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四廖承志到达太行涉县,行装甫卸,即发电报给跟随党中央、毛主席行动的范长江,要他负责随时向中央请示有关新闻宣传事宜,每周将宣传要点电告太行,同时也请留意太行发出的稿件,随时提出意见。从这时起,承志同志通过范长江的小分队同党中央保持密切的联系,凡是他认为比较重要的事情,都做到向中央事前请示、事后报告。每次社委会会议结束,大都是由他亲自起草给中央的报告。有一次我(因我当时是社委会秘书)代拟电报时,漏掉一项重要内容,受到他严肃的批评。长江同志率领的小分队(代号叫四大队),跟随中央转战陕北。除担负联络太行的任务外,中央发表的重要文件和中央同志写的社  相似文献   

"希望寄托在你们身上"的著名讲话,是1957年11月17日毛泽东同志第二次访苏时,对当时莫斯科的中国留学生和实习生讲的,至今整整50年.这个讲话,后来被广泛传达,"文化革命"中,还被配乐成歌.所以,50岁以上的人,大都还能记得,并因此受到极大鼓舞.当时我有幸厕身3500位听众队伍中,至今记忆犹新.  相似文献   

Photographers from community and mainstream media organisations bring the everyday of favela communities to the attention of Rio de Janeiro's society from different perspectives. While mainstream photojournalists mainly report on favelas from outside to inside, denouncing wrongdoings and human rights abuses, community photographers do it from the opposite direction, from inside to outside, presenting images of the everyday life of favela communities. This paper takes an ethnographic and discursive approach to comparing these two categories of photographers to ask how their different practices can yield benefits for the people living in marginalised communities. Furthermore, by adapting Foucault and Bourdieu's theories, this study examines photographers’ habitus so as to determine how cultural capital and economic capital that they possess shape their subjectivity and, as such, the fields of community and mainstream photojournalism. This study has no intention of creating polarised distinctions between community and mainstream photojournalism. Instead, the research aims, through the investigation of the working practices, identities, and discourses of photographers from community and mainstream media organisations, to identify the activities and limitations of both community and mainstream in order to build an understanding about how the media ecology works best within both.  相似文献   

While scholars have reviewed characterizations of photographers in feature films, they have neglected the image of real-world photographers in the documentary genre. This study incorporates visual representation theory to engage with several of the ways in which documentary filmmakers use the visual aspects of motion pictures to glamorize the lives and careers of photographers. As witnessed in four case study films, the analysis of this research highlights film's ability to generate representative character types. Specific aesthetic conventions of filmmaking are found to affect the on-screen projections of the photographer-subjects. The mostly positive depictions of “celebrity” or noteworthy real-world photographers also suggest that the documentaries under study primarily exist as marketing or publicity materials for the professional and his or her body of work.  相似文献   

展现在读者眼前的是一件毛泽东青年时期在省城长沙求学读书的原始"学籍档案":<湖南省立第一师范学校职员学生一览表>.该档案形成于民国四年八月(1915年8月),至今已有九十多年.<湖南省立第一师范学校职员学生一览表>为右侧线装、从右至左表格式竖排,长26厘米.  相似文献   

毛泽东在他伟大的一生中,不仅为中国革命和建设事业做出了不可磨灭的巨大贡献,而且对文秘工作也是身体力行、独具卓见.今天,回顾他老人家对文秘和文秘工作的论述及实践,对我们每一位档案工作者都是巨大的鼓舞和鞭策.  相似文献   

在中国人民志愿军赴朝作战56周年纪念时,我不禁回想起当年被选为文艺兵女代表,回国受到毛主席接见,特别是毛主席在我那本建国以来第一版<毛泽东选集>第一卷上亲笔签名的情景. 想到这遥远的往事,我脑海里又浮现起那把硝烟弥漫下的小提琴,耳际又回响起那支朝鲜民谣,类似<橘梗谣>的旋律,从琴弦上冲天而起……  相似文献   

<韶山毛氏族谱>记载了毛泽东的家世,因而倍受世人瞩目.毛泽东,作为改变中国面貌的伟大历史人物,将是一个长远的研究课题.国内外的专家学者,早就渴望一睹<毛氏族谱>的原貌,以利于从毛泽东家世的角度,探索他的人生经历.吉林省图书馆馆藏<中湘韶山毛氏族谱>为研究毛泽东及其家世,也为研究中国家乘、族谱,研究中国社会学、民俗学,提供了十分珍贵的文献资料.  相似文献   

清代阮元与孙诒让相继对《毛诗正义》作了细致校勘,但《毛诗正义》中仍然存在不少问题,影响着学者对《毛诗正义》的理解与认识,本文即是在前人校勘成果基础上所作的补充。  相似文献   

徐焰 《北京档案》2005,(1):32-33
国庆阅兵是一个国家极其隆重的大事,是国威、军威和民族精神的体现.新中国自建国以来,在天安门广场上举行了多次阅兵仪式.毛泽东在这里多次检阅了陆、海、空三军将士.当年的人民解放军官兵都把能到天安门前接受毛主席检阅作为最大的幸福,而毛泽东在天安门城楼上检阅部队的镜头也定格为亿万中国人民心中永恒的记忆.  相似文献   

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