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介!_方三 圈回回回回疆回回回回口娜’——B、”._._问回回 变回回赐 W,K H it WW%--;”L;,-----MM We 九 多 回回回 黝回回回目瞩睬W呷9二L_g’“一“!2卜回*丁二 问H回回回 1广 原国家教委职教司刘来泉司长、老司长孟广平、杨金上等 z)卜 回回_视察学校并题词勉励 十’回回回回卜_一;,、_ u ’.x-。 一《HtH——,-. dew回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回 原国家教委职教司刘占山副司长在省高教厅彭副厅长。电回回回回回回回回回刁】回回回回回回回回回回回回回 子机械厅林副厅长陪同下视察学校 中国职教学会中专…  相似文献   

回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回巴 滨江中二小一向以”校u英、校风好、质 帕_回匹回回回回回回回回回回回回回回曰回_。_‘二厂二’_二二_。,二二,。厂一人人币、。、,,r。”椅获 回-司回瞩H回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回阻腐广州市海珠区实验小学探索实施素质教育的课堂教学模式  相似文献   

回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回巴 滨江中二小一向以”校u英、校风好、质 帕_回匹回回回回回回回回回回回回回回曰回_。_‘二厂二’_二二_。,二二,。厂一人人币、。、,,r。”椅获 回-司回瞩H回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回阻腐抓全面发展 创办学特色  相似文献   

回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回巴 滨江中二小一向以”校u英、校风好、质 帕_回匹回回回回回回回回回回回回回回曰回_。_‘二厂二’_二二_。,二二,。厂一人人币、。、,,r。”椅获 回-司回瞩H回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回阻腐增城市朱村镇中心小学深入教学改革 全面提高教育质量  相似文献   

「回」回回家 回回回回回回回回回口回术 回回回回刁回回回回回回回回艺 回回回回回 一回回回回回回头 回回回回回」 纳豚娜回回回的 回回回回回回回巨mm回回口巴 回回回回回回回回回回回回回回尔 回回回回回回回莫斯科之旅  相似文献   

回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回巴 滨江中二小一向以”校u英、校风好、质 帕_回匹回回回回回回回回回回回回回回曰回_。_‘二厂二’_二二_。,二二,。厂一人人币、。、,,r。”椅获 回-司回瞩H回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回阻腐广州市芳村区新隆沙西小学全面推进素质教育,不断提高办学水平  相似文献   

回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回巴 滨江中二小一向以”校u英、校风好、质 帕_回匹回回回回回回回回回回回回回回曰回_。_‘二厂二’_二二_。,二二,。厂一人人币、。、,,r。”椅获 回-司回瞩H回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回阻腐广州市芳村区东漖侨联小学培养良好的教师群体 开创学校工作新局面  相似文献   

卧司医空白f:,”?b《骸貂聚图獭图回口回 刘新民,1954 f出生于河南省上羹.1986笨他以优舅的成纺毕业于9 回回Sz巳 一,Y滔啄囫酿困回目目回不齐市职工业余大学中文采.他画任武戳新疆总队政治团宣传文回回回Qg回回h回回问回L.J回化处处长,政治田副主任.他坯是中国电影艺术家协会会员。新羹作象徘-’____m=’.--,..回 Dnw。回回回回回回口回回【)、回回回回邑回 这伍田登文学的胃年军旨,曰员着捍卫祖臼的鬃任,但强烈的事业回口必山回【回回回回回回回二】回回心,使他在工作之宗仍孜孜以末,追束着文学创(作的度播,拔动着战丈的—甲J卜刀回回…  相似文献   

新桥小学是一所有百予 回回口回回阳回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回口回回回凹回。 年历史的书院。]991年重建 珊匹】回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回口回”回回冈孵盯- 为占地面积一万予平方米的 也回回回口圃圃回回回口回回口回回回回m厂-_翻幽回回回 颇具规模的现代化新型学 回口回回回圃毅-_WM】回回回n回回回回邑*掘回回回回回 校。村委会重视教青,村长书 回回回回回回回隐饲回【刁囤回回回回回回回回【回幽回冗回回 记经常深入学校指导工作.每 回回凹剧回回回呵回屯rm同个d回】回回回回回回回回回回回卯《一 年搜入经费不少于3O万…  相似文献   

。_颜困回回回瓤滋缀 鸟②——o凹回回口回口回出羹缀蠢团圈回圃困肥口回口凹四删照圃回回蹬攒 台回回山蹋Z阳回回邑冈圃问间日酪圈肥盈雾回口回】酌-缀拙n图酷辎辎③圃回回回呷囫照回回 山回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回回 市BD_馏回回回回回回回回回回回 髓瞩 发 巴蹦回口回回回霞同回回回回回 缀瞩 展回卜甩蹈固回回口同囫圈腮圈、滋 圃瞩瞩圃圃回圈圈翔瞩瞩 中回回回回口口回回回回回肇义乙蹈 缀圈圈圃肥撤圈圈圈瞩圃 的回回回回回口回口回回回口口回回回回回回回回 圃圃圃圈旧回圃圃瞩蹦瞩 电口…  相似文献   

纵观西方哲学史,天文学对哲学的影响是巨大的。它每一次猜测性的假说和实证性的发现,不断地揭开了宇宙神秘面纱,开阔了人们的视野,带来人们认识上的巨大变化,从而推动了哲学的产生和不断向前发展。天文学,是西方哲学发展的当之无愧的突破口。  相似文献   

