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This contribution offers an overview of two studies testing two attachment theoretical correspondence hypotheses in the prediction of individual differences in young children's God concepts. The correspondence hypothesis supposes that people's view on God parallels their images of their early caregiver–child relationship. The revised correspondence hypothesis incorporates caregiver religiosity and socialization. In the first study support was found for the correspondence hypothesis in the school context examining 72 preschoolers. In the second study the revised correspondence hypothesis was partly confirmed among 198 kindergarteners. Children cognitively learn about a powerful and comforting, helping God in their homes and schools, even when all relationships with their caregivers are experienced as negative. However, in such a surrounding they do not emotionally learn about an intimate, personal bond with God.  相似文献   

《宗教大法官》与“四福音书”中的互文性是陀思妥耶夫斯基以隐喻功能书写的人性问题。信仰与理性、自由与专制、现实利益与永恒理想是陀思妥耶夫斯基论述人性的三个维度。信仰与理性的对立点是人性的物质欲望,自由与专制的矛盾是人性的自由权利,现实利益与永恒理想的对立处则是人的精神追求。《宗教大法官》在“复调”的表层下,隐藏着陀思妥耶夫斯基对于人性需要依靠信仰的价值判断。  相似文献   

<傻瓜吉姆佩尔>是当代美国犹太作家艾萨克·巴舍维斯·辛格的代表作.在作品中,吉姆佩尔通过对上帝的模仿和对犹太宗教伦理诫命的躬行履践,表达了自己深笃的宗教信仰.辛格以吉姆佩尔蹇舛的生命苦旅,阐释了犹太宗教伦理的内涵,并试图以此唤起已经"世俗化"或正挣扎在边缘线上的犹太人的民族认同感,复活日益淡薄的犹太民族宗教信仰和传统道德标准,从而求得犹太民族精神的复兴,对解决现代社会的诸般问题也深具思想启示.  相似文献   

Two ways of measuring change are presented and compared: A conventional “change score”, defined as the difference between scores before and after an interim period, and a process-oriented approach focusing on detailed analysis of conceptually defined response patterns. The validity of the two approaches was investigated. Vocabulary knowledge was assessed by means of equivalent multiple-choice tests administered before and after an intervention, and four characteristic responses were observed: Words consistently not understood; words inconsistently understood; learned words; and words consistently understood. The results showed that inclusion of the category “words consistently not understood” offered a “truer” gain score than did the conventional change score. It captured more variance from age and cognitive constraints and appeared educationally more reliable from an assessment-for-teaching-perspective.  相似文献   


This paper assumes the significance of Rousseau's Emile for the practice of radical education in the USA in the 1960s and 1970s. It is argued that the educational philosophy espoused in Emile is far more conservative than that actually attributed to his inspiration by some radical educators.  相似文献   

What happens when a government cannot meet its obligation to provide universal primary education and enhance the quality of education for all of its citizens? The present study examines the interactions among stakeholders in the user-fee policy in primary education in Kenya. It seeks to show how this policy has affected attendance rates and drop-out rates among elementary schoolchildren. It reveals that, in addition to limiting access and contributing to attrition, user-fees significantly contribute to absenteeism. The study also exposes the dire situation of economically vulnerable citizens who do not have the resources which they need to ensure private education for their children. It concludes that together the government and household-level economic weaknesses have made it virtually impossible to attain the goal of education for all in Kenya.  相似文献   

Dewey declares that the teacher's calling is to be 'the prophet of the true God and the usherer in of the true kingdom of God'. This apparently religious declaration seems inconsistent with Dewey's philosophical position. An examination of Dewey's writings on religious issues reveals that his religious faith is a secular belief in democratic ideals, and that his teacher's alleged religious mission is in fact a worldly one. This article claims that Dewey's religious conception is a pragmatic conception designed to answer the social needs of American society in the 1930s, and that it presents no adequate solution to the problems of our contemporary world.  相似文献   

Education for Autonomy: the Role of Religious Elementary Schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I argue that religious elementary schools whose pedagogical methods satisfy the principle of rational authority have distinctive advantages over secular elementary schools for the purpose of laying the foundations for ethical autonomy in the children of religious parents. Insights from developmental psychology bolster the argument from conceptual analysis. Before children have the cognitive capacities to engage in authentically autonomous reflection, their long‐run interest in developing autonomy is best served by developing their understanding of and provisional identity within their primary culture and by encouraging a limited form of ethical reasoning within the framework provided by that secure cultural identity.  相似文献   

The Two Contested Concepts of Culture and Tradition in Religious Education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Culture and tradition are two highly contested concepts in religious education. Grounding their theoretical contribution in concrete practice, the authors begin with a report on a summer camp with young adults and analyze that experience in light of concepts of culture and tradition, focusing on participation and transformation as two core characteristics. Finally, the relationship of culture and tradition and religious education is dealt with using a Peircean, abductive line of interpretation as an alternative way of understanding the dynamic relationship of culture and tradition.  相似文献   

