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With the support of the central government, the Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) was initiated by CAS in 1998 in an effort to build a national innovation system at the advent of a knowledge-based economy. Since then, scores of major projects under the Program have been launched with an objective to address the key S&T issues that are of strategic significance to the economic development, national security and social sustainable development in China. Through integrating CAS strengths with social resources, these projects have scored encouraging achievements.  相似文献   

ZHAN Wenlong     
Member and Vice President of CAS Over the past 30 years,since China adopted its reform and opening-up policy,and especially in the past 13 years,after CAS started its Knowledge Innovation Program in 1998,China’s astronomy has made historic progress in observational studies,facilities and technology development,and in satisfying major national strategic needs. Regarding observational studies,CAS astronomers have produced a series of globally important  相似文献   

To speed up the regional development in central and western China is a strategic decision made by the Chinese government at the turn of the century. For CAS research professionals, active participation into the campaign is a solemn historic commitment and a major task of the CAS-piloted national Knowledge Innovation Program. In early 2000, the CAS leadership formulated an Action Plan for Western China Development and initiated a research program aiming at the environmental evolution,ecological restoration and the sustainable exploitation of the local resources in the region.  相似文献   

侯建国 《中国科学院院刊》2021,36(10):1123-1126
东北黑土地是国家粮食安全的"压舱石",然而长期以来的黑土退化导致土壤肥力降低、生态服务功能下降,严重威胁国家粮食安全和区域生态安全。作为"国家队",中国科学院先期谋划、科学论证,汇聚院内外科研队伍,联合东北四省(区)共同发起"黑土粮仓"科技会战。通过设立中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)"黑土地保护与利用科技创新工程"、筹建黑土地保护与利用国家重点实验室、打造黑土地保护利用专业人才队伍,激发科技创新活力,实现黑土地可持续利用,为用好养好黑土地作出国家战略科技力量应有的贡献。  相似文献   

In order to promote the national capability in S&T innovation in an all-round way, the Party's Central Committee and the State Council made a key decision of great strategic significance to initiate a pilot project for the national Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) at CAS in 1998. This signifies a new stage for the buildup of a national knowledge innovation system and a new era for the development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).  相似文献   

中国科学院自建院以来一直在国际科学前沿、国家经济建设与国防安全需求、社会可持续发展三个维度上寻求一种平衡。作为国家最高自然科学学术机构必须面向国际前沿、必须对人类有自己的贡献、必须自立于民族之林、必须引领中国科学的发展;作为国立研究机构又必须为新中国事关国计民生的经济建设与严峻的国防安全尽到自己的职责、必须成为国家高技术研发的重要基地、必须在国际高技术领域有一席之地:作为用纳税人的钱支撑的具有良知的学术团体又必须为社会可持续发展提供共享的资源与环境信息、必须为社会进步提供思想资源和文化食粮。中国科学院的技术学科布局与发展就是在这三种强大力量的左右下进行的,她所走过的道路就是由几乎全面扑向国家与社会的事无巨细的技术需求到抽身致力于更为关键与事关长远的战略高技术、建立研发“航空母舰”集群。  相似文献   

"黑土地保护与利用科技创新工程(黑土粮仓)"战略性先导科技专项(A类)是中国科学院实施"黑土粮仓"科技会战,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于"把黑土地用好养好"系列指示精神的核心抓手。该专项立足国家粮食安全战略目标,针对东北黑土地保护与利用面临的关键科学技术难题,根据问题导向、创新引领和示范带动的思路,以"目标清、可考核、用得上、有影响、推得开、留得下"为原则,开展黑土地保护与利用的核心技术攻关和区域适宜性模式示范,致力于形成用好养好黑土地的系统解决方案,服务国家粮食安全产业带建设和现代农业发展。  相似文献   

This article gives an introductory account on the development of research facilities at the CAS over the past six years since the initiation of the Knowledge Innovation Program in 1998 and during the period of the national 10th Five-year Plan in particular. In addition, it expounds the key points for the future work at the CAS in this regard.  相似文献   

Under the joint auspices of the Ministry of Sciences & Technology(MOST)and China Association for Science & Technology, more than 1,600 Chinese scholars including CAS and CAE members,chief scientists of the National Basic Research Program(dubbed 973 Program)and directors  相似文献   

The Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (XJTIPC) was established recently by the merger of two former CAS institutes: the Xingjiang Institute of Physics and the Xingjiang Institute of Chemistry.This is an important decision made by CAS for the implementation of the national Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) piloted at the Academy in the context of the national drive to develop China's west.  相似文献   

As part of the "Action Plan for the Development of Western China," the project is conducted by the Institute of Soil & Water Conservation under CAS and the Ministry of Water Resources. It focuses on the rehabilitation of the regional eco-environment, such as a large-scale afforestation drive on enclosed hillsides, efforts to turn the reclaimed farmland on steep mountain slopes into woodland and pastureland, the greening of mountainous areas and speeding up the restoration tempo of the original vegetation on the Loess Plateau. An experiment & demonstration zone has been co-established by the CAS Institute and the provincial Government of Shaanxi. Located in a hillygully region sprawling in the heartland of the Plateau,the zone includes nine townships, covering 707 square kilometers in total area. Since its start in 2000, the project has scored remarkable progress:  相似文献   

