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Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, has never been monolingual. For over four hundred years the two main languages of the island have been Turkish and Greek. Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots met each other in the streets, but seldom in the schools. The Greek language had a place in the Turkish-Cypriots' educational system during some periods in history, but the Greek-Cypriots have never given the Turkish language a place in their school system. Until recent years, the majority of Turkish-Cypriots have had communicative competence in Greek. In contrast, there have been very few Greek-Cypriots who had communicative competence in Turkish. The history of Cyprus clearly shows that lack of policies for bilingualism on the island has weakened the good relationship between the two folk groups. The fact that the learning of the global language English is happening to the detriment of the learning of Greek among Turkish-Cypriots makes the integration of the two main cultural groups of Cypriots more difficult. Using the island's historical background, especially the intercommunal dispute during the last four decades as a basis, the author argues for a closer relationship between the economic, social, cultural, including bilingual and educational policy of the two parts of Cyprus. He sees this as the best peace policy for the island.  相似文献   

对家庭经济困难学生进行资助是国家推行的绿色通道,是党和国家高度重视的一项以育人为本的惠民政策,也是高校的教育任务之一。但由于高职院校家庭经济困难学生存在种种问题,家庭经济困难学生资助的体系也存在着一些不足。为此,系统有效地解决高职院校家庭经济困难学生资助工作问题,实行资助与育人结合,改进资助工作体制,是现今教育中一项重要任务,也是在此主要阐述的内容。  相似文献   

教育政策的边界与价值向度   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育政策是由政府及其机构和官员制定的、调整教育领域社会问题和社会关系的公共政策。在广泛的意义上,教育政策包括法律化教育政策和非法律化教育政策两部分。价值选择、合法性和有效性是教育政策的三个基本价值向度。在教育政策活动中,这些价值向度具有独特的来源和实现的条件。  相似文献   

A Special Issue of the Journal of Philosophy of Education in November 2012 explored key aspects of the relationship between philosophy of education and educational policy in the UK. The contributions were generally critical of policy developments in recent decades, highlighting important shortcomings and arguing for more philosophically coherent approaches to educational policy‐making. This article begins by focusing on what the contributions to the Special Issue—particularly two of them—have to say about the relationship between philosophy of education and educational policymaking. It then goes on to argue that this relationship can best be understood through an exploration of education as a practice in its own right (as distinct from a subordinate practice). Such an exploration seeks to shed light on the proper métier of philosophy of education. In the course of the exploration the kind of thinking predominant in recent international patterns in educational policy is contrasted with a different kind of thinking which has yielded rich gains in Finland. Important distinctions are drawn between the inherent and extrinsic benefits of educational practice and between the internal and external politics of practice. These contribute to the articulation of philosophy of education as a distinctive discipline of thought and action which is necessary to the work of practitioners and policymakers alike.  相似文献   

素质教育实施近20年了,已经成为国家重要教育决策和法律意志。素质教育改革历程中表现出两大特点:一是国家自上而下的政策推进,二是教育改革的实践先行。本文以各个层面的素质教育政策及实践为研究切入口,在宏观思考中分析各项政策、改革经验之间的相互关系,对改革的有效性、局限性等进行了较为详实的剖析。  相似文献   

为实现义务教育师资的均衡发展,2006年全国各省市相继出台了“中小学教师交流政策”,至2012年此项政策执行的6年时间里并没有很好地实现政策目标。教育公平为教师交流政策研究提供了新视角,从教育公平的起点、过程、结果三个阶段,分析教师交流政策的合法性和合理性问题,有助于教师交流政策的实施和教育公平的实现。  相似文献   

Research on welfare state regimes and research on educational policy share a common concern for the reduction of social inequality. On one hand, welfare state research is typically designed within a comparative approach where scholars investigate similarities and differences in social institutions across selected countries. On the other hand, the basic model of educational policy research is usually country specific and seldom identifies why and how we are to understand cross‐national differences pertaining to social inequality. The goal of the research is to bridge these two areas by testing socio‐economic gradients and educational outcomes among 15 industrialised countries (using 2003 PISA data) from a welfare state perspective. Results support Esping‐Andersen's ‘three worlds’ typology in that the level of between‐school educational inequality is the highest in conservative welfare states and is the lowest in social‐democratic countries.  相似文献   

