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This paper surveys sociolinguistic research into language and gender in Latin America, and identifies a gap specifically in the area of gendered language use in interpersonal interaction. It also notes a general paucity of gendered research on bilingual behaviour, which extends beyond Latin America. Through an analysis of the very small body of such research which has been carried out in Latin America, it examines some serious implications of these gaps for the model of `bilingual-intercultural' education now gaining currency with Latin American governments and international agencies. It seeks explanations for these absences in the Latin American context (in Latin American feminism, in the role of language in Latin American nation-building and myths of mestizaje, and in the way sociolinguistics has been institutionalised there) and in wider theoretical debates within the social sciences. Finally, it raises questions as to how this lack might be remedied, in such a way as to further the development of culturally appropriate education programmes for Latin America's indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

This paper presents an initiative by the Brazilian Metalworkers Union, the Centro Nacional de Metalurgicos, which seeks to integrate vocational training with the construction of a new citizenship that represents a radical departure from the corporatist legacy of 'regulated citizenship'. The programme incorporates a strategic vision of the construction of citizenship of the workers through intervention in the development of public policy, principally in relation to policies concerning the creation of work, wealth and education, and in the unions' role in their negotiation. The Programa Integrar transcends the traditional Latin American adult education paradigms of human resource training and popular education, and it is argued that it is an example of an integrated education and training for civil society.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to an emerging literature which treats multilingualism as more than, and distinct from, 'bilingualism plus'. It considers some paradoxes and tensions which arise when current Latin American models of 'intercultural-bilingual' education are applied to plurilingual and interethnic regions, such as Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast region. Here, three indigenous and two Afro-Caribbean minorities interact in common or overlapping territories, in ways which often entail the development of multilingual repertoires and dynamic, multifaceted identities. The paper focuses on intercultural-bilingual education programmes initiated in 1985, in two indigenous languages and in English/English-Creole, each with Spanish. It explores some complexities of Coast people's linguistic and cultural practices through autobiographical accounts, by workers in the programmes, of the development of their multilingual repertoires and allegiances. Finally, it suggests that the programmes' efficacy for the maintenance and revitalisation of cultures and languages and for the development of 'interculturality' is limited by their binary conception and design (vernacular+dominant language), and offers some pointers for further research towards their modification.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of, and proposals for, international co-operation in higher education. It focuses on Latin American higher education, its current situation, and the expected transformation of the goals of higher education in the context of international co-operation. Education in the Twenty-First Century must be part of the world economic order. As such, it must attend to human necessities. One of the most important goals of the Twenty-First Century should be the building of a new kind of solidarity among human beings, one in which higher education systems will play an important role. The author describes the challenges that globalization poses to Latin American higher education.  相似文献   

对于身处发展变革时期的拉丁美洲,高等教育完善与否至关重要。纵观拉丁美洲各国大学教育的发展过程,阿根廷1918年大学改革运动是无法回避的。本文试图就阿根廷1918年大学改革运动进行粗浅的研究。  相似文献   

American educational policies over the last 40 years have represented an uninterrupted movement toward centralization. This article analyzes three terms that have become critical to the centralization of American education. More specifically, this article reviews the development, language, and source of the thematic terms and associated language of achievement gap, NCLB, and school turnaround. The author contends that the level of each term's entrenchment in American education varies but that their impacts have all grown from a top-down initiative, and although the terms represent separate concepts, they have been linked in meaningful ways to drive centralization.  相似文献   

