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Overconfidence in clinical judgment is a common problem among counselors that undermines the validity of the counselors' assessments and, by implication, the quality of client services. The authors evaluated an instructional module designed to reduce overconfidence among counselor trainees who completed an assessment task that exposed them to some of the complexities and pitfalls of clinical judgment. Although all counselor trainees were generally overconfident at both pretest and posttest, the module led to reductions in overconfidence only for the trainees who were exposed to it. It is suggested that counseling programs need to teach trainees to reflect critically on their inferential processes to improve the quality of their assessments.  相似文献   

基于熵权视角的模糊评价-矿区社会发展应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熵值法作为一种重要的客观赋权方法,可以克服主观因素的不利影响,同时能减轻计算工作量且有较强的数学理论依据。将模糊评价与熵值法结合使用对矿区的社会经济发展进行综合评价,得出结论,从而为矿区经济社会的发展提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Several proposed statistics for testing the significance of the difference in two correlated r’s were first reviewed. A simple alternate procedure based on the familiar Fisher z was then suggested. This procedure, unlike its predecessors, is applicable to a wide range of problems involving tests between dependent correlations. It also has documented mathematical support when its power curves are examined. Since the procedure is asymptotic, a large sample size is required. The only other assumption is that the observations associated with the sample are drawn from a joint multivariate normal distribution.  相似文献   

当今我国处于转型发展的多元化社会过程中,面临着多方面的挑战,我们应从社会发展的价值取向、社会评价尺度等方面综合考虑影响我国社会发展的因素,从而使社会既合规律又合目的地向前发展。  相似文献   


This paper describes an internal evaluation performed on the BSW curriculum of the School of Social Work of Tel Aviv University, Israel. It focuses on the inductive, participatory method by which the evaluation was designed, and on the measure that was developed. The aim of the paper is to encourage internal evaluation of social work curricula and to provide a model for doing so that others can adopt.  相似文献   

从定量的角度研究社会和谐度。首先讨论社会和谐度量化评价的指标体系;其次把变权综合评判应用到社会和谐度量化评价中去,给出和谐度量化评价的惩罚型、激励型、惩罚—激励型以及混合型四类变权数学模型。  相似文献   

社会发展评价尺度是检验和评价社会发展是否符合客观规律、是否满足主体的需要和利益以及符合和满足的程度的依据和标准。生产力尺度、人的尺度和制度尺度是衡量社会发展的三个最主要尺度。  相似文献   

A scheme of professional development for teachers, leading to the award of Advanced Certificate, Advanced Diploma or degree of Master of Education, has been in operation at the University of Bath School of Education for some years. Recently this modular scheme has been extended to become more accessible to teachers in international and overseas schools around the world, with modules taught in a range of locations internationally including a Summer School held annually in July at the University of Bath. The Methods of Educational Enquiry (MEE) module provides an introduction to aspects of educational research and is recommended to participants as an early module for study: between 1992 and 1993 this module has thus been taught on more occasions than any other, in a number of different locations and by a number of different tutors. This paper considers issues arising from the implementation of an instrument for the evaluation of some aspects of the taught component of the MEE module in a wide range of contexts, and describes the development of two related measures of participants' satisfaction with respect to this component. A further paper will consider a wider range of issues across a number of different modules in a range of locations.  相似文献   

从定量的角度研究社会和谐度。首先讨论社会和谐度量化评价的指标体系;其次把变权综合评判应用到社会和谐度量化评价中去,给出和谐度量化评价的惩罚型、激励型、惩罚-激励型以及混合型四类变权数学模型。  相似文献   

培根、笛卡尔从人类认识和控制世界能力的提高入手为社会进步作了初步论证,崇尚理性、相信教育和启蒙的作用,并以此作为历史不断进步的保证则是法国启蒙学派的历史进步观.但韦伯、兰克和布克哈特等人不仅对历史的进步表示怀疑,甚至根本不同意把进步观念引入历史研究中.马克思是从历史发展的前进性与曲折性的统一中来理解社会进步的.就历史发展总的趋势来看,历史尺度和价值尺度是一致的;就历史发展的特定阶段、特定时期来说,两种尺度又存在着某种不一致.两种尺度的社会进步最终可以在实践中,而且只有通过实践达到协调和统一.  相似文献   

将定性问题定量化是解决很多实际问题的好途径,本文用层次分析法(AHP)建立教师评价的一个数学模型.在求解过程中,提出二种修正方案使结论更合理,最后用一个具体例子进一步说明本模型的求解方法及实用性。  相似文献   

