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探索工程训练课程教学过程中的课程思政方法与路径,对于提高大学生的综合素质具有重要意义.石家庄铁道大学工程训练中心基于学校的发展定位,融入了铁道兵的优良传统,以培养学生的工匠精神为核心,从课程思政案例库资源建设入手,抓好实践指导教师队伍建设,改进学生成绩考核方式,进行了卓有成效的工程训练课程思政探索.  相似文献   

Deaf education teacher training programs have received criticism for graduating students with gaps in knowledge and skills required for specific placements. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) requires that accredited programs engage in self-study, and NCATE guidelines require programs to collect valid, reliable evidence of teacher candidate performance and candidates' effect on student learning. In the present study, an ecobehavioral assessment computer program, MS-CISSAR (Mainstream Code for Instructional Structure and Student Academic Response), was used in evaluations of 8 teacher candidates during internship experiences. Results were mixed. Some of the instructional arrangements, teaching behaviors, and student responses resembled those found in studies using in-service teachers as subjects; however, some data revealed a need for changes in instruction. Data gathered with MS-CISSAR could be added to evaluations to help training programs meet NCATE requirements for evidence on teacher candidate performance and candidates' effect on student learning.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the complementary and differing state‐defined roles of beginning schoolteachers in England and Norway by investigating centrally mandated initial teacher preparation programmes in both countries. Through comparative analysis, we get to see the roles that the policy‐makers in London and Oslo seek to confer upon the educators of future generations of schoolchildren, as well as exploring opportunities for cross‐cultural policy learning. In broad terms, we found that centrally prescribed initial teacher training in England is, as its name implies, a training model that seeks to induct trainee teachers into the practical skills and willingness necessary for: instructing pupils in National Curriculum subjects, managing classroom activities, setting homework to consolidate and extend classroom work and providing pupils with a safe learning environment. Centrally prescribed initial teacher education in Norway is, as its name implies, an educative model whose goal is to help student teachers to: reflect and act upon the practical implications of educational theory, instruct pupils in National Curriculum subjects, display leadership in the classroom, act as a member of a caring profession, promote Norwegian values and provide pupils with a safe learning environment.  相似文献   

Recently, the term “basic education” was given legal status in The Netherlands; it substituted the previously used term “primary education.” In speaking about primary or lower education, we as educators indicate a sequence in time; the term “basic education” is preferable because it refers to the content of education. Consequently, we cannot escape defining the content of the term “basic.” It is especially important to ask what criteria have to be applied in the process.  相似文献   

从当前工程训练课程存在的问题入手分析,确定了工程训练课程的新定位。针对工程训练教学设计(教学内容、教学方法、成绩评定)进行了重点研究,构建了基于成果导向教育理念的工程训练课程新体系,探索了工程训练运行新模式。实践表明,对工程训练课程体系的研究与探索,为学校专业认证工作提供了良好支撑,效果优异。  相似文献   

Forty national goals of engineering education for the coming decade were identified by 106 Indian experts in the first round of a government-sponsored Delphi in India. The participants were outstanding engineers and technologists in the country, drawn from public and private sector industries, R and D organizations, engineering education institutions, government departments and defence services. In the second round, the priorities of these goals for the basic (undergraduate) engineering programme were determined. The initial consensus on priorities which was generated in the second round was then increased by adopting Delphi procedures in subsequent rounds. The design, monitoring procedures, results and difficulties experienced by the authors are described and discussed. In spite of its limitations, it is felt that the Delphi technique is a useful tool for identifying engineering education goals and priorities and for generating convergence of group opinion on them.  相似文献   

工程训练中心根据测控技术与仪器专业对工程训练指标点的要求(理解测控仪器或系统的制造工艺,掌握电子线路的基本理论与设计方法),确定以企业的真实产品——注射泵为教学载体。以产品为教学目的,将金工实习和电工实习有机地结合在一起,努力构建实景式工程训练环境。实训中深度融合了信息技术,突出了学生的主体地位,实现了工程训练的工程性、应用性,激发了学生的学习热情和潜能,使学生受到了全面的训练。  相似文献   

现代工程教育理念指导下的工程训练教学方法改革与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为进一步完善先进制造技术的工程实训,我校以现代工程教育理念为指导对数控机床实训教学内容和教学方式进行了探索和改革,采用引导、激励和能力培养为主线的教学模式,取得了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

高工专文化素质教育初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从 1 995年原国家教委提出加强文化素质教育以来 ,这项工作得到了众多高校的响应并取得了一定成绩。但不可否认 ,在许多方面 ,特别是在高工专教育中 ,也存在一些不足。 1 999年 ,笔者做了一次调查。从收回的 1 50 0份有效问卷来看 ,高工专学生的文、史、哲知识严重欠缺 ,艺术知识和地理知识知之甚少 ,中国古代传统文化知识和天文知识几乎空白。笔者还发现 ,高工专学生普遍忽视文化素质的养成教育 :如对人文类课程不感兴趣 ,在选修课程中表现得急功近利 ,没有从提高自己文化素质的高度来认识选修课 ;学生写作水平很差 ,在社会实践报告和毕业…  相似文献   

