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在学校改进的过程中,校长领导力发挥着至关重要的作用,因此进行相关研究意义重大。本文主要从学校改进背景下的校长领导力解读、校长领导力的实现路径、校长领导力提升的策略这几个方面展开论述,以期在学校改进的大潮中,能够对校长和相关人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

孟繁华在《多维视野下的学校领导力》一文中指出,学校领导力分布于学校组织内所有成员,而非仅局限于校长或经过正式任命的领导者。构建学校领导力,是通过在整个学校组织层面更广泛地分布领导力来增加领导的厚度,而非人人都来领导学校,更不是否定校长对学校发展的终极责任。因为校长领导力始终最为重要,校长是“领导者的领导者”。  相似文献   

教学领导力是校长及学校其他领导通过对教学活动和教学主体的领导,实现学生发展和教师发展的能力。它是学校领导应具备的核心能力,是学校领导区别于其他行业领导的根本,是学校领导专业化水平高低的标志。提高教学领导力是促进学校内涵发展和提升学校管理专业发展的根本需要。瑞安市教育局塘下教育学区早在两年前就开始关注学校领导干部教学领导力建设问题,并着手开展研究和活动策划。经过一段时间的研究和对塘下各初中学校干部教学领导力的现状进行分析之后,学区于2010年12月份在初中教学工作会议上明确提出了加强塘下学区初中学校干部教学领导力建设的意见,并组织学校领导学习《校长教学领导力的提升》《校长如何更专业地听课》等四篇文章。通过学习,大家一致认为,初中学校教学领导力的建设会影响和提高塘下初中教育的发展内涵和转型。由此,这项工作迅速在学区层面和学校层面启动。  相似文献   

蒋志明 《上海教育》2009,(21):37-39
课程建设的关键是校长课程领导力的提升,校长必须明确课程领导力的意义、学校课程实施的现状、课程改革的思路。校长只有具有课程领导力,才能增强学校课程实施的整体效应,从而促进轻负担、高质量课程改革。提升校长课程领导力,是进一步推进二期课改教育教学改革的必然要求。因此,在当前课程改革深化有困难的大背景下,校长必须整合学校政策、环境、人员等各项资源,形成合力,不断提升校长课程领导力,以有效推动学校课程改革与发展。  相似文献   

校长作为学校的最高负责人,其领导力水平的高低直接影响着学校组织目标的实现程度。领导力是校长综合素质的体现,校长依靠自己的职权、知识、能力和个人魅力,引导着学校的发展,具有教育性、引领示范性和多重性特点。根据工作内容和领域的不同,校长领导力可划分为行政领导力和教学领导力。其中,教学领导力是校长领导力的核心,行政领导力为教学领导力的发挥提供支持性的环境。欲提升校长的领导力,应该进一步明确校长角色定位,加强校长培训,改善校长领导环境。  相似文献   

学校整体课程结构的构建呼唤得力的校长课程领导,校长的学校课程结构领导力成为学校课程改革中的一个重要问题。校长的学校课程结构领导力表现为:定位学校课程发展的理念和目标;规划实现学校课程目标的课程门类;引领学校教师参与学校课程开发;统筹和开发利用课程资源。提高校长的学校课程结构领导力需要对校长进行培训,使他们确立一种学校课程整体规划的意识;校长要敢于承担起领导学校课程发展的责任;保障和扩大学校层面的课程自主权,解放校长。  相似文献   

校长的领导力可以表现为若干方面,我认为学校文化建设是校长的领导力的主要表现。教育与文化密不可分。教育传承文化、创新文化、引领文化;文化孕育教育、涵养学校、滋润师生。既然文化与教育有这么密切的关系,校长的领导力就应该集中表现为建设先进有效的学校文化。天津市民族中学努力构  相似文献   

