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Extending the logic of industrialism thesis, it is argued here that the world now has a global infrastructure, information technology empowered by those who control capital. Globalisation has resulted in the development of learning societies as a superstructural phenomenon. Four dimensions of the learning society are analysed in this article and the implications of these are explored for the study of comparative education. The thesis of the article is that the field of comparatives is broader than education itself, and that reasons for comparative studies have changed little since early adult education comparativists met in 1966 and agreed on a number of major themes.  相似文献   

多元文化社会已经成为当今世界各国普遍存在的社会现实。国家的公民构成多样化不断冲击着民族国家原本稳固的社会情感基础。这些文化群体在相互碰撞、融合过程中发生的冲突和对抗加剧了人们对于国家秩序和团结的担忧。在这样的国内外环境下,对于国家认同和归属的情感显得有些复杂。现代民族国家需要公民教育的整合功能,以强化公民的情感联结;现代民主国家需要公民教育的民主化功能,以实现公民素质和能力的提高。因此,现代国家必须找到一条与它们的新角色相一致的社会团结和凝聚的新途径和基础。多元文化主义思想在这种复杂的关系中发挥着作用。  相似文献   

当代世界公民教育的理念考察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了把握当代世界公民教育的理念,首先应该在民族主义和民主主义的紧张关系中把握公民教育的基本价值趋向,其次要把握在全球化背景下民族主义的新动向及其对公民教育的影响,最后要透过民主主义中自由主义(新自由主义)与共和主义(社群主义)的论争来把握公民教育理念的新走向。  相似文献   

Towards European Citizenship through Higher Education?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study, the first part of a recently concluded project, is to describe and analyse the perceptions that European university students have of European citizenship and to offer some insight into the term. Before describing our findings, we offer a brief review of the concept of citizenship, attempting to define it in the European context and showing how it can be attained, while demonstrating that, contrary to what one might expect, the concept is by no means easy to grasp, as young people do not have a clear idea of what Europe means or what Europe wants. Our results have implications for our understanding of European integration.  相似文献   

In this paper we map out the debate concerning a new mandate for European education policy based on recent socio-economic, political and educational developments, seen from the perspective of educational researchers located on the European (semi)periphery. The first part of the paper looks at the category 'preparation for the labour market', while the second part concerns itself with the category 'citizenship'. With regard to the former, it is argued that a new mandate for European education policy finds itself inextricably linked to the new education mandate of the new middle class, in a setting of globalisation and, closer to home, European construction. The latter attempts to conceptualise the emergence of new forms of citizenship at a time when the modern social contract suffers a process of transformation (or, what we term, reconfiguration). Based on the distinction between 'attributed citizenship' and 'demanded citizenship', we analyse changes taking place in state regulation as well as explore some of their implications for schooling.  相似文献   

European Higher Education Society   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In his paper, the author – anacademic and former Minister of Education forPortugal – traces the origins of the BolognaDeclaration of 1999 and its follow-up studiesleading to the Prague Conference of HigherEducation Ministers in May 2001. He summarisesthe outcomes of the Prague Conference, anddraws conclusions on the crucial role of the`Bologna process' in advancing European HigherEducation.  相似文献   

美国当代公民教育的基本理念:责任、参与、全球意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善人们的社会责任感缺失、道德水平下滑、公共自我与私人自我分离、对政治缺乏参与热情等社会状况,20世纪80年代以来,美国的公民教育理念发生了相对转型,从传统的强调权利而忽视责任的消极公民教育观向强调个人与社会并重、权利和责任平衡以及强调参与的积极公民教育观转变。同时,为了迎接全球化的挑战,把青少年一代培养成具有全球意识的公民也是时代所必需。为此,培养具有全球意识的、负责任的积极参与型公民成为20世纪80年代以来美国社会赋予公民教育的神圣使命。  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of globalisation and educational policy making in the context of a recently developed ‘strong state’, Singapore. It suggests both the need to clarify the concept of globalisation from such concepts as dependency and centre-periphery and to avoid overly deterministic accounts of the influence of global trends on education policy making. An analysis is provided of policy initiatives in Singapore between 1979 and 1991 located within state-based imperatives to respond to both global and state-centric challenges.  相似文献   

"平静的革命"给加拿大魁北克社会带来了深刻变化,也使魁北克公民教育获得了新的发展.新的魁北克公民身份和认同逐渐形成.而魁北克社会的多元文化现实又使其在发展过程中形成了自己独特的公民教育理念--文化间性主义.法语教育、历史教育和文化间性教育成为学校中公民教育实施的主要途径.面对复杂的民族关系,魁北克试图实现多元文化社会中的公民整合与民族建构.  相似文献   