教育回归工程的改革趋势,促进了高校工程训练中心实践教学平台建设,同时对工程训练的教学内容和教学方法也提出了更高的要求。进行了多个层面、阶梯式的开放教学模式探索。开放式教学以项目为载体,拓展实践教学资源、营造制造企业生产式的技能体验,引导学生结合兴趣选题、自主实施,并制定了详细的实施流程和评价办法。实践证明,可行的内容设计和运行办法,保证了开放性工程训练教学得以顺利实施,并取得良好的效果,切实提高了学生的实践能力、创新精神和团队合作意识。  相似文献   

介绍了现代教育技术在高校工程训练中的应用。针对工程训练实际操作性强、时间短以及参加训练的学生专业知识不够完善等特点,运用现代教育理论和技术,建立了工程训练网络教学系统,使学生可以灵活利用教学资源,与教师进行交流互动,在掌握实际操作的基础上,建立完整的知识体系。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,现代工程的综合化和复杂化对工程技术人才的素质提出了更新和更高的要求,培养具有创新精神和创造能力的工程技术人才已经成为建设创新型国家的基础。创新和创造的根本在实践,工程实践教学是工程教育的重要组成部分,是实践能力培养的关键环节,因此,工程教育只有面向工程实践,  相似文献   

创客教育所倡导的培养具有创新意识、创新思维和创造能力的新型人才,与高校工程训练的目标和宗旨一致,二者的有机融合可以相互支撑,促进工程技术人才培养质量的提升。该文从学生能力和教师水平方面论述了创客教育对工程训练的促进作用,并就创客教育对工程训练教学理念、教学内容和教学方法等方面的革新进行了解析,最后提出高校应该依托工程训练中心搭建创客教育基地,提高资源利用效率。  相似文献   

在工程教育认证的背景下,分析当前高校工程训练中心师资模式普遍存在的问题,结合工程训练中心师资模式的建设实践经验,构建具有较强工程实践能力、教学研究能力、"双师型"教师素质的教学团队,在提高学生工程实践能力及创新人才培养中具有重要作用。研究结果对本科高校工程训练中心师资培养和教师队伍建设有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

鉴于经济社会发展对工程专业人才培养提出的新要求,整合校内外资源开展协同育人是地方高校发展的有效途径。基于"开放·延伸·互融"理念,构建了具有区域特色的协同育人人才培养模式。通过科研与教学深度融合、课内外一体化、多学科交叉、校企联合、境内外协同等多种方式,在构建协同环境下多样化人才培养体系、全方位协同育人实践平台、高水平协同育人师资队伍方面进行了探索和实践,旨在培养适应区域发展及国家经济建设所需的高素质工程技术人才。  相似文献   

Technological advancement serves as a major key to a nation's development. On the other hand, proper engineering knowledge (acquired through appropriate structures) plays a major role in the attainment of a high level of technological advancement. Most developing countries find it difficult to impact adequate knowledge and training to engineers at different levels of training. An overview of the problems militating against proper engineering education in Nigeria is taken in this paper. The paper identifies poor funding, inadequate equipment, students' population explosion (without commensurate facilities), lack of high-quality manpower (in terms of trainers or teachers), inadequate industrial training and poor attitude of employers as the dominant problems faced by engineering education in Nigeria. The paper, in addition to finding solutions to the above problems, recommends better remuneration for practising engineers, appropriate government policy and disposition and intervention of professional and international bodies (through provision of financial and material assistance) for assisting in the training and practice of engineers in Nigeria and in order that the country may achieve meaningful development comparable with foreign countries.  相似文献   

All stakeholders are aware of the importance of measuring performance in higher education at the university/college level. Generally the performance indicators used for this purpose have focused on graduation rates and/or final examination scores, rather than the performance-enabling processes. Further, the most commonly used method for knowledge transfer is the traditional classroom teaching, which should be tracked/monitored continuously during its delivery process. It can help in the detection and correction of existing and impending problems, if any, in the teaching and learning processes. Further, the students’ attitude towards learning, that is, their readiness/willingness and interest should also be taken into consideration while measuring the performance of classroom teaching.

In the present paper, the model for measuring classroom performance illustrated by Grygoryev and Karapertrovic (2005) Grygoryev, K. and Karapetrovic, S. 2005. Tracking classroom teaching and learning: an SPC application. Quality engineering, 17: 405418. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] is used to measure the performance of under-graduate Engineering students in two BTech. (Mechanical) courses, namely, fluid mechaincs (FM) and experimental methods and analysis (EMA). Classroom assessment techniques (CATs) along with the statistical process control (SPC) have been used to analyse the learning performance. Further, the data for student's readiness and interest factors are collected and their positive influences on knowledge gain are established.  相似文献   

In order to foster creative engineers, a creativity training programme was carried out in medialogy education in a Problem and Project-Based Learning (PBL) environment at Aalborg University, Denmark. This paper focuses on the question of how engineering students perceive the strategy of integrating creativity training into a PBL curriculum. A total of 20 medialogy students in the training programme were interviewed. The data shows that the training programme was thought useful and students get benefits such as gaining project work skills, creative concepts and confidence of being creative. However, limitations of the programme show that only five days of training did not fit the requirements of learning skills in PBL. So the supervisors are suggested to offer more creativity techniques and process engagement to move projects forward.  相似文献   

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