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In this follow-up study of an earlier investigation (Marjoribanks, 2002a), relationships were examined between adolescents' educational aspirations and young adults' educational attainment, after taking into account measures of family background, individual characteristics and proximal learning settings. Data were collected as part of a longitudinal survey of Australian youth (3772 females and 3476 males). The findings from the two analyses suggest that: (a) family background, individual characteristics and proximal learning settings combine to have large associations with adolescents' aspirations, and these aspirations have the largest relationship with young adults' eventual educational attainment; and (b) there are ethnic group differences in the linear and curvilinear nature of relationships involving measures of individual characteristics, adolescents' educational aspirations and young adults' educational attainment. An 'aspiration 2 attainment 2 background' model is proposed to examine the ongoing and different interactions between aspirations and academic outcomes for students from various family backgrounds.  相似文献   

A moderation-mediation model was constructed to examine relationships among distal family contexts, children,s cognitive performance and cognitive attitudes, adolescents, proximal family and school settings, and adolescents, aspirations. The sample in the longitudinal study included 250 female and 250 male 16-year-olds and their parents from Adelaide, Australia. The findings from moderation-mediation investigations and from regression surface analyses indicated that (1) distal family contexts moderate the relations among children,s individual characteristics and adolescents, aspirations, (2) the associations between distal family contexts and adolescents, aspirations are mediated, in part, by the adolescents, perceptions of their parents, and teachers, educational capital, (3) there are different patterns for females and males in terms of relationships among distal family contexts, children,s individual characteristics, perceptions of proximal settings, and adolescents, aspirations and (4) there are family-context differences in the linear and curvilinear nature of the relations among individual characteristics, proximal settings, and adolescents, aspirations, that also vary between females and males in those family contexts.  相似文献   

While some researchers place greater emphasis on heredity causes of individual differences in cognitive functioning, others place greater emphasis on cultural and environmental factors (broadly defined). Still others place greater stress on the dynamic interrelationship between the genetic components and the environmental components in accounting for individual cognitive functioning. The paper examines these views and concludes that intelligence is far more complex than hereditarians would admit and that although we may go along with the view that heredity could set the limit to cognitive development, it is not possible to tell what this limit is, if we define intelligence as a multifaCEDSd, multicausal phenomenon, which is partially malleable and capable of expression in many diverse ways.  相似文献   

Individual differences in young children's social cognition were examined in 128 urban preschoolers from a wide range of backgrounds. comprehensive assessments were made of children's false-belief understanding, emotion understanding, language abilities, and family background information was collected via parent interview. Individual differences in children's understanding of false-belief and emotion were associated with differences in language ability and with certain aspects of family background, in particular, parental occupational class and mothers' education. The number of siblings that children had did not relate to their social cognition. Individual differences in false-belief and emotion understanding were correlated, but these domains did not contribute to each other independently of age, language ability, and family background. In fact, variance in family background only contributed uniquely to false-belief understanding. The results suggest that family background has a significant impact on the development of theory of mind. The findings also suggest that understanding of false-belief and understanding of emotion may be distinct aspects of social cognition in young children.  相似文献   


