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Fernando Almeida Diniz, currently in the Faculty of Education at The University of Edinburgh and formerly Reader in Special Needs in Education at the University of Greenwich, considers the effects of 'institutionalised racism' on the education of black and ethnic minority children with special educational needs.  相似文献   

In this article Morwenna Griffiths argues that teacher education policies should be predicated on a proper and full understanding of pedagogical relations as contingent, responsive, and adaptive over the course of a career. Griffiths uses the example of the recent report on teacher education in Scotland, by Graham Donaldson, to argue that for all the report's considerable merits, it remains deficient because it does not attend to the complexity and contingency of pedagogical relations. The complexity arises from the existence of (at least) four analytically distinguishable pedagogical relations, each of which interacts with the others. These relations are contingent on the embodiment of teacher and students and on the political and sociocultural context of the class. Therefore they are also contingent on time, as teachers age and as the political and sociocultural context changes. Griffiths concludes the article with suggestions for creating a teaching profession in which teachers are reflectively and critically adaptive during the course of their careers.  相似文献   

教育政策制定,实质上是一个涉及责任伦理的过程。教育政策制定主体的角色责任分为制度责任和道德责任。教育政策制定中的责任伦理是一种新的道德思维,强调养成一种事前积极担当、事后主动负责的道德伦理。它以特定角色的确认为逻辑起点,以教育公平的实现为价值导向,要求决策必须科学化民主化,主张通过制度控制和道德约束的有机结合来实现政策制定主体的角色责任。  相似文献   

英国教育领域中存在许多教师组织,全国教师联合会、全国男女教师协会、教师与讲师协会、教师专业协会以及全国校长协会等是主要的教师组织。在长期的历史发展过程中,教师组织经常运用主张、联盟、集体谈判、政治活动和罢教等策略影响教育政策的制定和实施,对英国的教育改革和发展产生了较大影响。  相似文献   

冷战以来中美之间长期存在的敌视和猜忌使美国政府认定,中国拥有核武器会对其国家安全和全球战略利益构成巨大威胁。对美国政府解密外交档案的研究表明,尽管美国对中国发展核能力的对策制定一直受冷战格局和意识形态等诸多因素的羁绊,但最终仍完成了从敌视到承认的政策转变,体现出随着国际形势的变化美国在核政策上不得不转而采取较为现实和灵活的态度。  相似文献   

This study stems from research on the ‘Standing Conferences of Rectors and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities' (1948–), an experimental initiative for co-operation among European universities, emphasising the reformative ideal that appeared in international circles in the years following the Second World War. These conceptions were gradually received in the sphere of Portuguese national education, enabling an internal and already on-going debate on the role of the university in Portugal to proceed and possibly providing a base for a ‘last-minute’ and delayed attempt to reform higher education in Portugal during the 1970s – just before the outbreak of the Revolution in 1974. Based on a historiographical methodology, this article attempts to understand how and in what shape recommendations from international circles (mainly from these European University Conferences) were assimilated by the thought and philosophical insights of the Portuguese elite, mainly concerning the gauge of National Education and the concept of the university. Thus, an effort is made to understand the official view of the Portuguese ‘New State’ regarding the ‘aims of the university’, contextualising the Portuguese higher education problem in the 1950s and 1960s, and in its relation to Portuguese national science policy rationales.  相似文献   

文章概述了教育政策制定的几种常见的理论模式,包括制度模式、团体模式、精英模式、过程模式和系统模式,着重对这些理论模式的学术背景、基本观点及其在教育政策制定中的应用进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了运用这些模式分析教育政策过程的几点具体建议.  相似文献   

本文利用迄今为止美国业已解密的情报档案和相关文献,以新中国成立后至1960年代中苏关系的发展演变为主线,论述美国中央情报局在中苏结盟与合作、中苏分歧与争论以及中苏分裂与对抗三个时段中,对国际共运的总体态势及其发展前景等所作的预测与评估,并就其判断依据和研究结论加以进一步的分析与解读。  相似文献   

