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Making the Difference,Then and Now   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In the mid-1970s there was political interest in questions of educational justice and an intellectual situation that allowed a 'productionist' approach to class. The intensive research method used was relatively open to new insights about class and gender, and a highly collaborative process of analysis connected the work with practical needs in school systems. The empirical side of the research stands up well. The policy context, however, has changed greatly, with the rise of neoliberalism and the destruction of the policy machinery for consultation and equity work. Suggestions are made for elements of a new equality agenda in education, which moves beyond compensatory programs.  相似文献   

In the context of the 1970s, the focus of critical theorists was on education and cultural and social reproduction. Emphasis had shifted from a family-education link to a school-economy link, placing the family as a subsidiary institution in the framing of social inequality. Published in the early 1980s, Making the Difference (Connell et al ., 1982) was a timely and much needed intervention in bringing back into focus the realities of the lived experience of young people, and providing sophisticated theorizing around class and gender relations within and between the family and the school. Social class and gender relations, Connell et al . argued, could be found within the dynamics of family, school, and industrial life simultaneously. Twenty years later, we are reaping the benefits of their analysis in terms of understanding the hegemonizing influences of the school--the many subtle and indirect ways that schools produce (rather than reproduce) class and gendered identities, at the same time recognising the increasing dissonance of gender values within class formations.  相似文献   

In this ethnographic study, we look closely at everyday classroom interactions in order to examine the complex process of creating equitable classroom communities in racially and socioeconomically diverse schools. We use the lens of relational difference (Abu El-Haj, 2006) to examine how students negotiate social boundaries within their new school; how students and teachers use small group work to co-construct expectations of academic ability; and how teachers communicate and students navigate the social significance of differentiated instruction and assessment. We find that assumptions that some students are more competent than others permeate the classroom, and these perceptions of ability are frequently tied to students' race and socioeconomic status. We provide suggestions for teachers and teacher educators who wish to challenge these unspoken classroom norms.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代至今的20年,是中国经济日益参与国际市场竞争,是"全球化"、"市场化'概念频繁出现的年代,是市场经济成为社会背景的年代.从文学创作、文学批评、文学理论以及文学接受这四个文学思潮的构成因素入手,依据文学思潮的四个侧面评判标准,对这近20年来的文学展开细致分析,提出这近20年以来的中国文学思潮为"求索思潮".  相似文献   

在魏晋南北朝文学研究中,曹丕是一个长期不被学术界重视的对象。直至20世纪80年代以后,学者们才对曹丕诗歌日益重视。文章试图从曹丕诗歌的思想内容、艺术风格、文学理论、诗歌成就与文坛地位影响等方面对20世纪后二十年曹丕研究概况进行综合论述,探讨学术界在此二十年中,对曹丕诗歌本身及在文学史上地位认识的发展变化。  相似文献   

Dyslexia is known as a Learning Disability (LD), a reading disability and a neurological disability; yet there is confusion about dyslexia and the associated support required in learning. Challenges are experienced by adult students with dyslexia in both social and organisational contexts. This study explored the life experiences of adult students with dyslexia, in Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Colleges in Australia. The shift from a prior negative self‐perception to a current positive social identity in adult students with dyslexia can be developed through key supporting relationships and interactions in educational institutions.  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - Higher education scholarship is focused largely on professors who guide students in their learning and students who participate in the educational process. The...  相似文献   


Reflecting on South African experience, this paper develops an analytical framework using the work of Henri Lefebvre and Nancy Fraser to understand why socially just arrangements may be so difficult to achieve in post-conflict reconstruction. The paper uses Lefebvre's analytic to trace three sets of entangled practices (perceived–conceived–lived) as evident in education in post-apartheid South Africa in order to illustrate the complexity that is entailed in a particular moment of social reconstruction. Coupled with this approach, It draws on Fraser's analytic to show how the different forms of social injustice and their different remedies (redistribution–recognition–representation) may easily shift and slip in times of complex change. The paper shows that post-conflict reconstruction in education requires a number of different social practices that are not easily orchestrated.  相似文献   

Elizabeth Cady Stanton has been celebrated for her astute rhetorical contributions to woman's rights advocacy and highly criticized for her racist and elitist sentiments about citizenship and the franchise. Although there appears to be a discontinuity between Cady Stanton's commitment to (sexual) equality and her racism/elitism, this tension is reconciled through a consideration of the ways her early rhetoric embodies, revitalizes, and resists a liberal enlightenment idiom of difference. Responding to immediate exigencies of nineteenth-century politics and an enduring tension between universality and biological difference in liberal political theory, Cady Stanton articulates a view of sexual and racial difference that is extracorporeal.  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来二十年思想解放的历史,给我们留下了许多深刻的启示:一是要充分认识党的思想路线重新确立的艰巨性,从而增强我们坚持党的思想路线的自觉性;二是要充分认识思想解放历程的曲折性,从而增强我们坚持党的思想路线的坚定性;三是要充分认识思想解放过程的长期性,从而在新的历史时期谱写思想解放的新篇章  相似文献   


This article reviews Rosenthal and Jacobson’s (1968) seminal study, Pygmalion in the Classroom (PC). We consider what preceded PC, the actual study, immediate criticisms of it, Rosenthal’s reactions to the criticism, and, importantly, the research that followed PC from 1968 to roughly 1990. Despite critical criticisms of it, we conclude that PC had a tremendous impact because it stimulated researchers to study expectation effects in the classroom that established that some teachers do form and communicate differential expectations to their students and that some students internalise these expectations in ways that manifest in their actual performance. The research that followed PC has yielded rich concepts and findings that are relevant for theory, practice, and social policy.  相似文献   

春去秋来,转眼间,全国教育学会化学专业委员会成立已经20年了。江苏省教育学会化学专业委员会(以下简称省学会)作为全国学会的分支机构自1985年成立以来,也已近20年了。二十年来,学会组织从无到有,会员从少到多,活动越来越丰富,影响越来越扩大。其间有许多令人难忘的人和事  相似文献   

Educational neglect is an understudied phenomenon that is difficult to define and also to address. While it is clear that attending to children’s academic needs is important to child development, few studies focus on educational neglect and therefore little is known about its associated risk factors and the outcomes following this form of maltreatment. The purpose of this research was to (a) determine the rate at which child welfare service providers investigate educational neglect in Canada and identify any trends in rates over time, (b) better understand educational neglect and its distinction from other types of neglect and truancy, and (c) understand how child welfare services respond to allegations of educational neglect. Data from five cycles of the Ontario Incidence Studies of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect were examined. A trend analysis was conducted followed by a mixed-method examination of educational neglect investigations. Results indicate that rates of investigated educational neglect in Ontario have been consistently low over time. However, these investigations are significantly more likely to be substantiated and to be transferred to ongoing child welfare services compared to investigations of other subtypes of neglect. Educational neglect investigations involving younger children are more likely to note risk factors for caregivers whereas those involving adolescents are more likely to note functioning issues for youth. The findings are discussed in relation to international trends in educational neglect and policy and practice implications are explored.  相似文献   

历年来对孔子思想的研究,往往比较注重他的哲学思想、伦理思想、政治思想和教育思想,而对他的经济思想不甚关注,认为孔子"罕言利",没有堪足称道的经济思想.以致对孔子的经济思想论者不多,更没有形成有关孔子经济思想研究的专著.不过学界同仁仍然有所笔耕,其内容涉及义利观、财富观、生产观、消费观、分配观、人口观、赋役思想以及整体经济思想评价等诸多方面.  相似文献   

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