2011年12月9日,由天津市红桥区教育学会主办的"全国中小学校长领导力‘2011年津沽高峰论坛’"在天津市民族中学举行,来自全国各地的500余名校长参加了此次论坛活动。论坛活动就"学校发展的领导力"、"教师发展的领导力"、"学校文化的领导力"等话题展开讨论与交流。本期"专题"栏目刊出部分专家、校长的文章和精彩对话,以飨读者。  相似文献   

随着“双减”的深入,学生的全面发展与幸福感也受到更多的关注。为了探究学校校长与教师如何影响学生学校幸福感,从而为学校营造良好的教育生态、增进人民对教育的满意度、加快建设扎根中国现实的教育高质量体系提供有效的循证依据,研究基于“中国学校课程与教学调查项目”(ICIC)数据库,通过匹配与挖掘中部某省具有代表性的53所中学数据,对校长教学领导力与学生学校幸福感之间的作用机制进行探索。研究发现,校长教学领导力对学生学校幸福感有直接和间接的影响,教师教学效能感与师生关系在二者之间起到了链式中介作用。为此,提升学生学校幸福感,需要提高校长教学领导力水平,进而激发教师教学效能感,促进良好师生关系构建。该研究结果为校长通过教学领导力对学生幸福感的影响提供了有效路径与机制的循证依据。以此为例,为推进扎根中国大地的教育高质量发展,挖掘实证研究对识别中国教育实践智慧背后的“理”的积极作用提供了初步的思考与启示。  相似文献   

作为教育信息化的关键性支持力,学校信息化领导力的作用日渐凸显,而对其作用的评价尤为重要。文章从学校整体层面考虑,以校长、中层管理团队、教师等三个层面综合阐述了学校信息化领导力的概念,在此基础上通过文献研究和层次分析法设计、构建了一套整体层面的学校信息化领导力评价体系。  相似文献   

学校改进中的校长领导力提升是当前学校变革与发展的诉求。要落实"教育规划纲要"成功实现学校改进,就要在校长领导力开发过程中,主动寻求新的领导理论支撑,架构一种分布式领导模式,将校长培养成一名分布式领导者,这可为解决教育管理实践中存在的问题开拓一个新视角。  相似文献   

在学校改进中,校长的领导力起着关键作用,其中,浇铸理念、创建愿景、凝练信任、分享权力是学校改进取得成功的重要领导力。这些领导力使校长能倾听自己的声音,给团队成员以动力,促进团队成员精诚合作,为团队成员提供发展的机会。学校改进是内生式的发展,大学研究者是校长及其学校团队的合作伙伴。学校始终处于变革之中,改进没有起点和终点,每一个针对学校问题的思考与行动都是学校改进的生长点。因此,校长的领导力提升是学校改进的重要内容。  相似文献   

追求学校教育质量与效能是当今世界各国基础教育改革的核心要旨.学校效能研究从揭示学校对学生的成就影响开始,其间经历有效学校运动到学校改进运动,其目的是改进学校,使学校成为有效能的学校.学校效能研究在40年的发展过程中在方法论上不断革新,试图揭示学校效能的因素,在实践层面为政府以及学校重建提供理论指引;同时学校效能研究面临着政治化、专门化和技术化问题,问题的解决有待于研究的进一步深化.  相似文献   


This article reports on an investigation into the influence stemming from school leadership as an important consideration in relation to school improvement. School readiness, based on [Schiemann, W. A. 2014. “From Talent Management to Talent Optimization.” Journal of World Business 49 (2): 281–288. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2013.11.012]. Accountability, Capability and Engagement (ACE) leadership model, was assessed through self-reported school leader behaviours, attitudes, perceptions, and school improvement attributes. To clarify, school readiness refers to how a school principal optimises staff and other school resources to best achieve school improvement agendas. School readiness survey results and student achievement outcomes for one entire school district were analysed, indicating that school readiness did indeed impact student achievement. Findings reveal a need for school leaders to focus more clearly on overall school alignment and optimisation behaviours, and these are discussed in relation to specific leadership recommendations and how leadership can better support and encourage school improvement in terms of educational accountability.  相似文献   

