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This article examines the ways in which the development of alternative initial teacher education programs in England and Canada over the last two decades serve to challenge some of the taken-for-granted assumptions underlying established models of initial teacher education in both jurisdictions, and also to broaden the pool of people who have access to the profession. The article offers a brief, initial account of the development of a standard model of initial teacher education in both countries that is characterized as being: university governed and university based; primarily full-time; incorporating a standard curriculum, with admission requirements that generally reflect the traditional academic expectations of the university; and which is funded jointly by the student and the state. Against this standard model the article examines the development of alternative or flexible models in both Canada and England. Three programs are described in some detail – The Brandon University Northern Teacher Education Program, The University of Manitoba’s Weekend College Teacher Education Program, and The University of Nottingham’s Flexible, Modularized Post-Graduate Certificate in Education Program – and each is examined in terms of the ways in which it challenges the assumptions embedded in traditional teacher education programs. At a time when attracting talented and committed teachers constitutes an important issue facing public education systems in both countries, the ability to construct high quality initial teacher education programs that can provide access to the profession to as wide a cross-section of the population as possible will be an important contribution to meeting this challenge.  相似文献   

This article deals with the various forms which educational planning takes in The Netherlands, with special reference to secondary education. A distinction has been drawn not only between form and functions, but also between the objects and levels of planning. The article seeks to provide insight into the links between the functions, objects, and levels of planning.  相似文献   

本对挪威的选择性教育的几种方式:私立学校与家庭学校(home school)的历史与现状进行了介绍。并着重分析了家庭教学在挪威的发展情况。  相似文献   

中等职业教育作为一种教育层次,为社会培养了大量的实用型人才。随着社会的发展,各学校制定了与社会相适应的教育目标。实现教育目标,就要有相应的教学策略来提高教学效率。根据中等职业教育的特点,我们不妨采用以下几种教学策略:基于情意原理的教学策略、基于活动原理的教学策略、多种教学组织形式并存的教学策略、基于反馈原理的教学策略。  相似文献   

中等职业教育自身存在着教学内容陈旧、教学模式单一、专业设置过窄、教学方法单调、教学手段落后、实习设备陈旧等实际问题,对培养高素质的人才造成了相当的难度.对此,可以采取"理论与实践一体化"教学改革的思路,从而把职校生真正培养成为高素质的技能型人才.  相似文献   

在中专语文教学中渗透德育,首先教师要以身作则,言传身教,为学生树立德育榜样;其次立足教材,深入挖掘德育资源,同时要讲究方法,提高德育效果。还要开展丰富多彩的第二课堂活动,将德育延伸课外,拓展德育空间。  相似文献   

中职人才培养有工学结合、校企结合、顶岗实习等模式,德育存在着理论重于实践、教学内容教条化、教学的针对性不足等问题。为发挥中职教育的德育为先的理念,应注重挖掘校内外德育资源,探索适合中职人才的职业需要,实现德育的实效性教学。  相似文献   

Recent publications on changes in education have paid considerableattention to the interplay of control and extended autonomy. Thisinterplay takes place on three levels: between government and theindividual school; between school and the individual teacher; andbetween teacher and student. At each level there are issues surroundingthe relationship between a top-down and a bottom-up approach to changesin education. The major questions to be answered are: what goals are tobe achieved; what means of direction and control should be preserved;who exercises control over the goals and processes; how extensive is theautonomy of schools, teachers and students; and will self-regulation andautonomy become a reality? In this article we describe the interplay oftop-down and bottom-up processes in recent changes in senior secondaryeducation in the Netherlands. These changes include introducingself-regulated learning by students, flexibility in teachers' tasks,liaison with advanced studies in higher education, and raisingstandards.  相似文献   

在中职语文教学过程中,老师的美的心灵、美的仪态、美好的方法能更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,且在传授语文知识的同时也能对学生进行很好的美育教育。  相似文献   

在职业教育得到良好发展时机的同时,包括语文在内的基础学科如何进行大胆改革,以更好地适应职业教育的需求,适应青年学生健康成长的需求,就变得尤为重要扣紧迫。语文教学应在观念上大胆创新,在教学方法上灵活多变,在教学内容上体现教书、育人相结合,在教材把握上要更符合教育需求。  相似文献   

