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In this paper we discuss issues in conceptualising the education of poor and marginalised adults in Latin America. Our starting point is the World Education Forum 'Dakar Framework for Action' affirmation that education is the key to sustainable development, peace and stability. We argue that a reconceptualisation of the education of adults, informed by an understandingof adults' everyday and work practices, may help us understand the ways in which education can contribute to these goals. Such an analysis requires both a socio-cognitive and a political dimension in order to take account of the cognitive abilities and agency as citizens of those whom Frantz Fanon memorably called 'the wretched of the earth'.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of, and proposals for, international co-operation in higher education. It focuses on Latin American higher education, its current situation, and the expected transformation of the goals of higher education in the context of international co-operation. Education in the Twenty-First Century must be part of the world economic order. As such, it must attend to human necessities. One of the most important goals of the Twenty-First Century should be the building of a new kind of solidarity among human beings, one in which higher education systems will play an important role. The author describes the challenges that globalization poses to Latin American higher education.  相似文献   

1999年4月,在智利首都圣地亚哥召开了第二届美洲国家最高首脑会议。会议在讨论“民主主义、正义、人权保护与强化”、“经济一体化与自由贸易”、“消除贫困差距”等涉及全美洲共同存在的问题的同时,各国还着重就21世纪拉丁美洲地区教育的发  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to survey and report on the empirical literature at the intersection of science education research in Latin American and previous studies addressing international research trends in this field. Reports on international trends in science education research indicate that authors from English-speaking countries are major contributors of publications. Despite the internationalization of the science education community, as represented by the publication of the work generated in non-English-speaking countries, research trends in science education in Latin America are uncommon in the literature. Therefore, it was deemed important to explore the scholarly productivity of science education researchers from Latin America to learn about the research orientations pursued by scholars from this region. Collective review findings are presented with respect to author’s nationality, publication volume generated in each country, research type and topic, collaborative research, and areas for future research. Of the ten countries represented in this study, Brazilian authors were the most research active scholars followed by their colleagues from Venezuela, Mexico, and Argentina. The History, Philosophy and the Nature of Science (HPNOS) was the topic that most attracted the interest of Latin American science education researchers, and the Empirical Qualitative studies was the most frequent research type combination in the analyzed publications. Findings in this study suggest a relationship between investment power in Research and Development (R&D) and the scholarly productivity not only in science education but also in the scientific field in the countries of the region.  相似文献   

The education first brought to America by Europeans was hardly more than ornamental culture, literacy was generally unimportant, and African slaves were not educated at all. Only in this century did industrialization cause some governments to provide economic and technological support through training and education. In the last decade, the debt crisis curtailed spending, while numbers of students and teachers continued to rise. A comparison between Latin America and South Korea illustrates the former's relative decline in investment. The advent of populist and corporatist democracies did not alleviate the situation, although there is now some evidence of concern for basic education for poorer children. With economic adjustment programmes, little else has been done for those who have suffered the heaviest burdens, and no obvious solutions to poverty and technological obsolescence are in prospect. A major reform of State institutions is called for, including a commitment to education, a change in the economic model, and a recognition of global interdependence.
Zusammenfassung Das erste Bildungssystem, das von den Europäern nach Amerika gebracht wurde, war kaum mehr als eine dekorative Kultur; die Alphabetisierung war im allgemeinen unwichtig und afrikanische Sklaven erhielten überhaupt keine Bildung. Erst in diesem Jahrhundert veranlaßte die Industrialisierung einige Regierungen, durch Aus- und Fortbildung wirtschaftliche und technologische Unterstützung zu geben. Im letzten Jahrzehnt beschränkte die Schuldenkrise diese Ausgaben, während die Zahl der Studenten und Lehrer weiter anstieg. Ein Vergleich zwischen Lateinamerika und Südkorea macht den relativen Investitionsverfall in Lateinamerika deutlich. Die Einführung populistischer und corporativer Demokratien hat die Situation nicht verbessert, obwohl es jetzt Anzeichen dafür gibt, daß man sich um Grundbildung für ärmere Kinder kümmert. Mit den wirtschaftlichen Anpassungsprogrammen wurde sonst wenig für diejenigen getan, die die schwerste Bürde getragen haben, und es besteht keine Aussicht auf klare Konzepte zur Überwindung von Armut und technologisch veralteter Systeme. Es wird eine größere Reform staatlicher Institutionen gefordert — einschließlich eines Engagements für die Bildung, einer Änderung des wirtschaftlichen Modells und der Anerkennung globaler Abhängigkeiten.

