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Some young people of high ability will have as their ambition a business of their own... These budding entrepreneurs are of special value to a thriving economy... We do need to encourage the swing of the balance (in education) in order to support the desperate need for enterprise. (Sir Keith Joseph 1986)  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革的新理念使教师参与课程发展有了新的变化,本文论述了在课程发展中教师权力享的有必然性,分析了教师参与整个课程发展过程使权力的途径:即参与课程设计和决策、课程实施以及课程评价,从而指出教师参与课程发展权力与职责的一致性。  相似文献   

Parental and Stakeholder 'Voice' in Schools and Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the expansion of education, the growth of the middle class and their awareness of the nexus between educational opportunities and socio-economic success, countries have come to perceive parents as stakeholders in, not just the recipients of, education. With the growing stakes involved, the need to have parental agreement on the broad lines of educational reform has become a more pressing political objective. This article suggests that it is important to examine 'voice' in the context of these broader trends as well as in the specific context of assessing whether education is becoming more 'demand-led'. It examines the exercise of 'voice' in schooling at the 'micro' level of schools and more broadly in the extent to which school systems at the macro level encourage the expression of diverse educational demands.
Alongside the formal opportunities and encouragement of parental participation, the practice reveals problems and limitations. In some countries parents tend to believe that the issues on which their engagement is sought are the relatively simple, practical ones rather than fundamentals, and that there may even be active discouragement of parental involvement. Evidence in some countries worryingly suggests that the level of parental interest is not high. There are the familiar equity questions to consider arising from inequalities in parental interest/involvement.  相似文献   

公民参与行政问责对于推动行政问责制的发展有重要意义。当前,我国公民参与行政问责呈现出缺失的状态,其主要原因在于制度供给不足,包括信息公开机制缺失、权利保障机制不完善等,使得公民难以参与到行政问责过程之中。应当通过制度化的方式确认公民参与行政问责的主体地位、拓宽公民参与的渠道等保障公民参与作用的有效发挥。  相似文献   

The relationship between parents and schools has in recent years been a controversial and contradictory one. Here Barrie Irving discusses one dimension that impinges on this relationship—vocational guidance—and how interactions between teachers and parents could be made more productive, particularly from the perspective of parents. Having suggested that often the interchange of information and ideas is limited by the attitudes and perceived interests of both schools and parents, Irving goes on to focus on a particular issue, the fact that although parents are given information about their children, they are rarely if ever given the means to develop on this.  相似文献   


The relationship between parents and schools has in recent years been a controversial and contradictory one. Here Barrie Irving discusses one dimension that impinges on this relationship—vocational guidance—and how interactions between teachers and parents could be made more productive, particularly from the perspective of parents. Having suggested that often the interchange of information and ideas is limited by the attitudes and perceived interests of both schools and parents, Irving goes on to focus on a particular issue, the fact that although parents are given information about their children, they are rarely if ever given the means to develop on this.  相似文献   

加拿大向来重视教师职业道德规范建设,在实践中摸索出了一套有效约束教师职业道德行为的管理制度。本文以安大略省为例,简要介绍师德问责的相关法律法规以及安大略省中小学师德问责的主体,其中小学师德问责制具有问责主体的多元化、问责程序的全程性、问责结果的严肃性和管理标准的动态发展性等特点。安大略省中小学师德问责制对我国建立健全师德问责体系具有重要的借鉴意义,其制度设计也为我国提供了可操作的路径选择。  相似文献   

在基础教育阶段,家长参与教育督导具有必然性,这为区域教育督导工作的改进提供了一个新的增长点。文章认为:学生家长参与教育督导工作,强调评估过程与结果的开放,有利于体现教育督导活动的社会性,促进政府行政行为、学校办学行为和社会教育需求三方的整体聚合,深化区域学校发展性教育督导实践。为此,坚持理论研究与实践探索相结合,在对家长参与教育督导工作进行理性分析的基础上,有针对性地总结以英国为代表的国外经验,分析上海浦东新区学校发展性教育督导中的相关做法,并对完善家长参与教育督导机制提出改进建议。  相似文献   

The paper presents the findings of an investigation into how secondary schools addressed two areas of loss: the relationship endings and separation of pupils' parents, and the death of pupils' parent.The study was undertaken through in-depth interviews of key personnel in secondary schools. The results showed how schools tended to respond to these losses, where they sought support from and how they perceived the two types of losses to be different. In addition it showed how and where schools addressed loss in the curriculum; the advantages of having loss addressed in a policy; and the need to 'support the supporters'.  相似文献   


The paper presents the findings of an investigation into how secondary schools addressed two areas of loss: the relationship endings and separation of pupils’ parents, and the death of pupils’ parent.The study was undertaken through in-depth interviews of key personnel in secondary schools. The results showed how schools tended to respond to these losses, where they sought support from and how they perceived the two types of losses to be different. In addition it showed how and where schools addressed loss in the curriculum; the advantages of having loss addressed in a policy; and the need to ‘support the supporters’.  相似文献   

美国特殊教育立法中的家长参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强调家长参与是美国特殊教育立法的主要特点和重要原则之一。文章立足于我国特殊教育立法理论思考的需要,回顾了美国特殊教育立法过程中家长参与的缘起及具体经过,分析美国特殊儿童的家长参与特殊教育立法的原因,重点介绍了在美国家长参与特殊教育立法所取得了的成效,集中体现在对家长的选择权、知情权、评估参与权、“个别化教育计划”制订过程参与权等的权利规定或保障。最后,作者结合我国特殊教育立法的实际情况,从国家层面、学校层面、家长及“残联”层面提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

