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英语教师自身的专业化发展已成为改善英语教与学的关键。RICH教师的共同愿景和协作促使教师从机构群体演变为一种开放式的学习群体。在实践性群体活动中,通过学习、反思和研究,教师的隐性知识明朗化,教师成为知识的建构者,取得教学知识与教学实践的统一。同时,教师改变职业生存状态,从孤立无援走向自主发展。  相似文献   

教育改革成功的关键在于教师专业能力的发展与提升。“课堂学习研究”是香港教育学院推动的具有特色的教师专业发展项目。该项目以改善课堂教学质量为核心,通过大学研究人员与教师的协作,在校本行动研究的基础上提供教师反思及再实践的机会。为教师持续的专业发展搭建了一个可操作的平台。本文检视了在“课堂学习研究”的实践过程中,教师如何从与不同成员的互动中得到学习的机会,实现自身的专业发展。  相似文献   

This study reports on a large-scale implementation of Assessment for Learning (AfL) in a Swedish municipality. The implementation was founded on two principles: (1) teaching should be informed by educational research; (2) to be successful teachers’ professional development needs to be based in everyday classroom practice. From these principles, AfL was chosen as a strand of educational research to inform teaching and ‘Teacher Learning Communities’ were chosen as a vehicle for professional development and for implementing AfL practices. Findings indicate that the project has been successful in bringing about a change in how teachers talk about teaching and learning and in changing teachers’ pedagogical practice towards AfL. Findings also suggest that AfL practices are mostly teacher-centred, which means that the teachers still take most of the responsibility for the assessment. This leads to high workload for the teachers and may also hinder students from taking responsibility for their learning.  相似文献   

We investigated secondary science and mathematics teachers engaged in a two-and-a-half-year professional development effort focused on equity. We examined how teachers conducting research on their own instructional practices—a central learning strategy of the professional development project—informed and/or constrained their views related to three strands of equity: teachers and teaching, students and learning, and students’ families and communities. Data collected included recordings of professional development seminars and school-site meetings, three sets of individual interviews with teacher researchers, and drafts and final products of the classroom research teachers conducted. From our qualitative analyses of data, we found that most teachers addressed at least two of the three equity strands in researching their own practice. We also found that most transformed their understandings of teachers and students as a result of their teacher research process. However, teachers’ views of families and communities changed in less substantive ways. We close with recommendations for other researchers and professional developers intent on supporting science and mathematics teachers in using teacher research to work toward equity.  相似文献   

For teachers working in a standards-based assessment system, professional conversations through organised social moderation meetings are a vital element. This qualitative research investigated the learning that occurred as a result of online moderation discussions. Findings illustrate how participating in social moderation meetings in an online context can support teachers to understand themselves as assessors, and can provide opportunities for teachers to imagine possibilities for their teaching that move beyond the moderation practice.  相似文献   

This paper explores how a learning theory enriched a collaborative teacher inquiry discourse where lesson study was adopted as the educational action research model to promote teacher professional development. Four Grade 9–10 biology teachers in Singapore drew from variation theory to collaboratively plan and teach new genetics content as part of teacher research. As a researcher-facilitator, I have drawn from the teachers’ experiences of infusing variation theory into their teaching practice, of developing their own theories of teaching and learning, and of developing student-focused pedagogies to highlight the roles variation theory played. These included providing concrete examples of patterns of variations teachers could use, increasing the teachers’ attention and sensitivity to students, and developing the teachers’ theoretical lens in their approach to teaching. Reflecting on the teachers’ experiences, I made an appeal for teachers’ development of theoretical lenses in teacher inquiry, and bridging of theory and research to teaching practice.  相似文献   

A social revolution is occurring in the way information is shared, knowledge is generated and innovation takes place over the Internet and there is renewed interest in the social concept of ‘community’ to support online learning. This article describes action research conducted in the context of an eTwinning Learning Event (LE) that provides useful insights into how an online learning community can support the continuous professional development (CPD) of school teachers. Using the Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison et al., 2000), it offers empirical evidence of how cognitive, social and teaching aspects impact competence development. It suggests that online learning communities offer an appropriate environment for teachers' intellectual and emotional reflection, characterised by trust, mutual respect and shared values centred on improving pupils' learning. It also suggests that the educational experience within such a community is significantly influenced by the tutor's design and moderation of activities aimed at fostering critical thinking. The article concludes that online learning communities offer a valuable alternative to traditional teacher training by supporting teachers to learn in the context of their everyday practice, whilst collaborating and reflecting on their experience with peers across regions and countries. Concerning the wider use of social networking for learning, it suggests that educators still have a valuable role to play in ensuring that collaboration leads to an effective educational experience.  相似文献   

