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As distributed problem-based learning (dPBL) emerges as an interactive online methodology, it is necessary for instructional designers who want to develop this approach to understand the practices experienced designers of dPBL recommend. This phenomenological study examined the practices that designers of dPBL use and recommend. Ten experienced dPBL designers from seven countries participated in the qualitative study. Data were collected through semistructured telephone interviews in order to gather information about each individual's experiences using instructional design and designing dPBL. A listing of ten recommendations for designing dPBL is presented based on the information provided by the experienced designers.  相似文献   

Meeting International Society for Technology in Education competencies creates a challenge for teachers. The authors provide a problem-based video framework that guides teachers in enhancing 21st century skills to meet those competencies. To keep the focus on the content, the authors suggest teaching the technology skills only at the point the students need to use them. An example is provided on how the problem-based video framework was applied in a higher education setting. The benefits and challenges for using video within a problem-based learning context are discussed.  相似文献   

Many colleges of business require a course in computer applications concepts, often consisting of spreadsheet and database applications. Quite often, students resist taking the class because they do not see any worth to it, it duplicates what they already have taken, and they already know much of what is purported to be taught in the class. Instructors too are often frustrated with this class. This article suggests that part of the problem is the method of instruction often used: lecture and demonstration of tools followed by end‐of‐chapter assignments. We propose that problem‐based learning is an alternative instructional method that may produce more positive results for students. To examine this approach, a semester‐long study involving 186 business school students enrolled in a computer applications concept course of seven different sections was conducted. Student motivation, computer self‐efficacy, knowledge, and satisfaction were studied. Results strongly support a problem‐based learning approach as an instructional approach to teaching this class.

汪浩 《惠州学院学报》2003,23(6):110-114
根据问题学习教学法的基本原理,结合体育教育专业理论教学的特点和教学实践,根据问题学习教学法的基本模式,与传统的讲授式教学法进行对比分析,表明可强化教学过程,缩短教学时数,优化教学效果.  相似文献   

高校大学生的创新能力培养一直以来都是我国高等教育研究的核心内容,为了适应社会对人才创新能力的需求,本文结合信息管理专业在社会需求和人才培养的具体特点和要求,利用基于问题学习(PBL)相关方法和理论构建了信息管理专业学生创新能力培养体系,从多层次、多角度进行了考虑和设计,并通过示例进行了说明,为具体的实施提供了较为有价值的参考。  相似文献   

One major challenge of developing problem-based learning (PBL) curricula in medical schools in China is to meet the requirements of sufficient qualified PBL tutors. Since 2011, we have developed a modified group teaching approach where an experienced faculty tutor facilitates several small PBL student groups in a large class. Although our study indicates that it was effective for student's learning, we note that several challenges still exist.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand how an 8th grade science class used a structured problem-based learning (PBL) strategy to study volcanoes and to discuss some of the issues that science teachers might encounter when designing and implementing the PBL strategy. This study took place at Collins Middle School, which is located in a cosmopolitan community in Illinois. The PBL lessons, which a teacher taught cooperatively with his student-teacher, required ten class periods to study two real-life volcanic phenomena. The guiding research questions were: (a) in what ways did the teachers (Mr. Brown and Ms. Jones) facilitate student learning about volcanoes using the PBL strategy?; and (b) what were the students’ engagements like during the PBL classes on a volcano unit? This study’s findings supported three main assertions: first, the teachers’ questions and group dynamics guided and facilitated the students’ course of learning; second, with the teachers’ specific guidance, the students collaboratively built up their supporting evidence; most of the supporting evidence was much more developed than just listing the terms or simple facts on volcanoes; and, third, there existed a tension between the teachers’ ideals and the implementation of the PBL strategy. They tended to slip into the traditional role of focusing on scientific facts about volcanoes.  相似文献   

Social work students have few guidelines to help them evaluate the implication of their posted information on Internet-based social networking sites (SNSs). There is a national trend among employers of human services to cross-check publicly available online information on applicants. Based on data from a survey of 105 baccalaureate and master's social work students at a Midwestern university, this study explored students' perspectives on problematic information on SNSs. The majority reported that they had posted information on SNSs that they would not want their prospective employers to cross-check. Students offered a wide range of opinions, attitudes, and characteristics that contribute to the assessment of the risks that information they post on SNSs pose for their profession. The purpose of this study is to stimulate a conversation among social work educators on how to inculcate awareness and training of students on the ethical implications of SNS participation and to discuss directions for future research.  相似文献   

在各级政府的重视之下,我国社区教育得到了蓬勃发展.然而随着居民学习需求不断增长,社区教育信息化教学资源建设的问题越来越严重,逐渐成为制约社区教育发展的瓶颈问题.本文从社区教育信息化教学资源建设现状入手,从信息化教学资源的认识、调查、制作、使用等四方面深入分析,提出社区教育信息化资源建设存在四大偏差,并就此提出了自己的对策建议.  相似文献   

