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沈阔 《文化交流》2012,(4):70-74
桃花情结粉色桃花最有中国文人情结。《诗·周南》“桃之天天”,描写其娇艳繁茂态貌。春秋息国国君夫人息妫容颜美丽,被人称作“桃花夫人”。在中国文化中,有桃花色一说。唐诗中“1人面桃花相映红”的名句,以女子相比于桃花。粉红桃色也便象征女性。桃花,作为一种自然物,本来不具有“文化”的涵义。  相似文献   

正人物表桃花哥:万米采伐能手,43岁。桃花:伐木人的妻子,40岁。柳蒿芽:伐木人的女儿,17岁,智障。张喇叭:采伐工人,55岁。故事梗概桃花是一位娴慧的山里女人。桃花哥每天歌不离口的一首歌就是:在那桃花盛开的地方……他感觉自己就像交了桃花运。获得万米采伐能手赞赏的桃花哥年年受表彰,自从2015年4月1日国家对大兴安岭停伐以后,每  相似文献   

三月桃花映面红,桃林如锦笑春风. 在奉化的车站、码头等交通要道,可见醒目标志:"奉化——桃花盛开的地方".溪口镇新建村有世界桃街,还有筹建中的中国桃花博物馆,并将举行奠基仪式.那里桃花灼灼,一派乡村野趣,也是有名的宜游宜居之地.  相似文献   

“华丽转身”这个词,被日本《产经新闻》用来做采访杨惠姗和她的琉璃的文章题目,这个词真的太好了,用在杨惠姗的传奇艺术生涯中真美。从两度获得台湾最高的电影奖项金马奖的表演艺术的巅峰,抖落星光滑落至零点,隐默在琉璃与火的简陋工棚,饱受人间炎凉,受尽煎熬与折磨。但在几年之后,当她再度出现在世人面前之时,这位昔日的女电影明星捧出的琉璃,是那样流光溢彩,那样华美绝伦,让湮没了两千年的中国琉璃重新开始说话…… 华美的转身之后又见华美。这转身只有杨惠姗一人能够做到,因为这个艳若桃花的女人有钢铁般的意志。  相似文献   

这幅吴昌硕先生的精品《桃花图》,是我在上世纪60年代收藏的。作品为宣纸本,直101厘米,横47厘米。画面新洁,约作于1906年61岁前后。两枝桃花枝干在左下向右弯上,又一小枝从前面大枝生出向下,后又向右角沿纸边生出。桃枝用墨笔调以赭石逸笔写出,以鲜艳的西洋红点出娇嫩灼灼之桃花,形象极其写实酷肖,绿叶相扶,得桃花之特性,可谓形神兼备,艳而不俗,读来如入春日桃林中,心神为之一爽,真第一等写意花卉画也,堪称吴昌硕桃花作品中第一杰作。左下角直下以潇洒的行草书题诗:艳灼灼云锦鲜,红霞裹住颇黎天。不须更乞胡麻饭,饱啄桃花已得仙。吴俊卿并题…  相似文献   

童年的我几乎成长在花的世界里。百花丛中,我最爱桃花,也许是桃花的大红大艳最能满足我那见什么都新奇的眼睛。和我相左的是爷爷,他最爱杏花。家中茶几上的花瓶中时而是我插上的桃花,时而是爷爷插入的杏花。我想知道爷爷为何最爱杏花,忍不住问起爷爷,可爷爷只说我小,还不懂。后来,我上学了,再追问爷爷,爷爷说“桃花太艳,太眩眼,也太烟气。不如杏花耐看,让人亲近。”爷爷还说:“杏花开过之后红妆便匆匆卸去,本色应然而现,像庄稼人家  相似文献   

三月桃花笑春风,在桃花盛开的奉化新建村崛起世界桃街。该文追忆著名歌唱家蒋大为在世界桃街唱响桃歌、记住乡愁的情景,展示新建村的美丽风貌,尽现桃文化无穷魅力,"散记"形散而神不散,为美丽浙江增光添彩。  相似文献   