Résumé L'éducation apportée autrefois à l'Amérique par les Européens n'était guère plus qu'une culture d'agrément, l'alphabétisation n'avait généralement pas d'importance et les esclaves africains ne recevaient aucune instruction du tout. Ce n'est qu'au cours de notre siècle que l'industrialisation a amené certains gouvernements à offrir un soutien économique et technologique par le biais de la formation et de l'éducation. Durant les dix dernières années, la crise de la dette financière a réduit les dépenses, alors que le nombre d'apprenants et d'enseignants n'a cessé de croître. Une comparaison entre l'Amérique latine et la Corée du Sud illustre le déclin relatif de l'investissement de la part de la première. L'avènement des démocraties populistes et corporatistes n'a pas amélioré la situation, bien qu'on note maintenant quelques signes d'intérêt à l'égard de l'éducation de base des enfants pauvres. Les programmes d'ajustement économique n'ont rien apporté de plus à ceux qui portent les fardeaux les plus lourds, et il n'y a apparemment aucune solution en vue pour le problème de la pauvreté et de l'obsolescence technologique. Une réforme majeure des institutions publiques s'impose, impliquant un engagement envers l'éducation, un changement du modèle économique et une reconnaissance de l'interdépendance globale.

This article highlights the history of innovation and creativity in non-formal education programming in Latin America since the 1920s. These include community-based programmes, literacy, fundamental education, community development, technical vocational training, extension education, consciousness raising, popular education, and community schooling. With the economic downturn in the 1980s, non-formal education became less viable as part of socio-economic development strategies owing partly to the social progress made in the region, a shift to schooling as a priority and the pulling back of governments from social service funding. Nevertheless, the 1980s saw the informal economy and social movements as emerging avenues for non-formal education programming and non-governmental agencies became the dominant vehicle for educational delivery. During the 1990s, technical education was going through privatisation and adult basic education was being criticised and overhauled. Citizenship education, a potential avenue for non-fomal education investment in the newly democratised region is identified as an area overlooked by policy makers. Similarly, the growing needs of the indigenous populations of the region and urban youth unemployment are singled out as potential areas for non-formal education programming.  相似文献   

Latin America     

Gender and Education publishes articles that are considered as key references in the field, but at present the journal has limited connection with Gender Studies in Latin America. To understand this, all the titles and abstracts of the issues published between 2011 and 2013 were read. In this period, Gender and Education published 141 original articles, and among them only four were about Latin America. Altering this situation demands specific actions, including those that the Editorial Board is already planning. However, such reading brought to light many other questions that might be analysed in the context of the North/South division of intellectual labour. This essay discusses only one of them: the fact that articles about countries in the global South often identify their location in their titles, while this is rare among papers about metropolitan countries. An apparently simple change is suggested: that the authors question themselves about how far their ideas are understandable to readers from other parts of the world.  相似文献   

泛美医学院校协会(PAFAMS)董事PA Pulido等人撰文[Medical Teacher,2006,28(1):24-29]分析了拉丁美洲医学教育的多种影响因素,认为该地区的医学院校无计划地高速增长,质量得不到有效保障,卫生人力分布不合理.他们认为开展医学院校认证是解决上述问题的一条途径,并介绍了该地区医学院校认证的进展情况和趋势.  相似文献   


Household survey data for II Latin American countries are used to assess earnings differentials by type of secondary education during the late 1980s. Introduction of the cost of the curriculum allows for the estimation of private and social rates of return to investment in education by type of secondary school curriculum. The paper documents mixed results. In some countries the private returns to vocational schooling are higher than the returns to general secondary schooling. Introducing differential cost of curriculum and estimating social returns to schooling results in much lower returns to vocational schooling.


