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船山通过对历代改革的评价,构建了以变化史观为理论依据,以顺天理必然之势为指导思想,以民生关怀为价值旨归的改革理论体系。船山注重民生关怀的改革思想,对于今天的改革仍然有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

雷平阳是当代华语诗坛中颇具影响力的作家之一。在大量描写故乡和亲人的作品之外,他以其独特的笔触,创作了一些关注都市民生疾苦、反映普通民众在城市之中生活实况的作品,体现了他宽广的创作视野和深切的民生关怀,也是对中国文学中源远流长的现实主义传统的继承和发扬。  相似文献   

马金莲是近年来迅速成长并有一定影响的宁夏女作家,其创作渗透着强烈而自觉的女性关怀意识,折射着浓郁的民族文化心理与边缘文化心理。  相似文献   

意大利文学大师伊塔洛·卡尔维诺的文学创作,在人生哲理以及人类命运和现实社会的深入思考上体现着自己深度的人文关怀。在其早期"战争与人民"小说中,他将视角伸向小人物的内心世界,展现他们的生存状态与挣扎;工业—消费时期,常常表现出对人类生存环境,尤其是底层人物的生命本真现象的密切关注,并将关注的目光从物质环境延伸到生态环境;在存在论意义上,卡尔维诺一直追求现代人的完整性,晚年之作更是概括性地总结了整个人类面对存在的永恒性困惑。  相似文献   

民生新闻的出现,契合了新闻的社会需要,民众生活的需要,弥补了时政新闻的不足.然而,随着民生新闻的兴起,其存在的危机也与之俱来——庸俗化、同质化等问题日益突出,因此这些也制约着民生新闻的发展.产生诸多问题的原因是多方面的,忽略人文关怀——这一民生新闻的核心价值是根本原因.其结果就是离民生主旨越来越远.新闻工作者应该摆脱追求新闻事件的表面冲突性、新奇性、爆炸性,充分体现人文关怀.  相似文献   

余华小说具有鲜明的特色:先锋小说实验性质的展示,包含温情的苦难的追述,更有作家作为"人"进入灵魂深处的思考。时代的变换,是促使余华形成这些改变的历史契机,由外部因素致使个人写作视角的新发现,并一道作用于余华献给读者的文本中。与同时代的作家相比,余华不仅具有先锋解构的技巧,也有对历史写实的运用,这样使得作家文本具有冷暖鲜明又交织共融的特色。余华作品中的人文关怀一直与时俱进,同时又具有共时性的性质。  相似文献   

贾大山的小说经历了从"文学工具论"下的民间伦理书写到五四启蒙伦理与民间伦理结合形成的启蒙叙事的发展过程,形成了不同时期的审美特点。在贾大山的文学世界中,"民间伦理"作为一种价值融入到新文学传统的启蒙叙事,成为它的补充。贾大山虽然摆脱了国家抒情体制下写政治、写政策的主旋律文学成规,但依然坚守着五四新文学的"主旋律",他是孙犁开创的河北文学启蒙叙事流脉中的重要作家,以自己的文学实践参与了新国民精神的建构。  相似文献   

民生新闻是近年来电视荧屏上出现的一个新的新闻现象,它特有的亲和力以及大众化、通俗化的特点更加符合观众的审美习惯,因此获得越来越多观众的青睐。主持人要在节目中体现出人文关怀,就要确立自己的平民化风格和人文关怀的精神定位:个人形象平易近人,主持风格贴近百姓,评论语言朴实通俗,叙述方式灵活多样。  相似文献   

当前我国正在大力推进以民生关怀为重点的社会建设,而择校乱收费关系着民生关怀在教育领域的落实,进而影响到我国和谐社会的构建。只有充分落实民生关怀,不断增进教育公平,并以此促进我国择校及其乱收费问题的解决,才能更好地办人民满意的教育,推进我国教育及社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

曾艳琴 《现代语文》2006,(10):49-50
张爱玲,这个曾经创造了战乱纷纭的中国的20世纪40年代坛奇迹的才女,当她的作品连同她传奇般的身世经过了几十年的沉寂再一次呈现在我们当代人的面前时,这已不仅仅是一个普通的学现象,而是有了一种经典性的价值。  相似文献   