正是姹紫嫣红时节,浙东宁海县漫山遍野的桃花、油菜花、杜鹃花争奇斗艳。宁海旅游部门经精心策划,配合"欢乐健康游"主题,整合后推出独具特色的"三色花"春之旅——美丽胡陈"粉色"桃花游、生态桑洲"黄色"油菜花游和东海云顶"红色"杜鹃花游,让游客在旅途中感受芳香之春。  相似文献   

正看了南丹的桃花,我才真正品味到了"桃之天天,灼灼其华"的含义。南丹在广西西北,以前这片夹在峻峭石山间的土地是种玉米的。为了提高经济水平,当地政府几经考察,前些年研究引进了四川的改良桃,于是就有了这大片的美丽。桃树分两层,高的老树是本地品种,远观如粉紫色的云。行进其间仰面看,粉红就在你的头顶,正是堪摘时。但如何忍心去摘啊,她娇嫩之极,一碰即落,实在经不起折腾,无论摘一朵抑或折整枝,对它们都是致命的伤害。低的就在身边,一米左右,从离地五六十厘米处开始有苞,花盛满每一个枝头。  相似文献   

舒姝 《文化交流》2017,(8):21-23
正最近,"仙恋"大剧《三生三世十里桃花》一片大火,"火光"充斥荧屏内外,一刷微信朋友圈,满屏尽是"三生三世"情,处处都有"十里桃花"香。不管是收视率还是网络点击量、口碑上都有不俗的表现,在东方卫视和浙江卫视的单集最高收视率破2,全网播放量突破300亿,成为毋庸置疑的现象级大剧。《三生三世十里桃花》的故事核心是中国观众喜闻乐见的唯美爱情故事,讲述了青丘帝姬白浅与九重天太子夜华的三生爱恨、三世纠葛的故事。原《三生三世》系列小说有庞大  相似文献   

Chinese ink stick has a long history and a special importance in the Chinese culture. For the first time, Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was used to identify the materials in an ancient Chinese ink stick. Four types of constituents could be detected in the archaeological ink stick of the Eastern Jin period (317–420 AD): (1) borneol (Chinese name bing piàn); (2) compounds related to essential oil or tar of conifer wood: cedrene, aromadendrane, cedrane, cuparene, cedrol, retene, methyl dehydroabietate and 9-methyl retene; (3) marker compounds from animal glue; (4) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soot. The information obtained through this study provides conclusive evidence for use of additives of borneol and cedar oil, binding media of animal glue and pine wood soot in the ancient ink stick.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a recently described non-aqueous method for paper deacidification using Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles in isopropanol was evaluated by pH and colorimetric measurements and by the analysis of the degree of polymerization (DP). Samples of plain paper and paper with iron gall ink were tested. The results were compared with non treated samples and samples submitted to the traditional treatment with saturated aqueous Ca(OH)2 solution. By comparing the two conservation methods, the aqueous one shows higher neutralization reaction kinetics than the non-aqueous one. The iron gall ink samples maintain their coloration closer to the original after the non-aqueous Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles treatment, in contrary to the aqueous treatment that changes the ink aesthetics considerably. Artificial aging tests revealed a general increase in the aging stability of deacidified paper samples. The Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles treatment can be an alternative for papers who can not be treated by the classical aqueous treatment, e.g. papers with water soluble components.  相似文献   

周军 《文化交流》2009,(8):53-57
2009年3月1日,北京故宫博物院院长郑欣淼与台北故宫博物院院长周功鑫在台北圆山大饭店面对媒体热情握手,标志着故宫部分文物迁台60年后,两岸博物院正式实现了互访。双方约定,台北故宫博物院举办雍正特展,将通过第三机构,向北京故宫博物院借展文物27组件(共37件)。  相似文献   


In Latin America, collective remembering is shaped by stories of colonizers whose voracious ambitions left an indelible mark on the landscape and its people. This essay examines a set of narratives about a legendary colonizer, Lope de Aguirre, that continue to be invoked in the collective imagination on the island of Margarita, in Venezuela. Drawing on Bormann's Symbolic Convergence Theory and Bakhtin's work on cultural discourse, this analysis shows that on the one hand, the narratives converge to support official records of Aguirre as an archetype of colonial brutality. Yet on the other, alternate versions of the stories reveal a more discordant picture, one that complicates Aguirre's character and reevaluates his influence on the island and in the wider context of Latin America.  相似文献   