Given that it is a delicate task to meet the educational needs of adult emergent readers in a second language setting, this study serves to explore the teaching practice of teachers working with learners of initial literacy and second language. Based on a situated learning perspective, data from 16 lesson observations of nine teachers is analysed. The findings show that teachers initiate and negotiate learning activities, strive to get the students to understand words and other symbols, facilitate participation within and outside the classroom and negotiate the acceptable student behaviour. These findings suggest that Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults (LESLLA) teaching and learning is a particular practice, where the teachers’ actions are intertwined with those of the learners and with the teachers’ conceptions of the learners. In that way, the teachers’ actions do not only speak of the learners, but also of their own professional identity.  相似文献   

信息时代,技术已成为教育生态系统中不可或缺的构成要素。如何通过技术培养高效能教师成为教师专业发展中重要的研究议题之一。教学视频案例以教学观摩、教学研究为目的,以视频为主要形式,全程记录某个真实教学活动,能为教师呈现真实的课堂教学情境及向专家学习的机会,帮助教师实现隐性教学知识显性化并生成教学实践性知识。因此,可以将教学视频案例应用于教师培训工作。基于视频案例的教师专业发展实践证明,教学视频案例不仅有助于教师将理论知识与实践相联系,检验理论中的观点并形成自己的看法,还有助于教师与他人交流,使学习突破个人活动的局限。但是,在利用教学视频案例支持教师反思及共同体学习过程中,要注意突破教学实录的局限,使教学视频案例成为一个有机的资源整合体,为教师提供视频分析及标注等辅助性工具,帮助教师有效吸收教学视频案例信息并加以创新应用。  相似文献   

探讨并分析了教师绩效结构的五个维度,即师德、学科素养、课堂教学、学生学习和班主任工作。提出教师绩效评价必然将教师的专业发展与学生的全面发展相联系;必须基于教育教学改善、专业思考和协商参与,增进教师对教育教学的理解并改善实践;必须促使教师从个体竞争走向团体竞争。  相似文献   


As the Professional Learning Community (PLC) process becomes embedded within schools, the level of district support has a direct impact on whether schools have the ability to re-culture and sustain highly effective collaborative practices. The purpose of this article is to share a professional learning community conceptual framework from the US, and to highlight recent findings relating to district level support for the PLC process in schools. The professional learning community conceptual model is organized around five dimensions: shared and supportive leadership, shared values and vision, collaborative learning and application, shared personal practice, and supportive conditions. The overarching question guiding this qualitative research study is: How do school district personnel (central office staff) support schools in the professional learning community process? Findings reveal the importance of transformative and proactive district involvement, and the use of transparency, trust, accountability, and autonomy in school re-culturing. It was also found that developing leadership capacity, embedding professional development, and focusing the culture on student success were critically important. As districts provide support for the PLC dimensions and themes, school leaders will have a foundation of curricular strategies, collaborative skills, and necessary resources to serve teachers and students through continuous school improvement.  相似文献   

A particular approach to epistemological action as ‘critical praxis’ is proposed where we bring together the ideas of ideology critique, self-reflective consciousness and emancipatory action. Critical praxis for educators seeks to move beyond the constraints of formal teaching, knowledge and curriculum and instead encourages communities, teachers and students to work together in producing new understandings and practices for the public good. As teacher educators, we are attempting to design a research methodology that will enable our field of practice to be theorised and to encourage a movement towards new critical understandings of teaching and learning for our students and for ourselves. This is a process of reflexive practice that endeavours to constantly and systematically interrogate our own views and to move beyond the status quo of conservative educational systems, procedures and rigidities so that knowledge is a legitimate investigation of possibility and transformation. In this article, we report a Critical Praxis Protocol to guide further development of teacher education and research. We trace our trajectory from a progressive emphasis on improving learning and professional educational practice to an emerging notion of criticality that seeks explanation with the theorising of Bourdieu. A draft habitus–field analysis is provided to indicate our current understanding of generative themes that suggest the emancipatory potential of teaching and schooling.  相似文献   

教学是师生之间因"伟大事物"而产生的相遇,是教师与学生在学习共同体中的实践交往,教师在其中获得自我身份的认同。教学的实践交往属性呼唤教师对学生的敏感,从而发展教学的机智。教学实践的紧迫性需要反思的距离,以从理论上提升教学实践智慧,并承担起教学的责任。  相似文献   