西蒙的决策理性在教育政策决策中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育政策决策是教育行政管理中的核心问题。西蒙关于决策中的理性与有限理性、最大化与满意准则、既定方案与备选方案、程序化决策与非程序化决策的思想观点对于教育政策的决策制定有指导借鉴的作用,教育政策的决策是有限理性的决策。  相似文献   

“南来诗人”,不是一个流派的概念,通常是指从中国内地到香港的作家。这其中有南来后北返的,有南来后成了当地永久居民的,还有的是从东南亚到内地再到香港的。有的早先在内地成名,有的去港后才成名。这些作家中有左翼与右翼之分,现实主义与现代主义之别。这里不按“主义”也不按意识形态而以时间段先行论述上世纪五六十年代的作家。  相似文献   

城乡统筹发展中的教育政策取向和政策制定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城乡二元结构背景下,教育政策在价值取向和目标上长期带有城市倾向,存在着诸多矛盾和问题,政策议程和博弈机制缺乏,政策不稳定、效果差。统筹城乡发展、推进城乡教育一体化,教育政策应确立起以人为本、公平均衡、质量效益、政府责任等新的价值取向。在教育政策的制定过程中要确保农村教育及时进入公共政策议程,建立起有效的教育政策评估和反馈机制。  相似文献   

NCLB与布什政府的教育政策倾向   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
美国教育改革法案《不证一个孩子落伍法》的出台,标志着美国布什政府教育施政纲领的正式形成。文章大致地将这一教育改革法案出台的政策背景、法案的基本要旨作概括性地分析与评述,力图揭示美国现行教育政策所内含的价值与实践取向,以及它有可能给美国教育实践所带来的影响。  相似文献   

为实现义务教育师资的均衡发展,2006年全国各省市相继出台了“中小学教师交流政策”,至2012年此项政策执行的6年时间里并没有很好地实现政策目标。教育公平为教师交流政策研究提供了新视角,从教育公平的起点、过程、结果三个阶段,分析教师交流政策的合法性和合理性问题,有助于教师交流政策的实施和教育公平的实现。  相似文献   

This article argues that public policy formation cannot be understood without a consistent theory of the capitalist state and politics. This is particularly true with respect to education policies. Expanding capital accumulation and increasing the legitimation of the entire mode of production seem to be the principal roles of the capitalist state, a role that is in perpetual tension. Coming to grips with this tension constitutes a principal challenge for the state. Considering educational policies, programs and practices, to inquire into the reasons for the growth of a given educational level—how programs have been devised historically, by whom, for what purposes, and how they are related to the educational clientele that they are supposed to serve—is to ask for an explanation of the determinants of educational policy formation. In this article a framework for a political sociology of educational policy making and a set of hypotheses on the production rules of public policy are offered.  相似文献   

在1940-1960年代农村题材小说中,国家意识形态话语逐渐渗入到人物的日常生活用语中,这种变化可称为话语殖民。话语殖民在小说中表现为四种形态:完成形态、未完成形态、异化形态和性别形态,其背后具有深层次的政治文化内涵。  相似文献   

This article is about policy decision making and racial politics in the St. Louis, Missouri, school district. From a research standpoint, traditional policymaking models are inadequate for explaining the evolution of school reform events in St. Louis over the past year. Teachers, principals, school staff, and parents perceive themselves to be under siege by an external corporate entity. Within a 4-week period, this corporate entity shut down 16 schools (14 were in the predominantly northside African American neighborhoods); laid off teachers and principals, terminated maintenance, security, and food service staff; and outsourced whole service divisions. One high-performing African American school was shut down and sold to St. Louis University so that the university could bulldoze the school to build a basketball stadium. According to one parent interviewee, "We did not know what hit us." Table top theory and the plantation model of policy design, development, and implementation are used as conceptual and practical guides to detail the corporate takeover reform experiment in the St. Louis school district. This study demonstrates that policy practices that are detrimental to the well-being of African American children continue to plague African American communities. New methods for understanding why these policy practices continue require extensive discussion and a critical need for changing the way the powers that be interface with African American interests.  相似文献   

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