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全纳教育、全纳学校、全纳社会   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
全纳教育是一个全新的教育理念 ,也是国际教育研究的一个新领域。全纳教育的理念需要全纳学校来实践 ,因而全纳学校是不同于以往的普通学校和特殊学校、也不同于后来的一体化学校 ,它是一种新型的教育模式 ,在教育、社会、经济方面均具有极大意义。全纳教育理念和全纳学校实践的目的是要促进形成一种追求社会公正、机会平等和民主参与的全纳社会。为此 ,在现存社会中对阻碍这种追求的任何障碍都应该加以确认、质疑和消除。全纳教育的理念指导我们实施全纳学校 ,全纳学校的实践促使我们走向全纳社会。  相似文献   

Inclusive Schools for an Inclusive Society   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gary Thomas (Professor of Special Needs at The University of the West of England, Bristol) contends that mainstream schools should assume responsibility for all children, not only as there is firm empirical evidence to show that inclusive schools are good for all children, but more importantly because of the legitimacy, the justice and the timeliness of the inclusive position.
Initially he discusses a definition of inclusion and notes how its meaning is different from that of integration , and goes on to examine some of the evidence for the success of inclusion in schools. He then places its success in the context of the values which lead to an espousal of inclusion, considers an inclusive ethic against the more general move to inclusion in society, and sketches out the theoretical and political context.
He concludes by suggesting that the inevitability of the change to inclusion means that administrators should plan constructively for desegregation rather than fighting rearguard actions against it.  相似文献   

全纳教育的具体落实:全纳学校   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1994年“全纳教育”理念提出以来,本着实现全民教育、形成全纳社会的目的,不少国家都进行了全纳教育的研究和实践。学校参与全纳教育计划是发展全纳教育、具体落实全纳教育的重要途径,如何选择实验学校、引导和帮助学校实现全纳的转变,是全纳教育研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

Towards Inclusive Schooling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mel Ainscow, Professor of Special Education at the University of Manchester, is the third of the new professors to articulate his views on the future of special education as the millennium approaches.
He speculates on some of the reasons for the apparent lack of overall progress towards a more inclusive school system in order to identify some possible ways forward.  相似文献   

笔者从"包容性增长"概念的提出及生成渊源、提出缘由、概念的含义、提倡包容性增长的意义、包容性增长战略的实施等多个方面,进行了全面综述.以期进一步促进人们对"包容性增长"战略思想的关注.  相似文献   

全纳教育的元型   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
在普通学校采用随班就读的方式 ,帮助残疾儿童学习的改革存在两种几乎无法兼容的观点。一种观点认为随班就读是很有成效的 ,值得加以大力推动 ,深化改革。另一种观点认为随班就读的条件尚不具备 ,存在随班就混的情况 ,需要得到纠正。本文采用全纳性教育的理论与来自 8个实验学校的案例 ,对学校在实践中所取得的经验进行描述性分析 ,借此讨论、评述构建全纳教育、全纳学校、全纳课堂的教学改革的可行性以及值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

新疆文化是中华文化一体多元的重要分支,笔者主要从新疆文化的历史、存在和变迁中,解析中华文化一体多元的包容性特征,探求新疆文化向现代化转型过程中的发展与更新。  相似文献   

自2007年亚洲开发银行首次提出包容性增长到胡锦涛主席在2011年博鳌亚洲论坛提出包容性发展,包容性发展理念不断提升并引起了国内外学者的广泛研究。本文从包容性发展的概念、包容性发展的维度及践行包容性发展的环境和实现途径五个方面对包容性发展的主要研究成果进行了梳理,以期对我国实现包容性发展有所启示。  相似文献   