This article applies criteria for validity in interpretation to Eric Donald Hirsch, Jr.'s interpretations of John Dewey. Specifically, three criteria that Hirsch, himself, established in his earlier work are used to evaluate Hirsch's interpretation of John Dewey as a member of a class (romantics) who embraced a naive naturalism (trait) more often than not (instances within a class) to the great detriment of other salient aspects of education. Hirsch calls his K–8 Core Knowledge sequence revolutionary. His revolution's justification rests, in part, on his rejection of an educational tradition that he attributes to John Dewey and his disciples. Hirsch uses his interpretation of Dewey to portray those who continue to take Dewey's ideas seriously as naive, dogmatic obstructionists who are blocking positive educational reform. Because Hirsch falls short of his own standards for validity in his interpretation of John Dewey, this article suggests that professors of education who continue to rework Dewey's ideas may be sources of potential insight in addressing educational challenges rather than intransigent obstructionists.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The recent economic and political climate, which has reshaped all sectors of education in the last few years, has brought dramatic changes to the management and finance of further education (FE). FE institutions have become 'incorporated' as autonomous and self-regulating organisations. The central concern of this article is the effect that the interpretation of incorporation has had on gender relations within these organisations. Many colleges have taken the opportunity to 'restructure', redefining the management hierarchy to consist of new posts to do with finance, selling and premises. The association of these tasks with aspects of masculinity has meant that incorporation has both utilised gender and had gendered consequences. Masculinity is perceived as an integral quality in the achievement of efficient management, a fact which has favoured the promotion of men and the marginalisation of women. How women have responded to these changes is explored in this article.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss issues in conceptualising the education of poor and marginalised adults in Latin America. Our starting point is the World Education Forum 'Dakar Framework for Action' affirmation that education is the key to sustainable development, peace and stability. We argue that a reconceptualisation of the education of adults, informed by an understandingof adults' everyday and work practices, may help us understand the ways in which education can contribute to these goals. Such an analysis requires both a socio-cognitive and a political dimension in order to take account of the cognitive abilities and agency as citizens of those whom Frantz Fanon memorably called 'the wretched of the earth'.  相似文献   

For the past 35 years, various models of intercultural bilingual education (IBE) have been implemented in Latin American schools and adult education. While Spanish is the official language in Nicaragua, many indigenous languages, such as Miskito and Sumo-Mayangna, are also spoken ?C especially in the Atlantic coastal region. The Nicaraguan Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport recognises the need for a flexible curriculum that reflects individual local and regional linguistic and socio-cultural characteristics, through the use of mother tongue and second language learning. The contextualisation model applied in the Atlantic coastal region of Nicaragua is therefore based on the use of a languages strategy in preparing textbooks and basic technical materials with an IBE approach, as part of the process of improving the quality of education. Thus intercultural communication is enhanced, and the need to strengthen the systematic teaching of languages, differentiating between mother tongue, second language and foreign language, is recognised. As well as explaining the contextualisation process in detail, this article discusses the conceptual differences between intercultural bilingual education (IBE) and bilingual intercultural education (BIE). The paper concludes with several recommendations for the further development of BIE in Latin America.  相似文献   

This article examines the establishment and early history of the first Boys’ Club for African American boys—the Wissahickon Boys’ Club—through the thoughts and actions of its Quaker founder, John Thompson Emlen. The purpose of this article is not only to document the founding of this historic organization but also to describe Emlen's conception of racial advancement through the implementation of vocational education programs within the context of a “colored” Boys’ Club. In examining Emlen's thesis and subsequent work, the article analyzes the similarities of his ideas to W. E. B. DuBois's charge to White Americans in The Philadelphia Negro.  相似文献   

People of Latin American descent make up the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the USA. Rates of pregnancy, childbirth, and sexually transmitted infections among people of Latin American descent are higher than among other ethnic groups. This paper builds on research that suggests that among families of Latin American descent, mothers have a particularly strong influence on the sexual attitudes and behaviours of their children, yet that parents of Latin American descent communicate less with their children about sex than parents of other ethnic groups. It examines the messages about sex women received as children in their countries of origin, and how these messages and their views of the USA influence the sexual education women provide for their children. On the basis of data from focus groups, we suggest that, in spite of the persistence of sexual silence, some women's self-reflective analyses of their own sexual education as well as their views of the USA as a sexually more open society contribute to their views of silence as dangerous and trigger more open communication with sons and daughters. Mothers hope to break the cycle of unwanted pregnancy by speaking with daughters about the consequences of menstruation and with sons about contraception.  相似文献   

拉美地区的环境教育注重社会文化内涵,并在很多国家已经初步形成了推进环境教育的机制,而可持续发展教育目前仍在起步阶段。目前,拉美国家综合两者,提出为了可持续发展的环境教育。在拉丁美洲,环境教育与可持续发展教育本质上是一致的,可持续发展教育在全球范围内的推广促进了拉美环境教育政策的制定和执行。  相似文献   