青年恩格斯宗教思想的变化首先是在德国北部的商港-不来梅开始,在这里,恩格斯经历了由宗教信仰-对宗教虔诚主义批判-无神论的转变过程。1841年恩格斯来到柏林,成为黑格尔哲学的拥护。在《谢林和启示》等章中,恩格斯在无神论立场上对宗教和封建主义的斗争,表明了他无神论思想的形成和革命民主主义立足的确立。促使这一转变的有两个决定性的环节,一是费尔巴哈的《基督教的本质》一书的出版,二是到英国的曼彻斯特走进社会生活的深处。  相似文献   

王小明 《培训与研究》2006,23(6):53-54,60
有学者认为,拜上帝会是中国化了的基督教,实际上,这夸大了基督教色彩。拜上帝会与基督教的表面联系看起来比较接近,实际上其内在联系上相去甚远。太平天国运动作为一场农民革命运动,民间信仰对他们的影响极为突出。拜上帝会的宗教思想绝大部分都来自于中国民间信仰。拜上帝会本质上是一个传统的中国民间宗教组织。  相似文献   

《太郡宝卷》编成于清末民国时期,现仍宣讲于江苏张家港市杨舍地区的“佛会”活动中,它在“五通神”转化为“本堂”神的历史过程中起到了去邪返正、重塑信仰的联结作用。  相似文献   

艾米莉·狄金森的宗教观有着明显的嬗变轨迹。其早期信件与诗作中神的缺席与中、晚期作品中神的无所不在折射出她从宗教异端到信徒的变化,但她心中的神不同于基督教义中描述的神,带有明显的狄金森理想的烙印。  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of conceptual-change-texts-oriented instruction to seventh-grade students' understanding of ecological concepts was investigated. Using information collected through interviews and related literature, the Ecology Concept Test was developed and administered to 58 elementary students in two classes of an elementary school before and after the treatment. The experimental group received conceptual-change-texts-oriented instruction and the control group received traditional instruction. Results of independent t test analysis revealed a statistically significant difference between the gain score means of the students in both groups with respect to ecological concepts in favor of experimental group after the treatment.  相似文献   

Creative drama activities designed to help children learn difficult science concepts were integrated into an inquiry-based elementary science program. Children (n?=?38) in an upper elementary enrichment program at one primary school were the participants in this action research. The teacher-researcher taught students the Full Option Science System? (FOSS) modules of sound (fourth grade) and solar energy (fifth grade) with the integration of creative drama activities in treatment classes. A 2?×?2?×?(2) Mixed ANOVA was used to examine differences in the learning outcomes and attitudes toward science between groups (drama and non-drama) and grade levels (4th and 5th grades) over time (pre/post). Learning was measured using the tests included with the FOSS modules. A shortened version of the Three Dimension Elementary Science Attitude Survey measured attitudes toward science. Students in the drama treatment group had significantly higher learning gains (F?=?160.2, p?<?0.001) than students in the non-drama control group with students in grade four reporting significantly greater learning outcomes (F?=?14.3, p?<?0.001) than grade five. There was a significantly statistical decrease in student attitudes toward science (F?=?7.5, p?<?0.01), though a small change. Creative drama was an effective strategy to increase science conceptual learning in this group of diverse elementary enrichment students when used as an active extension to the pre-existing inquiry-based science curriculum.  相似文献   

孟子是先秦儒家重要的代表人物,其继承和发展了孔子的"内圣"思想。其中在宗教鬼神思想上弥补了孔子的不足,提出"变置社稷"的宗教鬼神思想。"变置"概念是孟子的首创,"变置社稷"的鬼神思想,有着深刻的历史思想原因。孟子的"变置社稷"的宗教鬼神思想,与其"人本"的天道性命、仁政思想以及"报应"理论,有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

This article reconceptualises school teachers and pupils respectively as ‘pedagogical bricoleurs’ and ‘bricolage researchers’ who utilise a multiplicity of theories, concepts, methodologies and pedagogies in teaching and/or researching. This reconceptualisation is based on a coalescence of generic curricular and pedagogical principles promoting dialogic, critical and enquiry-based learning. Innovative proposals for reconceptualising the aims, contents and methods of multi-faith Religious Education in English state-maintained schools without a religious affiliation are described, so as to provide an instance of and occasion for the implications of these theories and concepts of learning. With the aim of initiating pupils into the communities of academic enquiry concerned with theology and religious studies, the ‘RE-searchers approach’ to multi-faith Religious Education in primary schools (5–11 year olds) is cited as a highly innovative means of converting these curricular and pedagogical principles and proposals into practical classroom procedures. These procedures are characterised by multi-, inter- and supra-disciplinarity; notions of eclecticism, emergence, flexibility and plurality; and theoretical and conceptual complexity, contestation and context-dependence.  相似文献   

本文从上海石库门里弄民居着手,在对它进行“概述”、“近观”的基础之上,进一步对当时人们的思想观念、审美观念的变化进行探讨,并力图抓住学者和老百姓这两个不同的社会角色对当时东西文化交融的状况所做出的反映,来对当时的一些普遍的文化现象进行阐述和简单的分析。  相似文献   

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