目的:探讨父母教养方式与学业不良儿童孤独感的关系,为学业不良儿童孤独感干预提供心理学依据.方法:运用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)和儿童孤独量表,在北京市四所普通小学四到六年级1276名小学生中筛查出144名学业不良儿童为被试进行团体测查,另外在一般儿童中简单随机抽取227名儿童作为对照组.采用方差分析、相关分析和逐步回归进行统计分析.结果:(1)学业不良儿童父母教养方式在父母"情感温暖"及"惩罚严厉"、"拒绝否认"三个维度得分和一般儿童比较,差别有统计学意义(P<0.01),而孤独感得分显著高于一般儿童(P<0.001);学业不良儿童的孤独感与父母的"情感温暖"呈显著负相关,与父母的"惩罚严厉"、"拒绝否认"呈显著正相关.(2)父母教养方式对学业不良儿童孤独感的影响模式与一般儿童孤独感的影响模式在回归方程中存在差异.对学业不良儿童,母亲的惩罚严厉和父亲的温暖理解是最主要的解释变量.而对一般儿童,母亲的拒绝否认和母亲的温暖理解是最主要的解释变量.结论:学业不良儿童的孤独感与父母教养方式有关,父母应改变其不良的教养方式.对待学业不良子女时,尤其要减少母亲采取严厉的教养方式.  相似文献   

公民作为异体问责的主体,在行政问责制中是不可或缺的一部分,对发展完善行政问责制有重要意义。然而,现阶段我国行政问责中的公民参与不论在制度上还是实践中都存在很多问题,这些问题都阻碍着公民在行政问责中发挥积极作用。因此,本文在分析目前我国行政问责中公民参与的问题基础上,针对性地提出了几点对策。  相似文献   

The issue of choice of schooling for their offspring is one which exercises many parents based in different parts of the world. For parents whose employment takes them away from their home country and whose children accompany them on such postings, the issue—while different from the experience of parents based solely within national systems—is no less important or complex. This paper investigates the issue of parental choice and priorities within the context of three international schools in Switzerland, where a study was undertaken to establish the basis on which parents had elected to send their children to one or other of the schools in question. Based on a survey model of questionnaires and follow-up interviews with parents, the research concludes that a major factor influencing parents is the perceived importance of an English-medium education. Interesting similarities in perceptions to emerge from the study are found amongst parents from the different schools and amongst parents of primary and secondary age children, while differences in perceived levels of importance clearly emerge between fathers and mothers, and between parents from different geographical backgrounds. The paper suggests some preliminary explanations for such differences, and highlights areas which could form the basis for further pieces of research in this growing and increasingly important context.  相似文献   

Edison Schools, Inc., is the largest and most visible among a growing number of Education Management Organizations that have entered into contracts to manage public schools, including both conventional and charter schools. Edison's approach to managing schools is comprehensive, and it distinguishes itself from most other school improvement strategies by simultaneously addressing both the resources and assistance provided to schools and the accountability systems under which school staff operate. In this article we explore the ways in which the assistance and resources provided by Edison (including diverse professional development opportunities, materials, technology, and other tools), as well as accountability mechanisms (such as monitoring and rewards), have translated into principal and teacher actions, and the factors that facilitated or constrained educators' efforts to implement the Edison design and improve teaching and learning. Drawing on data gathered from extensive interviews, observations, and document reviews collected during a four-year comprehensive study of Edison schools, we demonstrate how Edison intends to promote not only educators' capacity but also their motivation and opportunity to deliver high-quality instruction. We examine variation that occurs across schools as teachers and principals respond to these system-level efforts. In addition, we identify several important predictors of variation in implementation, including the strength of instructional leadership provided by the principal and the presence or absence of district-imposed constraints such as union contract rules.  相似文献   

Abstract A double‐blind controlled study of the effects of Paired Reading was carried out with 33 failing readers and their parents. The children were aged 8 to 11 and had reading delays of at least 18 months. After a mean time of 7.6 hours of Paired Reading at home, spread over six weeks, the children made gains of 2.43 months for reading accuracy and 4.36 months for reading comprehension compared with a control group which experienced respective gains of 0.81 months and 1.69 months. The differences were statistically significant for accuracy but not for comprehension. The conclusions of previous Paired Reading studies are discussed in the light of these results and suggestions are made for the evaluation of future, similar projects.  相似文献   

校长能力、素质的高低直接关系到学校的兴衰。一个好校长就是一所好学校,这一点在农村教育中体现得尤为重要,所以,必须加强对农村中小学校长的管理。一、加强对农村中小学校长管理的作用对农村中小学校长管理的作用表现在以下两个方面:1.提高校长们的管理水平广大的农村中小学校长都是来自教学第一线,在某一学科的教学领域或许是能手,但对于庞大而复杂的管理也许不是十分在行,所以上级教育主管部门有责任对校长们进行管理。通过长期系统的理论学习、操作实践与指导是提高这一支队伍管理水平的关键。上级教育部门在加强对农村中小学校长管理…  相似文献   

学校绩效责任关系 --以美国特许学校为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国,运用多元的绩效责任机制来提供公共服务并非新的理念。美国的公共服务部门既要对政府负责,还必须对投资者负责,近年来还被要求必须对顾客负责,而顾客可以自由选择服务供应方。公共服务既可由政府机构提供,也可由私人组织提供,这些私人组织可以通过合同的形式向政府承担责任,同时向董事会及其上级部门负责。总之,为了追求更广泛的公共目的,将政府监督和私人绩效责任制结合起来[1]已被美国社会所接纳。一、特许学校教育绩效责任关系的产生绩效责任(Accountability)意味着人们对于自己所做的事情承担责任。它代表着一种角色关系,授与这…  相似文献   

特许学校是美国的一种新型办学形式,与公立学校相比负有更大的绩效责任。本文详细地分析了特许学校的内外部绩效责任。  相似文献   

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