2018年1月,中共中央国务院颁布《关于全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革的意见》,各地依据该文件出台地方实施意见。在系统分析中央文件和各地实施意见的基础上,通过专家论证等多种方法构建评估指标体系,监测省级政府落实国家政策的实际进展和成效。监测结果显示,31省区市总体均落实了国家政策,其中4个省份落实较好,9个省份落实良好,14个省份基本落实。各地在贯彻执行党的教育方针方面落实较好;在师德师风建设方面落实较好;在加强教师培养方面基本落实;在提升教师培训方面基本落实;在优化教师管理体制机制方面基本落实;在教师待遇保障措施方面落实良好;在提高教师队伍质量结构方面落实良好。  相似文献   

We analyse the role of educational choice on the degree of occupational segregation in Trinidad and Tobago during a period in which educational policies intent on equating gender opportunities in education were implemented. To this end we utilize waves of the Trinidad and Tobago labour force survey over the period 1991–2004. Our results show that while educational segregation has fallen substantially over our sample period, this has not translated into less occupational segregation. This suggests that the educational policy has not been sufficient to combat occupational segregation. However, results at a more disaggregated level show that experiences have been heterogeneous across educational and occupational groups.  相似文献   

This paper critically considers the notion of educational policy transfer by addressing the roles of significant actors, based on an analysis of educational reforms made during the Soviet and US military occupation in the two Koreas. Using evidence from the Korean cases, the paper challenges the state-centric, linear, and static views of educational policy transfer, and proposes a new conceptualisation which involves multiple actors from different levels including international, domestic, and individual players. While the educational reforms in the two Koreas were developed by the Soviet and US military in order to maximise their long-term security interests in the Korean peninsula, the key actors who implemented the reforms were Korean policy-makers, who had been appointed to key positions of the educational administrations through the bureaucratic politics between the military authorities and the Korean polity. Thus, specific programmes and policies for implementation of the reforms depended on the Korean policy-makers’ understanding and interpretations of the different ideologies of the Soviet Union and the USA.  相似文献   

Recent test‐based accountability policy in the U.S. has involved annually assessing all students in core subjects and holding schools accountable for adequate progress of all students by implementing sanctions when adequate progress is not met. Despite its potential benefits, basing educational policy on assessments developed for a student population of White, middle‐ and upper‐class, and native speakers of English opens the door for numerous pitfalls when the assessments are applied to minority populations including students of color, low SES, and learning English as a new language. There exists a paradox; while minority students are a primary intended beneficiary of the test‐based accountability policy, the assessments used in the policy have been shown to have many shortcomings when applied to these students. This article weighs the benefits and pitfalls that test‐based accountability brings for minority students. Resolutions to the pitfalls are discussed, and areas for future research are recommended. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 6–24, 2010  相似文献   

浙江省高考志愿设置改革的探索与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国传统高考志愿设置的弊端影响了教育公平的实现,高考志愿设置改革势在必行。浙江省进行了"平行志愿"的改革探索,通过在调研的基础上充分论证、制定方案,做好新的招生政策宣讲,畅通信息公布渠道,扩大信息公布范围,做好各批次的模拟投档工作等措施,使招生录取工作取得了明显成效。为促进教育公平,应进一步完善平行志愿和申请入学制度,赋予考生更多的选择权,实现同步录取、自主选择。  相似文献   

Historically implementing, maintaining and managing educational technology has been difficult for K-12 educational systems. Consequently, opportunities for significant advances in K-12 education have often gone unrealized. With the maturation of Internet delivered services along with K-12 institutional trends, educational technologies are poised to help support the transformation K-12 education by providing student access to educational resources on an anywhere, anytime, any device basis. In addition, an emerging body of empirical research shows that when implemented systematically, technology can support a wide range of potential education innovations including inverted classrooms, peer-to-peer teaching and customized learning as well as increased academic achievement.A major public policy question is how best to insure educational technology resources reach all K-12 students in the shortest time and most equitable way possible. In response, this paper adopted an educational technology value chain model to assess potential avenues and barriers to implementing educational technology inK-12 systems. We find that a fully implemented educational technology value chain would directly benefit students, teachers, school systems and society. However, the analysis also finds that efforts to implement educational technology in K-12 systems still must overcome challenges and risks.  相似文献   


This paper accepts that the OECD’s PISA has become influential in policy terms globally, but analyses the ways that the main PISA and PISA for Schools tests are positioned differently in Australia and the USA because of contrasting educational federalisms in the two nations. Our argument is that while PISA is undoubtedly influential, its effects are nonetheless mediated by the political structures – here, the different models of federalism – present within different nations, which in turn leads to quite distinct ‘PISA effects’. For instance, Australia oversamples on main PISA to make its data available for national and state-level policymaking, whereas the USA, with its focus on local governance in schooling, does not oversample, meaning that main PISA does not have a comparable policy salience as in Australia. Conversely, the newer PISA for Schools test originated in the USA with pressure from educators and philanthropic interests and has been implemented in a good number of schools, but it has not been taken up in the same way in Australia. Our analyses show how these differences reflect the idiosyncratic workings of federalism in the two nations, in which the federal government has a stronger policy and funding role in Australia than has hitherto been the case for the federal government in the USA.  相似文献   