In Latin America governmental responses to the language issue have ranged from suppression of non-European languages to active promotion of at least a limited bilingualism. The thesis of this article is that the inconsistencies are primarily a function of economic and social struggles among contending national elites with the common goal of compelling subordinate groups to adapt to the behaviors and expectations of the elite groups. Not until the nineteenth century witnessed a shift to capital-intensive modes of production did the schools become a major locus for implementation of governmental policy. Then the schools were called upon in a direct and massive way to augment traditional forms of social control.
Zusammenfassung In Latein-Amerika reichte die Reaktion der Regierungen auf sprachliche Probleme von der Unterdrückung nicht-europäischer Sprachen bis zur aktiven Förderung wenigstens einer begrenzten Zweisprachigkeit. Dieser Artikel vertritt den Standpunkt, die Gegensätze seien hauptsächlich bedingt durch wirtschaftliche und soziale Kämpfe zwischen wetteifernden nationalen Führungsschichten, die alle das gleiche Ziel verfolgen, untergeordnete Gruppen zu zwingen, die Verhaltensweisen und Erwartungen der Führungsgruppen zu übernehmen. Erst als sich das 19. Jahrhundert allmählich auf kapital-intensive Produktionsweisen umstellte, wurden die Schulen in höherem Masse Zuchtstätten der Regierungspolitik. Danach wurden sie unmittelbar und massiv aufgerufen, traditionelle Formen der Gesellschaftskontrolle zu verstärken.

Résumé En Amérique Latine les réponses gouvernementales à la question du langage sont passées d'une suppression des langages non-européens à leur promotion active, ou du moins à un certain bilingualisme. La thèse de cet article est que ces inconséquences sont avant tout fonction des luttes économiques et sociales entre les élites nationales en présence dont le but commun est de contraindre les groupes subordonnés à s'adapter à leurs manières d'être et à leurs expectations. Ce n'est qu'après que le dixneuvième siècle ait été le témoin d'un glissement vers des méthodes de production à haute teneur en capitaux que les écoles sont devenues le locus principal de mise en oeuvre de la politique gouvernementale. On a eu, alors, recours aux écoles d'une façon directe et massive pour augmenter les formes traditionnelles de contrôle social.

拉美高等教育国际化评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拉美高等教育国际化始于1990年代,目的是应对规模扩张引发的基础设施不足、师资质量较差和专职教师比例较低等问题.目前,拉美留学生有所增加,远程教育逐步拓展,国际合作课程数量日渐上升.但是,拉美各国普遍缺乏教育国际化的国家政策,与外国高校签订的合作协议多半只是纸上谈兵,这主要是因为各国政府和高校忙于应付国内的各种教育问题,高等教育国际化还没有被提上议事日程.  相似文献   

拉美双语教育在20世纪80年代完成制度化后仍处于教育体系边缘,发展始终步履维艰,不容乐观。一方面政府当局未充分调动各方资源驱动改革,另一方面土著民族缺少必要资源推进改革。困境的根源来自于拉美主流意识形态中单语和单文化主义及种族主义对双语教育的压制和束缚,其背后反映的是土著民族现实诉求与殖民主义历史遗留这一根本性冲突。  相似文献   

Educational planning specialist at Unesco's Regional Office for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC). Former staff member of the World Bank and Coordinator of the Latin American educational research exchange network (REDUC), he was also Head of the Chilean Educational Planning Office (1965–70). Co-author of Development of Educational Planning Modelsand of Eight Years of their Lives.  相似文献   

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