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In a recent television feature for BBC'sPublic Eye—’Teacher Training: Back to the Classroom?‘—the hoary old issue of the proper balance of theory and practice in the professional preparation of teachers was aired yet again. During the ensuing debate the various distinguished contributors to the programme adopted one or the other of the two main positions—either that educational theory might well be dispensed with entirely in favour of some kind of direct school‐based initiation into the craft skills of teaching or that theory should be taken out of the colleges and into the schools in order to be more directly relevant or applicable to practice. The main argument of this paper is that both these positions are predicated on a common mistaken assumption that the theoretically informed practical discourse which underlies rational educational debate and discussion is essentially a kind of technical discourse concerned primarily with the largely pragmatic achievement of certain value‐neutral goals. Attempts to integrate theory with practice or to dispense with it altogether in favour of practice both miss the point that the heart of so‐called theoretical educational discourse is moral and evaluative in character and its proper concern is with the education rather than the practical training of teachers.  相似文献   

Research in Religious Education: Perspectives for the Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of committed guests in Religious Education at school is focused in this study. Ten pupils (age 17) were sampled to contribute as informants in semi-structured interviews. The data consist of eight texts (interview excerpts), which are interpreted within a hermeneutic approach, specifically by taking the formal features into consideration (cf. Ricoeur), for example, the occurrence of negations. Some of the texts illuminate I–Thou relations (Buber), whereas other texts are interpreted in relation to the effect histories of certain conceptions (Gadamer).  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初美英等国家的传教士在安徽建立的教会学校,在传播宗教思想、进行思想文化侵略的同时,对安徽传统封建教育的制度、思想、内容产生了强有力的冲击,促进和加快了安徽教育的近代化.  相似文献   

Education for Autonomy: the Role of Religious Elementary Schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I argue that religious elementary schools whose pedagogical methods satisfy the principle of rational authority have distinctive advantages over secular elementary schools for the purpose of laying the foundations for ethical autonomy in the children of religious parents. Insights from developmental psychology bolster the argument from conceptual analysis. Before children have the cognitive capacities to engage in authentically autonomous reflection, their long‐run interest in developing autonomy is best served by developing their understanding of and provisional identity within their primary culture and by encouraging a limited form of ethical reasoning within the framework provided by that secure cultural identity.  相似文献   

在哲学史上,对宗教的探讨大体存在两条路径,一种是理性主义的,沿着这条路线,宗教问题就被置于社会批判的框架之内,宗教也就成为批判的对象了;另一种是非理性主义的,在此视域中,宗教作为信仰而存在,其存在因此也就具有一定的合理性。就我们当前的现实而论,在双重视野下对宗教问题进行探究具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

What can preservice teachers tell us about the impact of culture on literacy? Participants responded to an open-ended survey asking, “How do you think your culture influences what you read and write?” Three themes emerged in their answers: family influence, self-exploration through literacy, and the cultural politics of literacy. Further examination led to three premises about literacy. Findings highlight the importance of students’ literacy history and provide means for teachers to reframe their instruction, based on student voice.  相似文献   

宗教教育是教会中学必须一以贯之的教育事工,浙江教会中学也不例外。自20世纪20年代中后期起,浙江教会中学迫于社会各界压力,进行了调整改革,宗教作为必修课的地位被取消。但是,不管如何变化,宗教教育在学校教育中始终处于核心地位,而且特色明显,这对当下的中学思政教育具有启示意义。  相似文献   

当前,宗教以不同的方式渗透到大学校园,致使部分大学生盲目信仰,大学生宗教信仰问题越来越受到社会各界的普遍关注。要利用宗教中的某些积极因素,改进高校思想政治教育工作,为此提出了加强思政教育工作的几点建议,以促使大学生形成马克思主义宗教观。  相似文献   

本文就高职院校思想政治课如何加强职业道德教育,使思想政治课的教学更有针对性、实效性进行了论述。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅猛发展,互联网在给学生学习、生活带来便利的同时,也对学生的思想意识方面产生了巨大冲击。教学工作者要认真分析互联网对中学思想政治教育带来的严峻挑战,从教学模式、教学思路等方面进行转变,实现思想政治教育的科学化、信息化、现代化。  相似文献   

宗教教育,是美国思想政治教育的重要形式,在美国的家庭教育、学校教育、政治活动和社会生活中随处可见,并发挥着独特的作用.对美国宗教教育的研究,不仅有助于了解美国思想政治教育的现状,而且有助于拓展我们对国外思想政治教育研究的视角.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of religious speech in the public square and the common school. It argues for more openness to political theology than many liberals are willing to grant and for an educational strategy of engagement over one of avoidance. The paper argues that the exclusion of religious debate from the public square has dysfunctional consequences. It discusses Rawls's more recent views on public reason and claims that, while they are not altogether adequate, they are consistent with engagement. The outcome of these arguments is applied to three 'hot button' issues in US education: creationism, an issue of gay rights, and teaching the Bible in schools.  相似文献   

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