尽管PBL教学模式在全球医学教育领域受到了广泛推崇,还是有反对的声音存在.本文作者系统分析了PBL方法的各个教学环节,对其理念和做法提出了质疑.在阐明自己观点的同时,作者也提出了关于案例学习的新设想,介绍了一种已经成功运用的案例教学新方法.全面了解正反两方面的观点并进行客观分析,对理性思考和审慎实施医学教育改革大有益处.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have shown the positive effects of combining cooperative and mastery learning methods on mathematics achievement higher order questioning skills, and originality, but little is known, at present, about the effects of cooperative-mastery learning in other subject areas or on other cognitive outcomes. The problem of this study was to explore the effects of cooperative and mastery learning methods, alone and in combination, on first and second grade students' learning and retention of basic economic concepts. A 2 X 2 (cooperative X mastery) factorial design compared the achievement of one hundred-twenty students who were individually randomly assigned (using grade level as a stratification variable) to one of four treatment conditions—instruction on basic economic concepts using (1) cooperative learning, (2) mastery learning, (3) cooperative-mastery learning, or (4) a control treatment (no cooperative or mastery learning). All subjects were administered a written pretest, post-test, and delayed post-test on their understanding of economic concepts. To further probe children's understanding of economic concepts, a randomly selected sub-sample of sixty- four students was interviewed using an oral pretest, post-test, and delayed post-test. Overall, the results support the superiority of the cooperative-mastery learning method over either method alone in promoting the acquisition and retention of economic concepts. Pretest data verified the initial equivalence of groups. The cooperative-mastery learning group outperformed (a) the control group on all post-tests and delayed post-tests and (b) the cooperative learning group on all post-tests and delayed post-tests except the written post-test. By delayed post-test on the oral measure, the cooperative-mastery learning group was also outperforming the mastery learning group. As further evidence of the superiority of the cooperative-mastery learning method, the mean score of the cooperative-mastery learning group was greater than the combined mean scores of the mastery and cooperative learning groups on the oral post-test and delayed post-test. The authors suggest that the cooperative-mastery learning method is in line with current early childhood practices and has the capacity for simultaneously boosting the conceptual development and language development of young children. This capacity is said to stem from the method's provision of (a) specific, positive feedback, (b) a social context for sustained effort and involvement in a topic, (c) child-child communication exchanges, and (d) adult-child communication exchanges.  相似文献   

文章根据目前开放教育导学工作的实践需要,对开放教育导学的特点、原则、任务、方式等问题进行了初步的探讨与梳理。  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) is becoming increasingly popular as a method of educating professionals, although its use is more widespread at undergraduate pre-service levels than in graduate education. Existing literature tends to focus upon delivery methods and student achievement at the conclusion of a PBL-based course, and little research addresses the potential of PBL to meet the needs of professionals at graduate levels. This paper focuses on a Master of Arts in leadership program centered on PBL, presenting a study of mid-career professionals' perceptions of their long-term learning attributed to PBL experiences. Participants involved program graduates, experienced professionals from a broad range of disciplines including health care, education, social services, military and peace-keeping forces, and business management. Questionnaires distributed among program graduates ( N = 166) and follow-up interviews with twenty respondents yielded themes supporting the effectiveness of problem-based learning in developing particular skills and understandings. Students perceived their most valuable learnings were related to two main areas: group process and self-knowledge (including sub-themes of learning to understand different perspectives, to cooperate, to lead small groups, to manage conflict, self-awareness, confidence, and systems thinking). Both areas were claimed by students to be valuable in their professional practice over the long term. The article closes with practical implications of these findings for professional education.  相似文献   

在病理学教学中应用对比法与PBL相结合的教学模式,探讨其教学效果,结果表明,这种教学模式明显优于传统病理学教学模式,有助于学生对病理学知识的理解和记忆,激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生的自主学习能力以及多方面的综合能力,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Computer-based scaffolding plays a pivotal role in improving students’ higher-order skills in the context of problem-based learning for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. The effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding has been demonstrated through traditional meta-analyses. However, traditional meta-analyses suffer from small-study effects and a lack of studies covering certain characteristics. This research investigates the effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding in the context of problem-based learning for STEM education through Bayesian meta-analysis (BMA). Specifically, several types of prior distribution information inform Bayesian simulations of studies, and this generates accurate effect size estimates of six moderators (total 24 subcategories) related to the characteristics of computer-based scaffolding and the context of scaffolding utilization. The results of BMA indicated that computer-based scaffolding significantly impacted (g = 0.385) cognitive outcomes in problem-based learning in STEM education. Moreover, according to the characteristics and the context of use of scaffolding, the effects of computer-based scaffolding varied with a range of small to moderate values. The result of the BMA contributes to an enhanced understanding of the effect of computer-based scaffolding within problem-based learning.  相似文献   

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