李大钊非常关注民生问题,如何改善民生是贯穿他一生的思考主题之一。李大钊的民生思想经历了从传统思想影响下对民生的关注,到主张资本主义民主政体下用国家政策改善民生,再到马克思主义革命理论指导下进行社会主义革命彻底改革民生的转变历程,发生了根本质变。这种质变体现于关注范畴、主客体转变及解决途径等方面。李大钊民生思想是中国共产党早期民生思想的重要组成部分,具有重要的历史意义。  相似文献   

作为中国马克思主义的先驱和中国共产党的早期创始人,李大钊重视民生问题,他将马克思主义民生思想与中国实际相结合,通过撰写文章、教育指导等方式传播相关理论,并在其短暂的革命生涯中身体力行,推动马克思主义民生思想中国化,这对当代中国民生建设亦有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

弗洛伊德认为梦是人们潜意识的表达。梦常常和小说联姻,它在小说中表达的是人物的潜意识,同时也是作者的潜意识。贾平凹擅长把梦融入小说中,《怀念狼》这部小说对梦的描写极具代表性,小说中的梦既暗示了主人公"舅舅"傅山对狼的恐惧,又表达了作者对于现代文明中人们生存困惑的思考。  相似文献   

政府社会保障职能的缺位,社会保障制度的滞后,导致在改革中付出巨大代价的人群无法得到应有的补偿,无法公平地享受改革带来的成果,从而必然危及到社会的和谐和长治久安。正视社会保障中存在的问题,明确政府在实现和维护公平中的责任,强化政府社会保障职能,才能真正的实现社会和谐,体现社会主义的优越性。  相似文献   

迈向“经典”的途径——“金庸小说热”在大陆:1976-1999   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文通过回返金庸小说自70年代中后期进入大陆的历史现场,试图清理政治经济情势变化之下,不同场域的多重话语、权力脉络如何参与和建构了金庸小说的经典化进程,尤其是学院体制在其中的复杂互动,透露出“五四”以来形成的审美原则和价值判断仍然是经典生成的重要成规。  相似文献   

This account of practice describes the introduction of an accredited postgraduate management qualification which used action learning as a major contribution to a blended learning approach in a fragile cross-border setting on the edge of Europe. Conventional management education has frequently been challenged on the grounds of relevance, efficacy and value. In this case, action learning was combined with other blended learning approaches over a two-year period resulting in both excellent academic performance and student satisfaction results. Student completion and progression rates were exceptional and returns to the programme sponsors and the employing organisations were high. Programme participants gained an academic qualification and through action learning also gained added value through their own personal development; became more capable as independent learners and experienced enhanced social capital within their professional community.  相似文献   

With permission from Childbirth Connection, the concise version of the Listening to Mothers II "Survey Methodology" is reprinted here. Harris Interactive(R) conducted Listening to Mothers II: Report of the Second National U.S. Survey of Women's Childbearing Experiences on behalf of Childbirth Connection. The survey consisted of 1,373 online interviews and 200 telephone interviews with women who had given birth in U.S. hospitals in 2005, with weighting of data to reflect the target population. Interviews were conducted from January 20 through February 21, 2006. The methods used to conduct the survey and analyze the data collected are described.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):193-203

Research on secondary education in Africa is urgent for several reasons. One reason is the strong link between social and economic development, on the one hand, and secondary education, on the other. Several studies have indicated this link and while African leaders are mindful of its importance, no comprehensive plan exists whereby development objectives put forward by New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) could be realised.

This article reports on a pilot study by a South African university following a request from the NEPAD Secretariat to investigate secondary education research opportunities. The study included a literature review, documentation analysis and interviews with various interested individuals and bodies that are concerned with secondary education research and development in Africa. Results of the pilot study point towards a number of important studies that have been conducted or that are currently under way concerning African secondary education. Secondly, a number of possible strategic focus areas for research have emerged, but will have to be followed by more in-depth inquiry in order to be of proper value.  相似文献   

With permission from Childbirth Connection, the “Executive Summary” for the Listening to Mothers II survey is reprinted, here. The landmark Listening to Mothers I report, published in 2002, described the first national U.S. survey of women''s maternity experiences. It offered an unprecedented opportunity to understand attitudes, feelings, knowledge, use of obstetric practices, outcomes, and other dimensions of the maternity experience. Listening to Mothers II, a national survey of U.S. women who gave birth in 2005 that was published in 2006, continues to break new ground. Although continuing to document many core items measured in the first survey, the second survey includes much new content, exploring earlier topics in greater depth, as well as some new and timely topics.  相似文献   

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