This paper explores the significance for citizenship education of claims that Western society is undergoing a major cultural reorientation, known by its protagonists as postmodernism, which is said to have wide‐ranging implications for knowledge, morality, politics and individual identities. In particular, the posited changes raise doubts about the future of citizenship, and the discussion reviews two responses to these questions: Heater's optimistic proposal for a return to the classical ideal, and Wexler's pessimistic assessment of the prospects for citizenship in a society dominated by television and the consumption of images. A third perspective is suggested, based on the expansion of the idea of citizenship from civil, political and welfare entitlements to greater participation in the cultural and economic dimensions of everyday life. It is argued that such a concept can inform a comprehensive and coherent approach to citizenship, and a successful curriculum in citizenship education.  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会可以从多方面解读。从人的角度看,社会主义和谐社会须以大量的合格公民为基础。在现代社会,公民资格被普遍给予社会成员,但具备公民资格并不意味着就是合格公民。公民从名义到实质需要一个过程。合格公民的造就离不开教育,而公民教育是培养合格公民的基本手段。因此,加强公民教育就成为推动和谐社会建设的重要途径。基于中国的历史传统和现实国情,公民教育是一项重要而紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

加拿大作为多民族和多元文化的马赛克国度,在公民教育中秉承自由主义的多元文化主义公民资格观——差异的公民资格以及国家认同与族群认同并重的公民教育观,并将此理念贯彻落实在公民教育的实践中,通过公民教育实现了国家认同与族群身份的有机统一。对于同样面临多元文化和民族差异问题的中国来说,加拿大的公民教育理念及实践具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the repositioning of Asian countries as new ‘centres’ for world trade and commerce and the transformation of Australian society and economy to accord with this global consolidation, includes a general restructuring of all levels of Australia's ‘education industry’ and specifically the (re)forming of its initial teacher and professional‐education programmes. The need for such reformation arises in part from the restructuring of the work of teaching based on a broader definition of the people and educational settings that are involved in the teaching/learning process, a reworking of this teaching/learning process, the higher status given to certain substantive areas of study, such as languages other than English, and the management of education along corporatist lines. This paper suggests further that teacher‐education programmes should also provide students with the resources to critically analyse these changes, giving consideration to issues such as identity, the impact of new technologies on culture and learning, the use of language in promoting particular discourses, and the repositioning of education as a tool for economic reform.  相似文献   

全球问题与道德教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
全球问题本质上是一个伦理、道德问题,这是全球问题与道德教育的联络点,从全球问题深刻的伦理诉求出发,我国当代道德教育应强调学会关心的教育理念与对全球伦理问题的探讨和建设,同时,建构我国当代学校德育实践模式必须从其面临的主要现实问题出发。  相似文献   

民主国家是现代化的政治前提。民主国家的建构离不开民主参与,即民主观念指导下的公民参与。其中,民主观念是民主国家建构的动力源,公民参与是民主国家建构的政治保障。而公民的民主观念和政治参与不是凭空出现的,二者与公民及其教育紧密相连,息息相关,并且需要公民教育的积极推动。可见,民主国家是考察现代化进程中公民教育功能的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

民族国家是现代化的政治前提,主要表现在民族国家为现代化提供了必要的制度前提、强大的发展动力和稳定的秩序保障。民族国家的建构则需要民族认同为其提供共同体意识支撑和政治合法性证明。而民族认同的形塑离不开公民教育,民族认同教育也因此构成公民教育的重要维度。民族认同的培育主要通过与公民教育相关的学校学科课程、活动课程以及校外的各种活动等得以实现。  相似文献   

Globalisation,Literacy and Society: Redesigning pedagogy and assessment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper draws together various strands of argument in the emerging field of 'New Literacy Studies' to put forward the view that we need to re-evaluate how literacy is conceptualised, taught and assessed. Three central themes form the basis of the argument. First, the paper points to the emergence of the so-called new economy and globalisation, and argues that the skills and knowledge base required to cope effectively with the demands of work and the demands of everyday life are increasingly changing, and differ in important ways from some of the basic skills associated with the current literacy curriculum. Second, the paper argues that society is becoming increasingly plural and diverse, and, as such, forefronts many different ways in which people make shared meaning. Yet assessment apparently requires a single standard by which meaning is validated and this, it seems, calls into question the democratic basis of learning and teaching. In the final section of the paper, we argue that we can learn from new theoretical understandings of cognition and human action in order to develop a roadmap for redesigning pedagogy and assessment.  相似文献   

《历史与社会》的整合与公民教育的效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《历史与社会》所强调的综合,首先不是以课程的创新为第一目的。至于何种课程的存在,特别是使其成为一种有何种意义的存在,全赖这门课程有着怎样的教育功能。故此,当《历史与社会》与公民素质与能力的养成直接关联,且能够在全球化时代促进公民教育朝着更健全的方向发展时,其课程价值就不会纠缠显在的课程综合度的深浅等问题,而在厘清这样的问题:为什么需要综合以及怎样综合才更能体现这门课程特有的精神实质。  相似文献   

This article analyses and discusses the interplay between the social processes of nationalisation, localisation and globalisation in a single European nation state. The view of nationalisation put forward draws on a national case study based on historical and sociological research findings. The second part of the article presents a case study of the nature of globalisation and localisation in an average Finnish university. The article shows that nationalisation of Finnish higher education has created a cultural understanding of higher education institutions important for competition with other nations. As for localisation, on the one hand higher education institutions support their local communities and provinces to gain social and economic benefits. On the other hand, local communities and provinces support their higher education institutions in the hope of benefiting from them. The case studies also suggest that economic globalisation creates new dynamics within higher education institutions both through strategic alliances between higher education and commercial enterprises and through the emergence of alternative new funding sources for research.  相似文献   

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