The recent report of the Milburn Review into Social Mobility highlights the under-representation of young people from lower socio-economic groups in higher education and encourages universities and others to act to remedy this situation as a contribution to greater social mobility. The paper uses data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England to examine the relationship between social background, attainment and university participation. The results show that differences in school-level attainment associated with social background are by far the most important explanation for social background differences in university attendance. However, there remains a small proportion of the participation gap that is not accounted for by attainment. It is also the case that early intentions for higher education participation are highly predictive of actual participation. The results suggest that although there may be some scope for universities to act to improve participation by people from less advantaged backgrounds, a much more important focus of action is on improving the school-level achievement of these students.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对2500名青少年进行调查,对青少年情绪-行为问题分布特点、家庭功能状况及其关系进行探讨.结果发现:(1)青少年情绪-行为问题在15-16岁组青少年中的分布率高于12-14岁组.(2)青少年情绪-行为问题在公立学校中的分布率高于私立学校.(3)青少年情绪-行为问题在住校生中的分布率高于走读生.(4)普通青少年家庭功能状况优于情绪-行为问题青少年.(5)家庭功能中的问题解决能力、情感卷入、沟通和行为控制因子对青少年情绪-行为问题有预测作用.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations among parenting, sibling relationship, peer group, and adolescent externalizing behaviors. With data obtained from a sample of 341 male and 313 female adolescents (M age = 14.4 years) and their parents and siblings from nonstepfamilies and stepfather families, cross-sectional analyses supported the hypothesis that the contributions of parental negativity, parental monitoring, and sibling negativity to adolescents' externalizing behaviors would operate directly and also indirectly through deviant peer associations. The findings of multigroup comparison analyses suggested that the relationships between family and peer correlates and adolescent externalizing behaviors vary as a function of family type and adolescent gender.  相似文献   

In this extension of a previous study (Marjoribanks, 1999), a moderation-mediation model was constructed to examine relationships among learning environments, adolescents' educational aspirations and the educational attainment of young adults from different family contexts. Data were collected as part of a longitudinal survey of Australian youth (4382 females, 3940 males). The findings from the two investigations indicated that when distal family contexts were defined conjointly by family social status and parents' aspirations: (1) distal family contexts, academic performance and learning environments combined to have large associations with adolescents' educational aspirations; (2) distal family contexts, adolescents' learning environments and educational aspirations combined to have large associations with young adults' educational attainment; and (3) there were family-context differences in the linear and curvilinear nature of the relations among measures of individual characteristics, learning environments and educational outcomes, and these also varied between females and males in those family contexts. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

刘勰出身于一个逐渐衰败的世族高门,东莞刘氏在萧齐时代严重衰落,入梁后稍有转机。刘勰的不婚娶既表明他家族的衰败,也表明他不甘于婚姻“失类”。刘勰依僧祜研究佛学则既有思想学术上的原因,也不无“托附”方面的考虑。他除了用本名写过若干与佛教有关的文章以外,还为僧祜代笔写了不少东西。刘勰的专著有《刘子》和《文心雕龙》,前者的著作权有争议,但其中的立言与刘勰有着密切的关系;后者自是伟大的文学理论名著,而其书名则表现了他的佛学修养。  相似文献   

个体恐怖犯罪:特征、社会影响及防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,我国境内发生多起个体恐怖犯罪案件,如投毒、爆炸等,都造成了重大伤亡和财产损失,引起了全社会的高度重视。本文通过大量的个体恐怖犯罪案例,就我国个体恐怖犯罪的现状、特征、及其影响进行了较系统的阐述,并对预防和打击个体恐怖犯罪活动提出了对策。  相似文献   

Family involvement in schooling can benefit young children, teachers, and families. Family involvement in schools can be influenced by both school-related and family-related factors. School-related factors include teachers’ attitudes toward families, and school and teacher expectations. Family-related factors include ethnicity, prior school experiences, and family work schedules. Teachers who recognize and understand these influences can employ a variety of strategies to facilitate the involvement of families in the school experience of young children.  相似文献   

国际学生评估项目(PISA)的研究发现,PISA经济社会文化地位指数不仅影响学生个人的学业成绩,同时也影响不同学校间的教育质量差异.本文以PISA2006为例,详细说明了PISA经济社会文化地位指数的具体测量方法,解释PISA报告中学生家庭背景因素通过个人和学校对教育公平影响的一些研究结果,最后提出对上海教育均衡化发展研究视角的一些思考.  相似文献   