Open-ended questionnaires covering mainstream educational experiences and personal development of deaf and hard-of-hearing adults were analyzed. Half of the 34 deaf and hard-of-hearing respondents altered self-labels based on changes in personal definitions rather than audiological changes. Supportive school environments and coping skills contributed to positive perceptions; nonsupportive school environments and being treated as 'different' were viewed negatively. Everyone valued contact with hearing peers. Contact with deaf peers depended on finding those with similar values. Identification with Deaf culture was nonexistent. Most noteworthy, 24 of 34 participants felt caught between the deaf and hearing worlds, indicating the need for niches in both. Implications for educators are that development of self-confidence and comfort with identity may be enhanced by validating the deafness dimension through opportunities for contact with deaf adults and positive relationships with both deaf and hearing peers.  相似文献   

论全纳教育的教育原则   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
要实施全纳性教育 ,就须遵循全纳教育的基本原则 :主体性原则、教育正常化原则、早期干预原则、成功教育原则、平等教育原则、系统教育原则、个别化教育原则等。当前推进全纳性教育还存在许多问题 ,因此必须形成关于全纳性教育的系统理论 ,在全纳性教育的原则指导下 ,推进全纳性教育改革。  相似文献   

This paper describes major developments in Brunei Darussalam during the past decade that highlight inclusive education as a significant educational agenda. A brief history of disability services is first described to provide a backdrop of pre-1994 developments and activities that occurred in the country. Next, the education system in Brunei is introduced with specific reference to how special education became relevant to serving the needs of students with special needs within the mainstream school system. Major developments in the inclusion movement during the past decade are then described in terms of policy, implementation and teacher education. The article concludes with a discussion on current local research that seeks to inform the direction of practice and policy of inclusive education in Brunei Darussalam.  相似文献   

This discussion explores the journal’s special issue from the construct of ownership and how it relates to participatory design. I examine the articles of researchers from Europe and the United States which offer data-centered perspectives and data-driven suggestions. These works suggest how to best involve different stakeholders and I examine how these initiatives can affect participants’ ownership giving voice to change for the future.  相似文献   

Quality in Inclusive Preschool Classrooms   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Research Findings: Quality of care for preschool children in inclusive and noninclusive classrooms was examined in two studies. In Study 1, comparisons across a large sample of classrooms (N = 1, 313) showed that inclusive classrooms were higher than noninclusive classrooms in global quality as well as on two dimensions of quality (Activities/Materials and Language/Interactions). In Study 2, a more diverse sample of 44 classrooms (20 inclusive and 24 noninclusive) did not reveal differences on the global measures of quality but did show a difference on a measure of teacher–child interactions. Teachers in inclusive classrooms had higher quality and more appropriate interactions with all children than did teachers from noninclusive classrooms. Ratings of perceived severity of children's disabilities were not related to any of the measures of classroom quality in either study. Practice or Policy: Both studies suggest that including children with disabilities in regular preschool classrooms does not result in lower quality programs or in less adequate teacher–child interactions, particularly for children with mild to moderate disabilities. Results illustrate the importance of continued education for early childhood professionals on high-quality teacher–child interactions. Faculty in personnel preparation programs as well as policymakers need to continue to promote high-quality interactions between teachers and children.  相似文献   

全纳教育与教育平等   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
全纳教育是国际上新兴的一种教育思潮.全纳教育的发展以教育公平与平等为基础,公平与平等支撑着全纳教育.全纳教育必然是我国教育民主化追求的目标.  相似文献   

包容性增长旨在让所有人享有发展的平等机会,合理地分享发展的成果,已日益引起人们的广泛关注。包容性增长是生产力与生产关系矛盾运动在新时期的体现,也体现了中国"和而不同"的文化内涵。中国实现包容性增长,需要进行制度创新,切实转变经济发展方式,提高经济发展质量,转变政府考核体制,加快推进城乡一体化建设。  相似文献   

关于学前全纳教育有效性的思考   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
本文通过学前全纳教育对特殊幼儿发展的影响、对普通幼儿发展的影响、对教师的影响、对家长的影响,以及学前全纳教育经费等五个方面进行分析,认为学前全纳教育是有效的,值得推广。  相似文献   

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