This article describes the educational situation of indigenous peoples in Latin America, and in particular their scant participation in adult education activities. It analyses the historical, structural and institutional barriers to their greater involvement in adult education. The article proposes to look at indigenous demands on education as a potential way out of educational stagnation of indigenous adults, which is one of the challenges clearly formulated by UNESCO member states during CONFINTEA VI as a priority to be faced. The article concludes arguing the case for intercultural education, not only among indigenous peoples, but for the whole of the population, to be a guiding philosophy for education in general and adult education in particular in Latin American countries. It emphasises the fact that this cannot be achieved without the active participation of indigenous peoples themselves.  相似文献   

This article examines the principal arguments found in the work of Paulo Freire concerning policy and ethics in the field of higher education in Latin America. It critically analyzes the university reform in Latin America dominated by the thought and practice promoted by various international financial institutions (such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank [IDB]) beginning in the 1980s and then looks at the feasibility of an alternative Freirian view. The work of Paulo Freire celebrated the liberating role that public university education should play in the training of citizens and professionals, that is with a critical and ethical conscience, committed to the needs of the locality, region and the world. All this is in clear opposition to what has happened to Latin American universities, influenced by neo-liberal reforms over the last decades.  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education (1954), recent global immigration to the U.S. interior compels local education systems that are relatively inexperienced with immigration to address new integrating and segmenting tendencies expressed by the growing and diversifying number of immigrants from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The authors discern 4 patterns of integrating and segmenting tendencies from self-proclaimed education needs expressed in focus groups by African, Asian, and Latin American immigrant residents of Nashville, Tennessee. Integrating tendencies were expressed more frequently than segmenting tendencies by group participants. Results suggest further integration of immigrants into the Nashville education system can be achieved with policies that overcome economic, linguistic, child care, scheduling, and discriminatory barriers to adult and children's education.  相似文献   

This article explores the issues of academic freedom and autonomy in different systems of higher education in Latin America, with an emphasis on the Brazilian case [1]. It starts with a broad historical view that permits the location of the tensions between the academic community and the State in relation to academic freedom and autonomy. These issues are then analysed in three different moments of higher education in Latin America: the early framing (the 1920s to the 1950s), the middle framing (the 1960s and the 1970s), and the contemporary framing (the 1980s and the 1990s). In the conclusion, an interpretation is offered of the current debate on higher education and the consequences for academic freedom and autonomy in the new millennium.  相似文献   

当前,中等教育已成为全球正规教育中增长速度最快的部分。围绕中等教育改革和青年教育的改善与多样化,出现了许多重大问题和值得关注的现象,世界各国家和地区都在设法解决这些问题。本文介绍拉丁美洲、欧洲和亚太、中东欧等地区中等教育的状况、问题及其改革措施。  相似文献   

拉丁美洲高等教育大众化探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
拉丁美洲国家在二十世纪六七十年代基本实现了高等教育大众化 ,采取的主要政策与措施包括改革公立高等教育 ,发展多层次的私立高等教育 ,创建公私立学校趋同的新型办学模式等。拉美国家高等教育大众化的成果是明显的 ,但也带来了职业分层化和投资效益低下等问题 ,其过度发展高等教育 ,忽视基础教育的教训应引起我们的警觉  相似文献   

The article is concerned with the current trends in vocational education in Latin American countries, where it is increasingly integrated into attempts to solve the social question. The main point of the investigation is to establish what are the experiences gathered from development cooperation with the vocational education organizations of Latin America, and what strategies have proved effective with regard to the social and economic problems of the region. In answer to these questions six propositions are presented and substantiated: (1) Vocational education is a necessary, but on its own by no means sufficient precondition for economic and social progress. (2) Models where vocational education is integrated into the formal education system have not as a rule met expectations. Through de-schooling approaches, the vocational education organizations are nowadays used primarily as institutions for vocational continuing education. (3) Vocational education must reach those who are genuinely aiming for a skilled trade. (4) Only by involving the enterprises in training can a vocational education system be created which offers the possibility of unlimited growth and effective coverage. (5) Latin American vocational education organizations are, to an increasing extent, caught up in implementing the social policies of governments. Of major importance are programmes that support existing small and medium-size businesses and initiate the foundation of new businesses. (6) As a consequence of the socio-political change in vocational training, the trainer or instructor becomes a key figure.  相似文献   

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