职业教育“实践—参与”教学模式是在专业面向的职业实践共同体中,在教师指导下,学生沿着特定职业发展逻辑所规划的生涯路径,以职业实践为中心,以职业技能形成为目标,多要素、多层次的社会化具身参与系统。针对学校职业教育与工作场所之间长期存在的实践模式及其情境脉络不连续问题,“实践—参与”教学模式从职业实践的教育属性、职业知识的境脉依赖、职业学习的“参与”本质、职业技能形成的具身机制四个方面阐述了理论渊源;基于“实践共同体”模型建构了职业教育教学组织的新形态;从职业实践样本整体开发与共同体境脉展开两个方面,职业实践具身参与的行动、认知、交互和认证四个环节,提出了职业教育教学过程设计的新框架。  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue from principle that teacher education must enable a positive relationship between educational research and teaching knowledge and practice. We discuss two popular conceptions of good teaching, which conceive of the teacher as craft worker and as executive technician, and suggest that, while each of these aspects of knowing reflects something of the qualities that good teachers need, any one on its own is insufficient. In contrast to such mono-dimensional conceptions, a research-based textured notion of professional judgement encompasses a complementary and mutually enriching relationship between different aspects of professional knowledge and practice. We identify three interconnected and complementary aspects of teachers’ professional knowledge: situated understanding; technical knowledge; and critical reflection. Accordingly, teaching as professional endeavour demands of teachers practical know-how, conceptual understandings of education, teaching and learning, and the ability to interpret and form critical judgements on existing knowledge and its relevance to their particular situation. We conclude that in principle research can both enrich and be enriched by teachers’ professional knowledge and practice but that to build this relationship in a holistic way into teacher education programmes and partnership models presents considerable practical challenges.  相似文献   

In 2011 we, a group of English-as-a-foreign-language teachers at a secondary school in Argentina, decided to investigate our teaching practices through collaborative action research so as to improve our students’ learning opportunities and thus revitalise English-language teaching in our context. We implemented and evaluated the integration of content and language learning in our classrooms through the development of our own materials. The experience revealed a growth in professional development and how our motivation and autonomy influenced our students’ motivation and language development. In our attempt to disseminate our experience as a group, this report particularly focuses on the evaluation facets of our collaborative action research project so as to encourage other teachers and teacher-researchers to adopt collaborative action research to improve their own practices.  相似文献   

This study explores the implementation of peer assessment with a group of students studying physics at Advanced level in a post-secondary school in Malta. The study that draws on action research methodology looks at how the views of students regarding peer assessment evolve as they engage with peer assessment. The research involved the actual implementation of an apprenticeship model of peer assessment and looked at the issues faced by the students. The results of the study show that students were very much immersed in a traditional assessment culture and needed to be trained to develop peer assessment skills. Student concerns related to fairness, regarding their abilities as assessors and dependence on the teacher as ‘expert’ remained unchanged as the students engaged with peer assessment. Successful implementation of peer assessment therefore requires a re-examination of the role of student and teachers as assessors within a safe learning environment.  相似文献   

This study examines lower-secondary teachers’ beliefs about feedback practice as related to beliefs about student self-regulation, self-efficacy, and language skills while teaching English as a foreign language. Data analysis of ten individual interviews was carried out using the constant comparative method. Most of the teachers connected own feedback practice to an awareness of assessment for learning through the teaching of language skills. However, a hidden accountability system seemed to overshadow the full potential of assessment for learning for the teachers with its emphasis on testing. Aspects of marking, student involvement, and dialogic feedback were considered challenging to the feedback practice of half of the teachers. The teachers were further divided as to the relevance of feedback for self-regulation and strategy training. Although most teachers discussed feedback as important for students’ self-efficacy, unrealistic expectations and marks were considered impediments to student learning. Implications for teaching and professional learning are discussed.  相似文献   

线上教学是通过教师运用网络组织、学生在终端接收的在线和线下等多种方式实现的泛在学习。提高线上教学质量既是赢得抗疫胜利的应急之举,也是面向教育变革的必然选择。在变化面前,教育要遵循自己的规律和特点,教师需要有自己的定力和坚守:坚守为学、促学的教学本心;教学活动中要心中有人;坚持教学目标和教学内容对教学工具、手段的优先性;坚持以有效的学习活动促进学生发展;坚持学习能力培养,培养会学习的学生。要看到"互联网+"乃至人工智能带来的巨大冲击和带来的必然改变,教师要深刻认识线上教学所带来的教学空间、教学时间、课程资源和教学平台的改变,以变应变,以创新谋求自身发展进步,谋求更高质量、更有水平的线上教学,创造教育实践的美好未来。  相似文献   

高校教师专业发展必须从外部驱动的"目标—结果"范式转向教师的专业自觉行为,使教师成为教学的行动研究者和反思者。教师在线学习共同体的出现,为教师专业发展开辟了一条新的途径。依据在线教师发展的内涵,高校教师专业发展的在线学习共同体机制的结构体系有交互层、媒介层和资源层三层,其具有共同的文化认同,共同的学习氛围、共同的学习机制、共同的学习资源、共同的行动研究及共同的愿景等特征。  相似文献   

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