a narrative-based card game. This game was created in a workshop based on positive youth development, which allowed youth to be involved as game designers and game players. Human-centered design informed the workshop and gave the youth opportunities to have meaningful roles, learn skills, and focus on an issue that affects their peers. The intervention was constructed to teach about sexual and reproductive health and also to provide skills to address the medical, social, and emotional aspects of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). During the evaluation of the resultant game, student players were critical of the game but admitted to learning essential facts about STIs. This study demonstrates the feasibility of collaboratively designing a game with youth for youth resulting in a playable and educational tool.  相似文献   

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