In 1993 a new comprehensive curriculum for secondary education was introduced in the Netherlands. In that curriculum learning objectives related to environmental education are formulated. This paper describes: (1) the present situation regarding EE in schools in the northern part of the Netherlands on the subject level, as regards the relative importance attributed by teachers to the different objectives of environmental education. (2) the constraints and the need for support when teachers want to pay more attention to the various objectives of environmental education. Teachers pay most attention to the objectives of EE that are aimed at improving the knowledge of the relationship between man and the environment and the environmental problems and their causes. They seem to underestimate the objectives aimed at skills and attitudes. Teachers show only a slight tendency to change their current practice towards more environmental education. The main reasons are described. A considerable number of teachers are willing to use support to implement environmental education if that is offered, but more than half have made no decision yet. The kind of support wanted by teachers differs with different objectives. The paper concludes with a discussion of the prerequisites of a supporting programme for the implementation of environmental education.  相似文献   

美国中小学探究教学按内容可分为训练式探究、发现式探究和学科结构式探究;按探究水平可分为结构式探究、指导式探究和自由式探究。美国中小学探究教学的基本观点可归纳成这“五个必须”,即必须把探究教学作为中小学教学的重要模式和方法、必须把科学教育作为中小学探究教学的重要载体、必须把学生探究品质的发展作为中小学探究教学的重要目标、必须以问题教学作为中小学探究教学的重要纽带、必须把确立学生的自主地位,构建和谐教学环境作为中小学实施探究教学的重要保障。美国中小学探究教学的经验,给我们的启示是要正确处理好面向全体和尊重差异、学生的主体性和教师的主导性、探究学习和接受学习、注重实践和激发动机、探究学习过程和结果这五个关系。  相似文献   

体育教学,是实现学生德,智,体,美,劳全面发展的重要手段。作为中专学校的体育教师应激发学习学习体育的兴趣,积极进行教学改革,充分发挥体育的功能,对学生进行素质教育。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the broad lines in which education has developed in the recent past in The Netherlands. We shall also refer to developments in other highly developed countries. The recent past contains in embryo a good deal of the future. Thus this introduction, however incomplete it may be, also comprises a reconnaissance, so to speak, into the future.  相似文献   

自我校2007年招收听障生以来,我们发现所接收的高等教育听障生的实际语文水平与聋校高中语文课程标准存在较大差距。为此,我校根据听障学校的语文教学目的任务与听障生对语文的需求,设定了语法、阅读鉴赏(包括古代文学、现当代文学、外国文学三个部分)、语言交际、应用文写作四个教学板块,对听障生的语文教学进行了探索,并在2007、2008、2009三个年级进行实践,取得了一些经验,形成研究文章。  相似文献   

Until recently the Dutch education system was determined by the historic compromise of 1917, after which private schools were supported by the state on an equal financial footing to state schools. The consequence of this compromise was a mainly privatised and centralised system with a corporatist policy structure. In the mid-1980s The Netherlands, like other countries, came under the spell of the 'neoliberal revolution'. This article explores the extent to which the management reform carried out under a neoliberal flag has brought about radical changes to the Dutch education system. It especially looks at four key issues set out in that reform: increased autonomy, freedom of choice, privatization and quality control.  相似文献   

县域中等职业教育实践教学能力建设途径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学是中等职业学校教学过程中的一个重要环节,是培养学生的实践能力和创新意识的关键。文章分析了当前农村职业学校实践教学能力建设中存在的主要问题,从农村内外两个方面,提出加强实践教学能力建设的基本思路。  相似文献   

立德树人是党的教育方针,在教学中渗透德育是教师的基本职责。中职化学教学要注重渗透德育教育,作者在教学中通过言传身教感染学生,发掘文本引导学生,创设情境激发学生,从而调动学生参与,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

在职业教育得到大力发展的新形势下,中职语文教育如何进行大胆改革和创新,以更好地适应社会对职业教育综合素质人才的需求,满足学生学习的需要,已显得十分重要。本文分析当前中等职业教育语文教学存在的问题,对中职语文教改提出自己的若干思考。  相似文献   

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