展华 《文化交流》2009,(5):84-86
榴花照眼红,粽子扑鼻香,又是一年端午节。节日前夕,我家不少乡亲从对岸台湾回到闽南祖家过节。在与台湾房亲交谈中,我得知台湾和祖家闽南一样,同称端午节为“五月节”。台湾四面环海,水域辽阔,岛内还有一些河川,端午节最有气氛、最为热闹的便是“扒龙船”(龙舟竞赛),闽南台湾方言“扒”与“爬”同音,是划的意思。  相似文献   

展华 《文化交流》2013,(2):25-28
台湾年俗大都由大陆流传过去,除了部分礼仪性、程式化的风俗习尚在两岸共同保存外,还有某些民间市井的独特活动只在台湾可见。劈甘蔗台湾有"东方蔗库"之称。"劈甘蔗"是春节期间一个精彩的传统节目。人们首先挑选几根挺直完好的甘蔗,把末梢、叶片和气根削去,并将其  相似文献   

An investigation has been undertaken into the effect of wavelength in the laser cleaning of parchment. Tests have been carried out using the fundamental (1 064 nm), second harmonic (532 nm) and fourth harmonic (266 nm) outputs from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (pulse length 10 ns). Initial testing was carried out on new parchment to characterise the damage caused by overcleaning. The fluence and wavelength of the laser beam were then optimised so that any damage to the parchment or loss of ink during dirt removal from a late eighteenth century parchment document were minimised. The cleaned surfaces were examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy and analysed by measurement of the shrinkage temperature of cleaned collagen fibres. The laser-cleaned areas were compared with uncleaned areas and areas cleaned by traditional techniques.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to weathering of eleven carbonate and evaporitic Spanish building rocks was studied by means of dissolution experiments. Mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and porosity of the rocks were also characterized in order to determine the potential relationships between these properties of the rocks and their dissolution rates. Rock slabs were submerged in a 0.1 M HCl acid solution for 72 h and the amounts of Ca, Mg and S released were measured, as well as the weight loss of the samples during the acid attack. Alabasters, which presented very low porosity, were dissolved to a lesser extent than limestones and dolostones in the time of the experiment. A significant positive correlation was found for connected with the weight loss of the rocks during dissolution and with the kinetic rate of Ca dissolution. Overall, the results highlight the influence of the porous network in the degradability of building stones by controlling their rate of dissolution. There is a positive correlation for all the rocks between weight loss along acidic attack and connected porosity, but no relationship between mineralogical and petrographical composition and susceptibility to dissolution.  相似文献   

2014年9月28日下午,在西湖孤山,寻着悠扬婉转的古乐之声,踏着斑驳的树阴,走入一座粉墙黛瓦的院落,一场由民间主办的古乐祭孔活动正在杭州敬一书院举行.书院文化出现于汉代儒学大兴天下之后,书院祭孔久有传统,如今,这传统又被传承下来.  相似文献   

The “marble” Portasanta from Caldana (Grosseto, Italy) takes its name from the strict resemblance to the ancient Marmor Chium (also this called Portasanta) coming from the island of Chios in Greece. In this work, a complete characterization of the Italian Portasanta was made: chemical (X-ray fluorescence and isotopic analyses), mineralogical (X-ray diffraction on the bulk sample and on insoluble residue after acid attack), physical (water accessible porosity and imbibition coefficients), petrographical (optical microscopy) and mechanical (compressive strength test) analyses have been carried out in order to obtain a better distinction between Italian and Greek “marble”, sometimes mistaken. The Portasanta from Caldana (Italy) was quarried surely in the sixteenth century, but a possible use of this material during Roman time is still in doubt. The study of samples from some Tuscan archaeological sites (Torraccia di Chiusi, Siena and Roselle, Grosseto) allows us to confirm the use of Portasanta from Chios for the Torraccia site and that of Caldana for Roselle.  相似文献   

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