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On October 11, a photography exhi bition opened at the Science Acad emy of Poland in celebration of the 65th anniversary of the establish ment of ChinaPoland diplomatic relations. Cohosted by Chinese Embassy and the Polish Home, the exhibition' s opening saw the presence of some 120 distinguished guests from the political, cultural and education fields of Po land, including the former prime min ister and former parliament speaker.  相似文献   

The imposing oil painting “Bonaparte Crossing the AIps at Grand-Saint- Bernard Pass” by French portraitist Jacques-Louis David, Antoine-Francois Dezarrois' chalcographic rendition of Leonardo da Vinci's mysterious “Mona Lisa”, and soul-stirring streetscapes of Paris over the last century captured by master photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Marc Riboud have been shipped to the National Art Museum of China in downtown Beijing, to the delight of art lovers.  相似文献   

On the evening of September 1 6, a reception took place in Wuyutai Tea & Cuisine Restaurant in celebration of Chinese Mid-Autumn FestivaL.The reception was jointly hosted by Beijing Wuyutai Tea Co., Ltd., China & The World Cultural Exchange magazine and Beijing Kangpute Cultural Development Company.  相似文献   

On October 17, a unique show of mechanical dragon-horse was unveiled at the Olympic Park in Beijing in celebration of the 50th anniversary of China-France dip-lomatic relations. The three-day event teatures an eight-act performance, with each act lasting one and half hours. On the first day, the dragon-horse and the spider came to life to appear in the Olympic venue. the two mythical each other when On the second day, beasts fought against the spider set a trap in an attempt to capture the drag- on-horse.  相似文献   

<正>The just-concluded 11th China National Exhibition on Handicraft Masterpieces,co-hosted by Hangzhou Municipal Government and China Arts&Crafts Association,fas...  相似文献   

<正>The Capital Museum in Beijing presented a series of exhibitions to celebrate Chinese New Year in 2010, or the year of the tiger.  相似文献   

On 15 July 2014 National Museum of Classic Books has opened (trial operation), hsfirst exhibition Classics Collections of National Library of China is going to be on display for visitors. Han Yongjin, who is the curator and party secretary of National Library and curator of National Museum of Classic Books, and 1A Honglin, who is vice curator of National Library and standing vice curator of National Museum of Classic Books attended the press conference for the opening.  相似文献   

<正>On October 10,1911,a soldier uprising broke out in Wuchang,central Hubei Province,which led to the overthrow of the last dynasty of China and the founding of...  相似文献   

As one of the oldest civilizations in the world, China boasts numerous ancient books which have not only witnessed the evolution of Chinese culture but also sustained the spirit of Chinese nation. However, a large number of existing ancient books, due to lack of efficient protection, are now aging, being destroyed or even lost. It is an urgent task for the government to rescue and protect those valuable ancient books in a comprehensive manner.[第一段]  相似文献   

黄裳 《寻根》2001,(1):24-24
秋莲子词前后稿 此册为友人假去,于今四年。近始 书索归,故剑之情,念之无已。书籍乃身外之物,然贪惜之念,终不可捐。然其间又往往关涉世态人情种种,皆大千世界中空花幻影,细细观之,亦甚有趣也。此册罕传之至,太平天国之役,书版即化作柴薪,天壤间未必更有数本。西御词可存,何时当为重印,俾化身千万,庶不负此系恋之情。今冬无雪,今日始六花飞舞.竟日未止。夜饮微醺后灯下漫书。壬寅正月初九日,黄裳记。 王西御词集军见难求,见于北平图书馆善本乙目。偶然入手,最为得意。乃一为蒋某假去,索而得还;未几又沦盗窟十年,靳而…  相似文献   

王开玺 《寻根》2010,(4):20-27
<正>1860年10月18日、19日,位于北京西北郊的圆明园被英法联军以极其野蛮的手段焚毁,今年是圆明园被劫、被焚150周年纪念日。而自1860年上溯151年,即1709年(康熙四十八年),则恰恰为圆明园的建园之年。如此算来,圆明园建园已有301年的历史了。虎踞龙盘,物华天宝  相似文献   

2008年11月30日,中國文化研究所"戊子歲尾雅集"在國際俱樂部飯店舉行,楊振寧、何兆武、戴逸、馮其庸、湯一介、樂黛雲、李澤厚、李學勤、王蒙、范曾、余敦康、李希凡、嚴家炎、陳平原、沈昌文、董秀玉、于丹等師友與會,并分別作了講話.  相似文献   

September 9, 2009 marked the 100th anniversary of the National Library of China. 1 00 years ago, the Imperial Capital Library, the predecessor of the National Library of China, was founded. Over the past century, the library has adhered to its motto of "continuing the civilization and serving the society", making significant contribution to the evolution of human civilization and social progress.  相似文献   

李辉 《寻根》2001,(3):50-53
黄苗子先生是个很快乐的人,很少会见到他气愤、发怒或难过。相反,笑声倒是一个鲜明标志。谈话,打电话,说到高兴处,他的笑声远比别人要高要响要清脆,有着极大的感染力。  相似文献   

Popular Culture in Contemporary China (English version) With China's reform and opening up in 1978 as a starting point, this book records the development and evolution of contemporary Chinese popular culture. In the form of story-telling, it introduces wave upon wave of the popular culture in contemporary China and shows how Chinese people are open-minded toward international popular culture. A very important feature of the book is that it explores social and psychological changes of the Chinese people during more than 30 years. This books is published by New World Press.  相似文献   


In 1940, the Portuguese regime, named Estado Novo, hosted its biggest national exhibition: the Exhibition of the Portuguese World (EPW).

The event aimed both to commemorate Portuguese history and to justify the teleological nature of the dictatorship. This article discusses the national identity narrative conveyed by the allegorical pavilions conceived for the historical section of the EPW. In examining the ephemeral architecture and the debate which arose among intellectuals at the event, this article explores the process of narration and reinterpretation surrounding the display and elucidates the complex process of reception by the citizenry.  相似文献   

耿相新 《寻根》2010,(5):50-55
<正>书的发明改变了中国历史,中国纸与印刷术的发明改变了世界历史。人类文明之所以能够数千年绵延不绝、推陈出新,主要得益于文字、纸、印刷术与书的发明。文字的发明将人类从蒙昧与野蛮引向文明,纸的发明使人类记录自己的理想与抱负、思想与行为变得简单而易行,印刷术的发明则是孕育人类现代文明的"文明之母",而书的发明为人类文明的进阶与加速奔跑立下了汗马功劳。中国贡献给世界的纸与印刷术的两大发明,对古代乃至现  相似文献   

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