区域教育信息化效益评估模型构建   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
教育信息化效益评估已逐步成为当前中国教育信息化研究领域的热点问题之一。本文尝试提出一种区域教育信息化效益评估模型,力图从全新视角去考察教育信息化区域层面的效益高低。  相似文献   

The major objective of this article is to evaluate via a Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) the implementation of a Social Constructivist learning framework for an introductory Management Information System (MIS) course. Facebook was used as a learning artifact to build and foster a learning environment, and a series of features and activities using this artifact were conducted to utilize the social interactions amongst the system's users to foster constructivist learning. Various pedagogic strategies were used to integrate activities occurring both inside and outside of the classroom setting to achieve social learning. All features utilized were evaluated based upon activities and interactions amongst all users. The research findings show great potential for the implemented features, as well as the activities conducted to take advantage of these features, and suggest possible innovative features for use in similar future studies based on feedback from this study's sample group.  相似文献   

K. Tatsuoka's rule-space model is a statistical method for classifying examinees' test item responses into a set of attribute-mastery patterns associated with different cognitive skills. A fundamental assumption in the model resides in the idea that test items may be described by specific cognitive skills called attributes which can include distinct procedures, skills, or processes possessed by an examinee. The rule-space model functions by collecting and ordering information about the attributes required to solve test items and then statistically classifying examinees' test item responses into a set of attribute-mastery patterns, each one associated with a unique cognitive blueprint. The logic of Tatsuoka's rule-space model, as it applies to test development and analysis, is examined an this module. Controversies and unresolved issues are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

通过立足于社会工作系统理论视角,运用社会学实证研究方法,选取深圳市、长沙市、贵阳市为研究对象,建立系统、客观的评估指标体系,全面,系统、客观地评估了社会工作在社会救助领域中功能,找出影响社会工作在社会救助领域中功能发挥的"瓶颈"因素.并在此基础上提出,在加强社会工作人才队伍建设过程中,必须加快社会工作的职业化步伐,提高社会工作的专业化水平,增强社会工作的社会认同度,推进社会工作与社会救助的全方位融合.  相似文献   

在对DotNetNuke(简称DNN)运行机制分析的基础上,以Banner模块的开发为例,针对首次接触DNN的程序人员不熟悉基本开发步骤这个主要问题,介绍了制作DNN模块的详细流程,指出了环境搭建中的一些常见问题和注意事项。  相似文献   

从一流大学的作用与评价指标的关系入手,提出了评价一流大学的三个基本原则,从人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三个指标及社会知名度、社会美誉度两个角度探讨了如何评价一流大学的社会贡献问题,最后指出一流大学的建设必须对社会的发展起促进和推动作用。  相似文献   

循环经济是一种生态经济 ,是一种建立在物质不断循环利用基础上的经济发展模式 ,是一种善待地球的经济发展新模式 ,其特征是自然资源的低投入、高利用和废弃物的低排放。发展循环经济是时代的要求 ,是实现可持续发展的一个重要途径 ,同时也是保护环境和削减污染的根本手段。发展循环经济就是保护环境 ,其主要的体现就是它的 3R原则。生态工业是循环经济的重要形态 ,生态工业园区是依据循环经济理念和工业生态学原理而设计建立的一种新型工业组织形态  相似文献   

A comparison, via path analysis, of educationally disadvantaged students (EOP) as participants and non-participants in an experimental section of a large introductory sociology course did not reveal significant differences in test performance. Given the great predictive strength of verbal SAT (r = .65) and the large differential in SAT scores between EOP and non-EOP students, it is argued that EOP performance, relative to that of the non-EOP majority, will not be significantly enhanced by this type of program. By contrast, it is shown that a substantial improvement is to be expected in the performance of future EOP students if the admissions policies were changed so as to admit students with higher verbal SAT scores. Some preliminary evidence indicates that with a smaller gap in verbal ability, it may be possible for compensatory programs to make a further contribution to the improved performance of disadvantaged students.  相似文献   

The paper describes a cyclical model for the identification of training and staff development needs within a local education authority. The features of the model include local representation of school staff, prioritisation of needs and the evaluation of training effectiveness in schools. Evaluation of the model suggests that it is more effective than previous strategies at determining school based needs and responding to those needs. The INSET courses designed using this model appear to result in more frequent school based developments than did previous models of INSET provision.  相似文献   

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