The study examined relations between adolescents’ perceptions of school environments and their educational and occupational aspirations at different family environment levels. Data were collected from 16-year-old Australians from Anglo-Australian, Greek, and Southern Italian families. Regression surfaces were constructed from models that examined possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear relations among the variables. Generally, the findings indicate that while the school environment measure had moderate concurrent validities in relation to aspirations, it had either negligible or modest unique associations with aspirations after taking into account the family environment influences. The study did indicate, however, ethnic group differences in the relationships among the variables which suggests that results from investigations of family-school influences on children’s school outcomes should not necessarily be generalized across social groups.  相似文献   

基于中国教育追踪调查2014年数据,利用倾向得分匹配法和中介模型探讨课外补习对学生非认知能力的影响以及家庭背景、课外补习和学生非认知能力三者的路径机制,研究发现:参加课外补习的学生非认知能力平均得分明显高于未参加课外补习的学生.采用倾向得分匹配法分析发现,学生参加课外补习有助于提高非认知能力,兴趣类课外补习对学生非认知能力的影响效应高于学术类课外补习.兴趣类课外补习在家庭社会经济地位对学生非认知能力影响过程中起到了部分中介效应,而学术类课外补习并没有显著的中介效应.因此,一方面家庭应更多的选择兴趣类课外补习进行投资,提高学生非认知能力.另一方面学校应加强美育教育,重视学生非认知能力的培养.  相似文献   

文化背景知识是外语学习中的一个不可或缺的部分,因为语言与文化密不可分。文章通过对文化背景理论的探讨以及在英语阅读课堂上的实践活动,阐述了文化背景的重要性,分析了文化背景知识对阅读能力的影响,探索了加深学生对文化背景的理解的有效途径:通过文化背景的解码提高阅读能力,通过有趣的课堂活动丰富学生的文化背景知识,选取真实的阅读材料加深学生的文化背景知识。  相似文献   

学校内部环境是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的基础,并以其蕴涵的精神和理想熏陶和激发着大学生的创新意识和创新思维,磨练着大学生的创新能力。学校内部环境的影响机制对学生创新精神和实践能力的影响规律是,学生通过直接或间接的方式把环境的影响转化为观念,进而转化为实践行动;而这种转化过程主要是通过注意、反应、认同、内化和价值性格化等不同阶段来实现的。  相似文献   

This qualitative research study addressed this question: What influence did early environmental surroundings and family have on the talent development of a cohort of American speed skaters who each competed in four Olympic Games during the 1980s and 1990s? The skaters were Bonnie Blair, Dave Cruikshank, and Dan Jansen. Independent interviews with each skater uncovered rich and unique stories with common threads. Regarding environmental surroundings, all hailed from communities in the Midwest with a rich skating tradition, an oversized hockey rink or 400-m oval, a large skating club, and strong coaches and teammates. In addition, all gravitated to Milwaukee, a speed skating Mecca with ideal training facilities, where they crossed and joined paths. Regarding family, all were born into skating or athletic families and were raised by supportive and guiding parents who were involved but not pushy. Siblings also played an influential role for Blair and Jansen, who were the youngest behind long lines of brothers and sisters who were also talented skaters and who paved the way for their youngest siblings.  相似文献   

Using daily diary data, this study examined cross‐day associations between family conflict and school problems and tested mediating effects of daily negative mood and moderating effects of psychological symptoms. For 2 weeks, parents and adolescents (= 106; Mage = 15.4) reported daily conflict; adolescents reported daily negative mood and school problems. Results indicated bidirectional, multiday spillover between parent–adolescent conflict and school problems with daily negative mood statistically accounting for spillover both within and across days. Externalizing symptoms strengthened links between father–adolescent conflict and school problems, whereas depressive and anxious symptoms strengthened links between parent–adolescent conflict and daily negative mood. By demonstrating cross‐domain transmission of daily problems, these findings highlight the salience of everyday events as possible intervention targets.  相似文献   

学生的个体差异问题是所有教师需要面对的一个重要问题。作为英语教师,要重视学习者的这些智力和非智力方面的个体差异因素,实行不同方式的教学。本文主要讨论影响学生英语学习的个体差异的各种因素。  相似文献   

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