The lecture is a common method used in college instruction, but many teachers are questioning its effectiveness. For this study, two successive spring semester sections of introductory astronomy for non-science majors were studied. The spring 1999 semester was the instructor's first attempt to incorporate innovative instructional techniques to include hands-on, minds-on instruction within the lecture setting. The educational research involved classroom observations, personal interviews, and pre-instruction/post-instruction administration of the Texas Attitude Survey and the Astronomy Diagnostic Test. During the spring 2000 semester, the instructor modified instruction to respond to student concerns from the previous semester. Student scores for the second course showed significant improvement in astronomy content and the institutional course survey, but not in student self-efficacy.  相似文献   

介绍了分子天文学的学科性质、发展现状和研究方法,并通过对国内外新建望远镜的介绍展望了分子天文学的未来.  相似文献   

The program at the MIT Haystack Observatory has added a new opportunity for students as part of our overall national effort to encourage research by undergraduates. Radio astronomy complements other branches of astronomy, augments science education broadly, and serves to promote interdisciplinary research and education. In the past 2 years, we have conducted a successful pilot program to develop and test a program that facilitates the linking of undergraduate research and education through radio astronomy. As a result of this effort, a small radio telescope has been developed and can be used as a hands-on introduction to radio astronomical techniques and instrument calibration. The telescope is presently being commercialized so that it can be purchased as a low-cost kit for assembly. Remote access to the Haystack 37-m antenna has made it possible for students nationwide to access a research grade facility and we invite faculty everywhere who are interested in this possibility to use our facility. Undergraduate students can participate in the exciting world of research by performing experiments with the telescope. Radio astronomy materials for faculty, students, and interested amateurs have been developed are posted on our web site (http://www.haystack.mit.edu). The materials will continue to be upgraded and enhanced, and the contributions from participating teachers and students nationwide will be added to the project files. We hope to make this not only a resource for someone using our facility but also for the community in general.We are now bringing the Haystack telescopes and radio astronomy to the broad undergraduate community. Based on our pilot experiences, we envision students everywhere being able to exploit the opportunity to strengthen their education through practical research using radio astronomy.  相似文献   

X-ray astronomy has benefited enormously with the deployment of imaging X-ray telescopes in space, leading to a veritable revolution. Such telescopes require distortion free focusing of X-rays and the use of position sensitive X-ray detectors. In this article I shall describe the importance of X-ray imaging, the optical principles behind the creation of images and the instruments based on these principles. The various techniques used to fabricate such X-ray telescopes are described briefly. The many types of detectors used in X-ray astronomy will be described in the second part of this article in a subsequent issue ofResonance. Kulinder Pal Singh is in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. His primary fields of research are X-ray studies of hot plasmas in stars, supernova remnants, galaxies, intergalactic medium in clusters of galaxies, active galactic nuclei, cataclysmic variables and X-ray binaries. He is leading the development of a soft X-ray imaging telescope for the ASTROSAT mission to be launched by India in 2007–2008.  相似文献   

哥白尼所创立的"日心说"理论是天文学历史上一场撼天动地的变革,无愧于成为人类近代科学革命的伟大开端。"这一伟大成就,不仅铺平了通向近代天文学的道路;而且也帮助人们在宇宙观上引起了决定性的变革。""日心说"理论的产生具备了社会和个人两方面的条件,是"摆脱教权统治和学术统治枷锁的精神解放"的辉煌成果,而绝不是什么笃信天主教上帝所得的恩赐。  相似文献   

简要介绍了在理论力学课的教学过程中,如何适量适度地融入天文学内容的一些改革设想和做法。教学实践表明,将天文知识融入理论力学的教学大大激发了学生的学习兴趣,更好地提高了学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,从而提高了理论力学的教学质量。  相似文献   

文章根据古代文献对燧人氏“察辰心而出火”的记载,利用天文学方法,根据大火星出没的季节来推算年代,从而确定燧人氏的可能年代在距今1.7万年或1.955年。  相似文献   

The excellent X-ray images produced by X-ray telescopes require the use of detectors with imaging capability at the focal plane of the telescopes. In this concluding part of the article on experimental techniques in X-ray astronomy, I describe many X-ray detectors that have been used over the years. These can broadly be classified into two physical types: non-dispersive and dispersive. Traditionally the simple non-dispersive types have been used extensively in X-ray astronomy. The advancement of solid state technologies, cryogenics, and the quality of X-ray imaging has led to many new detectors of both types. Both the traditional and the new types of detectors are described briefly here with emphasis on principles and some technical details. Kulinder Pal Singh is in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. His primary fields of research are X-ray studies of hot plasmas in stars, supernova remnants, galaxies, intergalactic medium in clusters of galaxies, active galactic nuclei, cataclysmic variables and X-ray binaries. He is leading the development of a soft X-ray imaging telescope for the ASTROSAT mission to be launched by India in 2007–2008. Part 1. Imaging Telescopes,Resonance, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 15–23, 2005.  相似文献   

北魏政权对汉文化采取积极吸收方针,设置天文机构,重视人才的选拔与使用,积极收集、整理天文资料,兴建天文台,制造天文仪器,因此,北魏的天文学取得了长足的进展.其中浑仪、李兰秤漏、天象厅成为天文学史上的重要事件,对中国天文学的发展起了积极的作用.  相似文献   

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