通过对英国学校领导发展历史的梳理,本文发现英国学校领导的发展历史是国家从不干预到提供资助、进行管制和提供培训,并逐渐形成国家主导的学校领导发展治理模式的过程。国家主导的学校领导发展治理模式为英国学校领导发展的项目创新提供了强有力的政策支持及经济保障。然而,也正是由于集资助、管制和提供为一身,英国的学校领导发展逐渐为唯一的培训模式所垄断,其未来发展面临着挑战。  相似文献   

我国校长培训内容乏善可陈,需要改变。本文首先介绍由结构领导、人性领导、政治领导、文化领导和教育领导构成的学校领导五向度模式的来历;再从课程原理和追求优质学校教育的改革目标要求学校领导再造两个角度,进一步论述基于该模式建构校长培训课程的理据;最后阐述建基于该模式的校长培训内容体系的组成部分,供教师教育机构和培训者参考使用。  相似文献   

Much is left to be known regarding the impact of school principals on student achievement. This is because much of the research on school leadership focuses not on actual student outcomes but rather on other peripheral results of principal practices. In the research that has been done in this area, significant relationships have been identified between selected school leadership practices and student learning, indicating that evidence existed for certain principal behaviors to produce a direct relationship with student achievement. Further, although these relationships typically account for a small proportion of the total student achievement variability, they are of sufficient magnitude to be of interest and additional investigation. Actions taken to better understand and improve the impact of principals on the achievement of students in their schools have the potential for widespread benefit, as individual improvements in principal practice can impact thousands of students. It is in this light that potential direct effects of principal practices should be revisited.  相似文献   

Internationally, Intercultural Understanding (ICU) is increasingly prevalent in the field of education. The recent evidence base includes a growing academic literature and examples of specified education policy and curricula. In regards to leveraging ICU, research suggests a multi-level and longitudinal approach is needed to ensure effective and sustainable school change. Significant gaps exist in the literature about the contextual factors across all school levels that facilitate or impede the development of ICU. These gaps include research and action pertaining to school leadership. This paper draws from interviews and visual data generated in a large Australian study and focuses on the centrality of a single architectural feature of the school, the school foyer, and how principals grapple with the (re)design of these spaces to assert themselves as interculturally capable schools. Discourses of educational leadership have historically relied on well-worn leadership models of operational practices rather than explicitly framing an understanding of diversity to support intercultural capabilities. During a period of mandated Australian curriculum reform and assessment, this paper offers another way of ‘Doing Diversity’ of interest to policy makers and school leadership keen to embed ICU in their schools while highlighting the significant role school leaders have in progressing ICU.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate high school teachers' perceptions of school environments and to determine whether gender was a differentiating factor. A total of 275 teachers from eight high schools responded to the Teacher's School Environment Survey. The results revealed that most of these teachers had favourable perceptions. They rated job satisfaction and principal leadership highly but ethnic equity relatively low. Female teachers scored higher than male teachers on job satisfaction, collegiality, teacher-student relations, ethnic equity, teacher influence, and student discipline. No significant difference was found in teachers' perceptions of principal leadership. Implications of the findings are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1-2):84-99

Since the introduction of the South African Schools Act, 1996 and the shift to school self-management, strategic management has become an important issue in South African schools. This shift requires a proactive leadership approach by the school principal. The focus in this article is on the leadership dimension of strategic management by the school principal. After elucidating the relationship between strategic management, strategy implementation and leadership, a model of long-term leadership is presented and then applied to the strategic leadership role of the school principal. Acceptable theory in relevant management literature formed the basis of the exposition of the relationship between strategic management, strategy implementation and leadership, while the model of long-term leadership, which was developed from existing leadership models and literature, formed the basis of the discussion of the principal's strategic leadership function. From this emanated new insight into the strategic leadership role of the school principal. This formed the basis of a discussion on the impediments facing the principal in the fulfilment of the function of strategic leader.  相似文献   

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