The ongoing trend towards educational globalisation has brought about various dynamics of education policy ‘rescaling’, resulting in a growing number of governmental arrangements, which are operating across traditional scales, levels or sectors of policy. This contribution takes up the conceptual frameworks of topological spatialisation and assemblage theory to better understand the pivotal role of new information technologies, data infrastructures and also the increasing power of ‘centers of calculation’ within education policy reforms that have been implemented in Germany after the launch of the Programme for International Student Assessment.  相似文献   

流动儿童义务教育阶段入学政策"两为主"实行近10年以来,该政策的落实情况和执行效果不容乐观。现行政策涉及多方利益主体,诸如政府、学校、城市儿童家长、流动儿童家长等,他们基于各自利益的得失,对现行政策抱有不同的态度,影响政策的执行和调整。政策的本质是利益的分配,政府在对教育利益进行权威性分配时,必须遵循:强调政府责任,平等保障学生接受义务教育的权利,实现教育公平等原则。  相似文献   

This study presents some of the current methodological issues regarding the analysis and comprehension of educational policy transfer, with particular emphasis on the issue of structure and agency. It suggests some shortcomings of current educational policy transfer research in dealing with the complex interaction between structure and agency. To fill those voids, drawing from Archer's morphogenetic approach in educational policy transfer, an alternative framework of educational policy transfer is presented. A case from the author's current research on China's interest in Japanese vocational education during the late Qing Dynasty is given to explain the usage of this new interpretive framework. It is hoped that this new conceptual framework will aid in analysing educational policy transfer and open up a new methodological and theoretical space for future educational policy transfer research.  相似文献   

The tendency in education writing on globalization has been to examine the congruence of educational policies in western societies and the international effects of global governance of education by powerful transnational institutions such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Union. The authors tend to identify massive changes in approaches to educational governance, including the establishment of a broadly common policy and management agenda that is characterized by ‘new managerialism’, devolution, and rigid accountability structures, entrepreneurialism, and school effectiveness, that have been imposed largely as a result of globalization. These measures are often seen as being directly related to the ‘hollowing out’ of the state, and the emergence of neo‐liberalism as the informing ideology of both international capitalism and residual nation‐states. There are few studies, however, of the dynamics of educational life and micro‐political activities that enable or challenge or bring about the kinds of educational reshaping and renorming that are typically associated with globalization. This study attempts to analyse such micro‐shaping, which, through reporting an ethnographic study in a site of educational practice, examines how school managers and teachers dealt with government policy intervention and, in the process, both willingly and unwillingly implemented significant educational change.  相似文献   

John Willinsky 《Interchange》1998,29(4):385-402
This paper attempts to strike a new educational path through the politics of identity and multiculturalism by arguing that we need to equip the young with an understanding of how such powerful categories as culture, race, and nation have been constructed. It uses the philosophical position of Simone Weil on the need for roots to establish the importance of learning to judge how the ethical qualities of the categories of identify. It then turns this position against the shortcomings of Charles Taylor's politics of recognition, in its attempt to reconcile liberal individualism with the collective rights. Proceeding into the arena of public policy, the paper applies these philosophical perspectives to the multicultural and anti-racist initiatives of two Canadian provincial Ministries of Education. Finally, it reviews the impassioned critiques of multiculturalism by Neil Bissoondath and Arthur Schlesinger exposing the currents of ethic nationalism which underwrite their position and which again obscure what should be the educational priority of uncovering the political processes, including schooling itself, which give these points of identity their public weight and personal significance.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,基础教育普职融通政策经历了三个阶段:以纠偏教育脱离生产劳动为主的普职分离期;开展农村初中渗透职业教育的普职融通雏形期;探索高中普职融通的政策探索期。尽管取得了一定的经验和成绩,但我国尚未建立起基础教育普职融通的教育体系,基础教育普职融通政策还存在一些问题与不足:缺乏职业启蒙教育理念的引领;各学段普职融通政策缺乏衔接;缺少操作性强的配套政策。在新时代,我国应加强劳动与职业启蒙教育的顶层设计,确立基于核心素养的基础教育普职融通衔接框架,完善基础教育普职融通配套政策。  相似文献   

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