汪衔石 《情报杂志》2021,40(4):50-56
[目的/意义]风险评估是国家情报工作的重要内容。通过对西印度洋非传统安全展开风险、困境及对策研究,对"21世纪海上丝绸之路"倡议在该地区推进过程中的风险评估和预警有着十分重要的意义。[方法/过程]首先对西印度洋海上非传统安全进行分类,在此基础上对地区非传统安全治理在国家、区域和国际社会三个层面存在的治理困境进行论述,分析其治理动能缺失的原因,最后对中国参与该地区的治理提供路径选择和建议。[结果/结论]在该地区,中国首先应该建立西印度洋情报研究中心,其次要以现有机制为基础深度参与地区海上治理并发挥主导作用,最后要长期不懈为地区提供护航、维和等区域公共产品。  相似文献   

International cooperation is a prerequisite for the successful .implementation of the national Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) being piloted by CAS, and hence further efforts will be made to strengthen collaboration and exchanges with the outside world,stresses CAS President Lu Yongxiang.  相似文献   

The 2004 enlarged summer session of the Leading Group of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at CAS was held July 26-31. It came amid a nationwide campaign to study the important thought of the Three Represents and the scientific approach to development advanced by the CPC Central Committee. The meeting coincided with a crucial moment for the development of CAS, as the Academy is about to kick off the third phase of work for the trial implementation of its Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP). A wide range of issues were discussed at this highly efficient and pragmatic meeting, which is expected to significantly influence the development of CAS.  相似文献   

文章回顾了中国科学院建院65年来的发展历程,总结了出成果、出人才、出思想等一系列创新成就,阐述了民主办院、人才强院、开放兴院的优良传统,进一步明确了新时期中国科学院的基本方针和中心任务,展望了中国科学院实现"四个率先"的宏伟蓝图和在国家科技进步与民族复兴进程中的历史性作用。  相似文献   

贺鹏  陈军  乔格侠 《中国科学院院刊》2019,34(12):1359-1370
随着全球环境变化、人类生产活动对生物多样性影响的加剧,人类将面临对生物多样性认知、保护与可持续利用以及国门生物安全等领域的重大需求。中国科学院生物标本馆(博物馆)包括隶属于中国科学院18个科研机构的19家生物标本馆(博物馆),是我国动物、植物、菌物及化石等标本保藏、研究和科学教育的主要实体场馆,是2个国家科技资源共享服务平台——国家动物标本资源库和国家植物标本资源库的牵头单位。中国科学院生物标本馆(博物馆)标本藏量、管理和利用代表着我国战略生物资源的整体水平,在国家生物资源的保护与可持续利用中具有不可替代的重要作用,对国门生物安全发挥了重要的支撑与保障作用。基于对其整体现状的全面分析,文章阐述了中国科学院生物标本馆(博物馆)的基本定位、组成与布局特点,馆藏标本的规模、组成与特色,以及与发达国家标本收藏机构的对比;系统概述了依托标本馆在战略生物资源收集与保藏、经典分类研究、志书和图谱编撰、标本信息数字化、科学普及等领域取得的科研成果,并阐述了对前沿科学研究、国家重大需求以及国民经济主战场的支撑作用。同时,全面分析了生物标本资源收集、保藏、研究与可持续利用、信息数据共享等面临的关键问题,以及制约生物标本馆(博物馆)运行与发展的"瓶颈"问题,提出了建设国家生物标本馆的具体思路,展望了生物标本资源收集的未来格局,以及生物标本馆(博物馆)运行模式的发展趋势。  相似文献   

CAS scientists recently proposed the building of a fourth rice production base in northeast China by fully taping the resources of ancient river channels in the western part of the region so as to promote local economic and ecotogical development.  相似文献   

贵州水城位于川滇黔集中连片特殊困难的乌蒙山区。这里曾是国家扶贫开发工作重点县,2016年底,贫困发生率达18.9%。作为水城的定点帮扶单位,中国科学院在脱贫攻坚阶段围绕当地生态环境及资源禀赋特点和产业基础,推进大批科技成果转移转化,因地制宜帮助水城打造特色产业,助推水城于2020年3月顺利退出贫困县序列。2020年,水城踏上了向乡村振兴的迈进之路。2023年,笔者团队赴水城调研后发现,中国科学院继续秉持科学精神,助推水城升级产业、提质增效,让水城在振兴之路上行稳致远。  相似文献   

形象资源的建设与维护是当代公共机构必须面对的使命,是组织影响力和发展空间的重要组成部分。而将组织的形象资源转化为形象资产进行管理则是新的理论及实践探索,其理论主要借鉴自无形资产计量方法和智力资本管理理论。文章诠释了形象资产管理的核心概念与内涵,思考了相应的建设路径,在理论解析基础上,将建设视野聚焦于国立科研机构这一"国有资产+科技共同体"的专有类型,期望提炼出将该类型机构的形象资源转化为形象资产进行管理的路径特征。文章以中科院形象资产体系的架构和工作规划清单的先期探索为案例,希望能为国立科研机构形象资产管理体系建设提供管理方法与推进路径的参考。  相似文献   

CAS at 70     
To celebrate its 70~(th) birthday, the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) reviews its development and picks out 40 milestone ST achievements and hallmark advances scored by its scientists over the past 40 years, as a salute to the Opening-up and Reform of China. BCAS is presenting part of them in installments. Please turn to page 195 for detail.  相似文献   

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